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Originally uploaded to by Ivor Cummins Listen carefully, very carefully. This is the most important climate change clip you will ever watch - and only 4mins long. Watch and judge yourself. ABSORB the graph shown. THINK on it. USE your brain. Everything else I will explain over the coming months.
File Size: 8 MB
- a year ago how does this unfortunate information effect Elon being our savior?
- a year ago  
I don’t by the carbon dating bamboozle.
- a year ago  
Oh dear, Winston Smith was sleeping on the job again. I await the alarmist's spin on how this somehow confirms their crackpot global warming theory.
- a year ago  
I think Global warming is a hoax to get humans to participate i their extinction by acquiescencing to the stratospheric aerosol sprays. This “necessary evil” which in turn dims the suns rays on the earths surface. No sun no food no life. If you wish to test for yourself buy a quality solar panel and get a dead battery. My 10 amp solar panel has never managed to generate more than 4amps in full sun. Which is the same situation that set Dane W. into action and started his mission with
- a year ago  
Well, ya just failed, 120,000 years ago, not possible. Carbon dating using C14 can only go back to 5000BC, the rest is guessing. Go back and check it out, 11013 years ago, the Lord created the heaven and the earth. Go up to 4990BC and you have Noah and the Great Flood....where did it come from. Outer Space. A huge water cloud in deep space was commanded to flood the Earth above the highest mountains. After the flood, the water cloud evaporated all of the excess waters which created the Atlantic Ocean etc. The atmosphere dropped in Temperature because of this evaporation process which threw the world into an Ice Age which froze and petrified all of the animals that were flooded back in 4990BC. Move on up and you'll see civilization restarted again. It's all written in the Bible, you just have to change your calendars accordingly to match up with today's calendar.
- a year ago  
You must be young. If not, wow, you're naive...