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Heart Inflammation In Some Young Vaccinated People - Tucker Carlson

  - 14:36

In January, Israel became one of the first countries in the world to give the new coronavirus vaccine to young people. At the time, Israel's Education Ministry said the vaccine was necessary so that students could sit for in-person exams. Schools mandated the shot; kids got it. So what happened next? This week, we found out. Israeli health officials released a report showing that vaccinated young people, particularly young men, were developing a potentially fatal complication — a heart inflammation called myocarditis — and they were developing it at extremely high rates. Researchers determined that the incidence of myocarditis in vaccinated young men was fully 25 times the usual rate. Some of them died. In Canada, at least one public health official observed the same thing. Dr. Peter Liu is the chief scientific officer at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, and an expert in myocarditis. Liu began to notice heart inflammation in patients who’d received the vaccine. “It is more than coincidental,” he said. In Germany, authorities concluded the same thing. The German government just announced that healthy young people should avoid the vaccine. It’s too dangerous. This is a serious development. If statistical trends observed in Israel hold here in the United States, as many as 150,000 young Americans will develop a potentially fatal heart disorder because of this vaccine. That’s not alarmism, or some kind of anti-vaccine conspiracy theory. It’s real. Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19: Statement by twenty one of Israel’s most decorated scientists and doctors:






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