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Victoria Dunckley, MD-Resetting the ADHD Brain:Improve behavior by reversing effects of screen-time

  - 1:00:05

Originally uploaded to by AutismOne Media Increasing numbers of children in the US are being diagnosed with ADHD and being prescribed stimulants. Meanwhile, the average child is spending 4-9 hours interacting with screen devices on a daily basis, an activity stimulating enough to alter brain chemistry, raise stress hormones, desynchronize the body clock, and produce addiction. Numerous studies link screen-time to poor impulse control, attention and learning issues, lower grades, and sleep disturbance, yet recommendations to reduce or eliminate screens are not routinely given, and when they are they are felt to be largely ineffective by both giver and receiver. In Dr. Dunckley’s experience in working with hundreds of ADHD children and their families over the last decade, what’s missing to successfully treat these children in today’s world is two-fold: 1) having a clear understanding of how screen stimulation negatively impacts the nervous system, and 2) having a concrete plan for screen management based on individual tolerability—not just blanket guidelines.  Now known as the Reset Program, her protocol utilizes an extended “electronic fast,” which permits the detuned and overstimulated nervous system to rest, rebalance, and resynch itself to a more natural and calm state—the very state that optimizes frontal lobe functioning. By removing what’s irritating the brain and giving it what it needs instead to thrive, the Reset can dramatically enhance focus and school performance, reduce defiance and impulsivity, and improve mood regulation and stress tolerance—all while clarifying diagnosis and minimizing the need for medication.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

October 20th 2020  

File Size: 178 MB



- 4 years ago  

Now that school is online this will only get worse!

I know, I had that same sad realization. This information is heavily suppressed, I've worked in tech most of my adult life and had no idea about the negative effects of screentime, as someone who is on screens 10+ hours a day.