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Tony HellerPLUS



Wind energy will power every UK home by 2030, says Boris Johnson

  - 2:15

Originally uploaded to by The Independent Offshore wind will power every house in the country within a decade, Boris Johnson has pledged. In his speech to the Conservative party virtual conference, the prime minister said he wants the UK to lead the globe in low-cost clean power and promise to make the UK a world leader in green energy. Read more here: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Subscribe to Independent Premium for exclusive content and live events:






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April 2nd 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

I think Boris is the blow hard who can make this happen

Guy Legge

- 2 years ago  

He sounds like Mao Tse Tung and his "Big Step Forward". He'll end up killing millions.


- 2 years ago  

Delusional or a wrank liar. Wind energy is incapable of delivering anywhere near the power Goofy BoJo says... Any scientists or engineers if honest will agree with me.


- 2 years ago  

Boris Johnson bringing back the word…………”retarded “ So pouring millions of tons of concrete ( the largest creator of CO2 on the planet)…………. in the middle of the ocean………actually makes sense??? Then he’s going to stick these eye sores out there and in approximately 25 years they will be useless. It seems to be an “inherent need” that our leaders these days ( Trudeau, Biden, Johnson, and a host of others) be puppified fools!!!! How did we get here????? I am 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


- 2 years ago  

How did we get here ? Simple, if you can print all the fiat currency you need to buy/corrupt the system this is what you get. Puppet Boris Johnson is everything he promised not to be. He is the best leader the Labour party ever had. Central Banks the wizards behind the curtain.


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

He is a puppet not an idiot. He just wants to live a little longer.


- 2 years ago  

That dude has lost his brain. Germans was about to close down the nuclear power stations… what a joke that was.


- 2 years ago  

"Without the damage to the environment", he says. Has he SEEN what becomes of these windmills when they're worn out? They can't be recycled, so they just lie in huge piles like dinosaur bones bleaching in the sun.

Sowbelly Canoe

- 2 years ago  

I want a few windmills in my yard. If I`m elected president every person will get free windmills and a bag of government approved crack pipes!


- 2 years ago  

This guy is a moron. The wind has cycles that sails could only use part of the year. You then had to wait for the time to be right. For the wind to change course (and it does) so you could sail back. There is a reason Columbus landed in the west Cayman's and not, say New York. The Chinese did this in the 1400's. People are so stupid and have not a clue about history, nor how the earth works. These people should not be allowed to vote period.


- 2 years ago  

Tish guy is a moron. The wind has cycles that sails could only use part of the year. You then had to wait for the time to be right. For the wind to change course (and it does) so you could sail back. There is a reason Columbus landed in the west Cayman's and not, say New York. The Chinese did this in the 1400's. People are so stupid and have not a clue about history, nor how the earth works. These people should not be allowed to vote period.


- 2 years ago  

One good cyclone or storm and all of that crap will be at the bottom of the deep ocean. Looks like his climate goon attractive but clueless wife gave him a pep talk again.


- 2 years ago  

Make a strategic wind reserve to use when the wind doesn't blow.


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

Well Good Luck with that! You gona need it!! I'd buy gas-powered generator just in case if I lived there..


- 2 years ago  

People of the UK are welcome here. Just book tickets to Mexico City and make your way north. Easy.


- 2 years ago  

I know, next we have to design solar powered tanks


- 2 years ago  

You think you are kidding - John Kerry said that the Russian invasion was bad for emissions!


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

Boris's sincere belief in wind and solar power would be laughable except that we in the UK are going to be the ones to suffer for his ineptitude and his failure to understand the physics.


- 2 years ago  

You should do a webcam on his head. If his hair is blowing around you know you can turn the lights on.


- 2 years ago  

If they're going to build turbines and windmills, they better drill for oil and mine coal to power the new factories.


- 2 years ago  

They are Lying. We know they are Lying. They know they are Lying. They know that we know that they are Lying. We know that they know we know they are Lying and still they continue to Lie. A Solzhenitsyn (Gulag Archipelago)


- 2 years ago  

This liar is nothing but a human predator. Anyone who has ever dealt with any device on the ocean knows what the high salt content in the air (and water too, of course) does to machinery over any significant time frame. Sadly, most humans are dumber than rocks and don't recognize even the simplest absurdities.

Sowbelly Canoe

- 2 years ago  

I`m still trying to figure out how to afford to power a very tiny air conditioner from solar. It works great for some things. For about $700 I can power my small freezer overnight and hope the sun shines the next day. I can power USB fans and low wattage lights. My favorite though is 12 volt cookers directly connected to 100 watt panels. But I have no idea how I`ll ever be able to simply and reliably power a tiny air conditioner through even a couple of cloudy days from solar, or even overnight. Maybe I`ll win the lottery?


- 2 years ago  

judgeing by this windbags hair the uk has an abundance of wind - sometimes. African slave children miners can be proud to contribute to britains 'guilt free' power revolution.


- 2 years ago  

What we need in Britain is someone who can lead and inspire not someone who can only parrot the the current climate crisis narrative. Bozo is not that someone.


- 2 years ago  

The best political leaders are those who do nothing. Free People don't need to be led and inspired by politicians.


- 2 years ago  

This man sounds and looks deranged. Idiotic nonsense. Maybe he's just breaking wind, eh? The early explorers used wind so it must be good, right? He's worse than Biden.


- 2 years ago  

Agreed. Truly a lunatic.


- 2 years ago  

I don't understand why Tudor period ship propulsion has any relevance to the 21st Century. There are very good reasons why steam replaced sail. The reality is we in the UK will have to rely on the French, who had the good sense to invest in nuclear.


- 2 years ago  

2030? Utopia for sure. 2045-2050 they will have reached the end of their useful life and need to be replaced, on and on every fifteen to twenty years forever. And maybe they will have figured out a way to recycle the blades. What country will be doing the mining for the required resources for each new turbine - generator, wiring, tower, blades, concrete? Did I miss what will provide baseline power for when the wind stops? No doubt these are just details, not worth worrying about.


- 2 years ago  

nice summery.