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Tony HellerPLUS



Aurelio Peccei interviewed by Hazel Henderson (1983)

  - 11:23

Originally uploaded to by The Club of Rome Interview with Aurelio Peccei, founder of the Club of Rome (1983)






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February 6th 2022  

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Peter Clark

- 2 years ago  

Hans Rosling showed us that wealth generated by enterprise was the way forward. Even small improvements leads to smaller families which put less pressure on the environment, food instability, water availability, etc. At an extreme level if 'rich' nations would 'adopt' a 'poor' nation and set up businesses there to provide something they couldn't produce the process can be accelerated. IOW it has to be direct, personal with a very clear end game to put an end to population pressures, Historical grievances, etc.


- 2 years ago  

They're speaking positively about interdependence (as opposed to independence), and OPEC being a lesson of such interdependence. It's interesting he says the rich ones like the USA will have to suffer more, I seem to recall some politician saying the same thing, that the standard of living of an american would have to decrease, maybe Tony posted that before. And of course Obama's "price would necessarily skyrocket". Also a tentative mention of a new world economic order.

All is for YOUR Glory

- 2 years ago  

Wow - globalists speaking back then and nobody thought anything of it. The seeds for a tyrannical ruling class. It’s based on fear. They are afraid of losing their way of life. How can they attempt to keep a clean conscience? I know this kind of info is not placed here to bring spiritual reflection. I figure though there are some like me who see this fits the Christian Biblical narrative to the ‘T’. It reveals the condition of man being separated from God and under the delusion that he doesn’t need God - that if he can just enact his plan, Utopia will be his. All the striving. Jesus calls out, “all who are weary and burdened down, come to Me”. For non-believers. This is not meant to bring offense. This was primarily for those who already believe. Again, thank you Tony for all these insights you continue to bring us.