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Tony HellerPLUS



Earth Day Madness

  - 6:58

The belief in warming is indeed caused by human activity - i.e. data tampering and propaganda from government agencies.






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April 22nd 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

The daily weather reports in the German state media look like US Annual Temperature Maps. They use these alarming deep red colors to make ordinary summers look like they're abnormal. When you believe the state weather report, then Germany is burning. The same way they present the daily COVID-19 incidents.


- 3 years ago  

During the 2020 hotly contested election, Democrats and their “Chattering Class”, the Silicon Valley click-bait billionaires, squashed conservative voices, very similar to Germany 1930’s gestapo like manipulation of its media, removing all voices but their Russiagate, obfuscations and outright lies. This Deepflake “Chattering Class” effectively stole the election, manipulating in the dead of night 2am, the Electoral College votes, to put in their candidate, Deepflake Diein Biden. ————- This 2020 election erroneously put sleepy Joe and Kami in power illegally and both voting groups know it deep down. Worse, the “Chattering Class” 1% Green Billionaires has shut down effectively the past president and his 75+ million GOP voters and they now have no voice or government anymore. ————- Democrats beware, like the revolutionary war of old, at that time the small future nation was split in thirds, a third wanted to revolt, a third did nothing and the last third sided with the British. Fortunately in the revolutionary war the rebel third won and forced the Brits out, to create a great new nation of free thinking citizens. ————- In this last treacherous 2020 election, Biden would not have been perceived the winner without Google’s help spending 1 billion plus for Biden’s election along with all the “Chattering Class” 1% Green Billionaires help, strangling any pro GOP led news on their social media. The “Chattering Class” 1% Green Billionaires are the new American Gestapo! ————- Dems believe their own lies ie. Global Climate Alarmism (GA) is actually a reality but as we “Normals” know, GA is no more than a cult and a total farce. It will not end well if the Dems prevail for all of us. The world’s nations will see to that. For the 75+ million without a properly governed nation there is the American countryside to live in and home school your families. The Dems Blue Cities like Detroit will just have to fend for themselves. ————- As for the swamp, the do nothing third, they will just help themselves.


- 3 years ago  

Idiots have succeeding in becoming in charge of our country.


- 3 years ago  

The Earth goddess is angry, and we must make sacrifices to appease her. Now where have I heard that before?

Cloudman Films

- 3 years ago  

Not sure but isn't there a misconception about what agreements are - some are compared to 2005 others from 1990(I think Paris). The way I read it is increase since 2005 is to be halfed, not in absolute terms. But I could be wrong. Otherwise I agree with probably the greatest mind of our time “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” ― Albert Einstein

Cloudman Films

- 3 years ago  

I was wrong, alright. This is Mad-the reality show that is going on. Paris - what a success - china increasing 1.5 x europe cole plants - increasing - and that is marketed as a successful agreement.


- 3 years ago  

I prefer "Biden regime" to "Biden administration." The latter makes it sound too legitimate when it was fraudulently installed.


- 3 years ago  

the cold weather is causing anthropomorphic global warming. Computer model predicted it.


- 3 years ago  

Supposedly half of the US population has been jabbed Tony, so most of them will most likely be gone by 2025, by a new, evil Covid strain of course.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

In the grocery store today, the credit card device asked me if I wanted to add something to my payment to save the planet. Can you believe it? Maybe it will go to Bill Gates to spread his dust in the atmosphere.


- 3 years ago  

The year was 1970. That was a long time before the rise of conservative talk radio, Cable TV and Internet alternatives. The Big Three national TV networks of CBS, ABC & NBC absolutely dominated viewership; and newspapers such as The New York Slimes and The Washington Compost -- whose subversive propaganda was presented in a more subtle manner back then -- commanded the attention and respect of even many Republican Americans. Therefore, when it came time for the Globalists to "flood the zone" with wall-to-wall propaganda for this or that event of the day, few people were mentally equipped to counter it. For that reason, the big propaganda push for the first "Earth Day" went by with scarcely a word of criticism or analysis. After all, aren't we all in favor of clean air and water? Doing the honors as National Master-of-Ceremonies for the Globalist Scam was none other than the closet lifelong One-Worlder dubbed "the most trusted man in America" -- the legendary CBS Anchorman and Council on Foreign Relations member, Walter Cronkite. Here's a but a small whiff of the devious dung which the vile charlatan hurled at an unsuspecting public during his special broadcast: "The gravity of the message of Earth Day came through -- Act or Die." Uncle Walter emceed the stupid hype of the original Earth Day, in 1970. At that time, the "threat" to the "ecology" was vaguely defined as "pollution." Leftist students staged disruptive "die-ins" in makeshift coffins at some of the nation's airports; and predictably screamed "police brutality" when the Boys in Blue came to clear them out. Hippy scum and other assorted dupes marched peacefully in major cities like New York, Chicago & Los Angeles. But it wasn't until about 10 year later that the more specific climate bogeymen of "Acid Rain," "Ozone Depletion," and "Greenhouse Effect" were foisted upon the public --- with the "Greenhouse Effect," ™ later dubbed "Global Warming" ™ and later dubbed again as "Climate Change" ™ -- then becoming the dominant scare-hoax which endures to this day. The "we must act" hype over the manufactured event was parlayed into the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency, later that same year. Though President Richard Nixon was pressured into going along with the EPA's establishment and powerless to stop it (here), he later claimed that he never wanted the agency to become the tyrannical regulatory monster that it soon began to grow into. Then, as it is today, the regulatory and tax objectives of "Earth Day" remain the same: * Grind down middle class living standards * Control individual behavior and ultimately, movement * Increase "revenue" for the state * Empower the state to control private enterprise * Transfer national sovereignty to globalist agencies It's all about, and has always been about, The New World Order -- One World Government. But don't take the word of us "conspiracy theorists," ™ -- you can hear "the agenda" straight from the mouth of the aforementioned "most trusted man in America" himself. Fast forward to 1999. Cronkite --who in addition to emceeing the Earth Day scam of 1970, had, in 1968, previously betrayed America's troops by breathlessly delivering a totally false report about the "failure" of the Tet Offensive (it was actually a success!) of the Vietnam War -- further confirmed his disloyalty by accepting the World Federalist Association's award for “Global Governance.” Before being saluted via a video-feed by then-First Lady Killary Clinton, Cronkite made some stunning admissions: "For many years, I did my best to report on the issues of the day in as objective a manner as possible. When I had my own strong opinions, as I often did, I tried not to communicate them to my audience. Now, however, my circumstances are different. I am in a position to speak my mind and by God I'm gonna do it. ... "We Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty. For many, that's going to be a bitter pill to swallow." "We must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government." "Even as with the American rejection of the League of Nations, our failure to live up to our obligations to the United Nations is led by a handful of willful senators who choose to pursue their narrow, selfish political objectives at the cost of our nation’s conscience. They pander to and are supported by the religious right wing. Their leader, Pat Robertson, has written that any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the Devil!" "Well join me… I’m glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan." And that indeed is what "Earth Day" is all about --- "strengthening the United Nations as a first step toward a world government." Naturally, the media ignored "Uncle Walter's" comments, as well as Hillary's contribution to the event.


- 3 years ago  

NASA photographs taken from space show the earth is getting greener. Most likely this is because of increased CO2 which is used to stimulate plant growth in greenhouses. Can anyone explain to me why we would want to reverse this process of a green and more hospitable climate. Baffled in Phoenix!

No Apologies

- 3 years ago  

I t also depends on where those temperatures are taken...


- 3 years ago  

Thermometers are biased. Probably racist, too. Air conditioners are killing us by keeping us cool in the summer. Obviously. I'm ready for my government grant now, Mr. Biden.


- 3 years ago  

Another accurate video from Tony Heller. The now insane and evil Democrat party now appears to have been completely captured by radical totalitarian Communists: Think infamous monsters like, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, and Pol Pot, mass murdering Communists all. Now Joseph Biden, and his successor(s?) are setting things up to actually follow in the footsteps those inhuman monstrosities! Mob Rules can land us right back in that political and cultural insanity! Yes It Can! And, even if they're not aware of it: "All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." -Lord Acton. April 5, 1887. You'd think we'd have fully learned that lesson by now? But, No! We're still mostly just stupid apes!


- 3 years ago  

It snowed in Toronto yesterday. April 21, 2021


- 3 years ago  

It snowed in Saudi Arabia 3 days ago, and it's just 2 months from the Summer Solstice!