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Tony HellerPLUS



"Science" Reaches Peak Idiocy

  - 4:44

Experts tell us that mask mandates have eliminated the flu, but they failed with COVID-19 because not everybody wore masks.






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December 31st 2020  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

8/20/2021 Tony, we need you, Peterson, Musk, Trump, Flynn, DeSantis just to start with. NOW. You can make this happen and you know it. If someone doesn't get this ball rolling, All of us will suffer! They are pushing this on us. All of us! Every last one? I wish I had funds while they made you struggle.


- 4 years ago  

THE #1 Epidemiologist Pr John.A Ioannidis just published an overall study on COVID-19 "more restrictive Non Pharmaceutical Interventions aka mrNPI" such as curfew, lockdowns, closing schools etc. Conclusions : "While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less-restrictive interventions". On the other end, altough masks may in some case (inside small places - in presence of symptomatic person), masks are also known for increasing breath and lungs infections. Wearing masks for general population, OUTSIDE is detremental to health

Pete Bribble

- 4 years ago  

Can't you guys find a young nerd to FIX YOUR SITE? I really want to watch the videos, but it is so difficult, I am about ready to give up.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

The effectiveness of masks is reduced if people do not follow the rules of: space, at least 2m apart, minimising face to face contact time with those outside your bubble, regular hand washing & properly wear & care for a mask. Even Sweden is now locking down Without lockdowns then Hospitals & Morgues become overwhelmed. The only way out of the COVID-19 crisis is by means of vaccines. These days it is unacceptable to not intervene & just let Natural Selection take its course.


- 4 years ago  

Congratulations Joe Biden!! 🎉🎊🎉👍


- 4 years ago  

I frequently send your videos to others to show scientific reality, whether it is about COVID or "global warming". While I understand your frustration with things, may I implore you to leave off the partisan rhetoric that, for instance, you tagged to the end of this video at about the 4 minute mark. It will not help things, since the person seeing this video will ignore your well-reasoned facts about masks and assume you are just someone they can ignore because of your "bias".Once you describe Biden as a "senile corrupt child groper" they will discount everything else you have said. In the past you have usually been very careful about this.


- 4 years ago  

Covid is so smart it only picks on some stores, Walmart is immune and some restaurants! They have finally made a smart virus! It also has stopped all other forms of death in the world! Covid has even lowered deaths by heart attacks diabetes and everything! Ever wonder why they have to pay doctors to say people died from covid? Wake up sheeple, your being had big time!


- 4 years ago  

Obviously coming from one of the sheepies!!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

wait, your graph say that there is only 144 people that die of the flu last year in the entire US? WTF are you talking about man.


- 4 years ago  

Most of time he doesn't understand what he is showing & saying!! But he thinks he does! & So does his followers!! 😝. He does love to play with & make his own graphs up too!. He's a clever boy!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

It's because doctors don't get paid to say people died from the flu!!!! Figure it out man!


- 4 years ago  

Fuck that shit man!! That's too hard!!!... I'm just going to listen to Tony thanks! 😝 🤗


- 4 years ago  

There's an important word there namely "pediatric", I suggest you look it up


- 4 years ago  

Well, you know, because non-existent gender and racial inequalities are the primary cause of global warming.


- 4 years ago  

I continue to get comments from local friends they have even More Problems and can NOT Watch videos on NewTube - it is a Platform Issue. Please Mirror or move to Rumble so more people can watch your videos.

Stephen Nixey

- 4 years ago  

This is an actual anomaly that many other viruses disappear and cant get a look in during a pandemic of the more dominant strain. It has nothing to do with Masks or Lockdowns as they simply do not work as well as the 'Ideology' suggests and are very damaging.


- 4 years ago  

Bullshit!!! They pay doctors to say people died from covid!!!! Figure it out! What good does it do a doctor to say that they died from the flu?


- 4 years ago  

We have a new troll!!! 😝... Yay! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

As governments reach peak borrowing ($$$)...


- 4 years ago  

I say bring back the food stamps!! 😝... Might as get use to it now hey!

Voice of Reason

- 4 years ago  

Here's the skinny on the disappearance of influenza. It has nothing to do with lockdowns, masks or distancing. In all outbreaks, when a new pathogen enters the environment, there is a fight for dominance in our immune systems and other seasonal endemics get suppressed. Next Fall we will see a normal flu season as SARS-CoV2 attenuates down to a normal, background seasonal endemic.


- 4 years ago  

Bullshit!!! They pay doctors 17 thousand bucks to say people died from covid and they pay them nothing to say they died from the flu! Greed is the root of all evil and anybody should be able to figure it out!!!!

The State

- 4 years ago  

The Globalists (Klaus "Adolph" Schwab, Bill Gates, et al) have in place a method to continue lockdowns, masks, destruction of the world's economies indefinately. Fake PCR tests will show flu infections as positive CCPV-19 infections. Bang, lockdown and quarantine for flu. This will will never end. I am counting on the US Military (if not, US Militia) to bring this idiocy to a screeching halt in the next 3 weeks. Check out Scott McKay's videos (and MonkeyWerx) on YouTube, Brighteon, "Tipping Point Radio" to find out what's happening. Don't lose hope Patriots, there will never be a "President Biden".


- 4 years ago  

It damn sure better end soon or there's going to be a lot of dead elitist POS bastards like gates and fauci! People are sick of the lies and the lockdown crap!


- 4 years ago  

we have a PCR pandemic, nothing more


- 4 years ago  

Yup. I believe the term is 'casedemic.' When you have a dominant testing regime with a false positive rate of 58-95%, the pandemic is a self-licking ice cream cone.


- 4 years ago  

Government can't control the flu or COVID-19, but they can control research funding. And that is how they control scientific consensus. Give anyone control over 95% of the available research funding (as in climate research and now epidemiology) and the consensus will shortly become whatever the political culture wants it to be. In such cases, the facts become irrelevant. It's the Golden Rule in action. Scientists gotta eat, too.


- 4 years ago  

there are no limits to idiocy


- 4 years ago  

Leftards are vermin that should be horsewhipped daily.


- 4 years ago  

Flip flopping experts on mask mandates and lock downs cover their butts by contradicting themselves over and over. A 2 year old would be more believable at telling us to wear a mask or not.


- 4 years ago  

The DemocRats and their ever supportive Leftists in the Media and Academia took over the USA's 'Health Care Infrastructure' under the cover of the ACA, here in Oregon we already had corrupt 'Dr.' John Kitzhaber's Oregon Health Authority, which, with the SOS managed to spend $300M on a never-functional web site to join ACA... That was a preview of how incompetence is the fiber of the DemocRats' very being, and since the former SOS is now Governor after Dr. John's corruption came to light and forced him to resign, Oregon was the first state to close schools and lockdown its economy 'following the science' before they even managed to blame a single death on COVID! Pure coincidence that 'Trump's Economy' had unemployment down below 3% and there was an election coming up within months, and no science anywhere showed that lockdowns would be effective, although county medical staff in Oregon & Washington State managed to track and stop outbreaks from other viral sources repeatedly (without masks and lockdowns) over previous decades. But fascist DemocRats nationwide couldn't resist their urges toward fascist state-ism, suspending citizen rights to manage their own economic and 'health' related affairs just as if all it took was a 'declaration of emergency'...


- 4 years ago  

Ready for another year of conflicting government edicts developed to destroy their underlings while achieving unprecedented power in the hands of “public servants” ? Me neither!


- 4 years ago  

I did read somewhere that the PCR test showed up positive for the common cold and seasonal flu? Hmmm


- 4 years ago  

This site shows Covid-19 stats for 27 European countries. Sobering.

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

fake stats for a fake pandemic


- 4 years ago  

I noticed the disappearing flu since many months now, but I guess the reason is another: Covid-19 replaced influenza already like N1H1 did the same in 2009/10 with the former flu before. Viruses work like evolution extreme and replacing their predecessors within months.

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

So why are governments and pharma still pushing flu vaccines?

Gilfort the great

- 4 years ago  

We are submerged by imbeciles...


- 4 years ago  

keeping company w them dulls the intellect. at this point I'm stupid mad!


- 4 years ago  

keep up the great work!! We need your information to counter Pravda!


- 4 years ago  

Scientific fraud used to end your career. Now it's scientific veracity.


- 4 years ago  

But masks do work as a uniform!


- 4 years ago  

What is clear to me is that the current generation of leftists are very unhappy people and also very angry too. They wouldn't be happy if they got everything they ask for and that anger they hold is quite a thing too. I also know that we need to keep the pressure on them and make them as uncomfortable as possible. Whenever in a conversation with a lefty just drop a comment that you know will make them boil and enjoy the show. They are fuckwits who know not how to innovate, lead, grow and economy they know only how to take and expect more of others and do as little as possible. I live in France and in our little hamlet here up until two years ago or so was a British communist of the Marxist angry mob. He had never had an original thought in his life, never achieved even his own low expectations of himself and was angry every day with everyone else because of his own failings. In the end I just told him to fuck off and take his misery away with him. Lo and behold he did indeed fuck off and is now planting misery and anger somewhere else in rural France. Cunt.


- 4 years ago  

Can't Understand Normal Thinking people are only happy in a group like themselves that: Can't Understand Logical Thought. Ask TH(C)666, he'll tell ya!


- 4 years ago  

Anyone get a feeling that Tony doesn't like the left!!? 😝... Some personal agendas going on here!!! 🤔


- 4 years ago  

Shows you their own data and you still deny. You really portray the imbecility or leftist/democrats. Ever get the feeling you are dumber than a post? Well let me inform you


- 4 years ago  

Aren't you a good little brainwashed boy!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

It is not about left and right, it is about having evidence and rational thinking to determine policy.


- 4 years ago  

No personal agenda - just common sense.


- 4 years ago  

Peak idiocy ⬆️⬆️ 😊


- 4 years ago  

You should try actually WATCHING the vids Tony presents instead of simply advertising the fact that you're badly educated, ignorant vermin here in the comments section, dumbass.


- 4 years ago  

Yeh I do 'WATCH' his videos!!... It's a shame dumbasses like yourself don't! 😝... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

We (should) all know that there is no such thing as "the science" there is only science. The article "the" denotes a single, solitary thing, but science is NOT a single, solitary thing. As a scientist (I have a PhD in Mathematics) I cherish disagreements, this, so-called, "the science" does not.


- 4 years ago  

You are right on top of this scientific malfeasance. I think you are doing a fantastic, yet thankless, job.


- 4 years ago  

PhD Physical Chemist here. Thank you, Tony, for what you put out there.


- 4 years ago  

I tried to lookup deaths in 2020 from heart disease and can't find them. The latest I could find on the CDC pages is 2018. Funny but the Covid-19 deaths are available every day.

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

Corruption has ruined the value of just about any data, but for what it's worth: It is interesting they can have the figures they want for their narrative instantly and easily available though, I agree.


- 4 years ago  

Yet I keep seeing CDC adds on YT for flu shots.

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

The left's quandary is, "Who should I hate now and who should I hate the most?"........ The cabals created a fictitious persona for Trump and the main stream media broadcasted the propaganda...... Hating a person that doesn't exist is a waste of calories...... People that believe Trump is literally Hitler in spite of much contrary evidence will also believe we are suffering a world wide pandemic.


- 4 years ago  

Tony! Oh you made me laugh out loud with you ending to this video! What is going on inside the heads of the climate, illiterate, morons of the leftist agenda? Oh, I laughed out loud again! I am going to save this so I will be able to laugh all year in 2021, all though I am sure the left will give me more to laugh about.


- 4 years ago  

That good mate!!... Hopefully you can continue well into twenty 22 too!!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

I have to correct you there Tony, "A senile, corrupt, creepy old guy".


- 4 years ago  

It's like not buying a kitchen machine because it cannot wash your clothes.


- 4 years ago  

Flu magically vanished huh. Guess what I have right now. Influenza. Since manditory mask wearing I've caught two colds, Covid and influenza. I feel like I'm wearing a petrie dish on my face when I wear a mask. The numbers in Toronto, Canada have skyrocketed. They want to tighten the lockdown even further now. The last tightening made things worse. What part of they aren't working do they not understand? Why do people think that a cheap cloth mask or cheap surgeons style mask that is more designed for dust, etc is going to protect us from a virus that is .3 microns in size?


- 4 years ago  

And the left are never wrong, so when it doesn't work they try harder, (since they are never wrong)! Or another way to put it, is an idiot can never admit that they are an idiot.


- 4 years ago  

So....... do not wear the mask. I do not except when I go into a store where the fear people tread.


- 4 years ago  

All our Covid motivated sampling is subject not only to testing for the novel corona virus but also for rhino-viruses, influenza viruses, RSV virus etc so we know in Australia if the symptomatic patient has flu, Covid or one of the many others usually manifesting as URTI. Use Australian DATA Tony, it is accurate and reproducible and reliable.


- 4 years ago  

Yet you idiots gave up your guns.... and you are having grandmothers being arrested just sitting on a park bench. yeah, I think I am going to listen to a Australian....


- 4 years ago  

Benditover6!! Tony's got you right were he wants you!!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

All data is corrupted, eventually the truth comes out but only a fifth of the population gets to know or cares and it's then too late anyway. Nothing changes, the wrong policies are confirmed and enforced because politicians are held to ransom by the media. Many politicians are being coerced by the fear that if they don't get with the globalist program they'll lose their careers etc. This is true in Australia as it is in the rest of the West.


- 4 years ago  

I can't believe the 'experts' are trying to push this shit!!! good job Tony

Warren Zoell

- 4 years ago  

The reality is' is that most of the positive PCR tests are in fact the flu. Not Covid 19


- 4 years ago  

Happy new year Tony!! 🎉🎉🎉. Get out there & amongst it mate!. Party on!!... You know, Chinese style!!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

The "case numbers" being reported cannot be trusted. A guy dies in a motorcycle accident? Covid . Gunshot victim dies? Covid. Heart attack? Covid. Flu like symptoms? Covid . No symptoms at all but PCR test says positive anyways? Covid. Hospitals, at least here in the US, are incentivized to report a death as a covid death. Also, the PCR test was shown to test soda and certain fruits as positive covid patients. Also, look up the patent on the PCR test. It states "For experimental use only, not to be used in any diagnostic procedures." Even the shady CDC has warned not to give the test to asymptomatic persons “because of the increased likelihood of false-positive results.” The govt is taking FULL ADVANTAGE of us, and we are letting them.


- 4 years ago  

Happy? 2020 won


- 4 years ago  

Covid-19 is the Global Warming of diseases. While all weather is the result of global Warming. All deaths are the result of Covid-19.


- 4 years ago  

Listed as sifi shorts but is far from it!


- 4 years ago  

Over the last 4 years Iv'e come to the conclusion America has NO shortage of willful ignorant gullible fall for anything suckers, turned into irrational mindless zombie imbeciles.

The louster

- 4 years ago  

Toto is smarter than the average leftist. Correction; Tito is smarter than all leftist


- 4 years ago  

Truth is false, and logic lost. We have entered the Twilight Zone


- 4 years ago  

A mask will stop a virus every bit a well as an umbrella will stop an asteroid (actually this is a great new business idea). Masks have a purpose in a hospital, they are a part of a complete head to toe system, they are changed for NEW ones often, and the environment is often cleaned. The virus DOES NOT EXIST in the environment, it ONLY exists in a host, the solution is the same thing the human race has been doing since time immemorial--stay home if you are sick!!!


- 4 years ago  

You should look at other countries: in Chile, they simply said that all viruses are gone, and in Spain, Covid has "eaten" the flu virus, and apparently, only 4 cases have been detected in the entire year. And people believe this shit.


- 4 years ago  

'Peak Idiocy' is the only pandemic of issue. It has a savage fatal proclivity for politicians, institutions, the legion of readily and willingly indoctrinated, misinformed, disinformed and propagandised, and of course those inclined toward a pecksniffian disposition.

Barls Charkley

- 4 years ago  

Mask mandates are like socialism: neither work, but only because the right people haven't been in charge. So we need to keep on trying until the right people finally come along.


- 4 years ago  

Hmm? Masks stop the flu but they don't stop Covid? Sounds like ALL of our Covid deaths are from seasonal flu.


- 4 years ago  

If you listen to Tony!!. Yeh 🤗

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

Yes, we do listen to Tony because he makes logical reasoned arguments so stop bothering to troll here 666.


- 4 years ago  

No he tells you his beliefs!! & Tries to make his lies look true! All for you!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

The massive mandatory madness still circles in the center of the politicians, who knows everything about a virus, "educated" by lunatic individuals in our "health" "care" systems. What can possible go wrong? Very good enlightening video! ✔️


- 4 years ago  

Everything will be fine!!!. Just listen to the Trumpet!!


- 4 years ago  

The "science" is idiotic, but none of this has anything to do with science. We live in a world where the movers and shakers only care about power and control. They do not care about science, the Constitution, right and wrong, good and evil, or even reality, but they know that the people they are trying to have power over, do care about these things. This allows these leftist leaders to use principles as weapons against the people who have them. The solution is to shine the light on what they are doing. Point out, rather insistently, that every thing they say and do is really about them having more power and control over the people. Don't engage on the 'issue', whatever it is. The issue is a distraction to their power grab. Think about it. Has the left proposed any 'solution' to any 'issue' in the last 50 years which doesn't provide them with more power and control in the end? Usually they have made things far worse, but they always come out with more power and control than before.


- 4 years ago  

Once referred to as, 'the socialist ratchet' it never releases, that is, until it is made to. This will all end very badly I fear.


- 4 years ago  

It's hard to "shine the light" on them because the MSM, Hollywood, Academia are all complicit with their plans to deceive. Slowly things are turning because of people like Tony who show the truth in an easy to understand way. We need a lot more though, to counter the torrent of lies from the other side.


- 4 years ago  

Can I just point out!!. That people like you are dickheads! 😝


- 4 years ago  

The loss of our jobs, businesses, recreation, and freedom have nothing to do with a virus. Only the evil "elite" Cabal pushing in the New World Order.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

We need to start a new town called "Thinkville" for people who REFUSE to be indoctrinated, who have watched and listened to enough REAL science and actually done some critical thinking and who KNOW just how insanely corrupt our govt is. Honestly, people have STOPPED thinking. I've been asking for months now, WHERE'S THE FLU? The average person doesn't even think it's worth thinking about.. IF ANYTHING, all of us keeping our hands cleaner has probably helped the most. It's hard to keep my head at times because I'm in CA and THIS IS the Zombie Apocalypse. I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!


- 4 years ago  

Skanky!! 🥰


- 4 years ago  

Life in the US is going to take a terrible turn under president Harris!


- 4 years ago  

But the lockdown allowed the enlightened progressives who-definitely-are-not-racist to elect a "new" President with 48 years of "experience" and a cackles while she lies self described "brown woman" as backup. Now they are going to save the world using total scientific super powers: To infinity and beyond!!


- 4 years ago  

Tony mentioned the relatively low intelligence of many Americans (suggesting those on the left fit that description). Here's my take: The IQ distribution is on a bell curve, with the median value at an IQ of 100. That means that 50% of the population is at or below an IQ of 100. Let that soak in for a moment.....


- 4 years ago  

One aspect missing here, Tony, is the overall death rate in America. From what I saw on TwitR, the rate is virtually identical, at 0.8% of the population, to every other recent year, amounting to around 2.7 million this year and last, so Covid appears to have made next to no difference to the number of Americans dying overall...


- 4 years ago  

If TwitR is your source, you need to search for a new source.


- 4 years ago  

Twitter is a problem with the 97%er's!!! 😝

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

The death rate was slightly below where it would have been without a pandemic until a couple of days ago. Then all of a sudden it shot up by 40,000 overnight- bit like Biden's votes, but still well short of the excess 300,000. I expect another few hundred thousand will mysteriously appear out of nowhere even though the year is over.


- 4 years ago  

@Dark Corners Of History Could you provide a link to backup what you just said about the death rate in America and especially this 40,000 overnight jump?

felicia p

- 4 years ago  

Here's hoping that corrupt despot Jacinda Ardern gets this in her FB newsfeed, as I despise the woman as a narcissistic psychopath.


- 4 years ago  

So refreshing to learn that here appears an individual who may not have voted for the megalomaniacal neo-Marxist sock puppet masquerading as a politician in NZ, in dire need of an equine orthodontist and a genuine education beyond the Leftist grooming drivel of a low wattage B.Communication Studies.


- 4 years ago  

😂🤣😂🤣 😝 👍


- 4 years ago  

We had a murder/suicide here last week. The wife had tested positive for the Wuhan but was not hospitalized. The news readers on the local station call it Covid related. That is how insane this has become. The same station called a person who was shot by the police after walking thru a neighborhood with a hand gun and a semi-automatic rifle a victim. He was ordered to drop the guns but continued to point them at the police who then fired one shot hitting him and ending the situation. Turns out he had multiple arrests, some for firearms violations etc. Victim indeed. Let the protests begin. Seems Orwell's 1984 was indeed an instruction manual for our Communist overlords.


- 4 years ago  

Unfortunately I began to think the same as you Tony. Intellectually average human being seems week! I am not a better human being than nobod , I've got weekness and defaults but gee! The simple logical reasoning of 1+1=2 when fear and other emotions got in the equation seems to have disappeared for the journalists, common people, politicians and democrats. A big, big shame for those scientists who are claiming idiotic things in order to get money!


- 4 years ago  

So if we keep wearing THE masks they may cure cancer, amazing these masks!


- 4 years ago  

What!!? You didn't know that!?? 🙄


- 4 years ago  

Only Herd Immunity can stop Covid. The longer this is dragged out the more people will die. Most will be older people who vote conservatively against the Left.


- 4 years ago  

Non-vaccine herd immunity would result in more deaths, not less, due to overwhelmed hospitals and ICUs. There is not one country that has attained herd immunity. If you know of one, please say which it is and any data to support it.


- 4 years ago  

mev Sweden has basically the same rate of cases & deaths as those countries with lockdowns & mask mandates which have no affect on cases or deaths, natural immunity is better than mRNA DNA altering vaccines which turn you into a GMO person and may cause an over reactive immune response when subject is exposed to the wild virus, a flu vaccine for healthy people is not necessary for an influenza with a 99.7% recovery rate


- 4 years ago  

mev.... There is no overwhelmed hospitals. You just said that twitter news was fake but now you are pushing msm bullshit? What you do not seem to understand is that people are going to die one way or another. It does not mater what you do. Go hide in a hole if you want, it will not change your fate one way or another


- 4 years ago  

Yeh guys!! You just have to watch Tony's videos to understand everything & to see that all the hospital's are empty!!! 🤣😂🤣😂... Fuck I love this group!!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

666.... again you prove you stupidity. Prove to the people that hospitals are over run and overwhelmed. Hey TOBY666 have you got your shot yet? Better run right down and do that real soon!


- 4 years ago  

Where do you come from benditover6!!?

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

If mev stopped to think before parroting the MSM lies they would think about the medical staff with nothing to do but tiktok dances, the staff sent home from hospitals because wards are empty, the videos of the empty wards, etc. They may even think why would you go to hospital because you have a runny nose?


- 4 years ago  

@DaveyCrockett Try and compare one variety of apple to another variety of apple. Look at cases, deaths, rates for Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark: What do you see? Why is Sweden the worse? mNRA vaccines do not alter our DNA. Show me one report, from a scientist, that even state that. Just one. There is a small subset of people with auto-immune diseases that will have a severe reaction to many different vaccines or viruses. Also, the over active immune response is happening in people who contract the sars-cov-2 virus. That is one of the reasons for them going on corticosteroids and the reason why many die. Do you understand that the 99.7% recovery rate means for deaths? Or another way, how many will die with a .3% death rate? Those numbers are based on a range if you try and read up on them. People, like you, take the end of the range to push your point of view, but lets go with your more optimistic number. .3% is 3 times worse than the average flu: So, regular flu kills between 290,000–650,000/year worldwide and 12,000–61,000/year in the USA. We now have 1,838,378/world and 347,956/USA. Do you see the difference?


- 4 years ago  

@Bandit6 "There is no overwhelmed hospitals." You are a real piece of shit. I wish I could drag your ass thru a Los Angelos County hospital (pick you hospital), sans mask, and let you breath in as much of the fake virus that you can. The only problem is the nurse and doctors would still treat you if you were one of the unfortunate to need care.


- 4 years ago  

@Dark Corners Of History The #FilmYourHospital has been around for a long time now. Got any videos of Los Angelos county hospitals from December? As for believing the msm news, it is only when compared twitter/facebook/newtube/youtube. They are a cesspool of ignorant, conspiracy believing nut jobs. It is not that the msm is a bastion of truth, it is just that the alternative is filled with complete crap.


- 4 years ago  

Only .... COVID-19 is un isolated per the CDC, it doesn't exist at all. Bat Stew Flu has prompted sheeple virtue signalling how wearing masks is a good thing to do for all of humanity, and if you don't wear a mask, you're a damned psycho!


- 4 years ago  

We in Ontario Canada are under mask mandate and lockdown from Dec 26 through Jan 23. Idiots in Canada also.


- 4 years ago  

What happens with the masks when it is cold outside?

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

when are you going to revolt?


- 4 years ago  

What you have to recognize here is that we have entered a new dark cage, along with a new religion. Science is now what the priests say it is. We will soon hear that the earth is flat and that we have to be locked down and chained in order not to fall off. Of course the new clergy will enjoy all the fruits of power. Sex, comfort, power and money. The rest of us can slave away and wait for revelations from the new pope of climate and virus. I can hardly wait for the revelations on the third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth and 10th variation of the virus. Whoopi


- 4 years ago  

Nobody has ever believed the Earth is flat. Sailors have always known the Earth curves, from simple observation, and stargazers can see the circular shape of every other heavenly body, and the circular shape of the Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse. Flat Earth is a nineteenth century joke, taken too far by the awkward squad, and has never been a real thing...


- 4 years ago  

I remember playing you at the club!! 😝... Yeh the odds weren't good!!!

Dark Corners Of History

- 4 years ago  

Flat Earth is a psyop tool used to spike rational discussion by nauseating state agents like 666.


- 4 years ago  

Do you remember playing 666 too!!?


- 4 years ago  

Brilliant, as always!


- 4 years ago  

I am actually in awe of how successfully the government and corporations have numbed and dumbed down the populace so that anything will be uncritically accepted. Digital technology has made it so easy to manipulate perception and feed propaganda to the masses, and with the advent of social media the citizenry have come to actually beg for it as if they were addicted to a drug. We don't need schools anymore because people are now being programmed and controlled by their technology. The final phase is chip implants.

Steven Casteel

- 4 years ago  

You are one of the few humans that I don't dislike. There aren't many...


- 4 years ago  

Something else that would fit in this video is the WHO now considers the immune system a conspiracy theory and hard immunity is only achieved through vaccination


- 4 years ago  

you are just the best. thank you for all of the information.

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 4 years ago  

Have we reached "peak bizarre" yet? Please tell me we have...


- 4 years ago  

Ah well, you see, the curve is exponential.

Tarquin The Rotter

- 4 years ago  

Newly released international death certificate form: NAME: _________________ DATE OF DEATH: __________________ CAUSE OF DEATH (tick one or both): (a) Climate change (b) COVID-19 PREFERRED PRONOUNS: ______________

Tarquin The Rotter

- 4 years ago  

Formatting text IST VERBOTEN!

The Sane Realist

- 4 years ago  

So much buffering I cannot watch sorry Tony, hopefully it will get better soon


- 4 years ago  

Whenever the video stalls, tap on Forward and then immediately tap on Back. Usually the video will proceed. Or do the reverse.


- 4 years ago  

Keep it up, Tony. The truth needs to get out there.


- 4 years ago  

😂🤣😂🤣... Sorry, crack me up!!


- 4 years ago  

Peak idiocy? Joe Biden: 'Hold my beer!'


- 4 years ago  

I do not know why you keep banging on with facts and figures Covid & climate change are a religion and we all know that heretics are burned at the stake. Religion is the same as a virus ..... not alive, impossible to eradicate and spreads from person to person


- 4 years ago  

It's REALLY, REALLY important that he bangs on, and on and on and on because more and more people ARE allowing a mustard seed's worth of light to shine in.. then they get curious. The way we GOT here to begin with was Green Piss BANGING ON about how people are a pox on the earth.. the govt BANGING ON about how racist we all are and all the rest of it. I am INFINITELY grateful that Tony is willing to give his time and share his incredible expertise. Have you ever read "who is Tony Heller", at I encourage you to do so. Tony's breadth of experience and expertise makes him uniquely qualified to comment on so many topics, Covid being a very important one. Same for the climate kookery! 8-)


- 4 years ago  

Hey skanky!! 😊... RUOk!!? 😝


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Hi, Another voice of reason is Dennis Prager and PragerU. If you are not familiar, its worth a look and see. Idiocracy has been with us since April 1.


- 4 years ago  

The politics of 'climate change' have little, if anything, to do with climate change, but they have everything to do with creating a digital society, literally wired-in to the 'Ai-run cloud/s system', so we become digital slaves, owned by the state, to do with as it pleases, 24hr monitoring thru devices & implants, is already here. The destruction of small businesses is deliberate, the "Great Reset" allows for only global corporations to be the suppliers of everything, to the entire world. I don't know if I'm allowed to post a link to an external site, where you can read more of my writing on this, & other topics.. We'll see..


- 4 years ago  

Deport the woke.


- 4 years ago  

I have been following your presentations for ever and deem them a reliable source of information in contrast to the MSM deceptive and misleading narratives. However, I wish this website was more user friendly and easy to manage as utube.


- 4 years ago  

I doubt the flu went anywhere when doctors are just labeling most respiratory ailments as covid and sending them home.


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for your clear and concise videos. The desire for power from the "elites" really blinds them from being wise. Wisdom comes from God.


- 4 years ago  

I wish I took the blue pill.


- 4 years ago  

There's no going back!


- 4 years ago  

Yea, but Brawndo's got what plants crave.


- 4 years ago  

It continues to boggle my mind how people who should know better (scientists, engineers) continue to buy the bogus statistics pushed by MSM and politicians. In my case these are the same people who, a few years ago, themselves regularly derided the MSM / politicians, pointing out that neither the MSM nor the politicians knew what they were talking about since they were both not scientists/engineers but were motivated to cook the books to claim the worst circumstances possible, and how they were going to "save everyone" in order to buy votes. Even when pulling down the CDC's own data and pointing out how the mainstream numbers were misrepresented, suppressed, or downright wrong, one gets ideological pushback about "Trump" or "equity" or what-have-you... entirely ignoring that the numbers themselves are wrong. Even pointing out how both the MSM and politicians are engaging in historical revisionism to cast themselves in the best light (like Cuomo & the elder care homes scrubbed policy from Health Department websites).. somehow critical thinking for oneself using the facts on the ground no longer matter. It's scary, depressing, and sad.


- 4 years ago  

yah, its all fake


- 4 years ago  

It used to amaze me, but when you realize so many of these "scientists" are spit out of universities run by, and funded by the elite that look down on the proles like us, you will stop being shocked.


- 4 years ago  

@mev That article illustrates how the dramatic but poorly planned overresponse (public health theatre) and lack of preparation has begun to have secondary impacts. Delayed care has served to roll patient visits forward into virus season and worsened people's health in general. It also seems L.A. lockdowns and mask mandates haven't worked, i.e. the virus circulated over the summer but not among the healthy demographic that would be able to push the population toward herd immunity. The only herd immunity available now is at the end of a needle and it takes weeks to develop.


- 4 years ago  

@Cuideigin How could a poorly planned over response and lack of preparation lead to anything like we are seeing in hospitals when the coronavirus is fake. Unless, you are implying that the overrun hospitals have nothing to do with the fake coronavirus, but are only filling now because "Delayed care has served to roll patient visits forward into virus season and worsened people's health in general." Is that what you are saying?


- 4 years ago  

How is Sweden doing ?


- 4 years ago  

Sweden is actually doing great. Total mortality per 100.000 is below that of 2015 in Sweden. Article of the Swedish Statistical agency: Click on preliminary statistics on deaths under links at the bottom of the page. Open the excel. Go to table 11. See 'Riket' (= whole country). Compare the years: 2015 was a more deadly year than 2020 up till november. If you consider the fact that mortality rates are increasing all over the west due to an aging population and the fact that mortality was extremely low in 2019, you have to conclude 2020 was nothing out of the ordinary in terms of mortality. No lockdowns, no masks.


- 4 years ago  

It looks like 2015 is more deadly than 2020 except for April and May. It seems that in many western countries that experienced rapid post-war demographic population increase from increased births (baby boom) there is now a secular increase in mortality due to aging population. The increase kicks in around 2009-10 (in America 2007 or 2008 was the last year there was a *decrease* in mortality rate if I recall). This "base rate" fluctuates with population age and other demographic characteristics.


- 4 years ago  

@Ardu are children in schools in Sweden required to wear masks? Some of the schools that are open in the USA (many aren't) require masks.


- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

@ardu Up to November is a very important qualifier since the deaths started increasing in November and had continued increasing in December. Your summation of Sweden's policy as no lockdowns, no masks is a very simplistic generalization. Have you any knowledge of what the Swedish citizens did on their own (approximately 35% mobility compared to normal according to Tengell) or what policies the regional governments have put in place to reduce the spread?


- 4 years ago  

@Cuideigan No Sweden doesn't have any mask mandates anywhere. Recently, they started to recommend them in public transport, but no mandates. @mev Even if the mortality rate in december will be high, 2020 will not be extraordinary. Given that only very old and sick people die, you also have to look at longer time periods. How much of a reservoir of old sick people haven been waiting in line for the grim reaper? If you look at 2-years periods and combine 2019 and 2020, the deathrate actually has been low. 2019 was an exceptional year in terms of low mortality. Furthermore, what Swedes did on their own is merely the last straw that lockdowners grab on to. It is besides the point. Bars were open, shops were open and restaurants were open and people don't wear masks. They could live their normal lives without having to go for the police state solution.


- 4 years ago  

Ardu!!. No masks, no lockdowns!!?. 🤔... Do you follow Tony much!?? 😝


- 4 years ago  

@Ardu "Bars were open, shops were open and restaurants were open and people don't wear masks." They instituted restrictions on hours numbers, where people could be served food. Even way back in March. Now they have done more restrictions in December, even high schools. Do you even read what they have done or not done? Not from dumb as shit video bloggers, but actual swedish government policies? Why do mix good statements about "reservoir of old sick people" and comparing death rates (both of which are a good area of research with respect to sars-cov-2) and a fucking bullshit statement like "Given that only very old and sick people die"?


- 4 years ago  

Happy New Year all,,may we live forever communist free Amen.


- 4 years ago  

Excellent as always! Keep up your splendid and extremly important work also next year! And happy new year to all!

Doctor Bacon

- 4 years ago  

Died "WITH" not from.


- 4 years ago  

Are you referring to the guy who crashed his motorcycle into a tree? When he was tested at the hospital it was found that he had died with Covid, and thus counted a another covid death?


- 4 years ago  

MouseC Look out. Media fact checkers have determined that being chained to the floor, somewhere deep underground, is the only way we'll survive as a species. What, ultimately, short of that do you think all of this idiocy is leading to?

The Traveller

- 4 years ago  

Absolutely delighted to be able to view, vote as part of the first 20 viewers, and share this information from here in the UK. Keep it up Tony!!


- 4 years ago  

It is worrying how stupid the population is.


- 4 years ago  

Well, Tony, as we should all know by now, the lockdowns aren't really about managing the virus, they're about managing the citizens. They've been petty effective in their actual purpose, and will therefore continue indefinitely.


- 4 years ago  

Happy new year everybody ! And keep fighting the fight ! 🌺


- 4 years ago  

What fight!!?... I thought we were all on the same side!??... 🤔

Clive Horridge

- 4 years ago  

It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. What a shit-show🙄


- 4 years ago  

Toto knows. Tomorrow will begin the last year of the United States of America. Or was that 2020? Crappy New Year, everyone!! /s. (sort of)


- 4 years ago  

2022!!!... The Bible said so!! 😝


- 4 years ago  

Hilarious, this is becoming a running joke.