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Tony HellerPLUS



March 27, 1913 - "Greatest Cataclysm In American History"

  - 7:00

This week in 1913 had some horrific weather in the US. Floods, tornadoes, fires and a blizzard in Florida. Thousands dead and half a million people were left homeless.






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March 27th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

Ah, but when will Government stop using natural phenomena as a weapon against the Citizens ? Never.


- 3 years ago  

TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH. Keep it coming. People need to hear the TRUTH. Thank you Tony đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


- 3 years ago  

Actually it was Lincoln.


- 3 years ago  

It's incredible. People are so brainwashed that they think that any bad weather is caused by man-made climate change.


- 3 years ago  

Am I honestly expected to believe that thunderstorms occurred BEFORE we drove SUVs?


- 3 years ago  

When you understand that CO2 is a necessary component for the growth of plants, you see the magnitude of the evil being presented when people are told CO2 is killing the planet. You cannot get much more evil than that. Defining life-giving CO2 as a planet killer is so wrong, so false, so upside down that it boggles the mind. ANY person who believes CO2 is a danger is too stupid to take seriously. Unfortunately, those people are in charge of decisions which affect all of us. The zombie apocalypse is here.


- 3 years ago  

Caught this yesterday...


- 3 years ago  

@Mikeyh0 Virginia Governor wants to get to zero emissions by 2045 The Clean Economy Act passed Virginia. So solar and wind will magically power an entire State. Plus being a carbon based person makes me feel like a non-essential life to these.


- 3 years ago  

Normal reasonable people consider rain a necessity for growth and prosperity including more CO2 conversion factories called plants.

Truth Sleuth

- 3 years ago  

The arrogance of climate alarmists borders on the level of arrogance of the geocentric solar system fanatics of Galileo's era. Yeah, right, man is all-powerful and the cause of all evil in the universe. Dingbats. Trouble is, they are being used by the powerful globalist cabal to further the cabal's agenda of returning mankind to the Elites/Slaves society that existed for nearly all of human history. Pesky Americans with their hated middle class upstarts have ruined the whole system and have to be subjugated and eliminated.


- 3 years ago  

Global Warming and honest elections go together like Peas and Carrots. Hollywood and MSM are a diseased carcass and will eventually rot.


- 3 years ago  

In 1913 not before 1913.


- 3 years ago  

Mother natures’s weather was so bad in 1913 that Logan Marshall after writing a book about the tragic sinking of the Titanic with near 1500 dead writes a book on the weather of 1913. This book, "The true story of our national calamity of flood, fire and tornado", by Logan Marshall, is a replication of a book originally published before 1913. ————- One reviewer wrote “This is an amazing read considering it was written 101 years ago! However, I was able to learn much about how people of yesteryear handled tragedies at they did not have TV or Internet, yet they still helped one another to recover from these tragedies.” Wow, back then most Americans without the media and TV still came together to help one another collectively to heal and recover from these naturally occurring weather calamities. ————- Thanks Tony, as always your Newtube pieces using past historical true footnotes and media reprints always hit the mark of honest and true reporting of the facts.

Tom Noyb

- 3 years ago  

"How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?" 'Four.' "And if the party says it is not four but five -- then how many?" 'Four' Pain goes up, FF's, Migrants, Double-masks... "How many fingers, Winston?" 'Five! Five! Five!' "No Winston, that is no use. You are lying. You still think there are Four. How many fingers please?..."


- 3 years ago  

Pesky Global Warming indeed. It’s all hysterically funny to me until I see what would appear were normal people around me actually believe it and then become hysterically crazy and act possessed talking and acting as if Global Warming due to recent CO2 increases is real. To these possessed Global Alarmist (GA’s), it’s like a cult religion, they tie everything to CO2 increases worldwide and to their End-Of-Times extinction. This little almost innocuous “Pesky Global Warming” tweet by this obvious twat may seem harmless but when nature truly strikes, will this seemingly harmless twat collectively with other like minded GA twats not want to burn all deniers at the stake as witches? Your previous hour and half posted History Channel video on non-stop small ice age calamities from the year 800 to 1900’s, all from natural causes NOT caused by 1900’s to today’s industrial CO2 producing era, showed horrific after horrific masses of people dying due to ice age type weather changes NOT attributed to any manmade causes, all naturally caused by Mother Nature. ————- Yet per our left leaning US media if any weather appears ever so slightly out of odds with the “NORMAL SUNNY DAY”, our ad based click-bait media led by the NYT, CNN, Bill Gate’s MSNBC, Jeff Bezo’s Amazon empire owner of the Washington Post, Michael Bloomberg owner of “Bloomberg News” and the entire Democratic Party will collectively purport the only reason for it must be Global Warming due to recent increases in CO2 from fly-over American conservative states producing and burning coal or petroleum. No wonder after 30+ years of this same drum beat from our All-Knowing and All-Seeing almost Defied (deified by the left) US Media, that most unsuspecting unthinking Americans think recent CO2 increases by these conservative fly-over states are the sole and only causes to all weather change. Pile on all those third world nations worldwide, true American haters and their “Love-Fest” hatred of America or specifically conservative God fearing hard working Americans and that is why we have these dodo bird tweets from these twat’s that unquestionably assert recent numerous thunderstorms are being caused by “Pesky Global Warming”. Pesky Global Warming indeed!


- 3 years ago  

There is so much at stake with the United States and global stability when it comes to energy source restructuring by this climate alarm phenomenon ! America is going to be bankrupt trillions of dollars in the hole with broken Made In China solar panels, defunct electric car companies and defunct renewable power sources. The U.S. only produces 15% of world emissions if we can't convince you that the world climate is within normal parameters and beyond our control !