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Tony HellerPLUS



Battery Salesman

  - 5:00

Elon Musk wants to sell a lot of batteries, and is using the climate scam as a tool in his marketing campaign.






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Uploaded a year ago  

February 9th 2023  

File Size: 61 MB



- a year ago  

$590 trillion? AOC says that is no problem. The government can provide it.


- a year ago  

Well, the battery man would be much richer, but he don't care the least of how expensive this green energy would be, and how many people would have to die, just because theu can't afford it. In my ears the word green just reminds me that the color of mould is green. Green is the color of decay.


- a year ago  

Michael Mann is a wrecking ball, unleashed on humanity. Did you know that the hockey stick was the first thing he did post doc? The so called hockey stick is made up of two different data sets! That's not science, that's fraud! Zero real world experience and he's now some kind of hero??? He's a grifter, unable to defend his theories with scientific evidence. Thank you Tony for all that you do. It's probably a pretty thankless job, but I for one am glad that you are giving them heck.


- a year ago  

Dr Mann sued Dr Tim Ball for defamation when Dr Ball criticized his hockey stick graph, and after the court case began, when it was demanded that Dr Mann produced the data that he used to come up with his Infamous hockey stick graph, Dr Mann summarily withdrew the case. It is very telling when a person would rather look like a fool for doing this rather than standing behind their own data. He obviously knew he would be completely exposed for fraud, and to this day he is refused to divulge the data he used to come up with the graph. Maybe somebody Dr Mann has defamed should be sued for the same, in which case he could possibly be forced to explain his data.


- a year ago  

It would be interesting if Elon's new factory can churn out batteries at half the price and knock $5,000 off the price of a solar home or double the capacity for the same price.


- a year ago  

We have the technology for most homes to be much more efficient without having to lower "standard of living", and to be entirely energy independent, off grid, with the exception of heating and cooling in the most extreme areas. If batteries get inexpensive enough, it would make it financially feasible for millions of people. The authoritarians won't like that.


- a year ago  

Thanks. And, F@ck Michael Mann