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Tony HellerPLUS



Gaslighting Meat

  - 10:16

The Biden administration has declared war on America, and particularly on the western states. In this video I discuss another aspect of how they are working to destroy our civilization via junk science.






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May 2nd 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Stalin and Mao are having a PARTY in HELL watching OBIDEN destroy . . WE THE PEOPLE... . . . “YOU KNOW THE THING...”


- 3 years ago  

I know that there is NO human-caused "climate change". In addition, I have a weird diet, proteins and fat and NO SOY products. My Testosterone level are HIGH, I cannot eat fruits. {{PS: Testosterone level have been dropping for 100 years}} {{{PSS: Testosterone is THE HORMONE OF THE GODS!!!!!}}}


- 3 years ago  

It is estimated that there were 50 to 60 million buffalo in North America in the 1800's. Estimates now say there are almost 100 million cows in the country. Has methane doubled?


- 3 years ago  

I have met the enemy....and the enemy is.....demrats within....CCP abroad.....the climate battle is one battle in a larger war.


- 3 years ago  

I always get an amazing smile on my face after listening to the in depth details that Tony brings to the surface on the corruption and lies that the left pumps out to the world to make them fearful of their lives. FDR once stated “Only thing we have to fear is fear itself!” - the left wants everyone to live in fear “everyday” - fear of the virus, fear of not wearing your mask, fear that the blacks are oppressed, whites hate everyone - all I can say is “put your boots on, it’s getting pretty deep”. The left wants nothing to do with the truth, they have pushed out GOD, even today they have thrown away the leader who did so much for black community during the civil rights movement - Martin Luther King. Today the left is just searching for more power, more control, more greed - today the left is just pure evil - they have sold their souls for this desire.


- 3 years ago  

You have heard of the covid gene toxin vaccine right ? I would not be suppressed if 50% of the population will die.


- 3 years ago  

Thanks so much, Tony Heller, for exposing the lies of so many grifters who are all about destroying everything great & good in America.


- 3 years ago  

This is a keeper as are most of your videos. I have quite a collection going. Um......will there be a test? lol I have heard the cow crap for a long time. Once [back in the 70's, I think] it was asserted that to raise a cow it took 5,000 gallons of water and that at that rate we would run out of fresh water by the year 1990 or so. I couldn't believe what I was seeing - that people would actually believe that the 5,000 gallons would simply disappear. There were colorful graphs of the aquifer decreasing at an alarming rate eventually fading away completely. People even quoted that when they justified going vegetarian. The stupidity has been going on for a long, long time. Too late to regain control just get prepared because the hammer is about to strike the anvil and that will thunder around the world.


- 3 years ago Here are 18 examples of the spectacularly wrong predictions made around 1970 when the “green holy day” (aka Earth Day) started: 1. Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.” 2. “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” wrote Washington University biologist Barry Commoner in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment. 3. The day after the first Earth Day, the New York Times editorial page warned, “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.” 4. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 issue of Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.” 5. “Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born,” wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled “Eco-Catastrophe! “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.” 6. Ehrlich sketched out his most alarmist scenario for the 1970 Earth Day issue of The Progressive, assuring readers that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.” 7. “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness. 8. Peter Gunter, a North Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.” 9. In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….” 10. Ecologist Kenneth Watt told Time that, “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.” 11. Barry Commoner predicted that decaying organic pollutants would use up all of the oxygen in America’s rivers, causing freshwater fish to suffocate. 12. Paul Ehrlich chimed in, predicting in 1970 that “air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.” Ehrlich sketched a scenario in which 200,000 Americans would die in 1973 during “smog disasters” in New York and Los Angeles. 13. Paul Ehrlich warned in the May 1970 issue of Audubon that DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons “may have substantially reduced the life expectancy of people born since 1945.” Ehrlich warned that Americans born since 1946…now had a life expectancy of only 49 years, and he predicted that if current patterns continued this expectancy would reach 42 years by 1980, when it might level out. (Note: According to the most recent CDC report, life expectancy in the US is 78.8 years). 14. Ecologist Kenneth Watt declared, “By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.’” 15. Harrison Brown, a scientist at the National Academy of Sciences, published a chart in Scientific American that looked at metal reserves and estimated the humanity would totally run out of copper shortly after 2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold, and silver would be gone before 1990. 16. Sen. Gaylord Nelson wrote in Look that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.” 17. In 1975, Paul Ehrlich predicted that “since more than nine-tenths of the original tropical rainforests will be removed in most areas within the next 30 years or so, it is expected that half of the organisms in these areas will vanish with it.” 18. Kenneth Watt warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years,” he declared. “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”


- 3 years ago  

Ugh, unfortunately this site destroys the formatting on comments...sorry for the wall of text, use the link at the top to read it in the article more easily!


- 3 years ago  

Please don't stop Tony.


- 3 years ago  

Great update on meat and population control. Kind of reminds me of the movie Soylent Green, but that's another story. Here's further information about China's climate change efforts ...


- 3 years ago  

There is a fundamental error in this video. Whilst the so-called greenhouse gases emit radiation to the earth's surface, it is electromagnetic energy, not heat. Heat only transfers from a high to a lower temperature, hence radiation from the cold atmosphere cannot heat the surface, unlike the radiation from the sun.


- 3 years ago  

Peter Ward talks about that too. But for those who are scared of CO2, this can help ...


- 3 years ago  

heat is infra red electromagnetic energy and is actually not hot until it vibrates the molecules of your skin.


- 3 years ago  

You missed the point of this vid. The graph in Tony Heller’s vid, timeline 3:30, shows the spectral bands of Earths greenhouse contributing gases H2O, CO2, O2/O3, CH4 and N2O and their scientifically proven absorption of long range spectral waves or photons, more commonly known by as commoners as heat absorption from sunlight. #1 on the heat absorption list is water vapor that by far absorbs much more heat from sunlight then CO2, which CO2 heat absorption is negligible compared to water vapor H2O. I think Tony Heller’s main point of this vid is methane, per this graph, methane should be ignored because it doesn’t really absorb enough heat from photons or sunlight to be of any concern, especially from farting cows. The recent attacks by our favorite “save the planet”American Dem leftist cultist, whose religion is Global Climate Alarmism, per this vid, are cows and meat production are bad for the planet because cows fart methane. ————- I agree with Mr. Heller, that any worry about farting cows spewing methane greenhouse gases ending the planet as we know it, is just a lot of junk science hot air mumblings over nothing. ————- Now city UHI combined with H2O humidity causing human discomfort, that I experienced first hand living in NYC Manhattan 5 years during the hot sunny months of summers. Without AC at night these summers in NYC, life is beyond miserable and that my friend has nothing to do with manmade CO2 or cows farting CH4 methane.


- 3 years ago  

Infrared electromagnetic energy has no temperature characteristics as long as this radiation doesn’t meet matter – only then it vibrates molecules, leading to warming.


- 3 years ago  

In considering only transmission, the energy is not fully accounted for. The energy absorbed by the greenhouse gas is re-radiated, treating the gas in bulk. At any instant as many are re-radiating as are absorbing the IR radiation. The attenuation due to Beer's Law applies to a sight line, and not to a uniformly illuminated layer. The attenuation arises because most of the energy is scattered away from the sensor.


- 3 years ago  

UHI heats Cities and Suburbs by 4 to 7F in the winter and 10 to 15F warmer in the summer. ———— Global Warming is 30+ years of lies from the Dems political party propaganda play book and in reality excessive City and Suburban summer heat is only Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects. ————- America’s Blue City Democrat politicians and their “Chattering Class” controlled media, have been pushing for 30+ years that Global Warming is only caused by GOP led conservative fly over states burning of fossil fuels, due to its manmade CO2. In reality the only culprit for the urban city and suburban Americans summertime discomfort is due to excessive heat from citywide sunlight absorbing manmade surfaces that radiate back out heat all day and night. The ability of these manmade city roads and building surfaces to absorb heat during the sunny days and radiate heat slowly out all night, never lets the night air temperatures cool down. This makes urban and suburban city dwellers uncomfortable from the heat living in the hot sunny summer days and fools them into believing the myth of Global Warming is caused by increasing CO2. Unfortunately after 30+ years of intentionally made up Dem falsehoods that Global Warming is caused by GOP CO2 propaganda, all Dem city and suburban dwellers now want to believe this and truly Hate deniers of their so called scientific Global Warming nonsense. ————- After 30+ years of Democratic propaganda that Global Warming is caused only by evil subhuman rural American conservatives and their rich overlords in the GOP fly over states by burning fossil fuels, these Dem city and suburban dwellers want to believe this as gospel, to cult like held beliefs and anything else is simply unscientific lies and are labeled liars and deniers of science. ————- Global Warming is 30+ years of lies from the Dems political party propaganda play book to win elections as 55% of Americans today live in cities over 50,000 but in reality excessive City and Suburban summer heat is only caused by Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects.


- 3 years ago  

The sheep will accept anything he says, after all he is a politician.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you, Tony, for stating in a clear-eyed manner that Biden and Democrats are working against America. The far left is firmly in control of their party now, with the attendant anti-Americanism, pro-criminality, and racism that comes along with far-left ideology. Republicans and conservatives need to be aware of this development over the past 20 years and not be as naive as Senator Romney, who thinks that he's dealing with people who have morals and ethics. They don't! Assuming you can compromise with them in good faith is a huge mistake.


- 3 years ago  

Yet all I have heard from republicans and conservatives is to just speak the truth and to not fight fire with fire. Guess who wins...... when you do not fight fire with fire. This country has been compromising to the left for 75 years and look at the result


- 3 years ago  

Thank you again Tony, for exposing evil around us.