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Tony HellerPLUS



reject the evidence of your eyes and ears1

  - 6:51

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984






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Andy Griffith

- 2 years ago  

Obama is the antichrist


- 2 years ago  

In the UN the rallying cry is “Do the math.” ————- If you are China, India or any country teeming with citizens competing with Western or any modernized rich nations and in an economic struggle for all the worlds total resources, why would you want at a minimum, parity coveting the worlds total resources by using population? Why indeed! Why would the worlds downtrodden masses want to go to the UN and demand all the worlds resources be shared equally. ————- Do the math. 8 billion worldwide citizens. ————- 8 billion worldwide population divvying up all the world’s resources: ————- China 1.4 billion their share 1.4/8= 17.5% India 1.3 billion their share 1.3/8= 16.25% Continent Africa 1.3 billion their share 16.25% Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Indonesia and all countries in Southeast Asia 1.4 billion and their collective share is 17.5% Continent of South America, all of Central America including Mexico and the Caribbean is 0.75 billion and their share is 9.375% ————- America from its start 1776 to today from innovation and hard work has accumulated an overall wealth and consumption nearing 75% of all the world’s total used up resources so far but only has 3% of the world’s total population. USA 350 million .35/8 billion = 2.8% ————- China, India, Africa, Asia minor, South America and south of America, all collectively should by population get a share of all the worlds natural resources of 76.875% but yet to date that is near the share that all Americans have consumed since 1776 to 2022 of the world’s goods and resources. Should American innovation and exceptionalism be awarded, rewarded and allowed to covet that much consumption of the world’s resources? ————- If you live outside America or any wealthy nation UK, Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia or even Russia for the other 75% teeming masses the answer is a big fat NO. But what can they do to stop it? Immigrate to the West for one. Two go to the UN and demand parity by population! ————- Do the math is now their collective cry! Stop innovation is their demand, as it is the ultimate for of racism stealing the Earth’s total limited resources. China is soon to surpass America in total consumption but not by population, that will still require an exponential increase of consumption per person in China. If that happens then the world may indeed consume so much that the talked about worldwide reset may be forced upon all of us by our own greed. ————- In the meantime America, UK and all Westernized and rich nations worldwide certainly have a greater advantage and consumption of this little blue planets total resources. That in the short term can only change if the do godets take us to 100% green wind and solar utopia but so far it looks like a Green gulag to me!


- 2 years ago  

And in Vic/Au Tony our muppet premier is still blowing up our coal fired power stations, and not surprisingly half of our freeway lights are off, and privately owned lighting is so low now that it is a muggers paradise. Hopefully in 5 months time we can finally vote this muppet show out.


- 2 years ago  

Freeway lights are dumb. Cars have headlights. Streetlights are a waste, it would be cheaper and more efficient to buy every person a high quality rechargeable headlamp. It's a holdover from ancient times when people were afraid of the very real risk of getting eaten by something in the dark. A 1200 lumen spotlight strapped to everyones' heads would be more than adequate.


- 2 years ago  

And when it is raining those dumb lights can save your life dufus!


- 2 years ago  

Bring back coal! A wonderful by product of many types of coal is a fly ash that is a great pozzolcnic ingredient than can add to the strength and long term durability of concrete. Add thorium nuclear power! It can even burn up the nuclear wastes created by the current light water uranium reactors. Get rid of the horrible bird choppers and even many dams. Salmon need lives too. Solar OK as long as recognized as only partly supplemental for sunny areas. Let your local political representatives know that you are onto all the flagrant lies, and Orwell's 1984 should have remained a novel instead of a government plan.


- 2 years ago  

In many rivers, land clearing around the tributary streams have raised water temperatures enough so salmon wouldn't come back even if the dams were gone.


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

Electricity has to come from somewhere. Maintenance costs are never figured into wind turbines and solar panels which are very limited in their efficiency rating. Under 30%. Or the undeniable fact that the sun doesn't shine for half the time in most places. Batteries? Problematic. And very expensive. This entire hoax of global warming and using that as reason to stop supplying energy to people is simple evil. The break is coming soon and it will not be pretty.