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Category: Health And Wellness
- 2 years ago  
- 2 years ago  
Well, no fan of Gates, but this video is NOT Gates admitting the vax will change our DNA.
- 2 years ago  
Maybe those purple streetlamps are for detecting glowing veins in the hands at makeshift checkpoints... (You glowing - move right along) (You not glowing - pull up over there)
- 3 years ago  
Sum buddy needs 2 "off" Billy boy Gates....sooner is better !!!
- 4 years ago  
I had to review this a little more deeper. Bill doesn't know a damn thing about the DNA, and you can't "put in codes to make that shape" in any RNA; in which he's wrong, it's called mRNA; except to kill the human being. Inside the cell is a Provirus that houses the CRISPR CASS ARRAY that watches all mRNA codes which flags them for destruction or replication. Should a mRNA such as a virus particle that has goes into overdrive and copies itself a million times, destroying the cell, the CRISPR CASS ARRAY flags them so other cells know they're dealing with a bad viral code. This then starts the lysogenic cycle which builds immunity against it. It also triggers the extracellular immunity to come near the area and attack these viral particles. So, to manipulate the mRNA means you're telling the CRISPR to flag it as an enemy combatant and if you could tell the DNA to keep doing it, the intracellular immune system will recognize the DNA as enemy and destroy it. Trillions of times of this sequence happening will kill the victim by the vaccine.
- 4 years ago  
He's advertising a distraction to what actually is going to happen which will be culling the heard. It's like promoting 5G, why ? If we don't need it, why are they insisting we need it ? Can you see evil intent in these promotions which are at our expense ?
- 4 years ago  
Bullet to the head
- 4 years ago  
The world will be a better place without this evil thing cause he is not human.
- 4 years ago  
Bullshit. You took one comment out of context and made up a lie.
Our New World!
- 4 years ago  
You must be related to Bill....there is a tsunami of videos from Doctors who are echoing this same info. Why is Bill Gates even f*kng around with DNA code???? See the videos of vaccine damaged people who can't stop convulsing..
- 4 years ago  
Wow you must be that naive.
- 4 years ago  
You need to watch his speech on Ted talk. Where he talks about population reduction/control through vaccines. Educate yourself before you speak.
- 4 years ago  
The mRNA vaccine doesn't alter your DNA. It injects mRNA into your cell which is then used by your cell machinery to create a piece of the virus. The mRNA is fragile and doesn't stay in the cell for long.
- 4 years ago  
Wrong its not a vaccine its genetic modification. Look up crispr it ads 2 dna.
- 4 years ago  
I believe it is the virus that enters your cell. The vaccine is synthetic. And has nano technology.
- 4 years ago  
When claims like these is broadcastet, i prefer to read the sources of the statements and make my own picture about the issues. It would be possible by links to the source, otherwise anyone can be deceptive, like Bill Gates. I could for instance make this claim: "Fact check: Bill Gates is not planning to microchip the world through a COVID-19 vaccine" and suddenly it could be "the truth". But this is written in USA TODAY NEWS by Matthew Brown and Elizabeth Weise: I don´t know, if their claim is correct, but now it´s possible to see and maybe make a choice or maybe it´s easier to.... - Often we just listen to the videoes and it can be very difficult to make own opinions on the topics.
- 4 years ago  
The Devil!
- 4 years ago  
Gates is a worm that needs squishing.
- 4 years ago  
I do not like getes and we don't need to ask why Steve Jobs wouldn't touch him with a barge pole.....a f..... ppower psycho of the first order....a mad scientist with a screw loose ready for world domination believing he has the cure for all human ills..where have we heard that before down the centuries.
- 4 years ago  
Gates is another lowlife member of the Rockefeller parasites.
- 4 years ago  
I can't help but wonder if Gates is planning on taking this vaccine. Just kidding, of course he isn't.
- 4 years ago  
Yes we are in a battle with heavenly powers, they are the Nefilim. The original old testament tells the tale.
- 4 years ago  
Atleast only the stupid will take vaccine
- 4 years ago  
I’m not buying it.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
Bill Gates thinks he is genetically superior.
- 4 years ago  
Yes he does. But the reality is, they’re soulless, loveless parasites who NEED our creativity. They’re opportunists who steal from our creative genius and they make all the billions. Kill Gates of Hell stole from Steve Jobs and IBM techs to creat Microsoft. He has never created any software or anything. He had his Rockefeller family funding and help starting Microsoft. Just research what they did to Nikola Tesla. Prescott Bush SCHERFF was Tesla’s secretary. He filed his patents. Who owns the patents now and how is Tesla’s work on free energy and other things line cell phones being used by the luminati? Against us. They can manipulate and steer hurricanes and tornadoes. They can induce earthquakes...just read the story of how Tesla nearly brought down a building with a device that fit in his coat pocket. Police showed up at the building but Tesla and his staff said it must’ve been an earthquake. It’s all about matching frequencies, like how an opera singer can break glass by matching the frequency of the glass. “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla
- 4 years ago  
Please, go back and take a few more biology or genetics courses. What you are saying is paranoid gibberish. I am a very conservative physician and what you are saying is silly beyond words. Please STOP!
- 4 years ago  
nope => there is a lot of truth to what he is saying => don't trow out the child with the bath water !!! it indeed involves to kill of human growth together with controling the freedoms we have ! you can say enslaving us even more ! this is not gibberish => this is fact ! these globalists are satanists and very bad to real humanity because they are far from being humain . they do not feel like humans => they are sociopaths and psychopaths => never forget this ! they will do what ever it takes to get there agenda done ! get informed ! good luck .
- 4 years ago  
David is right. This video only fuels criticisms of conservatives as unknowledgeable and paranoid. You can have a rational skepticism about this vaccine based on its novel mechanism, but you cannot push your misunderstanding of biology as proven fact.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
DavidMD --- Why are so many medical doctors psychopaths?
- 4 years ago  
Go, right now, and start researching the Georgia Guidestones. Do it NOW. A stranger told me about them 11 years ago. Someone even put them on Yelp. Look them up on any map app. The monument is on Guidestone Road. The address is: 1065 Guidestones Rd NW Elberton, GA 30634 United States This is simple math. Kill Gates specifically says/targets “7 BILLION PEOPLE”. The Georgia Guidestones have a new set of ten commandments engraved in several languages. The first new commandment is that Earth’s population will be maintained at no more than 500 MILLION. That means 7 BILLION PEOPLE have to 2030. Kill Gates is a Rockefeller via the Gifford branch. A tedious ancestry search reveals how they’re all related. Even every potus is related by blood to the throne of England, except Trump, although I’m not sure yet if his history with the Rothschilds is still alive and well. Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller’s grandson. Last names mean nothing...follow the ancestry. They don’t even hide sometimes...there’s at least one Rockefeller politician. The Rockefeller Gates Foundation has been all about genocide and depopulation from the beginning. They especially love killing babies and kids. If you research Kill Gates’ father and grandfather and see what they wrote about their opinion of humanity, you’d innerstand what is really going on. They barely see us as animals...sheep to be led, resourced and slaughtered as necessary. They can, every one of them, kiss my ass. If you’re really a doctor and not a “clown” sitting in a cubicle, you were trained by the luminati in their medical mafia system. Medical textbooks are written by ghostwriters who are given drug names and lists of symptoms to treat for each drug by pharma. They made it illegal for doctors to cure. They dictate doctors can only treat symptoms because there is no money in cures and their agenda is death. They’ve developed so many ways to make us sick and kill us and make it look like “natural causes”. Vaccines are their number one weapon. The autoimmune and cancer explosion began with the polio vaccine containing the SV40 virus. Lee Harvey Oswald was involved. Jack Ruby was killed with a vaccine and radiation...and now we have vaccines and 5G radiation as the conversations of the day, coming online simultaneously. Dr Randy Tent has a great video on YouTube about the autoimmune and cancer explosion that gives very detailed history of the polio vaccine and how Oswald was involved and how they killed Jack Ruby. IG Farben and Bayer bought prisoners from the nazis to experiment on. One of the many poison deliveries they tested were vaccines. One survivor account that I read was about how they kept the tuberculosis patients together in a separate room. One day, they came in with syringes and delivered a toxin to every tuberculosis prisoner and they just died. I’ve wondered if that’s how it was discovered that injecting dissolved table salt causes immediate death. Herbicides and pesticides have heavy metals in common with vaccines. Mercury and aluminum adjuvants bypass the blood brain barrier and go directly into the brain and organs. The brain is at least 80% fat and that’s where heavy metals want to be. When enough radiation hits those metals and they start heating up and vibrating, what do you think happens to people’s brains? This is what happened in Wuhan according to Before It’s News... China had been mandating and forcing flu shots on their people. There were massive protests going on in Hong Kong for over a year. To end it, they flipped on the 5G towers and people started losing their minds and dropping dead. The hospital in Wuhan had to seal off an area just for the “crazies” that didn’t immediately die. Reminds me that the CDC was running a “zombie apocalypse” warning around 10 or so years ago. CDC is a subsidiary of pharma. Pharma owns the CDC. Pharma is the luminati. Pharma began with the snake oil salesmen who found bubbling black oil on their properties and didn’t know what to do with it so they sold it as a cure-all tonic. They killed people. They morphed into today’s pharma industry. There is much more to this, Grasshopper. So very much more. Like the CDC storing large black “coffin liners” by the millions around the planet. They have a lease on land near Atlanta that they requested an extension on a few years ago. At least a half million of these coffins, that can hold approximately 4 people each, are being stored at that location. That’s 2 million that could be buried, more with little kids. Agenda 21/2030 is culminating rapidly. That’s 9 years to get it done. 9 is the number of man...and “God”. If you truly are an MD, and you vaxx people that trust you, you are a big part of the problem. You are a luminati nazi accessory, or maybe you’re one of them. You do their dirty work. If you’re a “clown”, same thing. All I can say is...Karma’s a bitch.🤷🏼♀️
- 4 years ago  
You are a sheep, a lemming, easily led, following the masses. Unwilling to think for yourself, a cog in the hive mind.
- 4 years ago  
Yo Me conservative physician. Bill Gates is a self proclaimed eugenicist. His father was the creator of planned parenthood. Wake up from your medical brain washing from the Rockefeller indoctrination. Your medical education was written by the Rockefeller foundation. Wake up lad before your left behind. Bill Gates has been videoed over and over confessing his real intentions.
- 4 years ago  
"... it's going to require incredible collaboration ..." What if we don't collaborate, Billy?
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
If I may share what I have discovered in my nearly 60 years this time around on Planet Earth........ Revelation 13 has been and is being misinterpreted for a long time and it appears the luminati are continuing their false religion propaganda and are engineering false flag “prophecy” events. Project Bluebeam is next...fake alien invasion and “second coming” of “Jesus”...”Buddha”...”Krishna”...when they are ALL personifications of the SUN. Operation Paperclip nazi scientist, Wernher Von Braun’s deathbed confession to Dr Carol Rosen...the “last card” is a false flag alien invasion. Terrence McKenna said they had perfected teleportation and holography in the ‘90’s. I refer to: Suns of God by Acharya S, The Restored New Testament by James Morgan Pryse, and Stowe’s Bible Astrology, for starters. “Lucifer” is the Latin word meaning “Lightbearer”. It’s just a word, not a being out there and def not a “fallen angel”. In the astrology-Astrotheology based bible, Lucifer refers to Venus, the bright morning star. I read the King James VERSION 7x to finally start seeing the Light...pun intended. If you just start with Stowe’s Bible Astrology a lot of the bible finally makes sense. It’s all allegories and symbolism about the cosmic clock in the sky...mythical stories about personifications of the SUN, MOON, STARS and CONSTELLATIONS. 7 trips through the Bible and 22+ years of constant hard searching brought me to Astrotheology. The luminati have dictated religion and government for at least around 35,000 years on Earth. Each Zodiac Age has its own religious books, with its own names for the cosmic bodies and doctrines to control humanity. They have removed benevolent rulers and infiltrated every continent and nearly every country on this planet. They are THE “great satan”...a term or title for those who oppress, accuse, persecute, seek to control and seek to imprison and enslave anyone...and they want all of humanity. They do these purges during the transition from one Age to another. We left the Age of Pisces at least around 90+ years ago and have been in the birthing pains of the Age of Aquarius ever since. The symbolism of Pisces is the fish with “JESUS” written inside the fish, representing the SUN in the Age of Pisces. It is NOT a symbolism of the false mainstream “christian” religion, a bastardized VERSION of the original Astrotheology. Just do some really hard and deep research into entire villages and cities suddenly being destroyed and all the people suddenly gone. Wiped off the face of Earth. Atlantis was real. Apparently some form of an energy generator or weapon was responsible for it sinking into the ocean and that’s what the Bermuda Triangle is all about...that energy source is still down there and still active. There is an archeological dig site in South Carolina called the Topper site. They’ve dated the buried city to be 35,000 to possibly 50,000 years old. Have you heard about that in the CIA’s Mockingbird lamestream media? Human DNA has been decoded to be at least 250,000 years old. The first part of the DNA coding is “God eternal within the body”. That quote might be a tad off, it’s from Gregg Braden’s book, the Isaiah Effect. This is what that genocidal maniac Kill Gates wants to reprogram...he wants to splice that code right out. The thing is, they may try to alter DNA, but DNA is not who we are, that’s just the coding for matter. We are God sparks in ego bodies masking our true identity. And nothing can change that, no matter how hard they try. They’re only attracting more bad karma to themselves. It only takes the majority, the more the merrier, to NOT CONSENT, to end them and their ignorant agenda. It’s time we turn the purge around on them and remove them so that WE THE PEOPLE will fully enjoy this new Golden Age that we came here to make happen and experience...create heaven on Earth. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! KNOW THY SELF! ✨🌟💫
- 4 years ago  
Yes, you are spot on, this is a very special time in our present illusion, we are fighting against heavenly principalities and powers. The final days are close, but for those that stay true to themselves and others will overcome this evil. The ascension will occur and the forth density will be ushered in. Read the Law of One, the bible and all other major religions hold some parts of the whole truth. Don't take the mark. We are all part of the one infinite creator, we are all one together. There is nothing to fear if you hold positive polarity, service to others. NOT service to self which is where the darker members of our society are going,
- 4 years ago  
This is the latest Vax.
- 4 years ago  
Mr.BG. we are not fools or stupid. You think you are going to inject 7 billion and kill them for your NWO. Fat chance !!
- 4 years ago  
One wonder why BG is obsessed with this vaccine and 7 billion population.. yup..... .depopulation. Sorry !! No Thanks to your vaccine for a fake virus No new world order and no one world government.