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Tony HellerPLUS




  - 6:06

"In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better." - Theodore Dalrymple






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March 4th 2023  

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- a year ago  

The reality of capitalism is that it will always end up in oligopoly. A few gigantic "successful" entities that own and control everything. They will use their position to influence lawmakers and regulators and to protect their market share. The only way to prevent that from happening is a strong coalition of democratically selected and supported individuals that actually represent the population (government), that have the will and power to keep it from happening. It's no accident that any country with government that ever arises that threatens globalist corporate power in any way, is labelled as "communist" and is attacked by the USA. -----What we have had for a long time now, is corporate captured everything, where oligarchs create public policy to benefit themselves. Their media/education system PR department has gaslit the people into believing they are "free" and that the "free market ™" as imposed under their absolute control is the only option, and that anything else is an existential threat. They are the ones inverting reality and humiliating the people, and they certainly are not "communists". They are capitalist/fascist/corporatist. We really need new, more accurate terminology. ------ How Yuri & Dalrymple were saying about "communism" is accurately describing how and what the corporate globalist capitalist system in power here has been operating and progressing toward for over a hundred years. Obfuscation, misdirection, & confession through projection.


- a year ago  

Precipitation causes storms, lol, l laughed out loud when l read that crap, but that is how the faithful think to protect that fact it is a lie.


- a year ago  

Propaganda and incorrect claims of all kinds abound in the media. Many experts have a limited area of expertise but the media wheels them out as experts in other areas and of course they oblige. These strategies to misinform people only work because the state has used a policy of educated imbecility in schools for decades.


- a year ago  



- a year ago  

The Federal American government deep state is actively trying to destroy the USA by converting it into its antithesis


- a year ago  

They're trying desperately to keep people from figuring out that it has always been the opposite of what the people have been led to believe.