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Tony HellerPLUS



White Is The New Green

  - 4:11

There is little evidence Greenland is melting down now, but it was rapidly melting 90 years ago.






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August 26th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

One the most annoying pet peeves is about floating ice. In the pictures showing the extent of the glacier, what is not stated is that as the glacier pushes into the water it starts to float and it is the tides that raise and lower the end of the glacier until a portion breaks off at a weak spot. Sometimes it is a longer section and other times it is a shorter section. It can be several years with nothing breaking off and then a big section breaks off. But how much is breaking off is irrelevant because the ice that breaks off is already floating and cannot change the sea level. The key fact is that any floating ice cannot change sea level. It is a undisputed physical law called the law of buoyancy. A floating ice burg displaces it's weight in water. The weight of ice when it melts becomes the same volume of water the ice displaces. Sea level is changed a tiny bit when at the point the near the end of the glacier where it starts to float. The glacier flows at a very steady slow rate which changes little over time. And all of ice in the glacier came from snow which originated from moisture evaporated from the sea. So drawing attention to floating ice that breaks off is a scare tactic based on nonsense because there is no impact to sea level at all. If they have to resort to this type of misdirection and lying then it kind of implies the "climate scientists" have absolutely no credible case at all. Nor do they have any credibility either.


- 3 years ago  

Did the Tollycrats at YouTube suspend you again for telling the truth?


- 3 years ago  

There's no such thing as regional global warming. Changes in jet stream patterns not fully understood cause heat waves and droughts in regions, not CO2 gases in the atmosphere.

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

MSM / Leftists : "Vikings are s conspiracy theory dude..." šŸ¤”


- 3 years ago  

Scientists with confirmation bias are constantly on the lookout for events that confirm their prior assumptions and prejudice. This is anti-scientific. In fact, that is why there must be a prediction in every hypothesis that is falsifiable. So if the hypothesis of anthrogenic CO2 global warming predicts the most sensitive, first and foremost indicator of ANY warming must be in the polar regions with loss of arctic sea ice, massive loss of glacial ice, and with thermal expansion of the oceans with added glacial melt causing rapid acceleration of sea level. Yet none of this is evident. It is debatable whether global warming is oƧcurring contemporaneously, and no climatologists is currently willing to state what the natural background direction or rate of change currently is, because there is no consistent evidence. The ability to then ascribe all change to human activity is not logical or tenable.


- 3 years ago  

I can attest to your first sentence as a resident of western Canada where it was on seasonably hot from the latter part of June till the first week August but since then has been unseasonably cold with temperatures going well below 10 degrees Celsius at night, and now these people are no longer to be heard.