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NYC WTC 911 – After 20 years there should be a Blockbuster video store full of plane videos!

  - 1:12:42

coronavirus, covid-19, lockdowns, curfews, quarantine, plandemic, pandemic, masks, social distancing, vaccines, freedom Matt Quantum of Conscience 9/11 – After 20 years, there should be a Blockbuster video store full of plane videos!






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September 13th 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

What the fuck? It is 20 years now. It all may be true but I got to ask, WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT THE HERE AND NOW??? Fucking retards...... Fuck off and die

The World Is Not Enough

- 3 years ago  

Great video... Everyone should see this explanation as well: Dr Judy Wood "Where did the towers Go?"


- 3 years ago  

Seems no plane hit S tower. Planes and jet fuel fires did not take those buildings down. WTC towers were unique design with each having a center box 110 stories tall with all elevators, water pipes electrical and hvac in it. Also each floor was about one acre that surrounded the center core and had self standing outer frame that surrounded the 110 floors. At each floor a Slim steel truss connected outer with the central core. A Box 110 1 acre floors around the inner core box of 110 stories. By cutting the inner core at the basement with something powerfull enough to remove a large piece of the center core, leaving the outer 1 acre footprint frame untouched, the inner core had nothing underneath it and it dropped pulling the buildings down in the symmetrical fashion we all saw twice that day. Whatever weapon was used to remove the bottom portion of the inner cores was almost certainly exoctic as the debris was largely missing and the smoke/gas lasted for weeks and went up 100,000 feet. Small clean football nuke in the center basement of each? Something that can vaporize steel without radiation or excessive heat? I lived near the WTC while they were under construction and worked there in the N. Tower on opening day in 1973 and went there several times in September October 2001, The debris was already gone.


- 3 years ago  

I always use building 7 for arguments, it had to be wired....if it was wired then all 3 were wired.


- 3 years ago  

Yes it looks like building7 was wired and more traditionally demolished, not hit by plane bla bla bla. WTC 1 & 2 were the two largest man made objects ever destroyed. If it was wired than all three were wired is a logical fallacy. Maybe maybe not. WTC1&2 were taken down by exotic technology from the center bottom of each.