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Tony HellerPLUS



Listen To The Science Journalists

  - 3:42

The vast majority of the post-industrial increase in atmospheric CO2 has occurred since Joe Biden arrived in Washington DC fifty years ago.






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July 7th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Vaccines will kill every meat eating human infected with tropical parasite worms. Vaccine CWD PRION PROTIENS WILL KILL THE REST. The city's will be six feet deep in dead rotting bodies and The need to use tactical nuclear weapons to burn everything into dust will arise by 2029. It will disapere like magic in a big cloud of smoke by 2030. The world will perma freeze by 2033 killing off 90 % of wildlife globaly. Chemtrail clouds will acumulate the fall out and clear the sky's of smoke by 2040. The destruction of the current world will be complete and washed out to sea for ever lost to future history. The sun will regreen the world by 2050. The jesuites will come down from there space craft condeminium space stations and build gOd$ new utopian world, for themselves useing the political slaves they tucked away safely in dumbs. You and me will be only a memory.


- 2 years ago  

That's the thing about social engineering & mind control. Those being crafted to be movers and shakers don't even realize it. Trump is one of these. What has gone on for the past 5+ years with the media, the technocrat globalists gaining even more power & control, the "D" party being blatantly against the people yet not having to do anything differently to get elected (not that 'parties' really mean anything). What their endgame is, we're yet to find out. World war? Civil war? Collapse of the USA empire? All 3? All would not have been possible on this timetable without Pres Trump.


- 2 years ago  

I’m sorry to have to criticize you. When you accuse China of emitting more CO2 than the US, it seems as if you are validating the idea that CO2 is bad. I don’t think you believe CO2 is harmful. We live in the age of imaginary problems. Imaginary problems require imaginary solutions. The lunatics at the scientific American imagine that CO2 is harmful and they imagine that all of our energy needs can be met by windmills, solar and wishful thinking.


- 2 years ago  

He doesn’t think CO2 is bad, it’s just that China and India get a pass while we are supposed to reduce fossil fuels. It shows the hypocrisy. If the globalists REALLY cared about CO2, they would get after China. But they are not.


- 2 years ago  

The liar in chief is a criminal


- 2 years ago  

It must abundantly clear to anyone with a working brain that science, the medical profession, the media and our government aren't worth a shit. You can't trust anything spewing from those sectors.


- 2 years ago  

Scientific American is neither Scientific nor American. Also, Orange man bad is what all the NPCs say


- 2 years ago  

Yes! Let’s come up with a new name. Propaganda International.