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Tony HellerPLUS



“U.N. computer predictions”

  - 6:38

"U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming" - The Washington Post July 9, 1971






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July 17th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Not a shred of common sense in western leaders today. We have the most inept and corrupt crop of politicians in modern history. Climate alarmists are being played like a bad fiddle. "Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder"... Arnold Toynbee.


- 2 years ago  

When Nobel Peace prizes are given to fools like Alfred E. Newman types, Al Gore Jr and most Americans who fervently believe Al Gore Jr’s lies are the intelligentsia with college degrees and high IQ’s, is it no wonder America is unraveling. Less than 50% of Americans today have any inking of commonsense and ability for rational thought when it comes to discussing global warming. ————— Tony Heller publishes video after video, year after year, pulling the curtain away showing the absurdity that global warming or climate change by manmade CO2 has any factual scientific basis. ————- Yet today a bigger fool than Al Gore Jr can be made president, our current president Joe Biden! Biden has crossed the Rubicon river into an America no longer ruled by commonsense and rational thinking but by fairytales of a new ruling class that chase and do battle with windmills like Don Quixote of Man of La Mancha. Biden is a crazy old man like Don Quixote and yet he is our president and leader of the free world. He wants to end all fossil fuels use in America just like he ended Afghanistan, pull out and never return to fossil fuels like Afghanistan and go 100% Green cold Turkey and never look back. His intelligentsia welcome his Green Utopia but for lots of us it will be a Green Gulag just like Sri Lanka or LA with 60,000 or more drug and crime ridden homeless living in tents and vehicles living hand to mouth.

Truth Sleuth

- 2 years ago  

The IPCC are conspiratorial criminals; some of us know how to interpret the language in the ClimateGate emails. Nope, not taking it out of context; after raising two boys and living through 28 years of corporate life, I can sense BS and lying when I'm exposed to it.


- 2 years ago  

I lve this stuff. Thanks, Tny.


- 2 years ago  

I shudder to think how cold the poor bastards in Europe and parts of Texas are going to be this winter. As Popeye used to say: "Well, blow me down." That's a non sequitur.


- 2 years ago  

algore is a criminal


- 2 years ago