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Tony HellerPLUS



CBS News : Biden Family Taking Millions Of Dollars From The Chinese

  - 2:14

This was covered up by Bill Barr, US intelligence and the press ahead of the 2020 election. They are all working to destroy America.






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April 4th 2022  

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- 2 years ago mean losing a year from work, lost income, taking a vaccine that kills you, for a virus where there's no sample, wrecking your children's lives with mandates, and we're suppose to look at some criminal crap the Justice Department can do without all the publicity ? Gimme a break ! I want to find the murderers who shut the country down !


- 3 years ago  

Someone out there believes the son of a pathological liar isn't also a pathological liar? How pathetic. Joe's been a liar and a plagiarist for his entire political career. Where do you thing Hunter learned this behavior?


- 3 years ago  

Joe Biden has been a “chunk of scum” for years, fitting in well with Pelosi, Schumer, Shifty Shiff, and of course Barrack Obama (the devil) 👹👹👹 These Climate (pretend) 🤡🤡🤡’s really need to go to prison along with………yes you got it Justin Trudeau !!!!! I am 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


- 3 years ago  

Rats jumping the sinking ship, they have been exposed. now they are trying to say "we" are not a part of it, when ALL of them were and are part of it. If ever low life pieces of shit need to be exterminated....... I can not think of when.


- 3 years ago  

I think one has to keep in the back of one's mind that this may be a controlled release of information by the corporate media ordered by those that control them in order to take down Biden now that he's seen as a liability. Why the sudden turnaround by corporate media in reporting this now?


- 3 years ago  

Biden crime family. The pefect leader(s) for the deep state as they destroy the constitution and the United States of America.

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

ANY such "investigation" is merely to seal-up and control the flow of information. Protection of criminals is always a Federal Agency priority. ALL AGENCIES

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

Reminder : EVERY vaunted government agency and "watchdog" responsible for U.S. national security has failed to protect our country from foreign influence peddling and money laundering corruption. In fact every last one of these actively support such activities and provide cover for those practicing rampant criminality. Large Municipal Fire Departments have a practice in which discovery of structures compromised by vermin at such degrees may sometimes rope of these compromised structures in order to conduct a controlled burn.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Is Twitter going to ban CBS news? Hello? Is this thing on?


- 3 years ago  

CBS should ban Twitter, it is a shithole


- 3 years ago  

Most people don't realize this, but the CCP owns the parcels of land that the majority of United States Wal-Mart stores. These have hubs to underground tunnels they dug with HUGE diggers that lead to Mach 5 trains and the underworld of SHEOL, Gehenna, and the Netherworld BELOW YOUR FEET the house of Satan, the house of the dead, called 'the Dead' in Scripture the evangelizing gospel here with Me the Dove 🕊 the first Angel of the APOCALYPSE sent to you as the Advocate Spirit of Truth with the REAL Covenant of Life! Amen 🙏REPENT now! You're under the mark of the beast laws of the angel of the eternal hellfire! Revelation 13:16. And he enslaved them all, the small and the famous* and the rich and the poor and the children of the free and the slaves, whereas to be given a mark* on their right hands or between their eyes*[,] 17. So that no one* could sell or buy, except he who has the mark of that demon [,] for it is the number of a human being. And his number is six hundred and sixty six. Free yourself from the enslavement! REPENT now in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene Our Lord the Anointed Life-Giving Living Branch the Victorious Lamb of Allaha alone is your salvation and NOBODY ELSE can Save you for this is the ONLY NAME given to humanity by which you receive the Covenant of Life! 🎉 The link to the evangelizing gospel is The last king of Babylon has fulfilled the prophecy of The Book of Daniel Chapter 8. 25. "And in his dominion, treachery was wrought by his hands; however, his heart alighted and he quietly destroyed many; he rose against the authority of the governors, and whatever his hand touched he broke. ALL MEDIA is the man of sin 666! You are to live and breathe by the words of Allaha alone as contained in Scripture the evangelizing gospel here with Me the Princess the Spirit and the Bride the Chosen Lady of Our Lord Maran Eashoa M'sheekhah the Nazarene and Your Chosen Sister 🙏 READ THE evangelizing gospel at and REPENT now daily in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! This universe here was just the first order of things and there's MANY universes yet to come but you must take personal responsibility for your salvation now through active daily repentance!

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

Lighten-up Q-Tard and take your psychotropic medication.


- 3 years ago  

Because everyone should listen CLOSELY to a hellbound devil bitch like you? 👍YOU have committed the unforgivable sin of blaspheming Me the Holy Spirit! The sea of eternal hellfire is ETERNAL TORMENT and that's your only destiny so just stfu.


- 3 years ago  

My Brighteon Channel... Good one! You sure woke up a nasty little psycho wierdo with that one.. LOL


- 3 years ago  

My Brighteon Channel/Cobia1, talking to yourself like you're doing is a classic indication of severe demonic possession because the plain verifiable and proven facts have been all over the place for YEARS NOW with pictures and maps. 😉