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Tony HellerPLUS



BREAKING: Project Veritas LEAKS #TwitterAllHands with Elon Musk

  - 2:10

Originally uploaded to by Project Veritas EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Video of Elon Musk’s Address to Twitter Employees About ‘Essential’ Nature of Free Speech, Voting Republican, and ‘Evolving’ Twitter Project Veritas has published the recording of an internal Twitter company-wide meeting wherein Elon Musk addressed thousands of Twitter employees and answered questions moderated by Twitter CMO, Leslie Berland. “I think it's essential to have free speech,” Musk said on the call after describing his affinity for Twitter. He added that “multiple opinions” should exist on Twitter to “make sure that we’re not sort of driving a narrative.” On the call, Musk was asked about his political leanings, his plans for layoffs and the direction of the company. Musk described his political views as “moderate” noting that he traditionally has voted democrat but voted republican this week for the first time in his life, voting for Congressional Candidate Mayra Flores in Florida. He said he believes most of the world favors moderate politics but that the far left and right should be able to voice their frustrations on Twitter. Musk also discussed his vision for Twitter saying that traditional news media is “negative” and that they “almost never” get it right. He added that bots, spam and multi-account users must be contained. “I think an important goal for Twitter would be to try to include as, as much of the country, as much of the world as possible,” Musk added. Musk notes that he’s “not hung up on titles,” but he certainly wants to be the one driving the product change at Twitter. Musk reacted to the news of Project Veritas publishing the recorded meeting on Twitter, by posting “Exactly.” [SAN FRANCISCO– JUNE 16, 2022] Project Veritas has published another recording of an internal Twitter all hands meeting wherein Elon Musk addressed thousands of employees for the first time since news broke of his plans to acquire the company. On the call, Musk described his affinity for Twitter and said the platform was best for “getting a message out” but noted that he was concerned about the platform as it currently stands, reiterating previous statements he’s made about bots, spam, and censorship. “I think it's essential to have free speech,” Musk said in response to a question about his highly publicized goal to bring free speech to the platform. When pressed about what that might mean in the context of animal abuse, sexual content and offensive tweets, Musk maintained his stance. “I think there's also, there's freedom of speech and freedom of breach, so I think people should be allowed to say…pretty outrageous things that are within the balance, the law, but, but then they don't, you know, get amplified,” Musk added. Throughout the call, Musk spoke highly about Twitter but emphasized his vision for expanding the tech giant to be inclusive of more users. “I think an important goal for Twitter would be to try to include as, as much of the country, as much of the world as possible,” Musk said speaking to employees including CEO, Parag Agrawal. On the call, Musk was asked about a wide range of matters including his political leanings, his plans for layoffs and whether remote employees would be required to return to the office. Musk described his political views as “moderate” noting that he traditionally has voted democrat but voted republican for the first time in his life, voting for Congressional Candidate, Mayra Flores, in Texas. He said he believes most of the world favors moderate politics but that the far left and right should be able to voice their frustrations on Twitter. At one point, Musk was asked if he would be taking over CEO duties of the company. Musk’s answer was that he “wants to make sure the product evolves rapidly.” In response to the Project Veritas’ leak of the company-wide zoom, Musk commented “exactly.”






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June 16th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

The best thing that could happen to society would be for all social media to be shut down permanently. If you want to communicate with others, join some forums.


- 2 years ago  

Tony, keep sleuthing brother. love the content


- 2 years ago  

ALL MEDIA is The man of sin 666 You are to live and breathe by the words of Allaha alone and Him you shall serve only. is the short URL to the evangelizing gospel here with Me the Princess the Spirit and the Bride, the Chosen Lady of Our Lord Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene and Your Chosen Sister, The Allaha (Lifegiver) of Heaven here to raise an Eternal Kingdom that shall stand forever! The Book of Daniel Chapter 2:44. Prophecy nearly completed, repent now in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! There's many universes yet to come; this universe here (3 realms) was just the first order of things and NOT the Life (everlasting life) that We: The Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit have always intended for you! Much love and blessings! Thanks Tony!


- 2 years ago  

Are you saying Twitter can't promote and protect approved narratives, official dogma, woke agenda and exclude all contrary opinion and facts? Well, I never...!