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Tony HellerPLUS



David Bellamy : "Man made Global Warming is a myth"

  - 2:10

Originally uploaded to by Andy V As I sit here freezing cold, praying and waiting for a bit of Global Warming I am reminded of when the late, great Professor David Bellamy who told the truth that "Man made Global Warming is a myth" (A statement that cost the poor man his T.V. career)






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January 4th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- half a year ago  

I was sailing in the Pacific & stopped at an Island to top up on water ,Food & a bit of fuel & noticed everyone was driving huge new Ford F150s , I thought strange as there's only a mile or so road on the atoll , Asking someone about it I was told " As long as we keep saying we are being swamped because of Climate Change the UN keeps giving us millions ?


- 4 years ago  

David Bellamy, what a great Man. This man was a hero of mine when I was a child, he was enthusiastic, knowledgeable and most of all fun to watch/listen to. We need more Mr Bellamys in the World. Thank you Mr Heller, my very best to you and yours in this new year.


- 4 years ago  

By using the scam of climate change,they use it to impliment they're plan to reduce the worlds population to one billion.Take a vaccine needle and maybe you become infertile,Bill Gates loves doing this in Africa with his ebola vaccine.Power and wealth corrupt ,we should relieve these oligarchs of thiet burden.


- 4 years ago  

I am fully convinced that 'man-made global warming' is a myth, but man-made environment change is not. I've live in the same place for about 50 years and I've seen drastic change to the environment around here during that time. There used to be lots of forests around, now there's only fields. There are still some trees, but only along fence lines and rivers. Massive change to the environment like what I've seen here, but on a global scale MUST have some effect on the whether and even the global temp.


- 4 years ago  

David was a great man RIP


- 4 years ago  

Climate nonsense is the second greatest story ever told, right after The Emperor's New Clothes. In fact "TENC" can be applied to the entire leftist top policy making.


- 4 years ago  

The science is never settled. Just as the climate will keep on changing regardless of humans. In contrast with Marxism which will forever be intellectual fools gold.


- 4 years ago  

Re renewables the science is settled


- 4 years ago  

They ruined this very well loved man's career in UK. I watched him when I was a child.


- 4 years ago  

Congratulations Joe Biden!! 🎉🎊🎉👍


- 4 years ago  

David was a great scientist and very good at talking to the general public, I knew him through his work with the Wildlife Trusts and remember when I spoke to him for the first time. He rang me at home about 21:30 and I was so aghast that this great man should ring a pleb like me that I was speechless for some time and took what felt like an age to compose myself. He, unlike a lot of the climate scientists had common sense, a quality that is becoming every more rare. It was criminal that he was ostracised in the way he was and despite the great programs he made, still is. Thanks Tony for reminding us all of this great man.


- 4 years ago  

The BBC is fully owned and controlled by the Israeli Mossad. 911 proved that beyond doubt. Someone like Bellamy was quickly banned from the BBC for failing to follow the Zionist/Globalist Agenda.


- 4 years ago  

this UI still needs a bit of work on it


- 4 years ago  

what if your wrong ...... the argument of a 8 year old LOL .....


- 4 years ago  

Sadly no longer with us and blacklisted after this and a few other tv comments that the establishment (BBC) didn't want broadcast. He is, of course, correct in what he says.


- 4 years ago  

Big black cock!!?... Is that what got him!?? 😝... Or you!!!


- 4 years ago  

What are you, 12 years old?


- 4 years ago  

See what happens when you believe deranged old fuckers!!?... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

How dare you David Bellamy was a highly respected British scientist just go away and die you stupid troll go and inhale some covid or something.


- 4 years ago  

Now that is what hitting the funny bone dose to ya!! 😝... Oh, covid!?? Pfft. It's just a little flu!! Thanks for your concerns though!. I'm sure all will be ok 🤗


- 4 years ago  

YOU are an ass baby, that is becoming clear.


- 4 years ago  

You like!!?


- 4 years ago  

You seriously are a bellend how come you text like a child are you over the age of 10 and you jealous of people in higher up positions than you so you have to try and take the piss! Your comments make you look stupid


- 4 years ago  

I'm actually 8!! So thanks for the compliments! 😝. Quite clearly I'm jealous of you!!... Anything else useful to say!!? Stupid 😝.


- 4 years ago  

You're a fuckwad, and nothing more.


- 4 years ago  

Piss off son or i will find you and sow your arsehole to your mouth.


- 4 years ago  

Made in America!!... 👍


- 4 years ago  

Is someone paying you to do this or do you just enjoy looking stupid? You’re not funny. You’re not creative. You’re obviously not smart. And as we just found out, you’re incredibly immature. I can see why you don’t put your real name on your posts.


- 4 years ago  

And the man never worked in the UK again. Great man David RIP.

Hot Tub King

- 4 years ago  

The more prominent a climate change campaigner, the greater his or her carbon footprint. -


- 4 years ago  

freedom and liberation day on mlk end 15 days to slow the spread


- 4 years ago  

I still have Botany Man on the bookshelf. David Bellamy is a true scientist who has truly suffered for telling the truth.


- 4 years ago  

"What if you are wrong?" is a completely idiotic question that is only asked one way. Climate alarmists are never asked "What if you are wrong?" It is a meaningless 'gotcha' question asked by people trying to scam you. For example, I come to you and say that aliens are going to destroy the Earth unless you give me all your money! You correctly tell me to go to hell, and then I say "What if you are wrong? Are you willing to risk destroying humanity and planet Earth, when you could easily prevent it with a small sacrifice?" The climate alarmist scam is essentially the same argument, that starts with "What if you are wrong?"


- 4 years ago  

At least they gave him air time which is more than he got in Britain - who blackballed him for not towing the line


- 4 years ago  

If we are wrong!!?. A cleaner home!!!... Go on!! Do it!!!

Stephen Nixey

- 4 years ago  

Well done David by standing by your own opinion


- 4 years ago  

Yes! ...I remember watching David Bellamy on the old BBC shows. He was great. Back then when the BBC had an objectivity in all aspects of their broadcasts - including their science programming. Alas, those days are gone, never to return.


- 4 years ago  

The Holocaust was real - although the U.S. government ignored it for a good long time during WWII - as is Climate Change, which has always been with us, but is nothing to be so alarmed about.


- 4 years ago  

Maybe you should check on your hoaxcaust facts. Whatever the century/millennium always six million ;) P.S. The Nazis wrote everything down, much like Hillary 'They were not going to lose'. So no documents substantiate the hoax (Nuremburg Trials), but propaganda works very very well.


- 4 years ago  

More farm land is just one of the benefits of a bit of warming. Man-made? No chance. The only man-made issue concerning global warming is the constant drumbeat of falsehoods being forced down and up our various orifices.


- 4 years ago  

Great!!!... More farm land!! 🤗... Sounds like a plan!


- 4 years ago  

Chicken Little syndrome runs deep in the leftist sheeple and if you dare disagree they want you sent to the reeducation camps to never be seen again, very progressive 🤬👹👺


- 4 years ago  

As you know!! The world can progress forever!!! 😊


- 4 years ago  

He is a Holocaust denier! So am I . The story is absurd. I like DB more the more I hear from him.


- 4 years ago  

The Aussies would be less patient with DB now,adays, I think. I once watched an interesting Australian stduio debate between him and Cardinal George Pell, who was lucky to escape avery long prison sentence on absurd charges of child abuse. Cox was light weight, Pell was the typical rough-edged Aussie and the audience of what appeared to be female SJWs screamed with rage. I got into an argument with fools in the comments (YT) who argued that he should have been locked up (the programme was just about GW; though). Notice my use oe of the adjective 'absurd'; collective fantasy (which is now present everywhere) is always absurd, yet nobody even notices its existence!


- 4 years ago  

Bellamy was not a holocaust denier.


- 4 years ago  

Dev, you are right, thanks. I misinterpreted his rhetoric.


- 4 years ago I'm betting they are liars, a sure thing.