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Tony HellerPLUS



Virus Logic And Proportion

  - 9:04

Like with climate science, people on the political left demonstrate little or no ability to think rationally about viruses,






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December 27th 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 4 years ago  

Congratulations Joe Biden!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘


- 4 years ago  

Read Alex Berenson's "The Truth about Covid-19" on Amazon Kindle for $5.99. The science shows that lockdowns are ineffective and masks very nearly as ineffective. This is a manufactured crisis.


- 4 years ago  

The problem with the leftie snowflakes is that they believe COVID deaths are far worse than cancer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes. COVID is a fate worse than death according to them. We are being told here in Wales that a new strain is running rampant, and people actually believe there are bodies piling up at hospitals and the crematoriums are over run. The truth is, according to the Office of National Statistic (ONS) we have had zero deaths in "all months". When I share this with the idiots, they refuse to look at the website, or are hypnotized to the extent that they cannot see it. I actually had 2 say to me that I had made it up, and is yet another conspiracy theory that I have dreamed up. They also said this when I gave them a government website page to look at. If it doesn't come from the BBC or Sky News, then in their minds it has to be fake. The scary scary thing is, that these are people who were once intelligent. What the hell is going on here in the UK!!!! It isn't cognitive dissonance or Stockholm Syndrome, this appears to be out and out hypnotism!


- 4 years ago  

CDC conceded that 94% of covid related deaths are NOT due to covid and yet local authorities and their bombastic partners in crime, the LSM, push the wildly hyperbolic narrative.


- 4 years ago  

The Earth's climate has been changing for the past billion years and we have the four seasons but the imbeciles in the Governments and academic establishment, MSM and so on have suddenly realized these facts and decided it is caused by us criminally insane humans. Question -- how in God's name are these imbeciles being allowed to hold key positions of power and authority in our societies.?

Stephen Nixey

- 4 years ago  

Some so called 'scientific' people do not get the fact that statistics show that masks and lockdowns simply do not work, they ignored the already present science and took it into their own hands to guess again with peoples lively hoods and well-being and yet they are still beating the same drum!


- 4 years ago  

To bad your critics prefer to strawman you rather than hear you out.


- 4 years ago  

Wearing a mask is akin to using an umbrella to protect from asteroids, in the presence of the virus or an asteroid, they will accomplish crap all zero.


- 4 years ago  

All of us should wear crash helmets for we are hundreds of times more likely to have something kill us via head injury.


- 4 years ago  

The Wyoming Governor was afraid he might not get credit for helping defeat the virus and so enacted a mask mandate for no reason other than potentially looking good.


- 4 years ago  

I am impressed by the right, not the other one. But you can be wrong some times but not all of the times except you are leftist. Or should we call it wrongitis?


- 4 years ago  

Tony I love your measured and logical presentation of facts. I fear that we continue to preach to the choir, since seldom do people of an opposite point of view want to explore the facts. The Mass Media has created a fear bomb, that can't be disarmed. Oh how I wish some folks would really explore the facts.


- 4 years ago  

Wow.. the trolls really just lay their ghastly ignorance out there for all of us to pity.. it's pathetic but I guess you gotta let them do their dumb as dirt stuff.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ... Hey you join in more often ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

It's not the left Tony, id's say it's the 1%.


- 4 years ago  

The 1% drives the narrative but it is the leftists that enforce its primacy.


- 4 years ago  

Tony why do you have 666 after your name ? I don't know why anyone would want to use those numbers.


- 4 years ago  

I'm his twin brother!! We were separated at birth! We're exactly the same, apart from the brain. Some say we're sane, some say we're insane, as we only have, half a brain!!! The operation was in vain, as now only half a brain. I can think which side we got, but it's not a lot, as we had to share, what was only there.... Two sides to every story, all for glory!!... ๐Ÿค”


- 4 years ago  

Some people are calling me this or that person & some are just calling me this & that!!. But this is the fact!!! ๐Ÿค—... But what about Sweden!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜. Yes, but also what other countries that have it under control!!? Should I mention them!?? Or do you think you could find some unbiased information out there somewhere!!?. I could let you know of one, which will certainly stir up the hornets nest!!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

Once again Tony, thank you. I go about my day and try to ignore this absolute madness. I was chased down yesterday in a nut store by the cashier, because my mask didn't cover my big nose. He was all of 23 years old. Yes it was an actual nut store, and not the DEMOcRAT party headquarters, I wanted some Brazil nuts. Listening to your sane blogs along with listening to Dennis Prager, Mark Levin, Larry Elder, and other clear thinkers has kept me and my wife sane. Once again. Thank you.


- 4 years ago  

I agree that the smart move was to help protect the very old and very ill ... but even they should not have been FORCED to obey tyrannical orders.


- 4 years ago  

Well said Tony. I'd love to send this to other Leftists, but it's pointless, as most are simply too far gone. Up is down and down is up... there is no convincing them otherwise. Facts or logic are irrelevant. We are sadly sinking into a Marxist dystopia of totalitarianism (see China). Like frogs in a slow-boiling pot of water, they know NOT what awaits them.


- 4 years ago  

Once again dead on. Keep carrying the message you do it so well. Thank you for speaking out against the insanity.


- 4 years ago  

Unfortunately Tony "no amount of facts logic or evidence will persuade a willful ignorant imbecile."


- 4 years ago  

I know right!!


- 4 years ago  

95% shouldn't and won't give up the enjoyment of their lives for 5%.

Klyde Sixkiller

- 4 years ago  

"Science minded" people driving around by themselves with all the windows rolled up tight wearing two masks and a face shield. - smh


- 4 years ago  

Good story bro!! ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

Always loved that song too


- 4 years ago  

So, with tony's illogic, since I have high blood pressure and I get shot and died, I did not die from a bullet wound. I would have died anyway. Good to know.


- 4 years ago  

Such scenarios have been happening quite a lot this year.


- 4 years ago  

That is not Tony's logic. It's the medical establishment and government psychopath's logic.


- 4 years ago  

@DxV04 yes it is his logic and many of the people who post here. There is no pandemic, all the deaths numbers are fake because all these people had other diseases. It is absurd. Just because I'm living with high blood pressure does not mean my life can't be cut short if I contract covid-19. That is what deniers like tony have been saying.


- 4 years ago  

You are a perfect example of leftist logic.


- 4 years ago  

Your a perfect ๐Ÿ‘Œ, example of a rightist!! ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

A gunshot wound is not comparable to a viral pathogen. If you're going to use that kind argument, you should pick a less hysterical-sounding example, otherwise you're making the exact point Tony was describing; a lack of understanding wrt proportion; i.e., emotional thinking where reason is required. As for the argument itself... The overall death rate for 2020 was basically the same as previous years. Aside from making apparent the fact that death is unavoidable and that the state-driven hysteria is not based in rationality, the numbers suggest that false attribution may be involved, and based on many other reports available, this is very likely the case.


- 4 years ago  

@MarOakley. The gunshot analogy was meant to be as absurd as all the mentions of 2020 deaths from deniers that they all had comorbidities and would have died anyway (tony) and as absurd as the opposite side that never includes other deaths (increased suicides, people refraining from tests or treatments,..) when mentioning excess 2020 deaths. Now for your statement "overall death rate for 2020 was basically the same as previous years", please back that up with a published study, I want to read it. The study should be similar to the one that I linked to below that tries and delineate attributes to the excess deaths.


- 4 years ago  

@MarkOakley Another more recently published paper on excess deaths:

The CDC uses two grossly contradictory numbers of annual deaths from pneumonia and influenza: about 55,000 in the annual leading causes of the death report and about 188,000 in National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data used on the FluView web site to report the percentage of deaths each week due to pneumonia and influenza. These differ by a factor of OVER THREE. The larger FluView number is over half the current total of about 322,000 COVID-19 deaths which is often compared to an annual number of "flu" deaths of about 55,000. (Dec. 23, 2020) Since it is generally agreed that lockdowns and quarantines are not justified for a disease similar to typical annual pneumonia and influenza deaths, the reasons for this gross contradiction in the two annual death numbers should be resolved. Is it correct to compare the COVID-19 death numbers to the FluView number, the leading causes of death number, or some other number and, if so, exactly why and how? Full details here: How Reliable are the US CDC's Death Numbers:


- 4 years ago  

Have you noticed that pneumonia numbers on the FluView report don't match those on the CovidView report?


- 4 years ago  

Fun fact. The manufacturer warning on the side of the box says.โ€ This mask will not stop the transmission of covid 19 โ€œ. Canโ€™t make this shit up . Obviously the โ€œexperts and silly sheep in face diapers canโ€™t read .


- 4 years ago  

Many things & people, if not all these day!! ๐Ÿค”. Have a disclaimer somewhere!... Doesn't mean, it doesn't work!!!


- 4 years ago  

Obombme dropped 26000 bombs on 7 countries in 8 years. Him and Biden killed more innocent women and children than covid ever will .


- 4 years ago  

Why not include Trumps for a comparison:


- 4 years ago  

That's interesting, all your references are left wing media crap. We know, we know cnn told you it was true so you believe. More brilliant logic little mev


- 4 years ago  

Oh!!. Mr rightie again!!! ๐Ÿ˜. Very logical, that you are just all talk with no substance at all ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

You can tell when you are getting to the leftist by the number of trolls that follow your channel, keep it coming they are in panic mode because they can't false flag you here! Poor poor lefty ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ’‹


- 4 years ago  

I'm a rightie!! ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

666, you are a liar. A compulsive liar really. period end of story


- 4 years ago  

Fuck!!... I just starting to get into that story! ๐Ÿ˜ข


- 4 years ago  

"More than twenty million Americans died while Barack Obama was President." The genocide the Left won't talk about.


- 4 years ago  

Genocide!!?... ๐Ÿค”


- 4 years ago  

Seems to me the covid outbreak was a gift to those wishing to impose control over us all and shut down vacations/transport/airline travel to further the climate change agenda. It was gift they simply couldn't pass up. They knew the man made global warming message was dead because people simply don't believe it so they jumped at this chance to lock us in and shut us down. I am 62 and pretty damn fit and healthy and I live in rural France which has been locked down on and off since March. I still don't know one person who has had this covid thing let alone died from it. I wear a mask because I am legally obliged to but I have no doubt at all I won't get covid. What I did get 22 years ago was proper real influenza and it was shit. I was knocked off my feet for ten days and felt terrible. But I recovered fine and ever since then have hardly had so much as a common cold. Keep it going Uncle Tony and please make it clear that the buffoon who is TonyHeller666 is NOT you.


- 4 years ago  

Damn you!!. Why blow my cover!!? I had everyone fooled until you came along!!!... Buffoon is sooo soft!!. You starting to get soft in your old age!??... I like it better when you called me, a cunt!!! ๐Ÿค—. Cause that's what we all do in here!!. Yeh!!?


- 4 years ago  

Tony, I love your New Tube videos. However, I have one area of confusion. The CDC estimates unofficially that more than 300,000 excess deaths have occurred in 2020 compared to the last year. There are not official numbers for 2019 or 2020 but this estimate seems to be in the ballpark. How do we account for the excess deaths if not from Covid?


- 4 years ago  

Do you really expect heller to respond to your question? In the end, when confronted with the number of hospitalizations and deaths, they just say it is all fake. Nothing to see.

Tony Heller

- 4 years ago  

Lots of people with serious medical conditions have been denied treatment or were too afraid to go to the hospital. Lots of suicides and other health issues caused by isolation and depression.


- 4 years ago  

If the dead can vote, then they can also die.


- 4 years ago  

@Tony Heller You didn't respond to his question. Also, if all these people with serious medical conditions have been denied treatment or were too afraid to go to the hospital, how could the hospitalizations be so high? Where are the sick coming from if people aren't going into the hospital? Maybe the sars-cov-2 infected people getting sick?


- 4 years ago  

mev, hospitals have been near empty all summer and fall. Nurses were furloughed all across America until a month ago.


- 4 years ago  

I have my very own stalker in the form of someone who thinks I read his replies to me. He is mistaken. It is clear that opposing views to the truth can only be a lie. I no longer need to know what those views consist of in any detail. An "open mind" is also open to deception if you take the definition literally. Why impose that on yourself in the name of "fairness" or whatever? Learn the truth and live it and leave the rest to the liars and worshippers of death. My peace of mind is far more important than attempting to appear fair-minded or that horrible word "inclusive". Trace the history of the fall of America back to its roots and you will find such gobbledygook clogging up the minds of people in the name of "justice" or some misguided goal of the unification of Man.


- 4 years ago  

Well aren't you lucky!!. You must be special or something hey ๐Ÿค—... The fall of America ๐Ÿค”. The worshipers of death ๐Ÿค”. The liers ๐Ÿค”. The deception ๐Ÿค”. Open mind ๐Ÿค”. The fairness ๐Ÿค”. The inclusive ๐Ÿค”. The justice ๐Ÿค”. All gobbledygook ๐Ÿค”....... The truth!!! ๐Ÿค—

Central Tundish

- 4 years ago  

We should have went with herd immunity, instead we went with herd mentality!


- 4 years ago  

Facts don't matter to the left. It is a sickness of the mind. It's like the patients of a mental heath hospital are running society. I don't see any way of treating this illness. Talking to them doesn't work. In fact, they want people who do have a point to be silenced. If you are standing in the way of communism, you should be tried for crimes against humanity. That is really what this virus is. That's what Climate Change is.


- 4 years ago  

Tony, perhaps it would be better to ask why the government health departments still refuse to accept that there are successful early treatments available that would negate the needles illness and deaths. This site is a must visit for anyone with an interest. Eminent frontline doctors are being ignored.


- 4 years ago  

Good summary of what the left is interested in at the end, but you forgot "POWER", their ultimate goal, using whatever mechanism or excuse available to that end . . .


- 4 years ago  

Trump is golfing in Florida. Pence is skiing in Vail. Biden is hiding in his basement still. He knows there will be no transition for him, except to jail.


- 4 years ago  

The kids were playing that funny bone!


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

"We are ruining the lives of millions and millions of young people for nothing" Don't agree with you on this Tony. I think there is a purpose and it is totally nefarious. This is being done to destroy the middle class. The middle class or bourgeoisie have been targeted for destruction since the time of Karl Marx. The lockdowns fulfill a communist dream that otherwise couldn't be accomplished in America. Communism requires the expropriation of property which Americans would never willingly allow. The lockdowns will ultimately force the abandonment of Bourgeoisie property. At that point expropriation will 'appear' to be an acceptable process to deal with the abandoned property. In the Soviet Union there were just two classes: the wealthy and powerful, and the poor and controlled. This same paradigm existed in China under Mao. Both the Soviet Union and China not only got rid of the middle class figurately they did it literally. They rounded up academics and those with 'leadership' qualities and either killed them or sent to gulags to die slowly and without hope. This is what is in store for America if it doesn't wake up soon.


- 4 years ago  

You're spot on there. The lockdowns have nothing to do with Covid, neither do masks and (anti) social distancing and the rest of the crap. Covid is the excuse, as much as the Global Warming hysteria is.


- 4 years ago  

when is it going to happen? Lets say biden becomes president on the 20th, when is all this property of the middle class going to be taken? When are the academics going to be killed or sent to prison? Just want to be prepared.


- 4 years ago  

The middle class is a threat to the upper class and envy to the base class. Two enemies, one with power majority and the other with population majority. We have reached full potential and theres no need for a hard working middle class anymore. Give it 50 years and we're on square one again.


- 4 years ago  

Can you!!?... ๐Ÿค”... If you can't! Thank the people like the Trumpet!!. & The people like Tony!!! ๐Ÿค—... That should just about cover everyone in here too! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

Made in America!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

The lockdowns have had *exactly* the intended purpose... the conversion of Western Civilization into a Socialist Paradise under the lawless and tyrannical administration of an evil and lying Globalist Oligarchy.


- 4 years ago  

& the you bought & mobile phone!! ๐Ÿ˜... ๐Ÿค”


- 4 years ago  

Dont matter Tony, throw this at them and they, will say they didn't wear a mask correctly. Which means every country on the planet doesn't wear a mask correctly, or in other words, it doesn't work! But as you have said they just stamp their little feet, start frothing at the mouth, (sorry Toto) and start showing spaghetti science, (makes no sense).


- 4 years ago  

Another well constructed summary of tyranny within America.


- 4 years ago  

FFS!!!. Put a new video up!!. WTF are we paying for!!! ๐Ÿ˜... Plus I'm getting bored ๐Ÿคช... & Yeh, no one knows WTF they are talking about!!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚... But if you want to challenge me!! I'm here ๐Ÿค—... Especially you Tony!! ๐Ÿ‘


- 4 years ago  

Is that you, Fraud-Chi?


- 4 years ago  

It might just be!! ๐Ÿคซ


- 4 years ago  

Fear has always been an effective tool of oppression and control and even more so today with socialist media that is used like the brown shirts of the Nazi party!


- 4 years ago  

How old are you!??


- 4 years ago  

You would think people are more informed today, and I think that's factual however we are in such deep personal debt that we are afraid anyway. Debt is not freedom of anything, especially thought.


- 4 years ago  

Some people in here seem to, fantasize!! ๐Ÿ˜... But guess what!!. Yeh, it's real!!! ๐Ÿ˜... ๐Ÿค”


- 4 years ago  

How Old are You? 12? can you even tie you own shoes, or you use those new nike velcro closure type useful idiot u r


- 4 years ago  

mate, chinese bot accounts do a better job than you


- 4 years ago  

Are you talking about the bots & there kind of propaganda that so many people in America is falling for!!?. Especially the 97% of the people in here!!!.. Its working well hey!! ๐Ÿค—... Hmmmm ๐Ÿค”... I wonder if Tony is getting any kickbacks! ๐Ÿคซ


- 4 years ago  

The effects of incorrect information canโ€™t be overstated especially when it is restated constantly by those in our governments that want to appear to be in control. Our children will suffer the effects of these school shutdowns for the rest of their lives, and Iโ€™m not overstating this! Open schools now!


- 4 years ago  

Anyone tries to fuck with me & Tony!! Look out!!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

666 no one wants to fuck you....๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ


- 4 years ago  

Talking about Tony!!. Dick! ๐Ÿ™„... He's all mine! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


- 4 years ago  

You may look into Chriss Voss to get a grip how to convince people. Read and learn buddy.


- 4 years ago  

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything!! Apart from looking out of both eyes instead of being one monsters!!! ๐Ÿง


- 4 years ago  

Yes I have recognized you're *selling* just that and to be frank, you are loosing big time. BTW, have you looked at your self in the mirror lately?


- 4 years ago  

Yeh just did it then, haven't done it for years!!... Fuck I'm handsome ๐Ÿ˜... BTW!! I don't need to try & sell anything! Unlike Tony!!! Just remember all the tricks of a good sales man!! ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

Tony research terrain theory viri are not contagious


- 4 years ago  

Some call it an obsession!! ๐Ÿค”... I call it passion!!! ๐Ÿ˜... Love ya Tony ๐Ÿ’•


- 4 years ago  

Best channel on the web for clear, scientific explanations ... thanks Tony !


- 4 years ago  

How could a scientist such as yourself be so vehemently anti science? Science is a means to an end, not the end its self.


- 4 years ago  

Go away, idiot.


- 4 years ago  

Why should he!!?... It just a fucken question dickhead!!!... ๐Ÿ‘บ


- 4 years ago  

Come & pick on me big boy!! ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

You obviously don't understand how science works then utter the words anti-science. Are you so ignorant as to think that ALL scientists agree on EVERYTHING? Dense.....


- 4 years ago  

Talking to me V04!??


- 4 years ago  

Most of the left actually thinks mass deaths would be healthy for the planet - but not their death! It's their fear of death that causes this craziness. If they actually thought that only others would die, they might be praising the virus for reducing the burdensome human population. That's how they think.


- 4 years ago  

Is Tony our hero or what!!?... ๐Ÿค—


- 4 years ago  

sad to hear that Wyoming fell to the superstition, Sweden too


- 4 years ago  

Rachel Clarke (aka Karen) is a disgrace!


- 4 years ago  

You can change the size and color of the cursor so it can be seen better on a white background.

The Traveller

- 4 years ago  

Could a feature be added to thumbs-up or thumbs-down each individual comment? There may be good reasons not to but if there are - what are they? Thanks


- 4 years ago  

How come there's skiing to be had, wasn't all the snow supposed to have gone due to global warming or melted by the uncontrollable forest fires or something?


- 4 years ago  

Now you're thinking out of the box!! ๐Ÿค—... ๐Ÿค”


- 4 years ago  

Excellent!! the virus is dangerous.... and the earth is flat LOL!


- 4 years ago  

I can so relate to that comment!! ๐Ÿค—... The 97%er's hey! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

We had the first hard frost of the year the other day. While I was out in town I did notice the same amount of breath fog coming from mask wearing people as non mask wearing people. So yeah. What exactly is the point ?


- 4 years ago  

It will be interesting to see if more people died in the US in the 2020 calender year than other bad flu years.


- 4 years ago  

It will be!!. But there will always be this group!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

Good point, coffins are hard to statistically fake. Where I live (somewhere in EU) this year will not be a record if nothing extraordinary happens.


- 4 years ago  

It's quite hard to beat post Chernobyl years even for a two-pronged flu-year like this year.


- 4 years ago  

Hi Tony, thanks again, as always. Any chance you can post that "cause of death" list on your website so I can copy, paste and share it on FB? I'm still in CA, (NOT FOR LONG), and I don't think very many have the attention span to watch a video, even though I have posted all of yours, for the last 4 years or so. Thanks!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for every one of your many communications that try to lift the argument up to deliberate and logical standards when so many want to turn it into an emotional hissy fit.


- 4 years ago  

Since when are Millenials concerned about Boomer's?


- 4 years ago  

Please do a video on how death certificates are approved if you have any contacts. Dr Drew talked about it. There are no guidelines on what is acceptable as a cause of death. Doctors fill in the cause of death and it is either accepted or sent back as insufficient. Takes doctors a while to learn through trial and error what will be accepted and rejected. Since the pandemic was declared just writing Covid19 alone is always accepted. (Plus the hospital gets bonus covid relief money).

Remain Klingon

- 4 years ago  

Tony, you make the 300 and Leonidus proud with your masterful display of logic and reason in the face of hoards of red herrings and straw men.


- 4 years ago  

It's political, the governments around the world and even down to states and cities have grabbed a whole lot of power that they don't want to let go of. They are leveraging this power to push leftist agendas like the great reset, so the entire world can be destroyed. You know, to keep you safe.

Put I mean 10 minutes of unvarnished truth that proves that this thing has always been a fraud from top to bottom.


- 4 years ago  

The next time someone accuses you of being a granny killer because you question masks and lockdowns, respond by accusing them of being a child abuser. I shudder to think of the atrocities that have been occurring behind closed doors in dysfunctional homes. Often the abuse is discovered by teachers or a friendโ€™s parent. A teacher canโ€™t see a child when school is closed and a friendโ€™s mom canโ€™t see the bruises or extreme hunger when playing together isnโ€™t allowed. This is madness!


- 4 years ago  

Not to mention the long term emotional damage this nonsense is causing. These kids will be afraid of their own shadows for the rest of their lives. Long before Covid I would see adults afraid to touch a bathroom door handle in a very nice, very clean, well maintained building. Think what fear they now must have, let alone impressionable kids.

Liberals fetishize how they are the black saviours (and how they need to be saved, liberals are shown to lower their vocabulary when speaking with blacks), meanwhile they support policies that are forcing people who were already in poverty now to the brink of starvation. But it's cool because it's liberal and Bill Gates wears a pink sweater and Tim Cook is gay! So sure they're starving all the blacks, but it's done out of love, can't you see you bigot?


- 4 years ago  

Itโ€™s the lemming syndrome!


- 4 years ago  

Tony, here is a John Hopkins study showing the 3rd highest cause of death in the US is Medical Errors. Actually those are malpractice man slaughter killings.


- 4 years ago  

A very convincing and logic approach in this video ๐Ÿ‘ More and more evidence reveals, that we are experiencing a sci-fi in real time, invented by mad minds.


- 4 years ago  

Convincing!!... The magic word!!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

They want people to wear masks because it is a type and shadow of the mark of the beast and demonic oppression and also because it causes people to get sick more often.


- 4 years ago  

& some say the schooling is the problem!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ


- 4 years ago  

exactly, and what's with the 6 feet apart, another Luciferian number, why not 5 or 10, these people give themselves away with their symbolism


- 4 years ago  

Maybe, and after 90% has been vaccinated the remaining 10% must wear an armlet, just guessing...


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

It is no surprise that the party that worships death - in the form of abortion - promote that idea to keep people in line. "Do what we say or you may die" is hardly a reasonable slogan for a campaign or a party. The issue now is if we will ever get our nation back. I doubt it. Why? Because we still heading in the wrong direction.


- 4 years ago  

They 'worship' death through abortion do they!!... ๐Ÿค”... Were you loved & had a feeling of being loved & wanted when you were a kid!!?

What's my name?

- 4 years ago  

The left is just on the other side of the bird Tony. If you aren't against team then you are on the wrong team. You need to get off the right side of the bandwagon dood. Fuck all that left and right shit and look at it from a tool used by the globalist to control the global heart beat. Think about it Tony! If the right really cared for America and they are fighting for our freedoms then why in the fuck did they go along with the dnc witch hunt charade for Trumps entire term. The all so great right as you obviously support are just as evil if not worse than the dnc will ever be so quit putting them on a pedestal because neither of them do shit for the American people anymore as you saw with the last bill they tried to pass. Every single person who voted for that bill should be tried for treason.


- 4 years ago  

Sorry!!. But Tony don't listen to no one!!!... It's ok! Don't feel left out!!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

Always quality content!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you Tony!


- 4 years ago  

Good work, as usual!


- 4 years ago  

Great video. Thanks. It is amazing how stupid our govt experts can be lol


- 4 years ago  

Especially the Trumpie!! ๐Ÿ˜


- 4 years ago  

We will not know the real excess deaths stats for another year or more. At worst COVID has accelerated the death of ASA 3-4 patients from next year to this year. It is very likely we will see below average death rates into next year which will balance out to average; i.e. no net above average excess deaths over a 2 year period. Not much of a pandemic as pandemics go


- 4 years ago  

The test for covid19 is flawed. It is riddled with false positives.