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The COVID-19 story is dominated by a few wizards creating fear and constantly changing their story.
File Size: 388 MB
Category: Politics
- 3 years ago  
No More Masks Anywhere, No More Social Distancing, No More Fines for Covid Measures, People can Stop Working from Home and Go Back to their Workplace, No Shop can Refuse People Not Wearing a Mask, No more mask on Buses and so on. U.K. Government January 19, 2022 - Boris Johnson: No more masks and back to the office as Plan B restrictions removed and more. If the U.K. can stop these Covid measure so can every other country. This event by the U.K. government is a result of a Case Filed with the International Criminal Court and Police Investigations into Covid Crimes started by several police stations in England. Rise up as One People and Demand the Government follow what the U.K. has done!!! This was a Dilettante Presumption Theorem: All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed do not necessarily reflect official positions or views or any other entity, past or present. Nothing in the contents should be construed as asserting or implying endorsement of interpretations and factual statements. The real reason for the Covid Democide is for the one world Rothschild government
- 3 years ago  
If you absolutely must wear a mask use a fabric one. President Trump started a veritable cottage industry when he suggested reusable masks. No need to enrich China where nearly all paper masks comes from.
- 4 years ago  
I've never heard so much crap in my life, there is NO virus, Corona is a natural response to toxins ,the immune systems natural order. Who so ever gives this birth is part of the problem. We all know these institutions are corrupt. Gates and Fauci are crazy people who love power.
- 4 years ago  
And hospitals make money out of WUFLU deaths...
- 4 years ago  
New sub here.
- 4 years ago  
The Lockstep document from the R institute in 2010 describes this lockdown as a very similar scenario.
- 4 years ago  
Unfortunately, newtube apparently does not have the resources to stream videos like this without major problems like very long delays and buffering. Please consider adding another alternative video-streaming platform with better performance. –Alexander F. Mayer
- 4 years ago  
Consider that many people are fleeing YouTube for greener pastures and flooding places like this. Newtube may not have the infrastructure in place to handle such a major uptick in traffic.
- 4 years ago  
Per the CDC, flu cases for week 53 (ending January 2nd) the totals are as follows: For the week, 21, 013 tests, 28 positive. Cumulative since September 27, 2020, 397,934 tests, of which 925 were positive. Look back for past years and you will see that we have super low flu cases vs past years, even light years. This is completely unscientific.
- 4 years ago  
Very contagious because it was engineered to be so. Thank Tony Fauci.
- 4 years ago  
We allow our lives to be controlled by a non-living thing???
- 4 years ago  
The odds of dying are one thing, what are the odds of suffering greatly from this virus? A workmate of mine got it (got something at least!) and had been in a coma for a number of weeks and is still out of work since last march. He didn't die, but suffered greatly. What are the odds of this?
- 4 years ago  
I had a co-worker who was suspected of having it, virtually comatose and ICU hospitalized... now it turns out that 'COVID assumption' almost killed him, by virtue of delaying the search past it for the actual cause! Which was a rupture or abnormal connection between a vein and an artery in his brainstem, which they did find quickly after he showed negative for COVID. But he nearly died first ! And he was in ICU for weeks, then a therapy ward which took weeks more for him to speak, move his limbs, and I don't think he is even yet up and about.
- 4 years ago  
Check also WHO pages, where WHO changed the answer om "Is there a vaccine" think it was on descember 30th. - from NO to YES. Inside the answer they state that THEY have not approved any vaccines for Covid19. There are several national standards for NOT telling that there is no approval under normal protocol - "EUL" is one of many. There is also an issue that has not been covered: In the perspecive of the vaccination still beeing a (gigantic) clinic test all randomiseble reference groups are spoiled, and are never again accessable as the chemicals are seeded in every one on this earth.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks for your calm and fact-based exposé. I am so sick of ALL the lies, deception, fraud, and bullying.
- 4 years ago  
Bill Gates is a master BS'er. He should be tried and jailed because he's yelling "Fire" in a crowded theatre....and THAT'S a felony.
- 4 years ago  
Typed a reply to that 666 person and it never appeared. Ah, well. Not worth spending the extra time on it anyway... :)
- 4 years ago  
It must have been because you were trying to tell everyone you love me!! 😝... Love you too! 🥰
- 4 years ago  
Joe Biden says he chooses truth over facts.
- 4 years ago  
Do you think he is telling the truth!!?
- 4 years ago  
In 2018, there were 153.x million total registered voters in the USA... By the end of 2020, US population had increased ~2M over 2018, a normal amount, around 330M total, with 83M (about 25%) still under age 18, according to Census bureau. (330 - 83 = 247) in 2020 somehow 161.x million votes were cast nationwide with a claim of 239.2 million 'eligible' (I can't find hard numbers on total 2020 legally 'registered' voters, just 'eligible'). So theoretically less than 8M between 'of-age eligible' voters and total population (remember that Census couldn't confirm US citizenship) BTW, ineligible (to vote or own firearms) people with felony convictions nationwide are estimated to be ~26M. And non-citizen residents (legal and illegal) is also about 26M 83 + 26 + 26 = 135M NOT eligible to vote out of the total 330M... 330 - 135 = ? (195) Seems to be a 44.2M discrepancy? Hey, it's just math, ya know? so somehow 86 million new voters became 'eligible' and 'only' 8 million more people voted than were even registered less than 2 years prior. (Oregon has a 4.2M total population, just for 'scale' ) This is more than the total of ALL US citizens under age 18! This number is 4X the population increase (2 million) over the same time, and the 'eligible' numbers increase is 43X times the population increase. (No more than 13M became 'eligible' by becoming 18 or older since 2018) Am I the only one that feels these demographic spikes are strangely hinky?
- 4 years ago  
So what are you trying say again!!? 😝... You kinda sound smart though! 🤗
- 4 years ago  
Everyone in America can receive the exact same treatment the Trumpet received for free!! 🤔... Remember!!?... Wonder what happened.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks Tony. Shared it on Twitter. I may get a strike. lol
- 4 years ago  
That's so funny 🥴
- 4 years ago  
The fake news has just said it's another day of over 4 thousand deaths in America again today!! 🙄... If that is true! Then Tony is right!!. They really should stop sending all those sick people to the nursing homes!!... Hey!!!
- 4 years ago  
In addition to Newtube check out and
- 4 years ago  
It's ok. If potato head Biden actually gets sworn in, the plandemic will miraculously disappear within a few weeks. Oh, thank you from saving us China Joe. You're awesome. "You..... know the thing......"
- 4 years ago  
Same as in March - very contagious but not very deadly. The left needed something with which to scare us into lockdown, and trip up Trump's economy. Covid and Fauci worked perfectly. Scare the masses half to death, then offer them a solution, and you can rule the world.
- 4 years ago  
Well it worked yeh!!?... Or did the people wake up to what the Trumpet was really about!!!... ... 🤔
- 4 years ago  
Crikey bill gates is such a creep.
- 4 years ago  
Amen. Bill Gates of hell. He might be the antichrist
- 4 years ago  
Some more fact for you!!. Unbiased facts!!!... Yes you can thank me later 🤗.
- 4 years ago  
not mad at this, quite a weak debunk but at least people are trying.
- 4 years ago  
Well the only other options was & now is, to keep believing in the people like Tony & the Trumpet yeh!!?
- 4 years ago  
definitely, idk if you're being sarcastic but it's not about believing specific people, it's about not believing communists
- 4 years ago  
Or dictators!!?... 🤔
- 4 years ago  
Yeah absolutely
- 4 years ago  
Ahhh..... a video from potsmoker. Unbiased facts hahahaha!
- 4 years ago  
Did it make you happy too!?? 🤗
- 4 years ago  
Thanks Tony . keep up the videos
- 4 years ago  
What's really going down!!!.... Yes Tony you are right for once!! 😳. The risk was miniscule!!... Back on the 17th of February!! When there was only a total of 15 case in the whole of the USA, with only 12 people currently being infected & zero deaths!!!. Oh you forgot to mention that did you!?? 🤔. So what is the average death rate for the flu every year again!??.. If you would share & show the full part of Mr Fauci's interview people may understand the content & concept of what Fauci was truly trying to say! Instead of cutting it to fit what you are saying for your own personal agendas!! Yeh it a famous trick of yours & others I know! 🙄... 60 minutes interview. .... Original USA today interview & article. .... & Then what was said a few months later by Fauci!!... Stop demonizing anyone & everyone who doesn't fit your agenda Tony!!. Or are you just jealous!!?. In my opinion! You truly are the true 👹 aren't you!! .... You know, maybe people should have just been listening to the real science & real experts & doing all the right things, like washing hands ect. Instead of listening to & sharing all the bullshit propaganda that was & is getting spread around America & the world through people like Tony & all the Chinese bots that are out there!!! & Maybe we wouldn't be in this position now!!. Would we!!?. Everyone remembers the famous pictures of all the Chinese parting all night long with no social distancing & no masks on yeh!!?. Yeh the one Tony used for a couple separate propaganda video of his!!... So is it all done for own self interests!! 🤔. Yeh, you fucken betcha it is!!!... The rest of the video is just cherry picking of data & articles from who knows when & data & articles from who knows who! All mixed up well & tied up into the one big video with the added manipulation & mind tactics of flash cards & choice words!!... Did anyone check any of those 'facts' presented to you!!? From when & where they came from!?? New or old & Whether anything has been doctored, edited or tampered with!!?. Even reading the full articles can help with understanding of what's really going on sometimes!!? But no, I bet you didn't!! Instead just preferring to trust & believing in your hero's & what you see out of the one eye!! Seems to be good enough these days!! Right!??. Well wrong!!. Because that is just another example of what can be done when using deceiving tactics to deceive!. Keep it long & full, with heaps of 'facts'! & If someone busts any of, or one, come up with a some new one's!!. It's a pretty simple game hey!!... As I have no time to do it all atm & going on the first part of this video & what I already know about Tony's little tricks, I couldn't be bothered to tell you the truth!!. As it's nearly all just bullshit anyway!!!. Mixing truth with bullshit is & has always been a good way to sell a story hey! & This video my friends is basically on repeat again! Tony!!?... 'If you tell a lie big enough & repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth'!!... Oh!. Say what!?? So you do want to know the truth after all do you!!?. Ok 😊. .... As of three months ago!!!
- 4 years ago  
666..Hope you had fun writing your comment. Didn’t read it.
- 4 years ago  
Because you are a brainwashed follower!!? A Tony follower!?? Or Just apart of the 97%er's in here, who follow!!?
- 4 years ago  
Quite the rant from a uninformed idiot. I looked at your sources and they are all leftist news outlets interviewing the fraud Fauci. What does that prove TOBY? Fucking nothing.... besides your are a imbecile. And your last clip A fucking marxist new source. They say progressive but what is the difference? You seem to be the brain washed follower. A pedophile follower at that. We all know you ain't Aussie too dipshit, might as well give u that stupid cover ploy. You must have a sad and miserable life TOBY666
- 4 years ago  
Ditto! 😝... 🥰
- 4 years ago  
If they are going to force a mask mandate they should be required to provide masks that are approved to stop corona virus, has anyone seen a mask that is approved by the CDC ? Most people don't even wear an actual mask they wear something they bought off the Wal Mart end cap. What a joke.
Truth Sleuth
- 4 years ago  
Just finished watching to the end. EXCELLENT summation, Tony. You da' boss man! What an amazing time we live in.
Truth Sleuth
- 4 years ago  
I'm at 5:30 into your video. It occurs to me that the death rates peel off exactly (or nearly exactly) when the Case counts start climbing (of course, justifying new draconian lockdowns). Yeesh.
Truth Sleuth
- 4 years ago  
I'm at 5:30 into your video. It occurs to me that the death rates peel off exactly (or nearly exactly) when the Case counts start climbing (of course, justifying new draconian lockdowns). Yeesh.
- 4 years ago  
I am a 56 year old man. I have NEVER been sick for more than 4 (FOUR) hours, except in 2006, I had Guillain-Barre, which is actually an immune response, NOT a sickness. So, I really ignore all the mask/masque/facial-jock-strap mandates. I got stopped my law enforcement on my daily walk, until they got tired of it and now they just ignore me.
- 4 years ago  
I did a google search on the number of fatalities around the world and got a number just over 1.9 million. So I tried to search for the number of people that have passed away from the virus rather than with it. I can find no information, no numbers anywhere.
- 4 years ago  
Please get on
- 4 years ago  
One aspect of this coronavirus policy assault against humanity is that all coronavirus data are computerised, and therefore vulnerable to psyops cyberattack falsification. Given there are bad actors in this imbroglio, who wish to catastrophise the matter, this implies that no coronavirus data can be believed when those data are being used to justify lockdown policies.
- 4 years ago  
First of all, 100% kudos to Tony Heller! Second, anyone else not able to connect to Newtube the first half of today? It kept saying the server was down. I sense a conspiracy, no joke!
- 4 years ago  
If it was isolated, NewTube being down would not be much of a deal, but it is pretty widespread. Conservative and alternate platforms are going down and being interrupted across the internet. It's like liberal big tech is terrified of what we might find out if they don't shut down all sources they don't control. They are not acting like the run everything. They are acting like they are scared!
- 4 years ago  
If you are using an Apple device that is probably why. I couldn't use my I PAD but had no problem with my desktop. Wasn't that way until yesterday. But no problem getting you tube.
- 4 years ago  
Manditory masking failed here in Toronto. So has lockdowns. They plan on adding extra restrictions on an already failing lockdown. 🤦
- 4 years ago  
I wonder why it failed!!?... 🤔... Yeh, I think I know the answer! 🤗
- 4 years ago  
I've been so angry about the mask issue. Every mask study i read prior to 2020 showed surgical or cloth mask did not change transmission of a virus, and in fact may increase viral transmission. I believe that can be explained by our normal physiology. The virus enters easily through the mask but is not easily blown away with the next exhalation. That's what our body is designed to do. Blow contaminates away. BTW, I had no buffering on my cell.
- 4 years ago  
Since manditory mask wearing, I've had two colds, the flu and Covid. Yup, those masks work great. 🙄
- 4 years ago  
Your hygiene practices must be going great mate!! Doing all the right things I see! 👍
- 4 years ago  
Videos play fine for me with no buffering. On an unrelated, note I found this piece about "Climate change" that I had bookmarked back in 2010. I don't know how else to post it here it is. SOLAR GLOBAL WARMING by Jeffrey A. Glassman, PhD
- 4 years ago  
Newtube sucks!
- 4 years ago  
Bravo Tony! We are starving for perspective and unvarnished data on the pandemic, and you call them like you see them. Thanks. I wish you would also look at the effect that medical mistakes have on the death rates. The NIH has reported that 250,000 to 400,000 Americans die of these mistakes every year, and I think that has been a large contributor to deaths among the frail. CDC data shows the vast majority of Covid deaths are in the hospital while the large majority of deaths from all other causes are at home. Peace.
- 4 years ago  
Loads of Buffering , please change platform Tony ! ,,,I wonder is this perhaps outside interference or just a slow website ?
- 4 years ago  
When I tried to run Newtube 4 hours ago all I got was an error message about an "invalid portal". My thoughts immediately to Parler. Don't know what happened but I'm glad Newtube is back.
My Brighteon Channel
- 4 years ago  
* FYI: Getting a lot of buffering in the video. * In a "Just" country, Fauci would face aggressive prosecution for fraud on an epic scale. The terrible unnecessary human misery & economic destruction as a result of his bogus Pandemic deception is astounding. The conflicts of interest Fauci has in his owning stock in vaccine manufacturers should disqualify him from ANY position in ANY administration. And now he is being hired by Joe Biden's reset engineers. 🙄
- 4 years ago  
And another aspect: Some one told me that someones daughter got sick in Corona. "She is not having any underlying illnesses. But then, that young person is obese, and living a unhealthy life. "But that's fatshaming!!!" Obesity is now, "the new normal" and should almost be praised today. I work with psychiatric patients, many with bad habits due to their illness, and BMI around 35-45. We will see much more deaths due to suicides, isolation, unhealthy lifestyle and general misery of life than Corona.
- 4 years ago  
Love your videos. Keep up the good work. :)
- 4 years ago  
The WHO new 'herd immunity' definition that Tony refers to here was so blatantly wrong that even the WHO have had to double back and put a milder version of it out there where they only "recommend" vaccination as one of the two known pathways to herd immunity:
- 4 years ago  
Tony, your videos here are unwatchable! A couple of seconds and they start buffering (or whatever they're doing) and the whole experience is unbearable. I encourage a YT alternative, but I expect one that's working. This is not.
- 4 years ago  
I agree. Maybe Rumble
- 4 years ago  
YouTube is going great!! 😝
- 4 years ago  
I just keep calm and wait a short while on pause while the video loads. Not difficult.
- 4 years ago  
I encourage to download videos, in general not only because they're easier to watch, but also to store them and re-upload them, in case a channel like Tony's channel is censored. It seems like Big Tech is working really hard to defeat any opposition to the allowed narrative.
- 4 years ago  
It isn't good: 10 minutes and only 14 seconds played. Pity because they are great videos.
- 4 years ago  
Still having severe buffering issues on NewTube.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks for always telling the truth...
- 4 years ago  
Can you please point out, were he always tell the truth!! 😝
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
When President Trump stopped funding the WHO because of their collusion with China, Bill Gates by default became the main contributer to this globalst organization. Now you can clearly see why. His investment is paid back many, many times.
- 4 years ago  
Takes money to make money!!? Yes???. Where is he sitting in the top ten for money earned this year in America!??. Was it all because of his involvement in a vaccine!!?... So in the end, thinking world wide! Is he really the main contributor to a vaccine!?? Or!!! 🤔
- 4 years ago  
The "amended" WHO statements are exactly the type of thing George Orwell described in his dystopian novel 1984 (back on the bestseller lists again) when in chapter 4 he writes of Winston who works for the Ministry of Truth: "As soon as Winston had dealt with each of the messages, he clipped his speakwritten corrections to the appropriate copy of ‘The Times’ and pushed them into the pneumatic tube. Then, with a movement which was as nearly as possible unconscious, he crumpled up the original message and any notes that he himself had made, and dropped them into the memory hole to be devoured by the flames." Orwell envisioned the government elite controlled communication system as being printed matter which was circulated by pneumatic tubes and not the mainly electronic communications we know today, but otherwise his predictions were largely spot on. The "amended" WHO statements are exactly the type of thing George Orwell described in his dystopian novel 1984 (back on the bestseller lists again) when in chapter 4 he writes of Winston who works for the Ministry of Truth: "As soon as Winston had dealt with each of the messages, he clipped his speakwritten corrections to the appropriate copy of ‘The Times’ and pushed them into the pneumatic tube. Then, with a movement which was as nearly as possible unconscious, he crumpled up the original message and any notes that he himself had made, and dropped them into the memory hole to be devoured by the flames." Orwell envisioned the government elite controlled communication system as being printed matter which was circulated by pneumatic tubes and not the mainly electronic communications we know today, but otherwise his predictions were largely spot on. This book and Animal Farm should be made required reading in schools to combat the rising tide of Technocracy and communism.
- 4 years ago  
Thinking that patch of mushrooms just out the back is going really good!!! 😝... Or!! He's a Chinese bot!! 🤔
- 4 years ago  
2022 be a real pandemic
- 4 years ago  
I'm not against vaccines, but for metabolically and immunically healthy people there is no need for it. Also I would never take a vaccine developed in one year (takes more than 10 normally) by people who are not liable for their product!
- 4 years ago  
Big factor seems to be the test itself. To unspecific, giving false positive results. This may explain the high number of postive test without any symptoms. patients with flu symptoms (basically same as Covid19) get tested only for Covid, the unspecific test gives positive result because of another corona strain - voila, flu just became covid 19 case.
- 4 years ago  
Yeah, I'm convinced it would fall apart if this "test" was properly scrutinised in good faith but because it's all we've got no one dare officially question it. In the UK we're now even using this lateral flow test which has even less specificity, it was even approved for home use despite reservations. All these frightened people at home worried senseless, getting tested bumping up the false-positive rate even further, and when you're testing so many people even when the virus might barely even be in circulation these false-positives are only making it appear so. A never-ending self-fulfilling prophecy!
- 4 years ago  
can't believe how many "evens" I used there. Sorry :)
- 4 years ago  
Tony shit!! Yes Tony you are right for once!! 😳. The risk was miniscule!!... Back on the 17th of February!! When there was only a total of 15 case in the whole of the USA, with only 12 people currently being infected & zero deaths!!!. Oh you forgot to mention that did you!?? 🤔. So what is the average death rate for the flu every year again!??.. If you would share & show the full part of Mr Fauci's interview people may understand the content & concept of what Fauci was truly trying to say! Instead of cutting it to fit what you are saying for your own personal agendas!! Yeh it a famous trick of yours & others I know! 🙄... 60 minutes interview. .... Original USA today interview & article. .... & Then what was said a few months later by Fauci!!... Stop demonizing anyone & everyone who doesn't fit your agenda Tony!!. Or are you just jealous!!?. In my opinion! You truly are the true 👹 aren't you!! .... You know, maybe people should have just been listening to the real science & real experts & doing all the right things, like washing hands ect. Instead of listening to & sharing all the bullshit propaganda that was & is getting spread around America & the world through people like Tony & all the Chinese bots that are out there!!! & Maybe we wouldn't be in this position now!!. Would we!!?. Everyone remembers the famous pictures of all the Chinese parting all night long with no social distancing & no masks on yeh!!?. Yeh the one Tony used for a couple separate propaganda video of his!!... So is it all done for own self interests!! 🤔. Yeh, you fucken betcha it is!!!... The rest of the video is just cherry picking of data & articles from who knows when & data & articles from who knows who! All mixed up well & tied up into the one big video with the added manipulation & mind tactics of flash cards & choice words!!... Did anyone check any of those 'facts' presented to you!!? From when & where they came from!?? New or old & Whether anything has been doctored, edited or tampered with!!?. Even reading the full articles can help with understanding of what's really going on sometimes!!? But no, I bet you didn't!! Instead just preferring to trust & believing in your hero's & what you see out of the one eye!! Seems to be good enough these days!! Right!??. Well wrong!!. Because that is just another example of what can be done when using deceiving tactics to deceive!. Keep it long & full, with heaps of 'facts'! & If someone busts any of, or one, come up with a some new one's!!. It's a pretty simple game hey!!... As I have no time to do it all atm & going on the first part of this video & what I already know about Tony's little tricks, I couldn't be bothered to tell you the truth!!. As it's nearly all just bullshit anyway!!!. Mixing truth with bullshit is & has always been a good way to sell a story hey! & This video my friends is basically on repeat again! Tony!!?... 'If you tell a lie big enough & repeat it often enough, it becomes the truth'!!... Oh!. Say what!?? So you do want to know the truth after all do you!!?. Ok 😊. .... As of three months ago!!!
- 4 years ago  
Steady on. Your TDS is growing more severe. At this rate it may prove terminal very soon when Mr Trump begins his second term and Tony gets the recognition he richly deserves!
- 4 years ago  
😂😂😂. Funny you should say that!! 😝... Time will tell hey!!?. I spose you could guess what is going to happen! Which wouldn't be hard!! Considering were we at atm!. 50/50 chance you reckon!!?... Ok so I'll be more precise!!. Good times/bad times!??... I'm sure you know the answer!!! 😊
- 4 years ago  
Well said George!
- 4 years ago  
Georgie porgie stuck a finger in his eye!! 😝
- 4 years ago  
Faulty Fauci - Bullshitter personified.
- 4 years ago  
Corruption in high places. But Fauci still seems to have a little bit of a conscience left. Gates on the other hand doesn't care at all about the well-being of other people. He reminds me of an evil swine, but more importantly, he should be made responsible for his actions in a court of law.
- 4 years ago
- 4 years ago  
Interesting!!... 🤔
King Nosmo
- 4 years ago  
what's happening to the downloads... I get "Failed - server problem"
- 4 years ago  
Tony, the buffering makes the video unwatchable! Please post to Bitchute!
- 4 years ago  
i have no trouble
- 4 years ago  
Sums everything up quite nicely. The U.K. is currently in a police recruitment drive for 20000 new officers. Obviously to enforce lockdown rules.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks Tony! Getting ready for the Big, New, Shiny Reset!
- 4 years ago  
Why what's happening!!? 😳
- 4 years ago  
Great summary of Fauci's malfeasance Tony. You left out his very disturbing assertion in late 2015 that Trump would definitely face a pandemic in his first term. Note that while 'case' numbers have increased in Scotland since we were told to wear masks, the majority of these cases are asymptomatic (false) positives. Excess mortality has been higher than average but not higher than in some previous flu seasons, and certainly not unprecedented.
- 4 years ago  
Tony, how come we never see any slides from Sweden anymore? Why do you only show the pediatric flu chart -- where is the adult one ? People here say hospital ICU's are at peak capacity. Why don't we see data on the last 3-4 years ?
- 4 years ago  
The worst consequence of the Covid "plan-demic" has been the high mortality rate for truth, honesty and common sense!
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
It doesn't work here, problem related to my internet provider or by newtube? YouTube still works by the way...
- 4 years ago  
Could be your internet, the creator mentioned before it was only formatted in HD so you might be buffering due to bandwidth issue on your LAN.
- 4 years ago  
Leftards are worthless vermin fit only for involuntary organ harvesting and then extermination.
- 4 years ago  
Tony only attracts the best!! 😝
- 4 years ago  
Covid 19 is a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are aka the common cold or flu virus. Which means the following: 1. You cannot make a permanent, effective vaccine for coronaviruses, as we have never been able to make one for the common cold or the flu. 2. Coronaviruses mutate constantly, which make vaccines, like the yearly flu vaccine useless. 3. Even if you get a flu vaccine or CV19 vaccine, and you do develop antibodies, they will only last 3-4 months, and if you are exposed once to a person with the virus, your antibodies get used up and you need another vaccine. Not a good idea. 4. It was known 100 years ago that taking potassium sulphate is essential for warding off coronavirus based sickness. Potassium sulfate or Kali Sulf, along Kali Mur, and Kali Phos(phate), vitamin C, D, and Zinc will practically guarantee you will not get sick. My wife and I had CV19 in early February. I cured myself and her within days by using Penicillin Potassium Sulphate 3X/day, Citron tea(made of crushed lemons,oranges, and 2 types of Vitamin C, get at Asian stores), and Advil the first day only. I found the cure in an esoteric biochemistry book from 1922. BTW, its also the cure for cancer.
- 4 years ago  
Sounds like you have done a lot of studying on the subject!!... What is the book you talk about!?? I'm interested in having a look.
- 4 years ago  
Hi Tony, the easiest one to get is "Zodiac and the salts of salvation" by George W. Carey. also read |The Poisoned Needle for info on pandemics like spanish flu. or watch spacebusters video "biochemistry debunks corona" for a synopsis of everything.
- 4 years ago  
Actually!! I'm only interested in the book you were talking about! The 1922 one!!?. So what is the name!??... & Please don't think I'm being direct!! I'm genuinely interested!... Thanks 👍
- 3 years ago  
Hi Tony, sorry for the long delay. Its the book I mentioned below by Dr. George W. Carey. Cheers!
- 4 years ago  
finally, newtube loaded... lol
- 4 years ago  
The efficacy of Ivermectin in Africa and South America and Bangladesh has kept the death rate at a minimum when it was projected to be in the tens of millions. And now the use of Ivermectin and Doxycycline in Africa has been made a criminal offense. Would someone please explain that to me?
- 4 years ago  
Yes that’s easy. South Africa want to lower their population and South African officials want to get a lot of money. Easy. Very surprised you had to ask 👍🏻😃
- 4 years ago  
The obvious insanity has to be disputed, at any time. The Ignorance, generally speaking, is the enemy in every society. Not a statement to provoke anyone, but a wish to protect yourself and your beloved ones. The Clown Masks 🎭 is a fake "protecting gear/tool! The PCR Tests is useless, to detect viruses and most of us knows then, that the "case" nonsense is a fantasi game. Here is some information about vaccines and the defenition of a vaccine: Dr. Wakefield warns: ”This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification” - And futhermore: Dr David Martin - "This Is NOT A Vaccine" And: Professor Dolores Cahill Discussion of mRNA "Vaccinations" This is real, sane and wise information, which make a difference, to make good decisions about your health. 🤗🤗🤗
- 4 years ago  
This is the largest experiment on humans ever attempted. Normally Human experimentation can only be done under approval by an institutional review board. Clearly that doesn’t apply when billionaires can make bank.
- 4 years ago  
I was surprised to find that the famous Spanish flu was caused by a vaccination program.
- 4 years ago  
I keep forgetting you are on new tube. I found telegram as a substitute for Twitter. It’s actually pretty good.
- 4 years ago  
Good stuff..
- 4 years ago  
I understand the cabal has stopped giving o2 to patients in Sweden to create numbers , as well as fear and death . At the same time increasing wifi signals which mirrors symptoms.
- 4 years ago  
A brilliant analysis of the situation! How can it be that this insanity cannot be stopped when it so cristal clear that it gigantic scam! After all, there are enough people all around the world that should have brain enough to understand this if it is explained this clearly!
- 4 years ago  
Tony is persuading with reason, data and reality. The other side is persuading with irrational fear, virtue signaling and threats. Guess which is most persuasive for most humans. Eventually reality will win when personal experience overcomes the fear, but that does take a long time, especially when the most powerful people in the world are aggressively hiding reality from the people (like in Orwell's 1984). Tony has started the using the more persuasive method by making us more afraid of the people pushing the narrative than the narrative itself. This is still rational because history tells us that the people driving the fake narrative are almost always more dangerous to humanity than the narrative itself.
- 4 years ago  
I would like to make a prediction: In the upcoming year, we will see a large increase in the death rates for all age groups, and these death ratios will be attributed to virus one more time. My prediction however is based on the fact that we are in a lockdown and people will start to experience massive health issues due to inactivity.
- 4 years ago  
I can't help but think of an SG1 episode where everyone was vaccinated and a side effect of hte vaccine was sterility. With Agenda 2030 only 10 years away it makes me wonder.
- 4 years ago  
I'm in Scotland here. It's horrible. My mental health is so bad, has been for a while, then I started getting help just before these lockdowns. But I've been ignored ever since it started. Anyone else out there struggling..........hold on. <3
- 4 years ago  
Vaccines work by Herd Immunity. Vaccines expose you to a virus and you develop immunity.
- 4 years ago  
Don't assume vaccines work. I was surprised to find that the famous Spanish flu was caused by a vaccination program.
- 4 years ago  
The proplem about this "vaccine" is, that it isn't a vaccine and doesn't fulfill the standards, to be labelled as a vaccine.
- 4 years ago  
Brilliant portrayal of the BS from the technocrats and politicians. An example I can add; a mask is supposed to stop you exhaling Sars Cov2 particles, but it wont stop you inhaling them. I believe the science shows you create aerosolised particles on exhaling through and around a mask and these are pullied through and around the mask when inhaling. And if you need to eat, too bad, because you will die if the mask is off.
- 4 years ago  
Love you Tony your awesome.
- 4 years ago  
Must be the trolls bedtime.
- 4 years ago  
Hopefully 🤗
- 4 years ago  
He took his meds! Mental illness is a terrible thing. Poor guy.
- 4 years ago  
Don't forget your dummy!! 😝
- 4 years ago  
Flattening the economy has always been their goal. They need to kill the economy in order to bring in their "Great Reset". Fauci obviously got the memo late and had to back-pedal but he's certainly receiving his orders from Davos now.
- 4 years ago  
Fauci and the World Health Organization are in Bill Gates' back pocket. Gates is the "Man Behind the Curtain. He's also the Devil in a Mr. Rogers sweater.
- 4 years ago  
Now c'mon!! That's harsh!... I personally think it's Tony!! 😝 👹
- 4 years ago  
Tony. Is there a problem for you if I post your Newtube videos to my a Twitter and Facebook. I don’t care if it bites me in the butt. I don’t want to jeopardize your newtube channel. Thanks much.
- 4 years ago  
Then they say that "people are not wearing them correctly" which means they don't work? And if someone spits in your eye you will still get infected, which means that they don't work. Leftist idiots are never wrong, just stupid.
- 4 years ago  
Hey Tony. Your information is based on some good sound reasonings. I do appreciate your efforts to disseminate, under the present circumstances. Can you provide some links. Because the font size is very hard to read. Keep up the good work, fun!
- 4 years ago  
There is an Australian immunologist named Edward 'Ted' Steele that debunks the veracity of PCR tests. Interesting fella. Look him up folks, as he nails the conjob and lies we have been fed.
I could be wrong.
- 4 years ago  
Great stuff
- 4 years ago  
The manufacturer warning on the side of the box says;” this mask won’t stop transmission of covid 19” Obviously the “experts and silly sheep in face diapers can’t read.
- 4 years ago  
Yes, they are still working on pandemic II. I wonder what lab is producing that one?
- 4 years ago  
Tony try Rumble , Newtube does not play well.
- 4 years ago  
Clicked the link to your newtube that I've got on my Google taskbar and got a message come up about 'checking my browser'. Dumped it immediately and tried to get newtube on Bing - same thing happened again, didn't do it the other day when I was on here. Finally got here without any spurious messages by clicking the link on the yootoob vid. Strange Times.
- 4 years ago  
I also had trouble getting newtube to load for this video using puffin browser, possible ddos attack. i think the server was simply overloaded with legitimate users.
- 4 years ago  
I keep hearing about the new mutated strains of Covid-19. Maybe that's the 2nd pandemic Bill Gates is talking about. I better hold off for the Vaccine 2.0 to come out.
- 4 years ago  
The buffering on Newtube is horrendous
- 4 years ago  
And the BS just keeps on coming.
- 4 years ago  
Tony thank you for the link you put on utube. It's very helpful to so I can watch your full video on newtube.
- 4 years ago  
Most people in the west are idiots. Or maybe just a large percentage. There no one behind the door being welded lol.
- 4 years ago  
Tony I have watched you clips here before but this won’t play. Just a heads up.
- 4 years ago  
Yes something tried to warn me when I jumped over from uglytube I hope they don’t shut you down. Good luck, we appreciate your truth.
- 4 years ago  
Newtube doesn't have the bandwidth of the "tube", ergo itcan be much slower.
- 4 years ago  
Every time Gates is questioned the media should state that he stands to make billions by compelling people to be's a clear conflict of interest...the same with Gore selling Man Made global BS and wanting to force 'clean' energy on all of us that will make him even richer...follow the money.
Gilfort the great
- 4 years ago  
Jake R
- 4 years ago  
Tony - youtube may be effing with your newtube interface. Send links to new newtube vids on real climate science emails pls.
- 4 years ago  
Now I’m the man in the 📦
- 4 years ago  
By this stage, ppl who don't want to agree they've been tricked by their governments, the WHO, big pharma etc etc, are probably past redemption. Easier to fool somebody than to convince them they've been fooled. Keep up the great work Tony!
Jonathan Wapcaplet
- 4 years ago  
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
- 4 years ago  
The Elderly Often Welcome Death as a Good Friend and Leave this World with Gratitude.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
I have read that pneumonia was sometimes called, "The Old Man's Friend" because it was a fairly painless way to go.
- 4 years ago  
In other words... just follow the money.
- 4 years ago  
Do you get the impression we are all preaching to the choir ? My elderly parents are just seeing a number on the TV getting higher and higher and no amount of facts I throw at them will convince them of the 'why' they are being lied to. The only hope are the health workers and police who no longer want to go along with this but they are being silenced and de-platformed. We need a different approach from our best and brightest, before millions have that shit pumped into their arms.
- 4 years ago  
By the time April of last year came around and I didn't see people dying all around me was when my life went back to normal. Well, as normal as it could be. Not abided by any of the rules since. I've got a sensitive nose to bullshit.
- 4 years ago  
Jeezus...just despicable vampires.
Spencer Fan
- 4 years ago  
What's better than being filthy rich? Being even richer... by any means necessary. It's even more satisfying if it means screwing over the very people that made him filthy rich in the first place.
- 4 years ago  
Wake up, people!
- 4 years ago  
The National Institute of Health (NIH) and "Dr." Anthony Faucki (QUACK) also has said this...
- 4 years ago  
A respiratory virus DEPENDS on the symptoms of it's infection to SPREAD and propagate itself, has anyone seen a person cough INTO a mask? They always move it out of the way rather than create a mess they have to breathe through. The ONLY thing that cures a virus IS the immune system.
- 4 years ago  
The National Institute of Health (NIH) and "Dr." Anthony Faucki (QUACK) also has said this...
- 4 years ago  
Jeezus...just despicable vampires.