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International Tribunal: Emergency Injunctions stopping COVID vaccines, 5G world-wide as Genocide; Sentences Pandemic Perpetrators Bill Gates & George Soros to Life Imprisonment without Parole - Part I of II Part I WATCH ON TRUETUBE@NewTube: Part II WATCH ON TRUETUBE@Brighteon: TRUETUBE BLOG [For social media posting] NEWSINSIDEOUT ACCESS THE TRIBUNAL JUDGMENT: NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against Humanity by 5G-Pandemic Perpetrators NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH AND JUSTICE Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic CITATION:
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Category: News
- a year ago  
The perpetrators of the death of a lot of people due to Covid-19, the vaccine and 5G must be locked up and yes their wealth forfeited. It’s inhuman to work hard to implement ideas of depopulation through gains of function. That’s horrendous and heartbreaking 💔
- 2 years ago  
Control the word, control the world.
- 2 years ago  
Did you know HUmanity is the negro species with mixed blood, HUmanity has evolved into 7 races of mixed blood, including white. HUmanity is the JEWish people. HUmanity has become a pandemic problem globaly and a plague of niggerism desease that is taking over the world. The time has come for niggerism desease to dissapere like magic from society and take controll of humans so it never gets out of hand again. The primary goal of the elite is to develope a universal vaccine against worm deseases that cause illness and death by prions to it's host, and controll the human species ability to reproduce unethicaly anymore. To bring to the world one system of law to govern all people under one language globaly. Every one that survives
- 2 years ago  
dig a whole six foot under - and hold the tribunal there - that's how effective your previous tribunals have been. Most of these are new ager nutcases - webber being the biggest nutcase of all.
FOS - Freefom Of Speech
- 2 years ago  
Is there a way to disable comments for my channel? Thank you
- 2 years ago  
Yes - move to China and join the communist party
- 3 years ago  
Making more than $25k online just by doing simple work from home. I received $28376 last month. Its an easy and simple job to do and its earnings are much better than a regular office job and even a little child can do this and earn money. Everybody must try this job by just using the info on this
- 3 years ago  
NATURAL & COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR HEALTH & JUSTICE [Renamed as Tribunal] HEAD QUARTERS IN CANADA Judgement dated 21 January 2021. Preamble: This omnibus Order Drafted by Hon’ble Chief Judge Dr. Leo Rebello from India, vetted by the Founder Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, based in Canada, Unanimously Approved by the Full Bench of 27 Member-Judges drawn from all over the world, and to be supported by the International Court of Justice, based in UK, this Printable Order is relayed to the Presidents, Prime Ministers and the Chief Justices of 118 countries, via official emails, registered airmails and to the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, HQ in New York USA and the World Health Organisation (to STOP Medical Hegemony), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies HQ in Geneva Switzerland and the Interpol, HQ in Lyon, France active through 194 National Central Bureaus of Member Countries, for Immediate Enforcement via International Arrest Warrants. This Order is simultaneously released to the World Print, Electronic and Social Media [the 4th Estate] for dissemination, to restore the Faith in Magna Carta [Magna Carta Libertatum is a Royal Charter of Rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215] and the Fundamental Rights as enshrined in the Constitutions of the Free Countries of the World, more particularly the USA and India [that gave World Family concept], the two largest Democracies in the World, as also the Constitutions of African countries [which talked of Caring and Sharing of the World’s resources] and Pope Francis who guides the Spiritual Destinies of 33 per cent Christians, from the Vatican, for immediate implementation. In this World Judgment we have encapsulated World’s Wisdom to Live in Peace. This Wisdom Judgment written on behalf of the 99% people of the world against 1% plundering people, is the Spiritual Cry of Mother Gaia to Live and Let Live and is Sacred for all Generations to come. So Fail Not. Under Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code 1, The Tribunal issued on 15th November, 2020 the Indictment of 108 pages. See at On Pages 2 to 4 is the List of Covid-19 Pandemic Perpetrators that includes: Bill Gates Almas Jacob (full name), Narendra Damordas Modi, PMO India, Queen Elisabeth (head of 13 families), her spouse Prince Philip & son Prince Charles of UK, among others, have been sentenced to Life Imprisonment. Many have advised they should all be hanged to end the tyranny once and for all. But We, at International Tribunal do not subscribe to barbaric Death Sentence for We are the Divine People, NOT Satanic Forces. On Pages 5 to 8 is the List of Financial, Banking and Pandemic Enrichment Defenders, and sentences duly announced.2 of 6. On Pages 8 & 9 is the List of Trillionaires & Billionaires for Unjust Enrichment Quarantine that obliterated America’s Middle class and India’s multitude, not forgetting the World on the precipice of Civil War and hence Armies and Police of the World are being drafted to subjucate, maim, kill 90% of the World’s people. On Pages 10 to 16 is the List of Mainstream Media/Social Media Disinformer Perpetrators of the 5G/Genocidal Technologies Pandemic – Defendants. On Page 17: Mass Vaccination Pandemic Genocide & any and all Vaccination Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity – Defendants Aspartame - Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by Any and All uses of Aspartame by any name in any formulation in any product for human consumption including and not limited to Vaccinations Defendant Donald H. Rumsfeld, Developer of Aspartame and Convicted War Criminal, Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal 2011-12. On Pages 26 to 28, 5G Genocidal Technologies: Any and All 5G/AI Artificial Intelligence, DEW Directed Energy Weapons, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails, related to the 5G-Pandemic. On Page 29 Coronavirus COVID-19/21 Social and Health Care/ICU/ Medical/Nursing/Medication Control Methods – Defendants. On Page 30 Any and all Supreme Court and High Court Judges of all countries, including the World Court or International Criminal Court at the Hague, for Failing to issue Writ of Mandamus to enforce/protect the Fundamental Rights of the World’s Population. These Judges too failed abysmally to rise up to the occasion and protect the Fundamental Rights of the People when Lockdown was ab initio null and void vide Article 13 of the Indian Constitution. On Pages 31 to 33 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity as defined in Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code - As perpetrators of the Genocidal Technologies-Pandemic, the defendants herein have committed and continue to commit Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity as defined in Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code – 2. On Page 34 appears the Summary of Probable Cause Evidence in Indictment. On Page 35 Emergency Relief Required is spelt-out. Pages 41 to 43 record 5G/AI and Electromagnetic Genocide and 5G and Coronavirus Electromagnetic Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity. Page 108 lists the names of all Judges. Since it was decided that huge “India matters” my name was listed at no.2, also because of my vast worldwide experience, lectures in 65 countries, and LL.D. (Honoris Causa) degree in addition to my expertise in Holistic Healing and Holistic Development. DOWNLOAD FULL 80 PAGE REPORT – pdf. final-ver-1-11.15-4.pdf3 of 6 Download DETAILED CRIME REPORT – PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE – GRENFELL FIRE PUBLIC INQUIRY reference---grenfell-fire-public-inquiry.pdf ‘My Pen’ as a Judge of International Tribunal carries the pain of Multitude of Children suffering from Lethal Vaccines given at Birth, compromising their Natural Immunity making them suffer for Life due to the Greed of Vaccine Mafia and their Protagonists. I Never worked for pelf and never will. And I Believe other Judges too, who all work gratis, will vote bravely Freely, Fairly & Fearlessly. World Warning issued by Dr. Leo Rebello's on 18 Jan 2021: Vide Sections 1 to 6 of the Drugs & Magic Remedies Act 1954, Untested, Unsafe & Unnecessary Vaccines (my popular article of 2007) can be banned as Mercury levels in children’s bodies has gone up 250 times the EPA limit! Hence, Autism, Cancers, Polio, Paralysis are on the rise. As such COVID-19 dangerous experimental vaccine cannot be made mandatory vide Nuremberg Code Article 6, Section 3, NO Government can mandate medical treatment without individual consent. Therefore, this Writ of Mandamus can be rightly described as a legal instrument of ensuring general public interest, safeguarding their rights promised to them in the Constitutions and other laws of the Democratic sovereign countries of the World. It is also an effective mechanism for maintaining Accountability of the State or public authorities and mandating them to comply with their constitutional and statutory obligations. If not, they too could be indicted for being complicit with the cabal. Thus, Writ of Mandamus is essentially a pro-democratic mechanism which empowers the Common People to get their rights enforced by the Administrative bodies. Here is briefly the case law from the USA Supreme Court which stands to this day. The United States Supreme Court in Exparte Milligan, 71 US 2 (1866), Historic Order, which stands to this day, wrote: "Neither the Legislature, nor any Executive or Judicial Officer can disregard the provisions of the Constitution even in case of Emergency, and Held that Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights (to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and/or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent, sovereign, continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and, therefore, of We the People. They violate their constitutional oath and thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE, even the Governor and President". The 5 types of writs are listed for better understanding and ready reference: - Habeas Corpus. Quo-Warranto, Prohibition, Certiorari and Mandamus.4 of 6 Writ of Habeas Corpus: Courts can use to release thousands who are held in detention/concentration camps by misuse of power, release them forthwith and compensate them adequately for losses sustained due to abuse of power. Hereby, this is done and should be obeyed upon by all receiving this foolproof judgment. Writ of Quo-Warranto: A legal proceeding during which an individual's right to hold an office or governmental privilege is challenged. Narendra Modi (indicted), PM of India, Boris Johnson, PM of Brtain, Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada, Scott Morrison, PM of Australia and all others who have abused their powers and impinged on the Fundamental Rights of the People stand removed from their offices for imposing Medical Hegemony, destroying Democracies leading to Civil Wars, for which preparations are being made worldwide by the Captive Dealers- Leaders to unleash the Rule of the Devil 666 lynching the Humane Laws evolved over the Centuries. Writ of Certiorari is issued against all that is blatantly abuse of law. All persons arrested under draconian laws should be released from prisons, lock-ups, concentration camps, hospitals, with damages paid. We have an example of Sweden that inspite of Lockdown, the prisons are empty. As against that, in India Prisons are overcrowded – So where is social distancing and Justice? Writ of Prohibition is made absolute against Lockdown, Masks, Social Distancing, Lethal Vaccines, Chip Implant and Health Passport. Writ of Mandamus is issued to all Authorities to Implement this Order scrupulously and forthwith, to March 25, 2020 normalcy. No curtailing or destroying sacrosanct Fundamental Rights, Life and Liberty. All those indicted should immediately be arrested on sedition charges, and jailed for life, their properties seized, their organisations shut down forthwith as decided by the International Tribunal. This foolproof Judgment recognises and respects Holistic Healing and Holistic Development and bans so-called Scientific Medicine as unnecessary intrusion or Medical Hegemony on Sacred Life, as Right to Life includes Right to Breathe Fresh Air, Right to Drink Aqua Pura, Right to Minimum Subsistence Pay, Right to Shelter, Right to Natural Health of one’s choice, Right to Safety as these are inviolable. In other words Back to Nature. Only evil people can promote vaccination for children. But Bill Gates and others do NOT vaccinate their own progeny or give Dud Vaccines to hoodwink people. Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities, said Voltaire. Dr. Leo Rebello’s Tweet of Jan 14: If you Research Covid Scam, N.W.O., Agenda 21, Depopulation, 5G Bio-Weapons, Cashless Society, Weird Sun Umbrella against Global Warming, then we know who the Terrorist is/are. And what are the laws against Terrorism?5 of 6 If #Lockdown can be imposed mindlessly and unilaterally in 4 hours, worldwide, why Lifting of #Lockdown in toto can't be done, forthwith? In India People have Requested the President and the Prime Minister of India to Lift the LockDown on 72 nd Republic Day of India on 26 th January 2021. No further Lockdown and No more Atrocities will be tolerated. HIV has no Vaccine in last 40 years, Cancer has no Vaccine in last 100 years. But Corona fake Vaccine is ready and they have started injecting by hook or by crook. Boycott Corona Vaccine campaign has been launched in India, as we do NOT want another Bhopal Gas tragedy of 3 December1984, whose victims are still suffering as politicians allowed Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson out of Bhopal. Warning: Don’t take Covid 19 Vaccine even if you are paid to take it. You will die like Birds flying near and over 5G Towers. Millions of Truth Seekers realised from day one that the pandemic is fake and that the virus threat is non-existent. They readily accept that governments are evil. Therefore, Choose Bravery, Love, and Truth, over Fear. Only then we will have Freedom. All humans have a higher self and a lower self, and the potential for extreme evil and extreme spirituality. It is up to every individual to be responsible for the Planet and all life by developing their true inner self. All life has a Divine Spirit. 2021 will be the Year of Hope and Fight to restore pre-#LockDown normalcy soon with change in Leadership at National and World Level to save the World from Disaster. Now or Never. This Judgement, therefore, will hold good for all times to come. As the Registered World Citizen since, 1992, World Peace Envoy of the International Association of World Peace since 2004, and Chief Justice of People’s Court of the World, I issue this Spiritual Judgment on 21 st January 2021, to Unite the World as one Family (Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam vision of Vedas, the earliest spiritual texts of India) in which the World believes in, as epitomised in that world anthem, “We Are the World, We are the People”, We are Free and Fair and as enunciated by Africa’s Ubuntu – Caring and Sharing as against Killing and Looting by 13 Mercenary Families – Less than 1% Mentally and Spiritually unevolved people fleecing and holding in slavery 99% people of the Green Planet Earth. En passant, Code FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real is the tactic of totalitarian tyrants. It is being used to sell vaccines to genetically modify humans, control them and use as Sheeple of One World Govt. We appreciate Several Leaders who have not implemented the Lock Down and attendant evil manifesto of Masonic Mafia, and particularly appreciate the South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng who pulls no punches when it comes to protecting citizens. He is not going to tolerate any COVID vaccine made to advance a "satanic agenda" the "mark of the beast 666" or involved in "corrupting the DNA of people". Wish all other Judges and Leaders learnt from this strong stance.6 of 6 This People’s Court of the World therefore issues this foolproof Writ of Mandamus and other Writs, for immediate acceptance and implementation. Since most World Leaders and Judges of the High and Supreme Courts, including the World Court at Hague, have failed in their due diligence, vide this Writ of Mandamus the Leaders and Judges of 118 nations are hereby enjoined to ratify this omnibus judgment and implement the following guidelines, forthwith. 1.. Arrest persons mentioned in the Indictment, details in 108 pages electronic document downloadable from . 2.. Attach their properties, wealth accumulated by chicanery, deceit and falsehood. 3.. Red Alert is issued through Interpol to arrest these criminals without further delay. 4.. The Lockdown is hereby Lifted with effect from 26 th January 2021, India’s 72 nd Republic Day. 5.. The mercenary madness of Masks which lead to hypercapnia and hypoxia are banned forthwith. 6.. The illogical, insane, mindless Social Distancing is withdrawn and banned. Back to normalcy as existed before March 2020, forthwith. 7.. No Health Passports, No Chipping the People. No Survellance. No Controls. For We are the Free Citizens of the World. 8.. No to deadly Drugs and Vaccines. Instead try Safer, Cheaper, Reliable, Faster, Herbal, Homeopathic and Natural Vaccines. 9.. Shut down mercenary Super Speciality Hospitals of One-Organ, One-Disease Specialists. Unscientific Business which fleece and Kill rather than Heal and also Bill Heavily. 10. Turn to Native, Natural and Traditional Medicine still Trusted by 95% World’s People as per World Health Authority’s Statistical Surveys, which the WHO, infliltrated by people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, sabotage. 11. Heavy Damages and Compensations to be paid to affected People/families who were given Vaccines. 12. Appoint New Clean and Capable Leaders to replace the Corrupt Indicted Leaders where LockDowns were imposed. 13. Donation of 1% to the World Tribunal towards expenses, not for remuneration as we Judges do our work Gratis as part of our Social Responsibility. Sd/- Dr. Leo Rebello Electronically signed by Prof. Dr. Leo Rebello, Chief Judge and unanimously endorsed by All Judges.
- 2 years ago  
Pope Francis who guides the Spiritual Destinies of 33 per cent Christians, from the Vatican = 33 degree masons on the panel
- 3 years ago  
NATURAL & COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL FOR HEALTH & JUSTICE [Renamed as Tribunal] HEAD QUARTERS IN CANADA Judgement dated 21 January 2021. Preamble: This omnibus Order Drafted by Hon’ble Chief Judge Dr. Leo Rebello from India, vetted by the Founder Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre, based in Canada, Unanimously Approved by the Full Bench of 27 Member-Judges drawn from all over the world, and to be supported by the International Court of Justice, based in UK, this Printable Order is relayed to the Presidents, Prime Ministers and the Chief Justices of 118 countries, via official emails, registered airmails and to the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, HQ in New York USA and the World Health Organisation (to STOP Medical Hegemony), International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies HQ in Geneva Switzerland and the Interpol, HQ in Lyon, France active through 194 National Central Bureaus of Member Countries, for Immediate Enforcement via International Arrest Warrants. This Order is simultaneously released to the World Print, Electronic and Social Media [the 4th Estate] for dissemination, to restore the Faith in Magna Carta [Magna Carta Libertatum is a Royal Charter of Rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215] and the Fundamental Rights as enshrined in the Constitutions of the Free Countries of the World, more particularly the USA and India [that gave World Family concept], the two largest Democracies in the World, as also the Constitutions of African countries [which talked of Caring and Sharing of the World’s resources] and Pope Francis who guides the Spiritual Destinies of 33 per cent Christians, from the Vatican, for immediate implementation. In this World Judgment we have encapsulated World’s Wisdom to Live in Peace. This Wisdom Judgment written on behalf of the 99% people of the world against 1% plundering people, is the Spiritual Cry of Mother Gaia to Live and Let Live and is Sacred for all Generations to come. So Fail Not. Under Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code 1, The Tribunal issued on 15th November, 2020 the Indictment of 108 pages. See at On Pages 2 to 4 is the List of Covid-19 Pandemic Perpetrators that includes: Bill Gates Almas Jacob (full name), Narendra Damordas Modi, PMO India, Queen Elisabeth (head of 13 families), her spouse Prince Philip & son Prince Charles of UK, among others, have been sentenced to Life Imprisonment. Many have advised they should all be hanged to end the tyranny once and for all. But We, at International Tribunal do not subscribe to barbaric Death Sentence for We are the Divine People, NOT Satanic Forces. On Pages 5 to 8 is the List of Financial, Banking and Pandemic Enrichment Defenders, and sentences duly announced.2 of 6 On Pages 8 & 9 is the List of Trillionaires & Billionaires for Unjust Enrichment Quarantine that obliterated America’s Middle class and India’s multitude, not forgetting the World on the precipice of Civil War and hence Armies and Police of the World are being drafted to subjucate, maim, kill 90% of the World’s people. On Pages 10 to 16 is the List of Mainstream Media/Social Media Disinformer Perpetrators of the 5G/Genocidal Technologies Pandemic – Defendants. On Page 17: Mass Vaccination Pandemic Genocide & any and all Vaccination Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity – Defendants Aspartame - Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by Any and All uses of Aspartame by any name in any formulation in any product for human consumption including and not limited to Vaccinations Defendant Donald H. Rumsfeld, Developer of Aspartame and Convicted War Criminal, Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal 2011-12. On Pages 26 to 28, 5G Genocidal Technologies: Any and All 5G/AI Artificial Intelligence, DEW Directed Energy Weapons, Neurotech Nano, Scalar, Plasma Weapons, HAARP & Chemtrails, related to the 5G-Pandemic. On Page 29 Coronavirus COVID-19/21 Social and Health Care/ICU/ Medical/Nursing/Medication Control Methods – Defendants. On Page 30 Any and all Supreme Court and High Court Judges of all countries, including the World Court or International Criminal Court at the Hague, for Failing to issue Writ of Mandamus to enforce/protect the Fundamental Rights of the World’s Population. These Judges too failed abysmally to rise up to the occasion and protect the Fundamental Rights of the People when Lockdown was ab initio null and void vide Article 13 of the Indian Constitution. On Pages 31 to 33 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity as defined in Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code - As perpetrators of the Genocidal Technologies-Pandemic, the defendants herein have committed and continue to commit Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity as defined in Articles 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code – 2. On Page 34 appears the Summary of Probable Cause Evidence in Indictment. On Page 35 Emergency Relief Required is spelt-out. Pages 41 to 43 record 5G/AI and Electromagnetic Genocide and 5G and Coronavirus Electromagnetic Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity. Page 108 lists the names of all Judges. Since it was decided that huge “India matters” my name was listed at no.2, also because of my vast worldwide experience, lectures in 65 countries, and LL.D. (Honoris Causa) degree in addition to my expertise in Holistic Healing and Holistic Development. DOWNLOAD FULL 80 PAGE REPORT – pdf. final-ver-1-11.15-4.pdf3 of 6 Download DETAILED CRIME REPORT – PROPOSED TERMS OF REFERENCE – GRENFELL FIRE PUBLIC INQUIRY reference---grenfell-fire-public-inquiry.pdf ‘My Pen’ as a Judge of International Tribunal carries the pain of Multitude of Children suffering from Lethal Vaccines given at Birth, compromising their Natural Immunity making them suffer for Life due to the Greed of Vaccine Mafia and their Protagonists. I Never worked for pelf and never will. And I Believe other Judges too, who all work gratis, will vote bravely Freely, Fairly & Fearlessly. World Warning issued by Dr. Leo Rebello's on 18 Jan 2021: Vide Sections 1 to 6 of the Drugs & Magic Remedies Act 1954, Untested, Unsafe & Unnecessary Vaccines (my popular article of 2007) can be banned as Mercury levels in children’s bodies has gone up 250 times the EPA limit! Hence, Autism, Cancers, Polio, Paralysis are on the rise. As such COVID-19 dangerous experimental vaccine cannot be made mandatory vide Nuremberg Code Article 6, Section 3, NO Government can mandate medical treatment without individual consent. Therefore, this Writ of Mandamus can be rightly described as a legal instrument of ensuring general public interest, safeguarding their rights promised to them in the Constitutions and other laws of the Democratic sovereign countries of the World. It is also an effective mechanism for maintaining Accountability of the State or public authorities and mandating them to comply with their constitutional and statutory obligations. If not, they too could be indicted for being complicit with the cabal. Thus, Writ of Mandamus is essentially a pro-democratic mechanism which empowers the Common People to get their rights enforced by the Administrative bodies. Here is briefly the case law from the USA Supreme Court which stands to this day. The United States Supreme Court in Exparte Milligan, 71 US 2 (1866), Historic Order, which stands to this day, wrote: "Neither the Legislature, nor any Executive or Judicial Officer can disregard the provisions of the Constitution even in case of Emergency, and Held that Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights (to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc.) and/or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent, sovereign, continental United States of America is making war against our constitution(s) and, therefore, of We the People. They violate their constitutional oath and thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE, even the Governor and President". The 5 types of writs are listed for better understanding and ready reference: - Habeas Corpus. Quo-Warranto, Prohibition, Certiorari and Mandamus.4 of 6 Writ of Habeas Corpus: Courts can use to release thousands who are held in detention/concentration camps by misuse of power, release them forthwith and compensate them adequately for losses sustained due to abuse of power. Hereby, this is done and should be obeyed upon by all receiving this foolproof judgment. Writ of Quo-Warranto: A legal proceeding during which an individual's right to hold an office or governmental privilege is challenged. Narendra Modi (indicted), PM of India, Boris Johnson, PM of Brtain, Justin Trudeau, PM of Canada, Scott Morrison, PM of Australia and all others who have abused their powers and impinged on the Fundamental Rights of the People stand removed from their offices for imposing Medical Hegemony, destroying Democracies leading to Civil Wars, for which preparations are being made worldwide by the Captive Dealers- Leaders to unleash the Rule of the Devil 666 lynching the Humane Laws evolved over the Centuries. Writ of Certiorari is issued against all that is blatantly abuse of law. All persons arrested under draconian laws should be released from prisons, lock-ups, concentration camps, hospitals, with damages paid. We have an example of Sweden that inspite of Lockdown, the prisons are empty. As against that, in India Prisons are overcrowded – So where is social distancing and Justice? Writ of Prohibition is made absolute against Lockdown, Masks, Social Distancing, Lethal Vaccines, Chip Implant and Health Passport. Writ of Mandamus is issued to all Authorities to Implement this Order scrupulously and forthwith, to March 25, 2020 normalcy. No curtailing or destroying sacrosanct Fundamental Rights, Life and Liberty. All those indicted should immediately be arrested on sedition charges, and jailed for life, their properties seized, their organisations shut down forthwith as decided by the International Tribunal. This foolproof Judgment recognises and respects Holistic Healing and Holistic Development and bans so-called Scientific Medicine as unnecessary intrusion or Medical Hegemony on Sacred Life, as Right to Life includes Right to Breathe Fresh Air, Right to Drink Aqua Pura, Right to Minimum Subsistence Pay, Right to Shelter, Right to Natural Health of one’s choice, Right to Safety as these are inviolable. In other words Back to Nature. Only evil people can promote vaccination for children. But Bill Gates and others do NOT vaccinate their own progeny or give Dud Vaccines to hoodwink people. Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities, said Voltaire. Dr. Leo Rebello’s Tweet of Jan 14: If you Research Covid Scam, N.W.O., Agenda 21, Depopulation, 5G Bio-Weapons, Cashless Society, Weird Sun Umbrella against Global Warming, then we know who the Terrorist is/are. And what are the laws against Terrorism?5 of 6 If #Lockdown can be imposed mindlessly and unilaterally in 4 hours, worldwide, why Lifting of #Lockdown in toto can't be done, forthwith? In India People have Requested the President and the Prime Minister of India to Lift the LockDown on 72 nd Republic Day of India on 26 th January 2021. No further Lockdown and No more Atrocities will be tolerated. HIV has no Vaccine in last 40 years, Cancer has no Vaccine in last 100 years. But Corona fake Vaccine is ready and they have started injecting by hook or by crook. Boycott Corona Vaccine campaign has been launched in India, as we do NOT want another Bhopal Gas tragedy of 3 December1984, whose victims are still suffering as politicians allowed Union Carbide chairman Warren Anderson out of Bhopal. Warning: Don’t take Covid 19 Vaccine even if you are paid to take it. You will die like Birds flying near and over 5G Towers. Millions of Truth Seekers realised from day one that the pandemic is fake and that the virus threat is non-existent. They readily accept that governments are evil. Therefore, Choose Bravery, Love, and Truth, over Fear. Only then we will have Freedom. All humans have a higher self and a lower self, and the potential for extreme evil and extreme spirituality. It is up to every individual to be responsible for the Planet and all life by developing their true inner self. All life has a Divine Spirit. 2021 will be the Year of Hope and Fight to restore pre-#LockDown normalcy soon with change in Leadership at National and World Level to save the World from Disaster. Now or Never. This Judgement, therefore, will hold good for all times to come. As the Registered World Citizen since, 1992, World Peace Envoy of the International Association of World Peace since 2004, and Chief Justice of People’s Court of the World, I issue this Spiritual Judgment on 21 st January 2021, to Unite the World as one Family (Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam vision of Vedas, the earliest spiritual texts of India) in which the World believes in, as epitomised in that world anthem, “We Are the World, We are the People”, We are Free and Fair and as enunciated by Africa’s Ubuntu – Caring and Sharing as against Killing and Looting by 13 Mercenary Families – Less than 1% Mentally and Spiritually unevolved people fleecing and holding in slavery 99% people of the Green Planet Earth. En passant, Code FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real is the tactic of totalitarian tyrants. It is being used to sell vaccines to genetically modify humans, control them and use as Sheeple of One World Govt. We appreciate Several Leaders who have not implemented the Lock Down and attendant evil manifesto of Masonic Mafia, and particularly appreciate the South African Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng who pulls no punches when it comes to protecting citizens. He is not going to tolerate any COVID vaccine made to advance a "satanic agenda" the "mark of the beast 666" or involved in "corrupting the DNA of people". Wish all other Judges and Leaders learnt from this strong stance.6 of 6 This People’s Court of the World therefore issues this foolproof Writ of Mandamus and other Writs, for immediate acceptance and implementation. Since most World Leaders and Judges of the High and Supreme Courts, including the World Court at Hague, have failed in their due diligence, vide this Writ of Mandamus the Leaders and Judges of 118 nations are hereby enjoined to ratify this omnibus judgment and implement the following guidelines, forthwith. 1.. Arrest persons mentioned in the Indictment, details in 108 pages electronic document downloadable from . 2.. Attach their properties, wealth accumulated by chicanery, deceit and falsehood. 3.. Red Alert is issued through Interpol to arrest these criminals without further delay. 4.. The Lockdown is hereby Lifted with effect from 26 th January 2021, India’s 72 nd Republic Day. 5.. The mercenary madness of Masks which lead to hypercapnia and hypoxia are banned forthwith. 6.. The illogical, insane, mindless Social Distancing is withdrawn and banned. Back to normalcy as existed before March 2020, forthwith. 7.. No Health Passports, No Chipping the People. No Survellance. No Controls. For We are the Free Citizens of the World. 8.. No to deadly Drugs and Vaccines. Instead try Safer, Cheaper, Reliable, Faster, Herbal, Homeopathic and Natural Vaccines. 9.. Shut down mercenary Super Speciality Hospitals of One-Organ, One-Disease Specialists. Unscientific Business which fleece and Kill rather than Heal and also Bill Heavily. 10. Turn to Native, Natural and Traditional Medicine still Trusted by 95% World’s People as per World Health Authority’s Statistical Surveys, which the WHO, infliltrated by people like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, sabotage. 11. Heavy Damages and Compensations to be paid to affected People/families who were given Vaccines. 12. Appoint New Clean and Capable Leaders to replace the Corrupt Indicted Leaders where LockDowns were imposed. 13. Donation of 1% to the World Tribunal towards expenses, not for remuneration as we Judges do our work Gratis as part of our Social Responsibility. Sd/- Dr. Leo Rebello Electronically signed by Prof. Dr. Leo Rebello, Chief Judge and unanimously endorsed by All Judges.
- 3 years ago  
My last paycheck was $2500 for working 12 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 8k for months now and she works about 30 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. The potential with this is endless. This is what I do >> WWW.NETPAY1.COM
- 3 years ago  
Does this group have any legal standing anywhere, or are they just a self-appointed court and judges? It seems to me that some of the people commenting are not legal professionals or actual judges but are being referred to as judges here.
- 3 years ago  
Gates, fauci and Soros plus these super rich eletist scumbags have killed millions and are responsible for millions more deaths that will happen in the future because of their evil genetic testing vaccine that doesn't do a thing against covid but actually makes people die if they ever get the flu again! These are mass murdering bastards that deserve to be tortured to death for years! They are worse than Hitler ever even thought of being and they must die for their unbelievable crimes against humanity!!! They shouldn't be allowed to take another breathe!!!
- 3 years ago  
I agree, and will work making the nooses for their necks. We must rid the world of the evil that is destroying, and wanting to kill us.
- 3 years ago  
I don't know exactly what took place in Wuhan in Nov. 2019, but what we witnessed on television there was NOT A RESULT OF COVID. 5G attacks?
- 4 years ago  
I want gates and bitch, hung on international TV...... I want soros trampled to death by elephants. I want the "liars" fauci et al........beaten to death by 18 yearold young memory of all the suicides.
- 3 years ago  
- 3 years ago  
- 3 years ago  
They deserve much worse!!!
- 4 years ago  
QUANTUM DOT TATTOO (QDT) delivered along with a MICRONEEDLE VACCINE (also called Smart Patch) will be the MARK OF THE BEAST (NOT the hypodermic needle/syringe we are all used to seeing and that is being rolled out now as of February 2021). QDT will use Luciferase enzyme that makes microneedles (smart) patch glow under a smart phone app-- it is not about immunity; it is about IDENTITY and TRACKING!!! You won't be held down and forced that way; but as Windowscentral said about their Worldwide Digital ID system, "non-participants will be unable to buy or sell goods or services". People who don’t get it just won’t be able to buy and sell; your financial transactions will be blocked. Take this mark to “get back to normal”, you’ll go to the lake of fire. (Rev. 14:9) The "elites" call it our Digital ID, Immunity Passport, Proof of Vaccination, whatever... The Bible calls it the MARK OF THE BEAST. (Revelation 13:16-17) CLICK ON THE LINKS TO SEE PICTURES OF THIS NEW TECHOLOGY! IT IS COMING SOON enough.
- 3 years ago  
Don't get the mark of the beast wrong it's not a vaccine or computer chip or anything like that! It's going to be given to those that don't keep our Lord's commandments period! They will be making their evil Sunday law soon and then everyone will have the choice to follow God's commandments or follow man's law and be damned for eternity! Watch one of the greatest men ever in history talk about the mark when he talks about finding the Ark of the Covenant. Look up the amazing discoveries of Ron Wyatt and see the absolute truth of God and humanity!!!!
- 4 years ago  
People were lined up for hours today to get the vaccine. Starting tomorrow they will be given to only people over 65 years old. When we're then outlawed!?
- 3 years ago  
It's about manufactured demand. Create a false shortage of supply to get the people demanding the product, then they're more willing to go get thinking supply may run out.
- 3 years ago  
Damn idiots that will be dead in less than 5 years! What's incredible is they don't even know what is in that killer vaccine! With the internet they just have to look it up and they would see it's not a vaccine against any disease!!!
- 4 years ago  
The panel should talk lots more not The narrator
- 4 years ago  
THERE IS NO PANDEMIC: Globally; the World Health Organization estimates the common flu kills 290.000 to 650,000 people each year. Until the Covid 19 virus kills more than 650,000 people; it is less deadly than the common flu virus. Corona viruses have been around for 60 years. There are 36 different strains of corona virus, 4 of them have been known to cause infection for a long time. Corona viruses cause between 20-40% of the flu that we see worldwide. Screening tests are not specific enough to differentiate between any of those 36 different strains of virus. It is highly likely that everyone in the world has had some exposure to a corona virus and has probably had some infection of a corona virus somewhere in their lifetime. What most people don't know is that any 'test' for a virus does not test for a specific virus: It tests for antibodies that show up in your immune system to fight a virus. If someone tests positive, what does that actually mean? It means that at some time in your life your body developed certain antibodies to fight certain viruses. So if you test positive, does that mean you have an active infection? Does that mean you had an infection in the past? Does that mean you have an active infection of one of the 36 strains that have been around for 60 years? If you test positive does it mean that you’re sick? Or does it mean that you’ve been exposed to one of these 36 strains of corona virus and that it doesn’t bother your immune system? If you test positive for antibodies that fight corona virus, which strain of corona virus do you have? The new recommendations from the American CDC (and in Canada also)… is if someone is in the hospital with a respiratory issue and they die… then even if you have not tested them… or you tested them and they were not positive…you’re supposed to write on the death certificate “Co-morbidity”. This is driving the numbers up to maintain the agenda of mass hysteria, mass panic and mass fear.. It keeps the panic churning. . It is estimated that 12,000-16,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the common flu virus in America alone each year. At least 8,200 people have died this season from the common flu virus in America. NOT from .the corona virus. The reason for these low members is the common flu is now being misdiagnosed as the corona virus. Otherwise the common flu deaths would be about normal: 12,000-16,000 deaths, AND BE IGNORED. There are 3.91 millions deaths caused by respiratory illnesses every year globally. HOW MANY RESPIRATORY DEATHS HAVE BEEN USED TO CREATE THIS HOAX? Recent studies by medical experts have revealed that the rate of infections is much larger by order of many magnitudes. As a result of the increased number of infected people; the death rate for Covid 19 has changed from 1.3% to roughly about .01%... Dr. Fauci himself told the medical community that Covid 19 is a seasonal flu with a mortality rate of .01%... A .01% death rate IS NOT A PANDEMIC… IT Is A HOAX.. Fauci has MILLIONS INVESTED IN VACCINES. Globally, there are 17-18 million deaths each year. Of the 32 main causes of deaths the corona virus ranks at the bottom of the list. Each year there are 3 million newborns who die in the world of pneumonia and 50,000 adults in the United States for the same cause, WITHOUT ALARMS BEING ISSUED. In many cases, they are misdiagnosing the common flu and calling it Covid 19. Anyone who dies of a respiratory ailment is being marked down as dying from Covid 19 They are lying to you. The numbers are being deliberately falsified. THERE ARE NO RELIABLE TESTS that can tell the difference between Covid 19 and all the other flu viruses… never mind the 36 different Corona viruses!!.. ‘ There is NO real “Covid-19” What it is, is that “they” invented a miserable “corona-virus “test”, which as it has been very recently been documented and written in the official U.S. Medical Library Records, is not and cannot detect any actual “Covid-19″… and instead it only detects “corona-viruses” existence in general in the human body… The so called “test” (and we are talking about the so called “credible” one which is working on the molecular level), in addition to the above, also, cannot detect the amount of the “corona-viruses” in the human body… which is crucial in order for a patient to be determined as an actual patient of a FLU…’ In fact: the inventor of the PCR test publicly stated that is was not designed to diagnose ANY virus. NEWS FLASH Updated numbers from the CDC reveal only 9,210 American have died from Covid 19. The stats for overall seasonal death rates this year across Europe are the same if not less than for any other year. The official figures for 24 countries across Europe show, not only that overall mortality is not increasing, but – so far – it is actually well below recent averages. virus-panic/ Johan Giesecke (ex state epidemiologist, WHO advisor, chief scientist/European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) “I think of it is as a severe seasonal influenza”; “Someone right now is dying from pneumonia and it will absolutely be impossible to isolate this year’s version of corona virus from other forms of respiratory ailments by exclusively claiming it as a causative factor in death. That is criminal negligence. The problem, is that “corona virus” (due to mass media over-magnification) will end up stealing stats from the 1.5-3 million pneumonia cases per year and the 3/4 to 1 million flu cases. In fact, it already is.” Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt is an Argentine-French virologist ;. “There is no evidence to show that the 2019 corona virus is more lethal than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, corona viruses from previous years, or rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold.” This a scam. Dr. Michael Levitt Professor of biochemistry at Stanford University. “The number of deaths of corona virus in Italy is 10% of the number of deaths of influenza in the country between 2016-2017. German Network for Evidence-Based Medicine “In the majority of cases, COVID-19 takes the form of a mild cold or is even symptom-free. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all cases of infection are recorded, in contrast with deaths which are almost completely recorded. This leads to an overestimation of the CFR. (Case Fatality Rate) An overestimation of the Case Fatality Rate also occurs when a deceased person is found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, but this was not the actual cause of death. The CDC just reported that 94% of Covid deaths had other medical issues. Dr Richard Schabas former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario: “Quarantine belongs back in the Middle Ages. Save your masks for robbing banks. Stay calm and carry on. Let’s not make our attempted cures worse than the disease.” Globe and Mail, 11th March 2020’ “Strictly by the numbers, the corona virus does not register as a dire global crisis” ‘You don’t need to be an expert to see the causes for the concentration in Northern Italy and NYC. as Florence has about 300,000 legal Chinese immigrants taking over its manufacturing, in addition to countless illegal Chinese, who make regular and continuous trips back & forth to Wuhan. Once the outbreak in China became known, and China began complaining a few weeks later that calling it a Chinese- or Wuhan-virus was “racist,” the mayor of Florence encouraged the Italian residents of Florence to “hug a Chinese” to show support. Again, there was a constant traffic between Florence & Wuhan at that time. And Florence apparently has the second oldest population in Europe, if not in the world.’ If you watch this video; You will understand that the virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan China.... Second... the global economy has been slowing down for years and a major depression was about to happen anyways... Third: What the Chinese CCP govt did was purposefully spread the virus and wait until there was enough ''reason'' to institute martial law and crack down on its population in order to terrorize and intimidate them because they knew a major economic depression was going to hit China.... If the CCP had not spread the virus, the Chinese people would have blamed them for the depression... This way, the inevitable depression could be blamed on the virus, not on the govt.. What happened next is that all the other govts that knew of the economic slowdown, who knew that a major global depression was coming, latched on to the fake Chinese ""pandemic"" scare and pushed this hoax globally: to avoid being blamed for the oncoming recession/depression. Why did they do this? Because spreading: MASS FEAR; MASS PANIC; MASS PARANOIA; MASS HYSTERIA: MASS BRAINWASHING: Is always good for the ruling class…. MASS IMPOVERISHMENT of the electorate; Making billions of people TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THEIR GOVTS…. While the .01% get richer from HUGE bailouts to the banks and corporations. Can you say one-world governed by FEAR and HYSTERIA? Can you say GLOBAL BRAINWASHING? Billions of the world’s masses are being impoverished due to this hoax. Over 50.million people died of the 1920 pandemic: COMPARE THAT TO THIS FUCKING HOAX. MASS FEAR; MASS PARANOIA; MASS CONFORMITY; POLICE STATE MARTIAL LAW. While destroying your society, your lives and your livelihoods… WAKE UP YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED INTO ILLOGICAL FEAR. NEWSFLASH: Tucker Carlson reported that the American death tolls for 2020 ARE THE SAME AS 2019 THERE HAS BEEN NO SPIKE IN DEATHS IN SPITE OF THE FAKE PANDEMIC. THE NUMBERS DO NOT LIE.
- 3 years ago  
The VAST majority of coronaviruses are animal coronaviruses. They can only cross to humans through "Gain of Function" which up till now has only been done in a laboratory. Swine flu and Bird flu being the two obvious examples. This Vaccine is going to turn your body into a Gain of Function laboratory using your own cell's printing process making anyone a potential bioweapon with every "update" they inject. Every update will provide a computer code that they hope will add a gain of function upgrade to the program previously injected.
- 4 years ago  
Sacha Stone is really clear. I like his dispensation it motivates me to have public meetings.
- 4 years ago  
Most interesting and relevant, however most of these people can't read fluently and therefore make assisting this video difficult to say the least. Great content, great intent, I hope all these exposés can't result in the judgement proposed.
- 4 years ago  
I have a question about my email that I subscribed not sure if I did it right never received a acknowledgment to my email [email protected]
Dragon Slayer Intel
- 4 years ago  
IF GOD, is with you, this will come to be powerful. How ever if GOD's will is in another direction? Like repentance. Anyway, hope it works. After all, its flat, learn about FE