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Tony HellerPLUS



Vanishing UK Beaches

  - 3:46

The climate clown show never seems to end.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

November 30th 2021  

File Size: 44 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Remember, the failure of predictions based on anthrogenic climate change either disproves the thesis of anthrogenic climate change OR reveals the absolute imprecision and misunderstanding of modelling. And so far, predictions that can be independently verified are not in evidence. Remember the two most sensitive indicators are permanent diminished polar ice AND overt elevation in sea level in inches and possibly feet. If these are not overt, then NO OTHER MANIFESTATION can occur. The mist sensitive indicator must be evident first!


- 3 years ago  

Plastic snowmen surrounded by snow should tell you as much as you need to know about how things were made.

Peter Clark

- 3 years ago  

Ah, Climate change is shrinking the H²O mockelule man, it's a conspiracy man. Peyote, man, it knows all.


- 3 years ago  

Whenever I debate these climate delusionals, see they call my climate denier where I use the other D word for them; Delusionals. I always ask them these questions; how many trees did you plant in the past year to sink carbon? Where is your electric car? (not one of them ever has one). Why are you not ketogenic because if you are you breathe out less C02? I always say, start with yourself. Regardless, I wonder how long it will take until this complete fraud is recognized for what it is? Since its been going on like this for a long time, I suspect not within my lifetime. I figure the climate delusionals will decide to have less children so that my kids can carry the species forward. Look at it this way, they are weeding themselves out of the genepool...look at the long term bigger picture is what I mean. Same as the dumb as @#$% parents "vaxxing" their kids under 18, no known long term effects and again I would not be surprised if this so called 'gene therapy' affects their long term reproduction capabilities. Regardless, I to encourage them bc again, my unvaxxed children will definitely carry the species forward and the "vaxxed" kids would (likely) eventually weed themselves out. I am starting to understand and like this long term population control!


- 3 years ago  

There was a time when people would have tared and feathered these retards and ran them out of town to never be seen again. Yet now, it seems we just let them spew their bs and allow them to live better than we do as we pay for it

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

I love my CO2. Not as much as those wearing masks breathing in, what they breath out, but I do love my CO2 for my plant life. I guess that is why they want to kill off people. They keep breathing all that CO2 into the air. LOL