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Tony HellerPLUS



RTÉ Prime Time - "An indulgence we cannot afford." @GeorgeMonbiot tells @MiriamOCal that we must end our dependence on farming if we are to overcome the realities of climate change. #rtept

  - 2:11

Originally uploaded to by RTÉ Prime Time "An indulgence we cannot afford." @GeorgeMonbiot tells @MiriamOCal that we must end our dependence on farming if we are to overcome the realities of climate change. #rtept






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Uploaded a year ago  

February 18th 2023  

File Size: 13 MB



- a year ago  

This guy is the biggest idiot in the world.


- a year ago  

Attacking the energy industry by demonizing carbon dioxide via the thermodynamic nonsense of the 'greenhouse effect', won't kill off enough people so we have to attack farming, which is the foundation of civilization. Methane and nitrous oxide absorption bands are nowhere near the 8 to 13 micron infra-red window corresponding to black body temperature in the region of 288K, so even by their crap science this is a storm in a teacup. I strongly advise actually reading some of the climate science literature, you will discover just how shaky the foundations of this anti-science folklore is. Nonsense perpetuated through the process of 'peer review' by other knaves and fools.


- a year ago  

He says this, at the same time, he is surrounded by plastics and the products of hydrocarbons! The pot calling the kettle black! Have they changed the definition of hypocrisy?


- a year ago  

People who think like this guy, come across as hysterical religious fanatics. They're out of their mind and their emotions and beliefs have overridden all common sense and logic. Half the good farmland on Earth is either paved over with strip malls to sell us crap we don't need and nobody wanted before it was advertised to them, or it's growing corn for ethanol production, or it has giant manicured lawns golf courses or sports fields on it. In the USA, something like half the vegetable food grown is thrown away or just left in the field because it isn't pretty enough. There is more than enough land, even in the suburbs, to raise more livestock and grow food, without impeding on open natural environments any more than they already are. ------ Just the energy put into cryptocurrencies, air travel, and new smartphone/computer/internet human surveillance technology, could desalinate water and put pipelines in to grow crops on most of the open desert land. People like this dude, really need to make use of Canada's new euthanasia rules, because they're terminal.


- a year ago  

How much livestock could be raised in the medians of all the interstate highways? That much fencing would be nothing compared to a month or so of helping the Ukrainians die.


- a year ago  

I am so sick of these liars. When will the madness end?


- a year ago  

Probably when the entire system collapses. It's not going to be pretty.


- a year ago  

An perfect example that intelligent people can be extremly stupid. He and his comrades could save the climate by stop eating food and drinking water. But he should not force all us others to do the same. After a while when the alarmist have shown us by being a good example, the climate crisis would disappear, and we could live happily ever after.


- a year ago  

He can feel free to come to Canada. He can get a MAID shot to help lower the need for farm land.

Brendan Ward

- a year ago  

It's heartening, at least, to read the replies on RTÉ's twitter feed. Most commenters are calling this jackass out.


- a year ago  

Anti-humanism disguised as concern for the planet. He's fooling nobody. If there were no climate crisis panic he would be out of a job. Non-validated models based on bogus science which omit regulation processes which have yet to be stimulated will always predict doom sooner or later, even if it is just instability of the integration algorithm.