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Tony HellerPLUS



Compliance News Network

  - 4:47

The agenda of the press isn't to inform or improve the lives of other people. Their agenda is brainwash and bully people into compliance.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 3rd 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 4 years ago  

Yes it was about 26 years ago I did the same


- 4 years ago  

Governor's got maths wrong with: covid hospitalizations are "less than 20% of those hospitalized". It's about 1/3 – of those hospitalized. As in an extra 50% hospitalized (again less than, but about). And STILL, with that big "50%", STILL hospitals have plenty of capacity! Dare to use the worst to show the best.


- 4 years ago  

100% Tony... I stopped watching mainstream media completely since watching your videos about 3-4months ago and haven't been better! feel great and my mind is clear and overall much better.


- 4 years ago  

Thankyou for your loyalty to the truth.


- 4 years ago  

Very interesting, the government that is responsible for the shortage of beds in the US, is now telling us how they are going to fix the problem they created. Until CONs (Certificate of Need) came into being, in the 1960’s and 1970’s we had nearly 1.5 million beds in the US. (Ironically, NY state, who is crying the blues about their hospitals being overloaded, was the first state to implement CONs.) Since then, the US population has grown from about 180 million to 330 million and the number of beds decreased from is 1.5 million to about 950,000. Oh, I forgot "Big Brother" knows everything, especially how many hospitals, beds and equipment will be needed in the future. Oops, I guess they figured there would never be another pandemic. As usual Tony, you have done your homework, and presented another factual video. Unfortunately, Dr. Ackerman and the New York Times did not. (Why anyone would get flu information from a psychiatrist is a mystery in itself.) For the record, influenza is probably the worst infectious disease most people will ever experience, it almost ALWAYS begins suddenly, with high fever, shaking chills, headache and cough. Most people will probably only experience influenza once or twice in a lifetime. Most people will blame influenza for any one of the 200+ other viruses, they might contract, that are floating around during the cold and flu season. The moral of this story is, don’t get flu information from a psychiatrist and don’t let the government determine the number of hospital beds needed in a community! The Government loves their “scientific” predictions, don’t they. Maybe they should have listened to Yogi Berra about making predictions.


- 4 years ago  

Tony...where exactly can I find the CDC breakdown of cause of death for Covid in 2020 for the 280k that have passed this far? You had a chart up on one of your videos. Thanks again for all your work to keep the truth from being buried.


- 4 years ago  

Frank Zappa recorded a song about tv called “ I’m the slime “


- 4 years ago  

12 years without TV here.

Truth hurts

- 4 years ago  

I like this platform so far.


- 4 years ago  

Tony Heller brought me here. Interesting indeed.


- 4 years ago  

'Cases' are just positive tests. The tests are meaningless false positives. The test is positive if bits of corona virus RNA is detected, after amplification. But corona virus has been around for a very long time. Everyone has bits of corona virus RNA in them.


- 4 years ago  

Tests are meaningless. There is no science involved in Covid19. It's all fear mongering. Here are my reasons why this pandemic is really fake.


- 4 years ago  

Now that the compliance test is complete I wonder what the other shoe is. Here in Calif. We had the global warming test: check, We had the evacuate the town the first fire in history is coming test: check, we had the turn off the electricity because electricity has never endured wind before test: check, that other shoe, when will it drop, and what will it be? We are eager to go along. I bet it has something to do with the money. I can't wait.

Tony heller

- 4 years ago  

It’s interesting to hear the statistics are virtually the same in South Dakota as they are in Alberta canada, and as in the US our Canadian news media is trying to mislead the public about what’s happening.


- 4 years ago  

Anyting over 25 cycles for PCR tests starts getting into the range of 70% false positives. Some area are using 45. This is a complete scam people. It all about #TheGreatReset


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for your passion to tell the truth.


- 4 years ago  

Well done Tony! Keep telling the truth!

President Megtawma

- 4 years ago  

Thanks, Tony, this one is being forwarded straight to my leftist relatives.


- 4 years ago  

Masked lockstepped and loaded MSM news. Tony-type truth vaccine for them is not optional. Their permanent lockdown is quaintly known as voluntary redundancy.

What's my name?

- 4 years ago  

All governors either republican or democrat are like the commandant at a nazi concentration camp only slightly different. There is no concertina wire at the border.

Brian Bellia

- 4 years ago  

Ditto! I pulled the plug on my TV in 2006 for exactly the same reason.


- 4 years ago  

Keep up your great work Tony. You are an inspiration and a constant beacon of hope in our world that has been beset by lies, propaganda and hidden agendas.


- 4 years ago  

Keep up the good work, Tony. I just came over from youtube. Tom in NM.


- 4 years ago  


The Audio Files

- 4 years ago  

I stopped watching TV around 1990. Even back then being a brainwashed college student it seemed a lot of TV was trying to push an agenda. It just wasn't clear back then what it was. Now after 30 years not being brainwashed by TV but reading and thinking the contrast is staggering. Especially since the compliance aspect has gone from background to blatant. I hope your audience follows you here. I'm sure they will, and in fact in time will probably grow even faster on a platform without the blatant censorship, manipulation, and shadow banning.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Thank you for your work .


- 4 years ago  

Clear as glass. Thanks Tony . Best regards from the Netherlands

The Bubba Continuum

- 4 years ago  

It's not just that journalists are biased. They're generally not very bright. They aren't smart enough to understand the things they report, or should I say, "repeat"?


- 4 years ago  

Keep the good news coming. I have another idea why you were banned from Youtube... you're a data guy, and they don't want data guys going over the election results! My own climate change book, "Unsettled Science" already is doing well on Amazon... you're an inspiration, sir.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks that!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you Tony for your dedication to Dr Gray and to truth! With your help I am fighting back against BIG BROTHER!!!! Like Michael Crichton said it’s impossible to talk to those where it is their religion... but we should never give up!


- 4 years ago  

HI Tony, As always, love what you do and am enormously thankful for it. I often use your videos to show my friends that only get mainstream media info, then I have to go dig into the state data because they say "oh that's just some guy saying things". Would you consider putting links to the state data you site to make it easier for me to provide backup quickly for my friends?


- 4 years ago  

I hope Cristi Noem has good bodyguards.....


- 4 years ago  

Tony, I didn't think that you going on NEWTUBE was going to work. I never even heard of NEWTUBE. I guess I was wrong. Just a couple of days ago I saw that you had 5900 or so followers. Now you have 8075! That's just amazing.


- 4 years ago  

Kristi's grandma looks like she's more on-the-ball than Clueless Joe.


- 4 years ago  

Stopped watching NFL, NBA a while ago and now stopped watching Fox since the ‘election’. Never did watch any of the others. I wonder when YT shuts down Tony’s channel for referring us to NT. Stay tuned ....


- 4 years ago  

Cuomo is such a homo!


- 4 years ago  

It must be good to have the freedom to post informative videos without fear of reprisals Tony.. but wait, who would have thought that would be an issue anywhere in the western world ten years ago? How the hell has it come to this? Some of us have been arguing for free speech and against attacks on societal norms for years. The left have all but succeeded. Society continues to cow to these sociopathic ideological freaks. The lunatics are nearly in charge of the asylum.


- 4 years ago  

I don't know if it's been 26 years but it's been a long long time for me too. The Great Idol (idle) TV IS A SCOURGE Orwell would have shuddered at.


- 4 years ago  

Heh! I stopped watching television in 1989, after I started college. I do still have a television, though, to play video games!

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 4 years ago  

I stopped watching after Watergate. I could see what they were doing. Check out Frank Zappa's "I am the Slime" from ca. 1972. Frank, for all his flaws, saw too.


- 4 years ago  

Gave up broadcast TV some time back and rarely listen to the radio. Only use the TV for DVD'S and the radio for music CD's(mainly classical). You know, there is NO pandemic or climate change. Is there something wrong with me?


- 4 years ago  

YES! BIG BROTHER can’t see or hear YOU! You need to jump in the nearest MEMORY HOLE... some VICTORY GIN will help you overcome any fear!

Tom Noyb

- 4 years ago  

"Case-demic?" With PCR-test's 90% false-positive rate, isn't #cases misleading? Do we have that nice states-map plotting Covid-deaths instead of #cases? Since CDC admitted 94% of deaths previously categorized as Covid were not Covid, might it be possible to include only Covid-deaths? This channel is virtually the only one providing accurate charts and graphs, but we're still not quite there yet?


- 4 years ago  

that is just scary as hell.


- 4 years ago  

signed up because of you tony, keep those ads on youtube so i can stay informed.thank you


- 4 years ago  

Me too


- 4 years ago  

40% open hospital beds is not good. A hospital is a business. Kind of like flying an airplane with 40% of the seats empty. Great for the fliers, bad for the airline.

Be Free

- 4 years ago  

i killed my TV in 2001 during the 9/11 terror show. I hosted kill your TV parties where i dressed friends up in my metal shop gear and put sledge hammers in their hands. The reaction people had to smashing TV's was interesting. several people were afraid to actually do it , and they actually stated that they thought it was illegal to smash a Television. It was very liberating for all. There is a book that I read in the 1980's titled "Kill Your Television". Thank you again for pointig my towards NewTube


- 4 years ago  

Keep going, Tony. We are winning worldwide. Their lies have ever decreasing traction.


- 4 years ago  

In military, every one gets basic NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical warfare) training. In the army, every battalion, has a couple of individuals with advanced training on what to do if there is such an attack. Navy, every ship. It is equivalent to a couple of semesters of a college class. I was one of those guys. After military I worked in a class 100 cleanroom for over 25 years The idea that some BS mask is going to protect you is ludicrous. There is just so much more to contamination protocol. These masks are a sponge on your face that collect every type germ that you exhale and collect every germ you come in contact with and then touch your mask. They do more to spread contamination than prevent it. I talk to friends and they tell me, "Oh no. Masks save lives." They are brainwashed by the news out lets.


- 4 years ago  

Agreed, I worked as a hazmat responder 20+ yrs.


- 4 years ago  

So what? Touching the mask can get some germs on my fingers, but that's still not the same as inhaling germs. It's different only with nerve gas or - to a certain extent - with tropical parasites which penetrate the body actively.


- 4 years ago  

I've compared South Dakota and their experience with Covid 19 is no different from the states surrounding them. South Dakota and Sweden are the control groups that are proving that we're being played.


- 4 years ago  

I Love your content. The buffering on this site is insufferable. Try Bitchute.


- 4 years ago  

We need Tony's voice now more than ever. God bless you Tony.


- 4 years ago  

This is part of the plan by the world economic fund to implement their Great reset and so far it is working much better than expected because people are willing to give up all their freedom for a little false security.


- 4 years ago  

Keep up the good work Tony ... soon even the blind will see.


- 4 years ago  

Tony's found a nice big patch of mushies again!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

DEEPTHROATBOY666 has escaped from Podesta art collection again! Dr Mann please go back to Tony’s! He will take care of you if you will just wear the leather mask (improvement no doubt) and red ball....


- 4 years ago  

Almost every current scenario of doom and gloom can be explained by reading "THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" and that friends is The Emperor's New Clothes. You know it's complete bull5hit, but will comply by following the herd and agreeing.


- 4 years ago  

Agreed. Although, it would be more precise to state that Gov Cuomo sent reconvalescent people back to nursing homes, as far as I know.


- 4 years ago  

Another outstanding video Tony. Almost same numbers for hospitalizations here in Germany yet politicians and media are in full mask and lockdown frenzy.


- 4 years ago  

I've migrated from YT under a new name. Keep up the good fight Tony, you're a true hero of our times.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  

Force an how we see 98% of commercials star black or mixed black people even though they are only 13% of the population. They even put them in ads for brands that 99.9% of blacks don’t buy or care about. It’s trying to shoehorn in an agenda.


- 4 years ago  

Advertisers and ad agencies are afraid that they may be singled out as non diverse or worse still as racist. So they do all the base covering they can in every commercial. What they have ignored is that there are many people who hate this kind of forced diversity agenda and deliberately avoid brands which follow the mixed race couple/gay/lesbian and the like units on these tv commercials. I am one of these people I avoid, like the plague, any brand that is trying to re-engineer my society. Oh and I speak as a 40 yr veteran of the London advertising and marketing industry.


- 4 years ago  

Hi Tony I’m from the UK and the government here is talking about compulsory vaccines Just to point out that our current deficit is 2 trillion pounds doctors here will be paid 25 pounds for each person who is vaccinated the current population of the uk is 66million multiply by 25 pounds equals 1.66 trillion pounds this is without the cost of the vaccine were will we get this money from ?


- 4 years ago  

Note that 66 millions times 25 is 1.65 billion, not 1.65 trillion.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  

Refuse to submit to mandatory vaccines.


- 4 years ago  

Wouldn't it be bizarre if at some point we did have a real pandemic, but because of all the lying about Covid, no one takes it seriously. No one follows the precautions. Then the impact in the crowded cities would be far worse than it would have been and it would be the liberals who perpetuated this farce doing most of the dying.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  

The boy who cried wolf scenario


- 4 years ago  

Hi Tony, I’d like to send you the death statistic for Sweden to show that the numbers doesn’t differ to much from previous years. Have a look at table 11 and “Riket”(=Sweden totals), if I put in the worst numbers for November and December from previous years it still looks rather normal for 2020 despite no lockdowns and mask mandates. We do have some home schooling going on lately though because of the surge in cases recently. The mistake in Sweden where similar to New-York were the spread amongst elderly and fragile people flourished. The reason behind this could be traced to some degree on language difficulties, as it’s a low qualified job which is popular among newly arrived peoples in Sweden.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  

New arrivals....that’s an interesting way to say “invaders”.


- 4 years ago  

Newtube even works here in France. its a bit slow, but it works.


- 4 years ago  

If my boss made an unsafe work environment and someone died then my boss would be charged. How is it Cuomo creates an unsafe place where many die and he gets awarded.


- 4 years ago  

liberalism is a mental disorder


- 4 years ago  

On point as always


- 4 years ago  

No surprise there. Lies, subterfuge and disinformation - aka propaganda - are the daily bread of socialists.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

My whole family has Covid, we will all be back at work next week, almost everyone in the place I work has it and no on died.


- 4 years ago  

are you in the US, if so what state, yes this virus has a 99.5% recovery rate, a vaccine is not needed


- 4 years ago  

What's this?


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Tony, you are the reason I finally opened a Newtube account. Too important to not stay in contact with you.

Green Knight

- 4 years ago  

Me too.


- 4 years ago  

Same here. Great content.


- 4 years ago  

Me too. In fact the only things I watch on newtube are Uncle Tony's vids.

felicia p

- 4 years ago  

That filthy lying narcissist Jacinda Ardern needs to see this, and so does the New Zealand Herald.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  

She’s a sociopath. Kiwis should hang her from big tree.


- 4 years ago  

If only!


- 4 years ago  

A second term for Trump will end the censorship of social media. Trump is demanding the elimination a federal law protecting Facebook and Twitter. Hope Google/YouTube be included. I speculate that Trump is preparing to issue martial law to nullify the 2020 election and request a new election using paper ballots only.


- 4 years ago  

That law also protects smaller sites like this one and others like Bitchute and Parler among others. Eliminating the law would probably eliminate these small sites. The president needs to selectively remove big tech from using the law instead of eliminating it.


- 4 years ago  

It's a really bad idea to remove that law, because then those companies will actually have an excuse to censor videos even more.

Cuddlefish Of Cthulu

- 4 years ago  

I think the only chance of him declaring martial law is if SCOTUS fails him. I wish he would declare martial law and kill all the communists and the traitors in government but that’s not gonna happen.


- 4 years ago  

I had family who was disabled with chronic lung function problems (passed away 2 years ago now), who always lamented that the MSM failed to report years when hospitals were literally overflowing with influenza patients, such that they were sent back to nursing homes where they set up low-level monitored care wards... yet the MSM focused with bated breath on diseases that, while serious, only affected a small fraction of people in the name of pushing agenda-driven FUD. Alas even this has had little impact on other relatives, now brainwashed into fear over a disease that has an average age of mortality of 81 w/o and a survival rate w/o comorbidities in the 99%'s. This bias towards hysteria and authoritarian worship of 'expertise' has been going on for decades.


- 4 years ago  

Tony, I would suggest that you post all of your YouTube videos to NewTube - just in case.


- 4 years ago  

I read an obscure local news article on Google entitled "Would you accept the vaccine for a $1500 stimulus check?", citing one of the means in which the CDC will use to get 75% of Americans vaccinated by end of first quarter 2021=


- 4 years ago  

Tony You are a sweet spot of sanity in a world going mad. Thank for bringing me along to the


- 4 years ago  

As long as you have your account on youtube it’s good to use it for notifications that you have uploaded something on newtube as you did with this clip Tony! Keep it up, we are with you!

Have you heard what dr. Judy Mikovits has to say about Fauci? Is what she alleges about her arrest and imprisonment really true? If so, it's really scary...


- 4 years ago  

That was very enlightening. Followed your advice and watched, with horror by the way. Thanks


- 4 years ago  

Reminds me of the track by Frank Zappa ''I am the slime''. Very seldom watch tv, once you see through the BS you can't comply and are continually looking behind the narrative to see who is pulling the strings. Great work Tony, Thanks


- 4 years ago  

thanks tony for all you do. yoo tube is poo tube. i was missing your most recent videos and i only find videos made months and even years ago. the truth shall set us free.


- 4 years ago  

North Korea Defector Yeonmi Park said, “I, like, listen to, like, NPR, BBC, New York Times. Like, all one story. Like, why do they even have different, like, publications, if they're gonna have one narrative? They should just making one channel like North Korea. So much easier for people to follow.”


- 4 years ago  

Thanks, Tony.


- 4 years ago  

Tony ...I've kept my TV so I can know my enemy. I won't let it brainwash me, but I need to know how it is brainwashing others ...and BOY! - is it ever doing a good job!


- 4 years ago  

Love you!!


- 4 years ago  

In the movie Live Free or Die Hard, released in 2007, the techno nerdy kid chastised John MacLaine for listening to the news, saying that it was all lies designed to manipulate the public. 13 years ago, I thought the line was hyperbole. When I watched the movie a few days ago, I said out loud to no one, "Wow! You got that right, kid!"


- 4 years ago  

Some 1960's radical once said that, "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution". What is the Revolution? The Revolution is destroying the United States and turning it into a Communist (back in the 1960s) or today a Nazi (National Workers Socialist Party) or AKA -- Democratic Socialist dictatorship. The issue is not race, gender or anything else. Democrats hate black Republicans. Democrats hate women Republicans. Democrats only love Democrats. And Democrats want to destroy this hellhole we call America, so that they can replace it with a Nazi Utopia. At least the trains should run on time.


- 4 years ago  

The Nazi's were mobilized to fight and protect Europe (and world) against the communist Bolsheviks backed by world central banks, and "lead" by their puppets Stalin, Rosevelt, and Churchill. Britain actually started war with Germany, and were utterly defeated by the Germans -who offered Britain a dignified chance to cease. But Britain being envious of Germany's then status, was hell-bent, thus volunteered to further the plans of the globalist (communist) central banks. The SS were not exclusively German, their numbers were continually replenished by good, brave, and young European, North African, and Eastern men. I suggest you read some of the correspondence letters of Churchill and Hitler ("Hitler's Table Talk"). In there you'll find that Hitler was being provoked into war at every corner, and repeatedly ignored the provocations. You may also wish to read the books by David Irving for some insight and research into WW2 and details about it omitted from mainstream history.


- 4 years ago  

Jude_H........u r correct......i have always believed that ww2 was our fight for survival from being invaded by the germans........and until 5 years ago i belived the general narritive presented to us by the msm, hollywood films, the jewish propaganda museums in every country i visited, i have been digging further in my research and it is sickening to now know that it was the communists all along that hitler was fighting against....hitler was the good guy......and we have had the wool pulled over our eyes.....stunning just stunning how easily the people have been manipulated.......


- 4 years ago  

Thanks Tony and Toto without you two I probably would have given up this past year. . It's a blessing to me I've found some straight thinking and talking available and some great factual info!! Thanks


- 4 years ago  

Ya not the only one.....stay strong and take care

Excellent info! Can't fathom why CNN is allowed to continuously misinform so grotesquely, though...


- 4 years ago  

More great work Tony. Keep it up. Thank you.


- 4 years ago  

This virus is 100% political.


- 4 years ago  

Can’t get your video to play. NewTube needs to improve its function and user interface to become a truly competitive platform.


- 4 years ago  

Newtube is terrible


- 4 years ago  

They really need to add an option for loading videos at lower resolutions. They said a few days ago that they're working on something to make playback from lower bandwidths better, and should be rolling it out soon.


- 4 years ago  

Keep up the good work man!


- 4 years ago  

Kristi Noem needs to run for President!!!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you


- 4 years ago  

Someday, they will be held to account just as Goebels was in Germany.


- 4 years ago  

Great analogy. Goebels is the perfect example.


- 4 years ago  

I love your statements

The Linux Guy

- 4 years ago  

Tony, keep it going. The people in the MSM are getting nervious!


- 4 years ago  

I shared the video you made of how Covid has cured the flu. One of the people I shared it with reported back today that it has made mainstream news, " there have been no reported flu cases". The quality of your work is excellent.


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

That was Mr. Heller with a comeback. Good to experience! This is what happens when freedom of speech is free 🤗


- 4 years ago  

Frank Zappa said it best in a song called 'I'm the Slime' many years ago. I encourage everyone to listen to it. There's a movie coming out about him and I'll bet any money they, (the left), will try to co-opt him. I'm sure beyond any doubt he would have preferred Trump over Biden. There's another song he did which is kinda prescient of Hunter Biden called 'The Idiot Bastard Son'.


- 4 years ago  

"I may be vile and pernicious, but you can't look away I make you think I'm delicious with the things that I say..." Yeah, and that was like forty years ago. It's only gotten worse.


- 4 years ago  

From memory : I am gross and perverted, & obsessed and deranged, I have existed for years and very little has changed. I am the tool of the government & industry too, for I am destined to rule and regulate you. I may be vile and pernicious, but you can't look away. I make you think I'm delicious with the stuff that I say. I'm the best you can get. Have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime oozing out from your T.V. set. You will obey me while I lead you And eat the garbage that I feed you Until the day that we don't need you Don't go for help . . . no one will heed you Your mind is totally controlled It has been stuffed into my mold And you will do as you are told Until the rights to you are sold That's right folks, don't touch that dial. etc


- 4 years ago  

Slay on, Tony. Thanks for linking here from YouTube. I've missed your vids.


- 4 years ago  

As far back as 30 years ago, I always felt that television programming and ads were talking down to people and treating us like idiots. I finally gave up even trying to watch tv around 10 years ago. I have one, but the only time it comes on is if there is some type of emergency that may affect me or my family - earthquake, fires, storms, etc. Flu of course, is not considered an emergency.


- 4 years ago  

I turned off my TV 2 years ago. I did it mostly to save 2400 every year. Now the only news I get is from a small town news station that does 90% local and state news. I left the alphabet soup of so called news media years ago. I now use my TV as a big computer monitor so I can watch your videos, movies, and play my video games. I feel great for doing that.


- 4 years ago  

I would never consider paying for television, but I'm pretty certain you can get cable for way less than 200 a month.


- 4 years ago  

In the UK we are "FORCED" by threat of a large fine(£1000) to pay a licence fee(£160) JUST to watch ANY live broadcasts on a TV in your home, This is charged by the BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation which should read PPC, Propaganda Pish Crap). However, recently(past 5-10 years) there has been a huge refusal to pay this "abhorrent tax"

Klyde Sixkiller

- 4 years ago  

The MSM doesn't merely refuse to report news choosing instead to be the propaganda and disinformation arm of the Deep State Marxists, but they also try to block the real news from being reported by any means, including but not limited to phony "fact" checking and outright censorship.


- 4 years ago  

Glad that you can finally say the Truth without having to worry about tyrannical censors. Love your channel.


- 4 years ago  

Does the press care that the city of Charlotte North Carolina has more people than the whole state of South Dakota? Each governor has to decide for their. own state. Cuomo though, sent infected people back to nursing homes where they were not equipped with negative pressure rooms or in many cases proper ppe. Then did not use the hospital ship, probably because Trump sent it or the Samaritans purse field hospital because he hates Christians. What a tool.

Gilfort the great

- 4 years ago  

Hahaha Mr Heller! Thank god you did not post this on shit youtube ! They would have anihilated you account ! Thanks for the video.


- 4 years ago  

Too much information for people to overlook. No, that sort of thing isn't allowed for the masses.


- 4 years ago  

Does the press care that the city of Charlotte North Carolina has more people than the whole state of South Dakota? Each governor has to decide for their. own state. Cuomo though, sent infected people back to nursing homes where they were not equipped with negative pressure rooms or in many cases proper ppe. Then did not use the hospital ship, probably because Trump sent it or the Samaritans purse field hospital because he hates Christians. What a tool.


- 4 years ago  

I watch zero TV. Stopped paying the BBC propaganda fee years ago. I don't subscribe to any subscription network and watch zero films. The music I listen to is from people who have been dead for over a hundred years or from people who don't involve themselves in politics. Refuse to take the poison.


- 4 years ago  

Keep up the truth telling, Tony. I wish you the greatest success with this new platform. I despise censorship, and the cowardly fools that use it to hide their dishonesty.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks for the important work you do!


- 4 years ago  

Love you Tony, keep up the great work brother!


- 4 years ago  

Glad to find you. I love your videos


- 4 years ago  

Beat me for dumping TV by a few years. But I did like Justified, The Mentalist and a few others sans commercials, of course. P2P websites are handy if you use a VPN. There are lawsuits against the NYT and the Covington kid settled with two defendants for libel. The sacred cow of the alleged "free press" must be slain or it will do us all in.


- 4 years ago  

So glad I have your channel on my "notify" list. Keep fighting.