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Tony HellerPLUS



"National Climate Emergency"

  - 4:06

The Joe Biden idea of a "national climate emergency" is farcical at best. And the real intent has nothing to do with climate.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 8th 2020  

File Size: 34 MB



- 3 years ago  

Trump, come back! The world needs a true leader! 😐


- 3 years ago  

National b.s. emergency.


- 4 years ago  

tree lovers are the other red meat


- 4 years ago  

as we can see by NASA graph over USA, climate change upwards trend is not global, its a local phenomena, because USA show a cooling trend


- 4 years ago  

Great video Tony. Keep em coming.


- 4 years ago  

John Robson of Climate Discussion Nexus who is a climate historian stated that rises in CO2 levels follow planetary warming and it followas it by 800 years, so the rise in CO2 levels we measure now are from the late middle ages.


- 4 years ago  

Thank God Trump made America 1st!!!% He can keep doing it!!!% We all can make sure of it!!!%


- 4 years ago  

I was saying the cv vaxx is like the MSM news, said to be good but loaded with all kinds of toxic stuff with huge side effects! Cheers sir!


- 4 years ago  

Put your videos at


- 4 years ago  

Google and You Tube can die in a ditch.

King P B James

- 4 years ago  

Hello Tony. I'd like to get your thoughts on a recent article from From the article: "There is no mystery about the formula, plants need CO2, water and nutrients in order to grow. However much the CO2 increases, if the nutrients and water do not increase in parallel, the plants will not be able to take advantage of the increase in this gas", explains Professor Josep Peñuelas.


- 4 years ago  

If you scihub the DOI 10.1126/SCIENCE.ABB7772 and read the paper the conclusion is very wishy washy with lots of mays, might and models. All this paper actually says is "we need to do more research, gibs cash plz". But I'd be open to other suggestions, but the paper does not say what the article you linked says, as expected.


- 4 years ago  

that is a lot of drivel, there is a lot of experimental data that falsify that theory as it stands, co2 is the lowest common denominator in plant growth in the wild


- 4 years ago  

This is what I wrote to the Chicago Tribune back in June 2014: "It was made clear in the recent article “Obama climate goals, policy reflect a change” (Chicago Tribune June 1, 2014) that China is by far the biggest producer of greenhouse gases. The graph in the article shows that, since 1990, China’s production of greenhouse gases has quadrupled while the United States’ output has remained relatively flat. In 2012, China produced almost twice as much carbon dioxide as the United States. I would like to propose that we permanently send President Obama to China where he can do the most good. I see this as a win-win proposal." Of course, they refused to print my letter.


- 4 years ago  

He and family is a national emergency.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Part of China’s continuing development of coal is because they use that low cost energy as a lever in negotiations with Russia for Siberian Arctic natural gas which is pipeline connected to China. Putin wants to charge more and China says they don’t need it as they have plenty of coal. Russia wants to sell to the huge China market and China wants to buy, but only at a price that is competitive with coal.


- 4 years ago  

Toni first video on newtube for me. Climate change does not have anything to do carbon dioxide. It's only about money and power if the few.


- 4 years ago  

Well, if this China Joe Briben get in power, the U.S. will be in for a world of financial pain, but China and China Joe Briben should be doing quite well. It is imperative that the corrupt election be turned around or the U.S. is in major trouble.


- 4 years ago  

In this world we need more truth, great job...co2... at .03% or 0.04%, this insignificant in the atmosphere, even 5% could be insignificant, recognizing all the complexities, can you estimate at what co2 concentration would influence ice cap melting?...thx for what you do...Allen

Fit at 60

- 4 years ago  

Hello Tony, I enjoy your videos. My understanding is that CO2 males up 0.04% of the world's atmosphere. I have also heard that man is responsible for only 3% of this 0.04%. I think 3% could be off. Do you have good documentation on what actually is? I can't seem to find a reliable figure. Also, my research says China is the number 1 producer of wind turbines and solar panels. The green new deal will make China even richer, with Biden's help. Best regards, Matt.


- 4 years ago  

hi, patrick moore is the best presenter of co2 history and role, its clear that it is us humans that increased co2, and that is the best mankind ever did for life on earth


- 4 years ago  

Congratulations on 10000 subscribers


- 4 years ago  

Is there any chance this app is going to go to Amazon Prime ? then I would just encourage everybody to move over to this and I wouldn't have to worry about YouTubes bull crap


- 4 years ago  

Are you serious? Amazon are just as bad as Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Big Tech are the new Robber Barons.


- 4 years ago  

If the climate hoaxers were correct the would not need to fake the data to scare the population.


- 4 years ago  

Here's a little context on China's role:


- 4 years ago  

Thank you forever. Sharimg now.


- 4 years ago  

OOPS!! Strange, Tony forgot to mention China has four times the population of the US and so naturally emits more CO2.


- 4 years ago  

You forgot to mention China is building more coal power stations. Rule for thee not for me.


- 4 years ago  

You forgot to mention that China runs biden


- 4 years ago  

That's irrelevant to the discussion. The premise of the "climate emergency" hinges on total CO2 emitted, not CO2 emitted per capita.


- 4 years ago  

Oh well I'm sure the climate will take that into account when it decides what the temperature will be...


- 4 years ago  

Bogus argument. To be more precise, China has 4.3 times the population of the United States. However, in 1990, China had 4.5 times the population of the United States, but only produced half as much carbon dioxide. Now, they produce more than twice as much despite the population ration decreasing.


- 4 years ago  

I made a typo in my reply and can't find a way to edit. The word "ratio" should have been "ratio" instead. By the way, my idiot nephew tried to make the same stupid per capita argument that you made.


- 4 years ago  

Not again! I hate the comment system in this app. I meant "ratio" not "ration".


- 4 years ago  

Wow dude you aren't very smart are ya?


- 4 years ago  

I just saw that YouTube is deleting all posts that mention election fraud.


- 4 years ago  

Climate crisis is about fear and control of the population, this is a New World Order agenda, the energy density and reliability of fossil fuels means that they must continue to provide the world's energy demand into the future. (it even backs up intermittent power from solar and wind). Yes we have to control our pollution and make sure that the energy we use is efficient and clean as possible. Wind and solar are overtaking vast tracks of land and despoiling our landscape. Green New Deal is not about energy efficiency from renewables, its about how the future governments want to control our lives. What about nuclear? it has come a very long way (fusion on the horizon). Nuclear is clean and very efficient/dense energy medium. Why oppose it? Read Michael Shellenburger "Apocalypse Never and you will get a great insight on all the agendas, he has seen the light. Go Anthony and Tony, continue to call the hypocrisy out.


- 4 years ago  

Joseph "Stalin" Biden. You mark my words.


- 4 years ago  

And it's getting madder by the day. Slowly but surely we're being dyed red.


- 4 years ago  

Its all designed to hand the USA to China.


- 4 years ago  

I don't understand how this works...there is no to unmute?


- 4 years ago  

Just one thing, Michael Shellenberger, is no longer a climate alarmist. He's been exposing the green energy myths the last few years. I'm sure Tony Heller knows this, but forgot to mention context.


- 4 years ago  

The real National Emergency is getting rid of these radical leftist climate fanatics who'd do anything to bring down the free West and "whiteness".


- 4 years ago  

China no longer has any reasons to fear or respect the US, or the West, for that matter. Right now they are directly bullying and threatening Australia, and after Biden is installed Taiwan's days will be numbered. I am embarrassed for my fellow Americans.


- 4 years ago  

They don't need us anymore. That's why they are willingly helping the democrats destroy our economy. They have their own 1.5 BILLION people for consumer goods. WE ARE EXPENDABLE.


- 4 years ago  

Their plan is not to rule us, it's to supplant us. That's why they steal our product designs and sell them cheaper on the international market. It's not that we are expendable, its that we are a stepping stone to their greatness. Until Trump came along and kicked over the apple cart and derailed the gravy train.


- 4 years ago  

Looking forward to next year?


- 4 years ago  

Well done Tony keep youtube as your strap-line we all jump straight over here as soon as we see your post


- 4 years ago  

Yes, the YouTube continues to be valuable connection to NewTube


- 4 years ago  

Until screwtube takes him down once and for all. Pretty sure that's their long-term goal.


- 4 years ago  

The only climate emergency is the economic catastrophe which the superstitious belief in junk science will cause. The solution is to stop funding incompetent charlatans, and require the media to present the long awaited balanced view on the subject. The average citizens may not be expert, but having been subjected to the whiles of the advertising industry all their lives, they ought to recognise propaganda when they see it.


- 4 years ago  

Joe Biden is just ...well, STUPID! 🤷


- 4 years ago  

Stupid rich he is. China keeps him well funded.


- 4 years ago  

There is three main subjects that demand our submission today- Climate alarmism, China’s communism and Islamism and the left supports them all with their twisted worldview of perpetrator and victims.


- 4 years ago  

Tony, having lots of trouble streaming your videos on this site. Constant buffering interspersed with playing. Looks like the site is struggling with bandwidth.


- 4 years ago  

Working well at my end ... 🤷


- 4 years ago  

Working fine for me. Check to see if you have some cookies or something running. I was having problems a week ago and found this article helpful


- 4 years ago  

Reload the vid. It always works for me


- 4 years ago  

I love that you use YouTube to direct traffic here. Brilliant!


- 4 years ago  

It is brilliant. I needed a shepherd to get off my lazy YouTube ass.


- 4 years ago  

Biden, soon to be an actual cadaver, will lead America in committing economic suicide. He will be dead before he is proved wrong, but are Americans so gullible that they will go along with this cadaverous president's policies?


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Witnessing the way the people "go along" with wearing masks and social distancing, the answer is ...Yes


- 4 years ago  

He was elected to run because the rest of Dems are too radical for the American people. I doubt the Dems will allow him to live out his term in office. Naturally, we will have to have a police state as it will surely be somebody from the right responsible. And there was no hacking or foreign interference THIS election, the politically correct person won.

constantinos schinas

- 4 years ago  

i have seen many of tony's presentations repeating, more than 20 times. each time, instead of being more bored, i feel even more how lunatic we have ended up being and much his work worths and should be spread and repeated, again and again. till amoebas wake up and start evolving.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Toto I am sure happy we can find you and curia? Thank you for all that you do!


- 4 years ago  

The reality is that Biden's dementia is getting worse and the Marxist knew it, that's why Harris became the VP pick. A dedicated Marxist, SHE will be the real president behind the scenes pulling all the strings while Joe hides out in the oval office and presents SHORT PSA's and brief EO announcements. Harris will do all the work and at the end of Biden's second term she'll run for President and serve for two more terms. The US will have to endure EIGHT terms with Harris running the show and I doubt if our Republic and our Constitutional freedoms can endure such an attack. It seems that a large proportion of Americans are more interested in drugs and paryting while living on gov handouts than on working and contributing to the buiding up of this Republic. After Harris stops coal production and seriously cuts oil and gas production, to reduce the gas plants use as food (a.k.a. CO2), Americans will only then realize that modern farming is simply a way of using land to convert oil & gas onto food. They'll learn that when they realize that food doesn't grow on the grocery store shelves and that they are slowing starving, just like the folks in Venezuela learned. Unfortunately, there isn't another country to run to that has more freedom than the country the Marxists (Dems) are destroying.


- 4 years ago  

And Obama is probably behind the scenes pulling Harris' strings.


- 4 years ago  

I all ready hate this channel, constantly buffering made your video near impossible. A dozen attempts to creat an account, then i had to leave the channel and reenter from your youtube link to find this again to make this comment.. sorry i all ready hate this.. nit going to work

constantinos schinas

- 4 years ago  

yes, newtube needs a lot of love from the development team.


- 4 years ago  

When it buffers I just back out and click on it again....usually plays after that


- 4 years ago  

Patience grasshopper. They'll get the kinks worked out


- 4 years ago  

The reality is that Biden's dementia is getting worse and the Marxist knew it, that's why Harris became the VP pick. A dedicated Marxist, SHE will be the real president behind the scenes pulling all the strings while Joe hides out in the oval office and presents SHORT PSA's and brief EO announcements. Harris will do all the work in at the end of Biden's second term she'll run for Pres and serve for two more terms. The US will have to endure EIGHT terms with Harris running the show and I doubt if our Republic and our Constitutional freedoms can endure such an attack. It seems that a large proportion of Americans are more interested in drugs and paryting while living on gov handouts than on working and contributing to the buiding up of this Republic. After Harris stops coal production and seriously cuts oil and gas production, to reduce the gas plants use as food (a.k.a. CO2), Americans will only then realize that modern farming is simply a way of using land to convert oil & gas onto food. They'll learn that when they realize that food doesn't grow on the grocery store shelves and that they are slowing starving, just like the folks in Venezuela learned. Unfortunately, there isn't another country to run to that has more freedom than the country the Marxists (Dems) are destroying.


- 4 years ago  

I can't here any sound.


- 4 years ago  

It's an emergency here in NZ too!


- 4 years ago  

Biden will do whatever China tells him do, you can kiss America good-bye. Better prepare and get off the grid.

Cutie Kitties

- 4 years ago  

Wuhan Joe is a NO GO.


- 4 years ago  

The only reason Joe Biden wants to be president is so he can gain immunity from his criminal activity.


- 4 years ago  

CO2 is not poison, it is natural. What not natural is the way the LEFT manipulates you sheeople. That is what truly sad. But don’t worrying... Biden and his Master Xi Jinping will be controlling your every breath. Welcome to the Brave New World.


- 4 years ago  

What a fucken joke!!... Just have a look at the trumpet! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

"National Propaganda Emergency".


- 4 years ago  

Biden is delusional.


- 4 years ago  

True, but those old habits of lying and criminal malfeasance seem to have a momentum all their own.


- 4 years ago  

Keep on keepin' on. Thanks.

Clive Horridge

- 4 years ago  

Biden and his cohorts - partners in crime - will be a National and global catastrophe, if he gets in the chair. This is not conjecture, it’s a fact. Let’s not even get there.

Michael turkey

- 4 years ago  

Thank you Tony for trying to keep the world sain and educated , love your point of view and explanation of the facts!!!


- 4 years ago  

Even Tony blames China for USA politicians actions. I do not understand how anyone can blame someone else for there actions. It seems ludicrous.


- 4 years ago  

Then you are a blind idiot.


- 4 years ago  

Newtube is terrible. The notifications don't work either


- 4 years ago  

Then go back to communist youtube

What's my name?

- 4 years ago  

Youtube has sucked balls ever since it was created and has been getting worse by the day. Besides why do you need a notification? Tony makes at least 1 post every single day and you need to be reminded for what reason?

The louster

- 4 years ago  

This is what a God-less society looks like

What's my name?

- 4 years ago  

That is a highly arguable comment and one look at world history you have to agree. One look at you religious leaders right now should show you they tow the line just like everyone else on the take. #Fact We haven't even approached the one world religion yet but I can promise you its coming very soon.

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

The next big hoax is going to be viruses. Computer viruses. They are going to use it as a reason to censor the Internet.

What's my name?

- 4 years ago  

I like that conspiracy theory because it's funny.... but.... NO! Not hardly.


- 4 years ago  

Na. First, to gain access to the Internet a special gov issued USB plug will be required. It will be registered to user's ID and a person won't be able to receive or send email without it, visit websites or post comments. America will then deploy the Social Credit System that Google wrote for China. It will monitor all Internet traffic and track all users activity, emails, posts, etc. If you don't toe the party line you'll find your living standard will drop as your access to food, then a place to live, then a job, will be denied. That's when they'll label you a social parasite and send you to an organ harvesting facility so your body parts can be used to keep the Marxist elite alive.


- 4 years ago  

Thanks Tony keep up the great work of exposing the lies.


- 4 years ago  

I knew it'd be back to this as soon as the China Virus scare was over.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you Tony you are one of the lanterns in this darkness!


- 4 years ago  

Tony, can you change your mouse cursor to black so it can be seen on a white background graph.


- 4 years ago  

Keep it up!

Warren Zoell

- 4 years ago  

The left are literally wrong on everything they champion. Everything they touch turns to s...


- 4 years ago  

Part of China’s continuing development of coal is because they use that low cost energy as a lever in negotiations with Russia for Siberian Arctic natural gas which is pipeline connected to China. Putin wants to charge more and China says they don’t need it as they have plenty of coal. Russia wants to sell to the huge China market and China wants to buy, but only at a price that is competitive with coal.


- 4 years ago  

The immediate goal appears to be controlling the masses through hardline socialism where the entire world is run by extremely wealthy technocrats. See "The Great Reset" to find out more, comrades. You will own nothing and you will be happy... or else!


- 4 years ago  

Good reasoning there


- 4 years ago  

We are now in a capitalistic global society run by wealthy technocrats/bankers/companies. So really, how much worse can it get?


- 4 years ago  

Tripper!! 🤗


- 4 years ago  

If Biden does, we must file petitions with EPA since EPA is derelict in duties to control CO2. ... that's controlling CO2 from PEOPLE since that is a primary creator of CO2. Human babies should be outlawed. All sports activities too since these activities create more CO2 than sitting and doing nothing. Any work creating anything MUST be outlawed as a secondary CO2 activity. Charging phones and other electronic equipment MUST be outlawed as a tertiary activity creating CO2.


- 4 years ago  

No Obama Phones ?


- 4 years ago  

People are the primary creator of CO2????


- 4 years ago  

Still curious why the NEWTUBE app doesn't have the same video as this website? Anyone know?


- 4 years ago  

Apparently there's no evidence that C.S Lewis ever wrote that quote [even though it is repeated all over the internet, doesn't make it true.] However, in a T. S. Eliot play (The Family Reunion) occurs the following sentence: “In a world of fugitives the person taking the opposite direction will appear to run away.” Perhaps it was distorted and wrongly attributed to C. S. Lewis?


- 4 years ago  

Don't forget that when lockdowns initially occurred, global temps went up, not down. ;-) CO2 is PLANT FOOD! SAVE THE PLANTS!!!


- 4 years ago  

No the 'Green' Shirts hate plants hate birds hate people especially other Greens.


- 4 years ago  

Since life began on Earth, CO2 has been slowly removed from the atmosphere and sequestered in the Earth's crust. Since plants make up the base of the food chain and need CO2 to survive, this process will eventually lead to the extinction of all life on Earth, unless some form of life comes along to liberate that sequestered CO2. There is literally nothing better humans could do to preserve the living environment of the planet than liberate the sequestered CO2 back to the atmosphere. While this is scientifically apparent to anyone who looks into it, no one is allowed to talk about, at least until the Chinese controlled New World Order is firmly in place. At that point, the obvious science of CO2 will be 'revealed' and China will be hailed as the visionary nation that emitted more beneficial CO2 than any other, thereby saving the living world.


- 4 years ago  

California is helping out too. We burn about a million acres of forest every year. That releases lots of CO2. They don't think they're helping out though.


- 4 years ago  

Are you serious? Do you also believe that the earth is flat? Believing liberating all sequestered CO2 would be great is beyond ignorant.

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 4 years ago  

We all know about the cozy relationship between Slow Joe (and others) and the CCP.


- 4 years ago  

That is absolutely right about higher Co2 levels greening the planet as I have read that at one point Co2 levels were up to 4K ppm.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you Sir for setting the record straight.


- 4 years ago  

The new slogan of the left: "But reality shows the exact opposite."


- 4 years ago  

Good thing you all read the bible!!... Hey!

Klyde Sixkiller

- 4 years ago  

China is paying many US politicians and bureaucrats to operate as enemies to the Constitution of the United States and our Nation. it's not just the greatest disgrace in history, it's textbook treason as defined in 18 U.S. Code § 2381.


- 4 years ago  

china has their old friends back in office. soon the money will pour out of the us market into the market in china. The same people that sold us NAFTA all those years ago.


- 4 years ago  

Which NAFTA?The Reagan/Bush1 NAFTA or Tumps new NAFTA (USMCA)?


- 4 years ago  

CEO's, profit & greed sold you out my friend!!!


- 4 years ago  

Man's capacity for self-delusion knows no bounds. If a man can think he can become a woman, and a 19 year old can think they can re-order society, then a scientist can believe cow farts have a real impact on the climate.


- 4 years ago  

Tony, its all fits together too ominously, the Great Reset according to our butt head PM Trudeau. I figure Canada has enough trees that we are already carbon neutral, but its irrelevant, that has nothing to do with what is going on; the removal of civil liberties, destruction of economies, the closing of small-medium sized businesses, the separation, isolation and terrorization of the family unit, the impoverishment of people, including destroying good paying jobs for poverty wages, the planned internment of dissenters and deniers in concentration camps all the while manipulating the data and granting immunity to government and NGO operatives, to use the police, army and mercenaries to control populations, to force-vaccinate populations with a non-medical vaccine containing population control mechanisms without informed consent. Ya, something is happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear...........


- 4 years ago  

It sure would be easier for all of US normal people that use our brains if all of the non-user's would just hurry up and run off of that cliff. Panic is only a survival mechanism if there is a saber tooth tiger chasing you and wanting a snack, fear and adrenalin are not useful in promoting rational thought. Add the general public's lack of arithmetic skills and being unable to evaluate proportions, the media use of language designed to confuse the easily confused, and the rational thought that is required to make a decision. There are NO zero emission cars, the electric grid that you plug into still burns hydrocarbons. Something I could really get behind is locking every "scientist" that demonizes CO2 in the Biosphere dome in Oracle, AZ, and then remove all the CO2 from that atmosphere, the problem would rectify itself in short order.


- 4 years ago  

Everyone has gone mad. Thanks Tony. I've dug deep on this, and it's not pretty. Klaus can kiss my arse.


- 4 years ago  

Nicely said


- 4 years ago  

People are sheep, long term we are F’d. Prepare now while you still can before they shut off reliable power to “save the planet”.


- 4 years ago  

Right now California will shut off your electricity if you have too many family members gather for Christmas in violation of tyrannical state orders so the precedent is set. Prediction: before it effectively managing its forests, water reservoirs or power generation facilities, California will introduce a meat tax.