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Originally uploaded to by Dr. David Samadi, MD WATCH THIS VIDEO!
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Category: Politics
- 4 years ago  
Most doctors these days are just tools of the hospitals. They are either paid employees of the hospital or are bound by the regulations of the hospital which are set by the hospital administration. The hospital administration and its oversight authorities, mandate many of the policies, including coding and even actual details of medical care. The doctors have committees that supposedly set these policies but in actuality it is the hospital administrations that have the final word. Why would the hospitals not require coding a death as due to Covid-19, when they can get an additional 20% reimbursement. Most of this is mandated by state and federal regulatory oversight authorities. This is not actually the doing of the doctors, at least not the ones actually caring for patients, they are just following orders from all of the oversight authorities!
- 4 years ago  
CDC now stands for corona death count.
Truth hurts
- 4 years ago  
Awesome video
- 4 years ago  
The treatment was worse than the disease
- 4 years ago  
The Ministry of Truth: First, they adjusted the temperature record to match their truth; then, they adjusted the death records to match their truth; now, they will adjust the vote record to match their truth.
- 4 years ago  
Excellent explanation!
- 4 years ago  
This is misleading. Sorry. I do love this channel though.
- 4 years ago  
As one whom retired recently from the medical field, and spending over 30 years working in a hospital, believe me this video is absolutely true!
- 4 years ago  
Incorrect. You have not done your research. Johns Hopkins just took a paper down for political reasons that showed all cause mortality has not significantly increased however, the leading causes of mortality have gone down by the same amount that covid deaths have gone up. It's basic logic to understand what's going on here. If you want to know why they would do this, you need to check out the website.
Mathematical Software Inc
- 4 years ago  
The CDC uses two grossly contradictory numbers of annual deaths from pneumonia and influenza: about 55,000 in the annual leading causes of the death report and about 188,000 in National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data used on the FluView web site to report the percentage of deaths each week due to pneumonia and influenza. These differ by a factor of OVER THREE. The larger FluView number is comparable to the current cumulative total COVID-19 deaths in the United States (Aug 30, 2020). Since it is generally agreed that lockdowns and quarantines are not justified for a disease similar to typical annual pneumonia and influenza deaths, the reasons for this gross contradiction in the two annual death numbers should be resolved. Is it correct to compare the COVID-19 death numbers to the FluView number, the leading causes of death number, or some other number and, if so, exactly why and how? Full details here: How Reliable are the US CDC's Death Numbers:
Hugh Bettcher-Asche
- 4 years ago  
Well gosh, who would a thunk it? Saw this right from the beginning -- never for a minute believed the "death toll".
Peter Clark
- 4 years ago  
Governments are a disease. If they don't act BY, OF and FROM the people they end up creating nightmares like this. It ain't just unintended consequences - it may have just elected socialists in the land of the free.
- 4 years ago  
Yup. The problem is, it is logically impossible for any government to do so. This highlights the insanity perfectly:
- 4 years ago  
It is hard for me to accept the fact that my own government has become so corrupt, but who am I going to believe, government experts or my own eyes and mind?
- 4 years ago  
You think you're seeing corruption now? If Emperor Biden ascends the throne, you ain't seen nothing yet.
- 4 years ago  
This is why it is so hard to accept:
- 4 years ago  
Sad at that.
- 4 years ago  
What serious scientist would touch the CDC’s data after it has been so corrupted by the 20% premium the government is paying healthcare to declare a death a Covid death? This data is nearly as corrupted as US historical temperature data from NOAA and NASA!
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
All part of the same agenda:
- 4 years ago  
All part of the power grab leading up to the great reset...just the beginning!
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago "Section 3710 (iv)(I) For discharges occurring during the emergency period described in section 1135(g)(1)(B), in the case of a discharge of an individual diagnosed with COVID-19, the Secretary shall increase the weighting factor that would otherwise apply to the diagnosis-related group to which the discharge is assigned by 20 percent." With hospitals going bankrupt before covid due to the Affordable Care Act, especially rural hospitals, covid has made it worse for most. By Feb of this year 435 rural hospitals were on the edge of bankruptcy. How many hospital administrators would opt for the gov adding and paying 20% of the hospital's fee for treating a covid patient by increasing the number of patients diagnosed with covid. I dare so most would, and are, otherwise they wouldn't be forcing doctors to put covid on the discharge papers or death certificates.
- 4 years ago  
Nailed it. This is just one tool of coercion being utilized however:
- 4 years ago  
Some reservation: all influenza deaths are linked to pneumonia or some organic failure, and with COVID-19 it is the same story. No "bug" kills by simply dissolving body tissue comparable to sulfuric acid, as far as I know.
- 4 years ago  
The number of people that are totally brainwashed is very large. I hope that it is not past the tipping point
felicia p
- 4 years ago  
That filthy Jacinda Ardern needs to see this
- 4 years ago  
Ya mean the filth that voted for her need to see this.....
- 4 years ago  
What makes you think Jacinda cares? Or even knows? Jacinda is carefully guarded by the legacy MSM.
- 4 years ago  
This is how real fraud works, when the strategy is to reset how to live and the covid-19 fraud is somehow a mild flu, according to WEF(World Economic Forum): "In his 2018 book, Schwab discusses the problem of pesky regulations and how best to “overcome these limits” in the context of data and privacy. He comes up with the suggestion of public-private data-sharing agreements that ‘break glass in case of emergency’. These come into play only under pre-agreed emergency circumstances (such as a pandemic) and can help reduce delays and improve the coordination of first responders, temporarily allowing data sharing that would be illegal under normal circumstances.” Funnily enough, two years later there was indeed a “pandemic” and these “pre-agreed emergency circumstances” became a reality. This shouldn’t have been too much of a surprise for Schwab, since his WEF had co-hosted the infamous Event 201 conference in October 2019, which modelled a fictional coronavirus pandemic. And he wasted little time in bringing out a new book, Covid-19: The Great Reset, co-authored with Thierry Malleret, who runs something called the Monthly Barometer, “a succinct predictive analysis provided to private investors, global CEOs and opinion- and decision-makers”. Published in July 2020, the book sets out to advance “conjectures and ideas about what the post-pandemic world might, and perhaps should, look like”. Schwab and Malleret admit that Covid-19 is “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years”, adding that “the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics”. The plan is to reset the economy, education, etc. and many politicians and elitists is a part of the insane strategy. "High Vatican Insider. WARNING to President Trump" This is about the coalition of many politicians, elitists and the Catholic Church. They obviously hates mankind and our freedom rights. And this is the reason why the western world uses similar strategies such as lockdowns, insane restrictions, wearing Clown Masks, fines for not following the crazy "rules", shutting down economies, killing elerderly because they are a economic burden...................... Even in Sweden they are going to use harsher restrictions, than just a few months ago.The madness is being spread in a haste, never seen and experienced before and it will sadly increase, as some sane people will fight rightiously for their faith and for their freedom. That should not stop anyone to use wisdom and sanity, to defend the principles for a good and happy life for everyone!
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
OAN and Tony Heller have something in common. They both have at least one strike on YouTube.
- 4 years ago  
Now I know why OAN was banned on YouTube.