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Tony HellerPLUS



Rudy Giuliani : This Has NEVER OCCURED BEFORE

  - 12:58

The complete mess America has become






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

January 16th 2021  

File Size: 258 MB

Category: Politics



- 4 years ago  

Rudy Giuliani still has a channel on YouTube, which is quite likely where Tony Heller got it from. I have yet to see his original videos on any other platform. Every conservative needs to start moving their channels off of YouTube and do what Tony Heller has done with most of his videos now by just using YouTube as a means of announcing where their videos can be found and providing links to that. It is important to make the YouTube very short so YouTube doesn't get an opportunity to get any kind of monetary gain from such YouTube postings. Sites like YouTube and Facebook have to be hit in their pocket books, as that is ultimately the only thing they understand and need to keep their platforms running. One of the simplest things everyone can do is to stop using Google search engine by finding another that does not engage in censorship and making it your default search engine. This will completely deny ad revenue going to Google. If every one of these platforms loses 85 million customers, these companies will definitely feel it as they will not be able to charge anywhere near as much for their advertising, which is the sole source of revenue for all of them.


- 4 years ago  

Regretfully, the Right has lost. The Left is more clever and unscrupulous. The king is gone. Long live President Harris.


- 4 years ago  

newtube sux ass, it lag almost every single video, several times


- 4 years ago  

Totally agree!!. Tony is sucking ass!!!

Destroy the WEF!

- 4 years ago  

Bombshell NYT story on Trump’s tax returns shows that he received a $3.5 million wire transfer from a corrupt Russian oligarch tied to Vladimir Putin. He also received significant payments from Ukraine energy oligarchs, from China, and Romania. Oh wait, sorry, that was actually the Biden clan, and the NYT didn’t even mention it.


- 4 years ago  

The record grows. I feel, not very scientific I admit, nor otherwise relevant, but nonetheless pertinent, that there is a war going on just beyond the limits of our perception. The manifestation here is profound and decisive. You do. Or you do not. Compassion is their Kryptonite. Be good folks.


- 4 years ago  

The problem that the demonrats actually have is that there are NOT 82 million people that voted for "Brain-dead-Biden". The real majority voted FOR President Trump and the numbers will expose the lies and the censorship that were invoked over contrived crap.


- 4 years ago  

Think the rest of the world have decided that angry and hateful speech gets you no where fast. So most countries have limits on free speech.


- 4 years ago  

And that is the reason that the rest of the world also fell for the B.S. of the scamdemic. All a lie, all phony.

Destroy the WEF!

- 4 years ago  

Wrong! There’s no such thing as “limited free speech”. It’s either totally free — apart from outright calls to violence — or it isn’t. Besides, who will determine what constitutes “hateful speech”? Judging from historical precedents it’s always the tyrants and their useful idiotic minions. Here’s an example: “Socialism is a contagious mental illness. You can recognize affected people by the fact that they want to establish a system of coercion, equate this with justice itself and from then on, aggressively confront anyone who does not want to submit and applaud the red orchestra.” Hatespeech or fact? … «No man escapes when freedom fails, While the best men rot in filthy jails, And those who cried, 'Appease! Appease!; Are hanged by those they tried to please!» ~ Hiram Mann (1947)


- 4 years ago  

During the 'civil war', the war for Southern Independence, Lincoln jailed a minimum of 14,000 journalists and shut down newspapers.


- 4 years ago  

Buffering...... Buffering...... Totally unwatchable


- 4 years ago  

You one of the lucky ones!!?. 😝


- 4 years ago  

McCarthyism has been flipped on its head... the Marxist / Communists are now taking control... silencing and persecuting anybody who doesn't agree with the Leftist party line. Sadly, the US is about to experience it's own "Mao" Cultural Revolution.


- 4 years ago  

I never considered myself a Conservative, looking at the alternative, I'm most definitely a Conservative!


- 4 years ago  

I'd prefer to "conserve" rights rather than progress over a cliff into an unknown abyss.


- 4 years ago  

The people who should go to jail are not only Biden, Harris and the corrupt democrats, bt most especially the owners of the giant tech social media and search engines who ran counter to their purpose of bringing us the truth. To me they are traitors who deserve to be executed for their massive crimes against the people, for violation of the trust of the people. They are the hated mortal enemies of not only Americans, but of the people of the world.


- 4 years ago  

Hold your head high Patriots! We cannot abandon that which has given us so much.


- 4 years ago  

When they censor we know we got it right!


- 4 years ago  

Jelly silly sheep in face diapers . Listen and learn

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 4 years ago  

3:48 -- the word you're looking for is "oligarch".

Robert Hubbard

- 4 years ago  

Underscoring Rudy's point, this video got deleted off of YouTube in less than an hour after he posted it.

felicia p

- 4 years ago  

Impeach the criminal Joe Biden and cut off your accounts with big tech that censors content.


- 4 years ago  

The left accepts nothing but total submission and subjugation. Once they have that, the real punishments and retribution can begin, unfettered, and unstoppable. This is the way communists do things, and now, America is being run by communists. They have stolen two branches of government, and will forever alter the third. We are entering a period of darkness not seen in the world since the socialists took control of Russia and Germany in the early part of the last century. Only now, there is no America to stop it. In fact, they have the full might of America to enforce it. The vast majority of time in the history of man has been spent with a few powerful people controlling everyone else, where people lived at the mercy of the capricious whims of the powerful. America was an experiment to see what happens when individual freedom is the top priority and primary mandate, and when government serves the people, at the pleasure of the people. It was a great time. It's gone, and we may never get it back. If we do ever get back to that kind of government again, it will be a long and hard road.


- 4 years ago  

His Twitter feed terrified them because he was able to instantly communicate what he was thinking. Now they are terrified because they have no idea what he's thinking.

Richy Rich

- 4 years ago  

Donald Trump had four years in power, two years with a republican majority is both houses of congress. His supporters began telling him from day one that big tech needed to be reigned in. We had video of Google employees crying over his election and stating that they were going to work to keep Trump from being reelected, and the utter corruption of the Democratic party was well known. Everything that has transpired could be seen coming, and the Trump administration was warned, yet President Trump did absolutely nothing to prevent what has happened. From where I am sitting, it appears that President Trump and the Republican party have failed the American people. Worst yet, many of the Republicans colluded with the Democrats and foreign nations to bring us to where we are now. Rudy Giuliani is asking us to do something, I ask him, what did you and our elected Republican leaders do with the time we gave you to deal with the corruption in this country? You did nothing, not a single arrest, not a single indictment, not a single antitrust hearing, nothing. Giuliani and the Republicans are feckless losers, they have failed the American people, and the destruction of the country is their fault. It's their fault because the were unwilling to do what it would take to save the country when they had to power to do it.


- 4 years ago  

Victim blaming at it's finest. I'd love to see as POTUS, with more than half the govt & most of MSM working against you - it's not that Trump has failed us, it's that the deep state is too deep.


- 4 years ago  

There is some truth to what you are saying. However, the people in general do not want to go out of their way to accomplish anything. You cannot count on leaders to take care of your problems. People were sitting, standing down and waiting for Trump to do something spectacular. It was all a psyop, we failed to take control ourselves when opportunity presented itself.


- 4 years ago  

Trump is an evil Judas and he purposely increased the frustration levels of Americans for four years so the wolverine effect would take over at the capital protest. Now he wants to try to get on our good side with a last minute Release of classified material that he knows isn’t Going anywhere. Trump is as deep state as they get. Dump Donald Judas Trump and let’s try to get General Flynn as the peoples leader. Trump is one of the super predator elites.


- 4 years ago  

Trump simply uncovered the deep state, No one else had the balls to do so. He has ruffled a lot of feathers doing so and forced these evil demons out into the open. Perhaps his job is done, perhaps. But if nothing becomes of it, then we are all in trouble... Big trouble.


- 4 years ago  

Bullshit bullshit bullshit! Trump had nothing to gain by being a Republican and POTUS. He exposed just how corrupted our govt has become with leftists. You should be thanking him!


- 4 years ago  

You give the man, as great as he is, to much credit. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.


- 4 years ago  

It's not that they don't understand the values of Americans, they just don't like them, they don't agree with them, and choose to place their own values above Constitutional values believing that they are thereby improving America, fixing a flaw, doing the right thing. Such people are more dangerous than the plague.


- 4 years ago  

Move to a red state if you live in a blue state. Nanci Piglosi has declared war on anyone who refuses to join the demrat party...she appears to have taken testosterone to aid her frantic campaign against the light....Nanci is Darkness and worships Lucifer....Satan....may Satan soon collect her to Hades.


- 4 years ago  

Rudy should comment on, “ the Great Reset”!!! This is what this is all about. The Great Climate Crisis LIE!!! I personally got banned from LinkedIn before Christmas for stating Tony’s TRUTHS about Climate and the PLANDEMIC. I made all kinds of rude comments about Justin Trudeau but the LinkeIn POLICE sited my comments about Climate and the PLANDEMIC as why they shut me down. In my defence reply I ask them to take one day to find out what is really going on on this planet and read back Tony Hellers posts for a year. The reply was, “your defence has been rejected, your account is permanently restricted”. I am Canadian .......God Bless America........and God Bless Donald Trump our only hope for FREEDOM!!


- 4 years ago  

No wonder they fucken rejected ya!! 😝... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

TonyHeller666 obviously has a tinny penis.


- 4 years ago  

At least it bigger than yours!!! 🤣😂🤣😂 😝... 😎


- 4 years ago  

Oh good lord, not you again! Look at this fool (TonyHeller 666),. I pray in the name of JESUS, for this demon to be removed from among the good people of this site. Amen


- 4 years ago  

Probably looks like an inverted belly button. No wonder why he's so angry all the time.


- 4 years ago  

Please! Do not feed the Troll.


- 4 years ago  

Just checking if God is real!!.. looking like, that's a nope!!?... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

The FBI sure swung into action fast. It is like someone hung a noose in Nancy Pelosi's garage. They didn't seem to care about Federal buildings being destroyed over the summer.


- 4 years ago  

Where do you truly want America to go!!?. Boys & Girls!!!... 🤔... After video!. Happy to take your answers & question!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

If you had something to offer to the argument it's lost the moment you stoop to insults and profanity. You are your own worst enemy.


- 4 years ago  

If you really want to change ppls minds here, you need to offer rebuttals and sources of information. Simply coming in here being a troll posting random YT links isn't changing anyone's mind. "Ignorance is bliss, but it just pisses me off"


- 4 years ago  

That song applies to humans; your side and my side. The difference is that my side is wise enough to know how corruptible we are and have relied on thousands of years of history to learn how to curb our nasty nature. Your side rejects all the archetypal stories civilization depends on to survive and believes in your own superiority in calling forth a better civilization; completely ignorant of your own limitations and corruptibility. Consequently, your side is much more likely to act out the lyrics of that song. In fact, you demonstrate the effects of your philosophy almost daily on this website. It isn't pretty.


- 4 years ago  

Lol. Your face diaper is leaking and you are now in the new biden military draft selection. Stay save. The Chinese will skin you alive.


- 4 years ago  

What's this shit you keep talking about your side is better than my side!!?... So far from all your comments that I've seen, I have learnt it's all about ,black white, left & right!!!. Which is why, America is where it is now!! 🤗... Do you think if you send all the Africans back to Africa everything will be better & ok now!!? I spose while you're at it!! You might as well get rid of everyone on the left too!!! 😝... Would that then make you a happy man!??. 🤔.... @gs4848. You & Tony's 97%er's should practice what you preach!!!. I'm pretty sure!! You guys started it!... I only happy to give back, for the cause!! 😝. 😇


- 4 years ago  

You all remember this one yeh!!? 🤔... Is this why y'all fucken dirty!!! 😝...


- 4 years ago  

I hope that one day you are happy. Just one day.


- 4 years ago  

Which day is best!??... I'll make sure I'm happy just for you!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

I sorry to say!! But Tony is gay!!! 😝... I am the devine one! That you have been seeking all your life!!... Join me!!! 😇


- 4 years ago  

The fact that you care that Tony is gay tells me about character. This is about truth........nothing more......nothing less. Related to the election...........Joe Biden got millions more votes that Obama...........ya RIGHT!!!!!!! Need I say more!!!!


- 4 years ago  

Your student get is forgiven. You get a free army hair cut. Keep your face diaper on sheep


- 4 years ago  

How the hell do you even know how many votes Biden got!!?


- 4 years ago  

Airtight Logic as usual from Rudy! Thanks.


- 4 years ago  

Playing the fool has it's dark ends. Fool.


- 4 years ago  

So who did a bad bad thing!!?... Was it you!??. Or your lover!!?... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

You guys really need to read this!!. 😝


- 4 years ago  

What's youtube, google boy.


- 4 years ago  

It's kind of like newtube! But far superior in every aspect!!... Try googling it, boy 😝


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Sounds like the democratic party


- 4 years ago  

Great resource. Thanks for sharing.


- 4 years ago  

Free Masons are Satanists based on Islam. Biden killed some of his own family to rise in the ranks of Free Masonry. Or maybe Free Masonry was taken over by Satanists like the Catholic Church has been.


- 4 years ago  

Well played, Mrsmartone. Well played indeed!


- 4 years ago  

I'll say anything you want me to say for twenty thousand dollars a day!! 😝... Hey Trumpet!!?. & What do reckon Tony!??. As I now understand, you & the Trumpet are kinda like besties!!


- 4 years ago  

no morals huh, glad diamond and silk have morals.


- 4 years ago  

Don't feed the troll


- 4 years ago  

Join me!!! 😝.


- 4 years ago  

I'm not an asshole like you


- 4 years ago  

& you think I was talking too you!!? 😂🤣😂🤣... Hey, twenty thousand a day!. I might change mind!! 😎


- 4 years ago  

Only lies need censorship and the law to protect them from being questioned. Rudy is completely right.


- 4 years ago  

So True.


- 4 years ago  

If the evidence is clear, then let it be broadcastet on newtube, bitchute etc. and let the people be the judge of the content. I think Giuliani just says something, that could be true - but we need evidence of his statements. On youtube, Twitter etc. you can throw a link to the above(newtube, bitchute), just to redirect curious people to the content. Why doesn't Mr. President Trump use these open platforms?


- 4 years ago  

There is NO censorship taking place, so this video MUST be removed as miss-information. </sarcasm>


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

I love this man! He is standing up for the truth.


- 4 years ago  

Giuliani is among the liars. It's a freakshow. It's so obvious this is part of the show.


- 4 years ago  

Well ..... there is a simple way of finding out? If you are approaching me with your hands behind your back, are you hiding something? Settle it simply, let me see your hands!


- 4 years ago  

You're confused S144. What did he lie about?


- 4 years ago  

According to the vendors, yeah


- 4 years ago  

As the pressure increases the result seems inevitable and more imminent. There is no debate vigorous, robust or otherwise with those fascists now in control of our communications, culture and country. The swastika is so passe but fascism is here to stay. You cannot buy groceries in a store in California without wearing a mask which is more pointless than a ninety year old woman using birth control. At the casino there are security guards who patrol to make sure masks are covering your face. I call them the nose Nazis because if even an eighth of one nostril slips out from under the mask and is exposed (the horror!) they make a beeline to where you are sitting to draw your attention to this attempt of infecting others although there is no one within 15 feet of your location. They are deeply committed and vigilant and regard this duty tantamount to saving humanity. In the name of the public good, the public has been destroyed.


- 4 years ago  

Removing section 230 would make censorship worse, not better.


- 4 years ago  

But would make them liable and open to being sued. IOW: No protection.


- 4 years ago  

Exactly. And alternative platforms would be finished too. They can't afford / can't take the risk to be sued for someone else's posted videos


- 4 years ago  

Maybe so but isn't the argument platform vs publisher? When a service provider (platform) starts censoring content that they disagree with, they become a publisher so they lose the 230 protection. Shouldn't these platforms simply stop acting like publishers and resume being platforms.


- 4 years ago  

@BobD38 They are public utility companies, just like your telecom provider. Public utility companies should be non profit companies excluded from the free marked.


- 4 years ago  

Yeah, I say to hell with these platforms if they want to indiscriminately silence voices on any basis, as long as you're not breaking the law you're not doing anything wrong. granted their reasoning is blatantly hypocritical with plenty of so-called "hate speech" already on there yet nothing has happened for years but.. as private companies they can do whatever they want. What they can't do is try to limit and stifle alternative platforms, much like they're trying to do with Parler for instance and even Gab (who themselves I understand have managed to now set up its own infrastructure after the first round of purging) but these silicon valley overlords are pushing the boundaries in what they're currently trying to achieve, even some server companies seem to be in on the silencing purge which surely becomes an anti-trust / competition issue. Let's hope if there's any justice left these days the courts do what the legislation requires.


- 4 years ago  

Peter, I agree. Platforms should have protection. But is a platform does not abide to section 230 they should have the protection of 230 taken away.