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Tony HellerPLUS



Shutting Down Power Plants

  - 4:12

“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” ― George Orwell






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December 22nd 2022  

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- a year ago  

Tony, you should do a segment on how states like Vermont are using extortion tactics worked into their property tax code to force people to "harvest" their forests to supply biomass electric generation. If you own forested land in VT and want your taxes to be affordable by putting your land into "current use", then you are forced to have a forester (i.e. logger) draw up a "forestry plan" for your land, which means you are basically forced into letting them cut your trees. It's a mafia style government enforced protection racket for the logging industry, which largely sells your "product" to either power plants or wood pellet home heating fuel production.

Truth Seeker

- a year ago  

I have talked with green energy supporters in the past. I remind them of the unreliable nature of the wind to generate power. Their typical response is that we will have batteries to back up the wind and solar power. I try to explain how ridiculous that is. First is the huge cost in dollars and in destruction of the environment to mine the minerals. Second is how are to charge these batteries. They don't realize that they will need at a minimum double the green energy output to charge the batteries while still supplying the needed power for consumers. These people just do not understand the scale of what this pipe dream is. Then add in the need to charge electric cars and we are looking to more than double the current electric power consumed today. Will the general public wake up to this hoax of CO2 causing global warming? We can only hope they will begin to see through all the lies before it is to late.


- a year ago  

Musk's vision to have decentralized power production with decentralized point of use battery storage that is interconnected to others via the grid, seems doable. He also envisioned full reclaimation of materials from expired batteries. If every home/business had a solar array the size of their roof area, and battery capacity for a couple days usage, it would be enormous. And not out of the realm of possibility if you compare it to COVID "stimulus" and the "defense" budget. I think it would be necessary to use less electricity, reduce grid loss, and have much cheaper solar cells & batteries made of more common materials though. ----Too bad he's likely a fraud/ trojan horse for the WEF. If he wasn't, he'd be making cars that are focused on being light, efficient and affordable, rather than fast, literally heavier than trucks, and made to compete with the BMW/Lexus/Mercedes market. He'd be trying to stop AI and transhumanism rather than advancing AI and planning to put chips in our heads. If he was for freedom and liberty, he'd be making cars that aren't connected to a network, and not have a plan for the X Everything App that will be used for every aspect of our lives, all networked together... which is why he purchased Twitter. Sorry for the tangent!


- a year ago  

Unreliable wind power... and at the expense of millions of birds. I think this is a retarded idea, as should most?


- a year ago  

These eco terrorists don't understand the repercussions of their actions. Wind turbines are NOT efficient and are not reliable and are not green to build. Weird that they love to kill all of those birds and bats.


- a year ago  
