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Tony HellerPLUS



Smiling Bill Gates Wants To Put All Restaurants Out Of Business

  - 2:17

Originally uploaded to by Tom Elliott .@BillGates on Covid: "Even through 2022” we should be prepared for life to not return to “normal” Says “sadly" it’s "appropriate” for bars and restaurants to close over the next "four to six months"






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

December 13th 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Gates has zero medical expertise to offer any commentary on the pandemic. Strange lump on his forehead, maybe he needs to see a doctor?


- 3 years ago  

Devil Horn is showing


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates is not a business or a programmer, just a master thief who stole DOS from IBM and windows from APPLE.


- 3 years ago  

Has anybody else guessed yet that TonyHeller666 is actually Bill Gates' pseudonym for replying to comments on Tony Heller's videos.


- 3 years ago  

Why is anyone listening to Gates??? Does money raise your I.Q. and medical knowledge?


- 3 years ago  

From what I’ve read, the transmission rate of COVID-19 in restaurants is about 1.4%. Gates clearly doesn’t have an educated clue about the virus.


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates would love to go to Cabo, but there are so many people. Bill Gates would love to go to Hawaii, but there are so many people. Bill Gates would love to go to the Grand Canyon, but there are so many people. Bill Gates would love to go to the Hamptons, but there are so many people. Bill Gates has the ways, means, money, elite friends and desire to control population.


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates didn't graduate from college. That doesn't mean he's not brilliant not well informed on Covid-19; but, making billions of dollars selling computer software is not in itself a reason that anyone should listen to anything he says about Covid-19.


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates of hell. He is an antichrist candidate. Also, newtube sucks. I don't get notifications and when I do the links are trash and don't work.


- 3 years ago  

I want to beat the living crap out of Gates.


- 3 years ago  

There's a queue


- 3 years ago  

Gates is an idiot


- 3 years ago  

Obviously we should all have our own private chefs like Gates and his family. Much safer.


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates is such an ego maniac. No concept of reality, just a blow hard. Not even a suggestion of spending a bit of his incredible fortune on helping our small businesses as he says stupid unjustified remarks about keeping them closed. Disgusting non human spewing non science.


- 3 years ago  

Wasn't that long ago Mr gates said we would not have vaccine before the end of year. His crystal ball seems to be broken.


- 3 years ago  

Disgusting to use a risk capitalist as a specialist on serious medical issues, and media to run the country- no one elected them as far as I know.


- 3 years ago  

What does this psychopath know about anything except power!


- 3 years ago  

God, who in their right mind would ever care what Bill Gates thinks.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

A multi- billionaire trying to impress us with his fear for humanity...? Sorry does not wash. If we all have natural immunity, where do infection come from? Man's trying to impress us with what? His intellect, special knowledge? NO, man's just grinding his personal axe.... likely somewhere maybe, spreading disease..? WHO knows...


- 3 years ago  

Yep this whole thing was a scam from the beginning! A power grab on a global level!


- 3 years ago  

Gates is being asked what the country will do and he answers telling the country what to do. it's like he runs the show!


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates should be executed. He is a new Hitler


- 3 years ago  

I meant sentence to death


- 3 years ago  

And the sentence needs to be carried out publicly so he can't pull an Epstein.


- 3 years ago  

Why does what Bill Gates thinks about the virus matter? He retired from running a large software / Operating system company. Has he studied medicine since then, or is he just a large investor in the vaccine that stands to add the the large fortune that he already has, and therefore parades around as an expert to bring about as much sales of the vaccine around the world as he can?


- 3 years ago  

Jake Tapper looking like he thinks Bills Gates is basket case


- 3 years ago  

thinking of putting covid on the backburner until the trials for crimes against humanity begin ... or Bill Gates' head is put in a guillotine. Just joking, I don't want him to be executed, just feel that way sometimes. it's tough, but Christians are supposed to pray for this dude and his WEF accomplices ... hard to do that ... but He wants it ...


- 3 years ago  

I think everyone behind the scenes on this needs to be capitally punished in a public venue. Sounds barbaric, but the level of the crime is too great.


- 3 years ago  

For those reading this who believe that wearing a mask will block the covid virus then what are you worried about if someone else in your vicinity is not wearing a mask? Your mask is blocking what they might be breathing out, right? You might say that two masks make it twice as safe, but if either mask blocks 100% of the virons the other mask has nothing to do, so there is no such condition which is "twice as safe" IF masks are 100% effective. IF you admit that the masks are NOT blocking 100% of the covid virus particles floating in the air then wearing the mask is not effective. The masks are not working. <p> Regardless, we have to define what a "mask" is, how much it actually filters, and how it should be worn. </p><p> There are N100 masks but they are impossible to get. The most widely known commerical face mask is 3M's N95. The N95 is impossible for non-medical people to get. The FDA has approved a Chinese knockoff of 3M's N95 which it formerly disapproved before covid, the KN95. The N95 is often labled NPM2.5 or N95PM2.5. The "N" means it is for use in non-oily environments. Don't use it to filter air contaminated with smoke from oily fires. The "PM25" means Particulate Matter 2.5 microns or larger. The "95" means 95% of particles 2.5 microns or larger will be filtered. There are N100 masks but they are impossible to get. Smaller particles will have lower percentages of filtration. The coronavirus is 0.12 microns in diameter. (For reference: 1 micron is 1000 nanometers) The 95% value is only valid if the mask is fitted properly. When you see people whose mask is not covering their nose, or they wear it over a beard then know that the mask is not filtering properly so it is not filtering properly. This is also true if the mask has gaps beneath the eyes, or on the sides of the cheek. You can see this during cold weather when their glasses fog up or you see vapor blowing past their ears. Those masks are not preventing the wearer from breathing in virons nor are they blocking virons the wearer is breathing out. In other words, they are offering no protection at all. So, if one is fearful of catching the covid virus and dying from it they should not depend on a mask but should practice isolation instead. </p><p> But, what about KN95 masks that are fitted and worn properly? </p><p> If masks do not filter 100% of the covid virus particles then wearing a mask gives a false sense of protection. Also, how much filtration do surgical and cloth masks provide? Testing 31 KN95 masks from 21 suppliers it was determined that 42% of them failed the 95% filtration test, and the quality of construction for many of them were lacking. Some of the worse KN95 masks filtered at 24%, which is no better than a cloth mask. Surgical masks filter at around 80%. And remember, these percentages also depend on how well the masks are fitted. The amount of filtration also depends on the viral load of the inhaled air, with filtration dropping to 0.1% for heavily contaminated air.</p><p> </p><p> So, let's see how the medical professionals wear their masks:</p><p> In this random controlled trial comparing N95 masks to Surgical masks it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference in filtration between the N95 and the Surgical mask. Being used by doctors, nurses and other medical staff trained in the use of masks both masks filtered less than 92% of the flu particles. About 8.2% of the staff had laboratory-confirmed influenza infection events. These professionals were also practicing hand washing techniques between patients but still managed to get infected. How much worse will a novice citizen fair? </p><p> In 2012 the CDC was involved with the University of Michigan in studying the effectiveness of face masks to prevent viron infections. The research posted below is a continuation of the research begun in 2006.</p><p></p><p> <i>"The CDC had a role in the design and conduct of the study and interpretation of data ... ...</p><p> There were no substantial reductions in Influenza Like Illnesses or laboratory-confirmed influenza in the face mask only group compared to the control. Our ILI findings are consistent with results from the first year of this two-year study [2] and a previous literature review on studies examining the efficacy of mask use in reducing transmission of respiratory viruses ... "</i></p><p> That research paper has links to other research papers that have come to the same results. I could quote several of those other papers here but if one isn't going to read the plosone paper mentioned above, and follow its links, then adding other refrences here would be a waste of time and space. </p><p> In May of this year the CDC clearly stated, citing years of Random Controlled Trials (RCT) research, that masks have no effect on the rate of transmission of viruses:</p><p> </p><p> <i>"Face Masks In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks..."</i></p><P> Dr Fauci said the same thing ... </p><p></p><p> He says that only people showing symptoms should wear masks. Actually, a person showing symptoms SHOULD be in isolation until they have no symptoms, since masks do not stop or reduce the spread of virons. It goes with out saying, but should be stated anyway, that if masks work then those who are wearing them are safe and cannot be infected by those who are not wearing them. </p><p> Dr Fauci also said that asymptomatic people are never the driver of viral transmissions:</p><p> </p><p> Fauci changed his public "opinion", despite the decades of data showing that masks don't work, and the absence of any new RCT research claiming masks were effective, apparently for political reasons. Even though wearing masks in public appearances more than one time Fauci has been recorded removing his mask when he didn't think the cameras were watching. Since June there have been a flurry of shoddy but politically correct papers claiming to prove that masks work. This ignores an old axiom among scientists: A thousand experiments cannot prove an hypothesis is right, but it takes only one experiment to prove it wrong. This is why honest scientists test the Null hypothesis and propose a method or test which can prove their hypothesis wrong. </p><p> Then came the "face masks work" reversal, despite the decades of random controlled trials that proved that they do not.</p><p> </p><p> Covid is the only virus you have to be tested for to know if you are infected or not. Note: infection does not equate to being sick, a conflation the media makes to drive up hysteria and produce a more compliant population. </p><p> The CDC reports all Covid deaths on this website:</p><p></p><p> CDC usually updates that table and the graph below it every Wednesday, and the last update was 12/9/2020 as of this writing. </p><p> According to Table 1 on that CDC website, 261,530 have died of Covid since 2/1/2020. </p><p> The current school shutdown is nonsensical. Children from 5 to 24 are at an extremely low risk of dying of covid. The media has made the fear of children dying of Covid a major point in their propaganda barrage. However, notice on Table 1 the two age groups: 4-14 and 14-24. That span, from age 4 to 24, encompasses the ENTIRE set of school aged children, through four years of college and grad school. Notice that in the ENTIRE NATION since February 1, 2020 a TOTAL of only 495 children have died of covid, if the information on the death certificates are valid. That's less than 2 per day in the entire nation over the last ten months. Clearly, covid does not kill healthy kids, or people, or even give them symptoms. If they have it, the vast majority of people are asymptomatic and hence don't spread it, according to Dr Fauci, IF he hasn't reversed himself. Those that show symptoms usually have mild symptoms which don't last long. In the total population of that 5 to 24 age group (83,681,673) the percentage of deaths is 0.00059%. For teachers in the age group 25 to 54 the percentage of Covid deaths is 0.0016%. Healthy students and healthy teachers won't die from covid and if they contract it they will most likely be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. </p><p> Scrolling through the table one can note that 241,083 people in the 55 to 85+ age group died of covid, which is 92.2% of all covid deaths! In the 65 to 74 age group 55,985 died, which is 21.4% of the total deaths. In the 75 to 84 age group 70,815 died, which 27.1% of the total deaths, as of 12/9/20. That CDC chart also show the total population in each age group. In the 65 to 85+ group there is a total of 54,058,263 people, of which 209,110 died of covid, or 0.386% (1/3rd of 1%) of the entire population. In the 75 to 84 age group the percentage is 0.443%. The evidence is very clear. Covid is killing mainly OLD people with "co-morbidities", i.e., existing aliments which would most likely cause their deaths within a year or so anyway. Since masks do NOT prevent the inhalation of viruses the best way to protect ones self from covid infection, if one is concerned about dying from covid, is by isolation and practicing strict hand sanitation. The CDC also reports flu deaths of children since 2004. "While any death in a child from a vaccine preventable illness is a tragedy, the number of pediatric flu deaths reported to CDC each season is likely an undercount. For example, even though the reported number of deaths during the 2017-2018 flu season was 188, CDC estimates the actual number was closer to 600. It is likely the actual number of children who died from flu during the 2019-2020 season is higher as well." The CDC believes that more than 600 children died from the flu during this flu season, yet many parents see the flu shot as a greater danger than the flu. Not one state is using flu as the reason for shutting down schools, or for forcing kids to wear masks at school, IF they allow schools to open. The vast majority of school kids are NOT in danger of dying of the flu or of covid. Covid is one of those rare diseases that almost everyone has to be tested for to find out if they have it or not. Increased testing will show in increase in "New Cases", as one would suspect, but the ratio of "New Deaths"/"New Cases" remain very low. In Nebraska, for instance: On Dec 11th Nebraska had 1,103 new cases and 14 deaths. Overall the average was about 4 deaths per day, until around Sept 8th when testing was increased, which caused new cases to increase as well. However, as new cases increase the new deaths remains very low. This is true in most of the other 49 states as well. Because masks do not work mask mandates are doomed to failure as well. Here is a Johns Hopkins web page showing the "New Daily Cases" graph in all 50 states. Of those, 35 had imposed or are still imposing mask mandates of varying severity. The remainder imposed no state wide mandate, while some cities within those states have mask mandates. Lincoln and Omaha are examples of a mask being mandated within a state which the governor has not enacted a mask mandate. By looking at those 50 curves can you pick out which states imposed a mandate and which didn't? The answer is no. Masks have been mandated when new cases were low and had been low for months. They have been mandated when the new cases were rising, and when they peaked, and when they were falling. The mandates have made no difference on the progress of the "pandemic". The South Dakota curve, which never mandated, looks like Iowa, which imposed a mandate. Don't make any assumptions about the height of the curve. The Y axis of each state have different calibrations. While many curves look alike the numbers behind them can differ greatly. New York's curve looks similar to Nevada's and South Carolina's. However, NY had 11,000 new cases on Nov 11th and NV and SC had around 2,700. Geography makes little difference. Main is near NY but has only half the new cases NY has, even though the curves are similar. Maine is a classic example of imposing mandates. The governor started on March 15th and renewed and/or increased them every month since then, except for September, and doubled down on Nov 6th. The proclamation takes credit for "having mitigated many of the harmful public health and economic impacts of Covid-19 in Maine...". Checking Maine's daily new cases and daily new deaths: we see that currently Maine has 337 new cases and 3 new deaths. Further, the mandates were initially imposed on March 15th, when Maine recorded 0 new cases and 0 deaths. Maine's total covid deaths is 257 out of 1,344,212 people in the state. That's 0.019%. And, according to the governor, such devastation required curtailing Constitutional freedoms while imposing tyrannical rules. We are entering the flu season and the CDC mixes up Covid cases with Flu and Pneumonia cases because of the changes in how the death certificate is filled out. A person may die of a heart attack, or a brain cancer, or of small cell lung cancer, but if they test postmortem for Covid they are included in the Covid death count, which inflates the Covid numbers. A little side trip into history:


- 3 years ago  

I saw a woman take a mask from her pocket drop it on the wet ground then put it on her face.... But no worries, she is safe from covid... Dirty bitch

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 3 years ago  

A disgusting individual.


- 3 years ago  

He is smiling at the money his foundation is making from the vaccine investments . . .


- 3 years ago  

Time to start using Linux


- 3 years ago  

Never too late to start. <p> While they are at it they should install the hosts file from github which sends all of the social media and news sites into the infinite bit bucket so they can't pixel track you.</p> <P> I've used Linux since 1998 and Kubuntu since 2009, and BTRFS since 2015. Awesome!


- 3 years ago  

Fuck em out of his tenth WINDOWS!!! The people will prevail.., Billy bob Redneck Gates..., you will unleash the FURY of Prime Creator uppon your kind of freaks! There is no universe big enough where this will end with you as the victor!!!


- 3 years ago  

Why are there 100 likes and NO dislikes for this pathetic vid from CNN?


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gate is a repugnant individual


- 3 years ago  

I am well into my 60s and am just getting over SARs Covid 2 after having it about a week. I have been able to run 4 miles a day each of several of those days. Felt bad for two days. Feeling better now. Drank lots of water and took zinc regularly.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Masks have no down side Software Bill? Polls indicate 71% of people surveyed believe that their masks will protect them and you, in your infinite wisdom, say that they have no downside? Do you also believe that your chain link fence will keep the mosquitoes out of your back yard? Masks just cause people to take inappropriate risks that they wouldn’t if they weren’t wearing them.


- 3 years ago  

Who the hell does this guy think he is and why is this “journalist” asking him??????


- 3 years ago  

What a fucking monster...


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates.. Is he a doctor? Does he have medical education? NO!!! He is a geek who created a lame ass gaming/operating system. Screw Bill Gates! I ONLY wear a "facial-jock-strap" when I go to my VA hospital, and I ALWAYS complain, and I only refer to the thing as a "facial-jock-strap"

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 3 years ago  

He didn't even create MS-DOS. He stole it.


- 3 years ago  

This guy is a maniacal wannabe dictator! He is lying and helping to force these overreaching measures on the world backed by the lying media! One has but to look at the cdc info and the who info to find the truth! People of gates’ ilk are out to destroy national economies to expedite their one world power grab!


- 3 years ago  

From my experience, many many people are disregarding this bullshit. Of course, businesses can't do that too openly. Still, the work you're doing, Tony, is helping the cause. Between that and catchy phrases like "imagine a virus so deadly...." etc, the message is slooooowwlly getting through to the masses. My father in law, 84, had my teenage kids sit beside him to watch a movie recently. Like, right beside him. He's still alive! He knows the stats. Anyone that knows him, now knows these. We will win in the end.


- 3 years ago  

Businesses that brainwash your children and/or make money for china have low virus transmission. Businesses that allow people to gather and communicate and/or have fun and enjoy themselves have high transmission. Got it.


- 3 years ago  

Even if all the propaganda put out by the press was true, why in the blue hell would we be taking medical advice from Bill Gates? Is he a medical doctor and hasn't told anyone. Rand Paul is a physician yet no one is asking him anything.


- 3 years ago  

Exactly! Why are people foolish enough to sit and listen to Bill Gates who has no form of medical degree, he's not a virologist, epidemiologist, infectious disease expert, doctor, microbiologist. He is none of those things. Stick to software Bill.


- 3 years ago  

Real life James Bond villain.


- 3 years ago  

So, it's also "appropriate" that poverty caused by the lockdown will kill vastly more innocents than the Wuhan Masterstroke itself. At least we are getting a pretty good idea of who the worst perpetrators of the fake pandemic are, with a view to future Nuremberg-like trials.


- 3 years ago  

2022... you long term conspirator, masks have NO down side...? Forget the negative health affects and the social distrust they create? And really, how would schools be less a spreader than restaurants? When I went to school (a public school Mr. G.) everyone knew that illness swept through the school like wildfire, but restaurants and bars where never considered dangerous when the measles or the flu (for example) swept through the community... but as You are and expert on computer viruses I guess you must be just as amazing at human viruses as well. I ask you Mr.G... what trade offs have you had to make, you social introvert? this makes you feel powerful,k but you have NO power over us the people you person...

felicia p

- 3 years ago  

Who the FUCK does bloody BIll Gates think he is ????? I detest the despotic psychopath. I removed Windows from sheer disgust of the man. Covid is NOT dangerous, he IS.


- 3 years ago  

This is a crime against humanity-the emotion, physical, and psychological damage this has already done to our world’s population must be punished...we have become an experiment


- 3 years ago  

Because, Bill Gates is a virologist or pandemic expert with a doctorate degree or something? LOL, why do these "news" agencies interview this guy for his uneducated and uninformed opinion on such matters?


- 3 years ago  

He won't be happy with anything less than total control.


- 3 years ago  

What a freakish clown show Communist News Network and Dr. Evil put on. 😂🤣 Doom and Gloom propaganda! Sadly peo..umm..sheeple believe this crap....


- 3 years ago  

Vaccine shipment to my neighborhood is delayed. Stacks of filled coffins litter the street and cars can't get through. There are no workers to clear the coffins, they must all be dead. I would send you footage, but it is against the law for me to break my confinement unless it is essential. I still have some food, and the water and internet still working, so all ok here. I await the governor's call for all clear. Maybe next year. He will save us.


- 3 years ago  

All these tech tyrants need to die


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

When is Dr. Evil going to get his mini me. Bill Gates is criminally insane. Why do people look to him for advice on anything.


- 3 years ago  

Oh Billy and his vaccine. Billy knows this vaccine business will be worth trillions. Is everyone starting to understand why Billy wants you to take the vaccine and have it mandated? For Billy it's all about profit. Vaccine card = "papers please"


- 3 years ago  

Do you know how to tell when BG is lying? Yep, you got it.


- 3 years ago  

Nothing will matter to BG unless it impacts him significantly economically. The rich are starting to flee communist California. Who do you think the communists go after 1st?


- 3 years ago  

who the hell is bill gates ??? an why would I care what he has to say?


- 3 years ago  

Believe it or not, I have the same medical degree that Bill Gates has. That is to say, NONE!


- 3 years ago  

We have 20 new cases in a nursing home. They have had mandatory masks going back to Early March. Masks don't work, other than to keep everybody scared and in lock step.


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates is the modern day Josef Mengele


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Who gives a damn what this psychopath thinks?


- 3 years ago  

And why do they keep asking him about medical situations?He has no medical background or training whatsoever.


- 3 years ago  

It's like listening to a car mechanic talk about nuclear reactor repair. Just as ignorant.


- 3 years ago  

Ban travel by private jet and limousines, ban travel to second homes, ban paid in-house help like maids, cooks and groundskeepers, ban work from home that requires any employees to visit ever, then we’ll talk.

Extreme Supreme

- 3 years ago  

This is the same guy that said we need to get CO2 levels to zero. The plants are starving for CO2 as it is. Keep up the good work Tony.


- 3 years ago  

Both of these guys need to be dragged out of where they are and machine gunned.


- 3 years ago  

I'm new here on Newtube ,can you like a video


- 3 years ago  

Yes, just above the comments section


- 3 years ago  

This is why my 87 year old Mom is scared while locked down.


- 3 years ago  

New 2020 normal......... KILL BILL


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Military need to take these criminals out like yesterday!!!!

What's my name?

- 3 years ago  

Why is society even listening to this traitor? On a side note I it seems to me YouTube is under attack again. ie. Their system is jacked again.


- 3 years ago  

Sucks hey!!


- 3 years ago  

I’m having issues as well.


- 3 years ago  

A Covid normal is "look at me, l am a trillionare"!


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates received an honorarily degree in medicine from what university? Put this guy on trial for crimes against Humanity already... soonest!


- 3 years ago  

Pure evil.


- 3 years ago  

A good covid test


- 3 years ago  

Have a look at Australia!!!... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

Hey 666 are you still trying to quit sucking dicks? Just wondering how that was going.


- 3 years ago  

Hey pretty good thanks! 🤗... How's licking Heller's ass going!??


- 3 years ago  

As soon as Dr. Gates opens his mouth, he begins his stupid lies. I would like, if msm asked for another opinion, than from this insane virologist. I find him a bit creepy and he doesn´t seem to know as much, as he pretends...


- 3 years ago  

What you find & seem to think! Means nothing to the world!!... Anyone else have another opinion!??


- 3 years ago  

1_dr_liberty, I like your opinions. As for this 666 guy, he has same shit come out of his cocksucker every time. I think he is that loser Potholer54. Nothing else to do but stalk Tony Heller, while adding nothing to the discussion. Dr. Bill doesn't even vaccinate his own children but loves doing harm even death to thousands of people mostly in third world counties, while making millions of dollars along the way. Ever seen this video of Dr. Bill explaining how lucrative the vaccine business is?


- 3 years ago  

Yea they make 666 wear a mask to try to break him from sucking dicks 😷


- 3 years ago  

All this talk of sucking dicks is really starting to make me wonder about you!! 🤔... You want to suck mine too!!? 🤗


- 3 years ago  

Billington: I think TonyHeller666 is that actually Bill Gates playing the part of a troll. The only reply that should be given to him from now on, if anything, is hi Bill.


- 3 years ago  

MSNBC = Microsoft NBC. Something to think about...


- 3 years ago  

What an amazing and devilish thing to behold, this covid phantom. 'Reset' tooling that handles the sheeple with such skill youd think theyve been doing it for millennia.

What's my name?

- 3 years ago  

Amazing what you can get away with on humanity when you descend from the sky and pretend to be a god.


- 3 years ago  

I'd be happy to limit Gate's international travel. Stick to Seattle Bill, they need you there.


- 3 years ago  

Who gives a f*ck what this punk billy thinks ? Get rid of a virus ? Makes him sound like a moron or the slimy punk that he really is.


- 3 years ago  

Making me think of you!! 🤗


- 3 years ago  

I'm sick of the willful ignorance of people that are actully buying what these tyrants are selling.


- 3 years ago  

What are they selling again!!?


- 3 years ago  

Just like our prime minister in Canada, Trudeau, I cannot stand to even look at the face of Bill Gates, never mind listen to anything he has to say, as I know that what comes out will simply be pure evil. I basically open this video long enough to make this comment only. The sooner he dies the better as far as I'm concerned, find natural means of course.


- 3 years ago  

Have you ever thought, that people may think about you too!??


- 3 years ago  

I love that Trudeau is training China's army for cold weather in Canada. Trudeau is a real piece of work. No one cares what sicksickfuck has to say anyway.


- 3 years ago  

Gates is an EVIL A.....hole a one world globalist communist


- 3 years ago  

He's out to get us all!!!... Isn't he!!?


- 3 years ago  

666 you should take Dr. Bill's HPV vaccine.


- 3 years ago  

Masks don't have an upside either, you silly sod


- 3 years ago  

Shouldn't we ask a doctor? Dont be silly we can ask a computer programmer.


- 3 years ago  

Bill Gates makes it sound like Restaurants and bars are just a hot bed of disease and illness. What a lying sack of crap! He wants to keep the indoctrination centers (schools) open because doing online school from home is opening the eyes of parents to the sick crap that they're peddling to our kids, and they desperately want to put that genie back in the bottle.


- 3 years ago  

Keep watching Tony!!... I'm sure you'll get better soon! 🤗

Glenn Howden

- 3 years ago  

Maybe Billy is right. We need to get some genetically inferior people out of the gene pool. Starting with crooks. Out of the pool Gates.


- 3 years ago  

He’s willing to sacrifice ALL of us to achieve his goals. Glad he’s such an amazing expert! What an absolute egomaniac!