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Doctor, when will the virus end? "How should I know, I'm not a politician."
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Category: Politics
- 4 years ago  
Funny, the protests in Toronto didn't cause any major increase in cases. I didn't know Covid was so selective.
- 4 years ago  
Tony, I just tried to send this via Facebook Messenger. FbM added the following above the small link-display that typically accompanies its messages: "Read The News" "Why the Black Lives Matter Protests Didn't Contribute to the COVID-19 Surge" I've never seen it done before & don't know if it is a response to the link or not. Call me "Suspicious."
- 4 years ago  
Like grandma woud say masks, lockdowns and vaccines are like "closing the barn door after the horses have bolted". She died way before the current fake crisis but lived through the 1918 real one among many others. Vaccines well work to end endemic infections like smallpox and polio and should not be the next get-even way richer-quick schemes of the Gates Foundation.
- 4 years ago  
Doctor, when will the virus end?, "How would I know, I'm a gynaecologist! Must rush, I have to look up an old friend".
- 4 years ago  
Exactly, it's a hypocrisy pandemic. Looking at the CV19 statistics for Africa, I am astonished how the virus has largely 'spared' the continent. Despite their having virtually no medical resources at all.
- 4 years ago  
I like your climate reports. I’ve subscribed to your channel over here. However I think that you were somewhat confused by Covid. It doesn’t behave in a normal way of a normal coronavirus because it was altered several different ways in the lab. It is a bio weapon. Although it is much milder than the flu in kids and I’m sure we are way over testing , it has completely devastated our medical system. People are very sick and dying still , this is increasing now. I’m seeing this in real time . If we don’t start allowing early treatment with either HCQ+ Zinc. Or ivermectin plus doxycycline we are screwed. Maybe do a little research into the scientific articles written by the virologist Dr. Yan Who escape Hong Kong and you would probably understand those papers maybe do a video on that next time. meanwhile I’m going to buy some ivermectin hours to Covid patients coughed in my face yesterday
- 4 years ago  
BDillion - Our medical system is NOT "devastated". Our medical system is operating normally and within all medically specified defined parameters, even with respect to treating Covid. Please get a grip on reality!
- 4 years ago  
if someone is already passed the point of no return they will definitely die. early treatment for vulnerable people may help greatly. however im pretty sure the medical system is handling it quite well. actually they probably love all the money they can get now.
- 4 years ago  
Dr. Fraudster is a partisan hack Democrat who has been wrong about everything. His predictions have been about as far off target as his miserable pitch at the Washington Nationals game.
- 4 years ago  
Absolutely correct and the worst opening pitch ever!
- 4 years ago  
why aren't there BLM protests any longer??hmmmm
- 4 years ago  
They quit getting paychecks from George Soros.
- 4 years ago  
They "won" the election.
- 4 years ago  
Patient: "Doctor, When Will The Virus End?" Doctor: "How the hell should I know, I'm not a politician"
- 4 years ago  
The virtuous flocks will line up to be injected with that stuff. Warp speed. Sounds tried, and true.
- 4 years ago  
Viruses don’t infect protesters, rioters, and looters out of professional courtesy.
- 4 years ago  
Everything about the "pandemic" is predicated on the PCR test which is so deeply flawed that it is completely worthless.
- 4 years ago  
But even you must admit that it is pretty cool that they use a chain reaction to get measurable results. The super accurate kind of chain reaction of course.
- 4 years ago  
Whatever happened to 'no difference among different races of humans'? Doesn't Covid-19 cause more deaths among blacks than whites? A lot more! ( of course Trump is responsible ) That's the story they put out there. It must be that blacks don't spread the virus but whites do? Ya vol, welcum to the New Fauci Order. Making up the story as per the political need?
- 4 years ago  
As most of Africa has been relatively unaffected by Covid-19 then no it doesn't cause more deaths among black people.
- 4 years ago  
there is a slight increase for the darkness of the skin to susceptibility in western culture. It correlates to vitamin D, the production of which is blocked by pigment. It also correlates to how much time is spent outdoors. Thus the disease goes away in spring/summer.
- 4 years ago  
@GeraldFrost the disease did not go away in the summer in the USA. What are you talking about?
- 4 years ago  
Careful now, you're verging on bigotry by suggesting there's biological differences between individuals and/or populations! Or scratch that, I meant the opposite. Except when I don't.
- 4 years ago  
Accepting the testing as is ... because it may represent "a" virus, if not "the" Covid-1984 virus ... is certainly acceptable for argument, and it makes the point. ... But no one should accept these "tests" as valid. The guidance for performance of the tests and their interpretation is now so sloppy as to be meaningless. I.E. The true numbers of positive tests are a small fraction of the 'cases' (which are NOT serious or contagious) and the number of positive tests that might be 'Covid-1984' is less than that. In Pfizer's study for their vaccine efficacy ... they only got 170 cases out of 44,000 participants. Let that sink in.
- 4 years ago  
I stopped trusting Fauchi about a week after I heard about the guy. his associates are ... hmmm... extremely untrustworthy. ALSO: we do NOT need an "infection guy" we need an "epidemic guy"
- 4 years ago  
Please name these associates and why they are untrustworthy.
- 4 years ago  
That mask mandate and the lessening of the virus is exactly what we have been talking about at home. The vaccine will be available and the curve will follow the usual pattern, but the Dems will say Biden's mask mandate worked.
- 4 years ago  
I do not wear a mask/masque/"facial-jock-strap" the reason is because I have a medical issue between me and my doctor, ONLY. However, I have a PhD (in Mathematics) so, technically, I am a doctor. But no one needs to know that.
- 4 years ago  
Notice that when famous people get it and recover without drama and very quickly the media don't know what to say. The fact is that 'cases' are irrelevant, the only thing that really matters is the hospital numbers from it and they aren't bad at all. The other thing is that apparently they are now claiming genuinely that flu has been defeated because of covid. You couldn't make this crap up. They are counting anything that slightly might resemble possibly covid as covid.
- 4 years ago  
Just curious. Do you think social distancing, mask wearing, and reductions in the size of people meeting together would have any effect on the yearly flu?
- 4 years ago  
@mev probably. But no one does that. Personally, if I find out just who was the murderous, racist, irresponsible bigot that gave me the flu Christmastime last, I can't say how I will react.
- 4 years ago  
Slight correction to 'your' claim that social protests don't cause transmission of covid - it's only true if it's the 'right' kind of protest, the 'wrong' type of protest (anti-lockdown for example) causes transmission as normal, apparently.
- 4 years ago  
Infection rates are irrelevant, if the rate of hospitalisations can be kept low. To the contrary, the former can indicate a nearing to the point of reaching herd immunity.
- 4 years ago
- 4 years ago  
Keep up the good fight! Really appreciate your videos.
- 4 years ago  
This is my only sanity tony that’s 👍
- 4 years ago  
Buffering ever 5 seconds. Screwtube is fine, it's not my connection. Alphabet's code is somewhere in here, the vial crap is messing with you still.
- 4 years ago  
Yeah, Tony look into what is happening now, or a global smear campaign against Sweden, who apparently did everything wrong, and failed, and individuals, (mainly healthy 25 year olds) who are selfish and nasty since if they don't get the jab they are killing their grandparents. They are pushing the jab as hard as they can, for the reasons you showed. Last time a wonder drug was rolled out, (proven to be safe) it was a disaster, you and others may remember the name, "Thalidomide".
- 4 years ago  
Are you saying that the wonder drugs that Trump took that he said cured him should not be trusted either? Regeneron's monoclonal antibody therapy, remdesivir, dexamethasone. Trump says everyone should be able to get these drugs and also the vaccine. Is he also guilty of pushing the vaccine on us?
- 4 years ago  
ITony Heller, I appreciate you SO MUCH. so appreciative for voices of sanity, there are so few, and it is painful losing family and friends to Cheat & Deceit. A shift has to come, this can not stand. Please keep on, with your Totos and your wonderfuly drollery. Many, many thanks. I can not make a contribution in money so I hope you are already rich enough. <3
Mark Proffitt
- 4 years ago  
POOR NUTRITION is the cause of the illness. Vitamin D deficiency is the seasonal problem but low zinc which has many of the same effects attributed to CV is caused by a diet high in phytic acid. Additionally, poor gut biome prevents creation & absorption of nutrients. Americans poison their biome which chlorine in the water, preservatives in most foods & not eating fermented foods.
- 4 years ago  
Sourkraut has been popular with German, Polish and Russian families and Kimci is quite popular with Asian people. Mabey McDonald's should offer some on Hamburg's ? 😋
Tarquin The Rotter
- 4 years ago  
You’re doing a great job, Tony. People like you are very rare. We need a lot more. All the best. P.S. ScrewUtube permanently banned me a few weeks ago. Out of the blue, no previous warning. That’s how they should come to end too. Fingers crossed that gets done soon.
- 4 years ago  
The tube did the same to me because I had the audacity to call a libtard a libtard, or a moron a moron. Go fugure
- 4 years ago  
Go Tony!!!
- 4 years ago  
Will there be a spike caused by the inauguration? Oh, yeah it's likely to be Joe Biden. So nobody will show.
- 4 years ago  
thank you Tony Heller Youtube has gotten so rude
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
My first comment on NewTube...I signed up for you.
Layman Talks
- 4 years ago  
Ah, the truth. It's as comforting as a crackling fire in winter. Twitter censored my account again. For nothing but sharing truth.
- 4 years ago  
Lots of good points here. I don’t agree, however, that the vaccine is being rushed. This disease is 5-10 times as serious as a bad flu, but fortunately it’s only that serious for those of us who have fewer years to live anyway. My beef is with the nanny state mentality that does not allow those who have studied the evidence and decided the vaccine is worth the risk to go ahead and get vaccinated. If this system had been in place in 1720, Zabdiel Boylston would never have been able to save the lives of hundreds of Bostonians, and he would have suffered more than mob violence. He would have lost his Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts. And a much improved treatment for smallpox would have been delayed for years, if not decades.
- 4 years ago  
Yes for old people. That's whats behind all this. When the average age of death from this virus is greater than the average life expectancy of humans...something is wholly wrong with the way this is being dealt with
- 4 years ago  
COVID-19 is the perfect tool to manipulate the psychologies of a nation of valetudinarians.
- 4 years ago  
No this virus IS NOT worse than other viruses. In fact I question if it even exists at all. The people who died from this so called virus were killed by the CCP. People here in America are dying and they are blaming it on the fake virus. Check the numbers, more people died of all causes in 2017 and 2018 than have died in 2020, so a pandemic that does not kill many more people hummmmm
- 4 years ago  
What a clown this dwarf is. Not a very clever lier.
- 4 years ago  
Care to discuss?
- 4 years ago  
I assume he means Fauci.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
I am sticking my neck out here. Go ahead and call me names, but i think scientist should study the scientific method while in college. Of course Dr. Fauci gets a pass because he isn't a scientist. Medical doctors are just technicians that memorize and follow procedures.
- 4 years ago  
The statements of thousands of virologists and epidemiologists from around the world, many with far more impressive credentials than Fauci, are being suppressed and silenced because they are telling the truth, that SARS-CoV-2 is just another in the endless parade of corona viruses, that lockdowns are far more deadly than helpful, and a vaccine is unneeded, at best.
- 4 years ago  
After January, the placebo effect will occur, the placebos being the vaccine and Biden’s masks
The Truth Guy
- 4 years ago  
Thank you for re-introducing me to NewTube. When I was looking for platforms where truth is allowed somehow I forgot about this one.
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
Once again, you are right on Tony!
- 4 years ago  
Toto will sniff out the truth.
- 4 years ago  
Perhaps this is obvious, there is information that PCR testing results over 30 cycles is not valid for Sars-Covid-2. But most agencies have not been reporting the Cycle Threshold on the tests they do and some recommend 40+. If you then look at "mortality" FROM Covid-19 rather than with Covid, it's much lower than reported. Now, if you combine these two ideas - most positive test results (called cases) are not cases and then all the deaths attributed to the disease aren't actually even related to Sars-covid-2. It's all a giant bamboozle and the useful idiots are just swallowing it whole.
- 4 years ago  
Can you please do an update on Sweden?
- 4 years ago  
Sweden is going to be a ticklish subject for Tony. I think they are doing great by comparison with most of Europe, but they obviously didn’t have herd immunity and both cases and deaths have started back up again as the virus season hits. They have had to impose some restrictions, and that is yielding results.
- 4 years ago  
@hersons Sweden is just seeing a seasonal uptick as they would any other year. The restrictions do not yield any results. Your ignorance is ticklish.
- 4 years ago  
@Trimpoloxolop So Sweden's new restrictions are incorrect. You should give them a call and enlighten them to your superior knowledge. maybe even Anders Tegnell.
- 4 years ago  
@mgrowan Tony won't be doing an update covering any of the things he has said about Sweden. It is not how he works. He pulls conclusions out of the ass of correlations. When time goes by and data refutes those conclusions, he does not talk about them, does not respond to questions about them, and will start all over again with similar conclusions next year. I have never seen him in writings or videos ever admit being wrong. Ever.
- 4 years ago  
Thanksgiving surge super-imposed on the Christmas surge, but New Year's Eve surge not an issue? Won't most of the Thanksgiving and Christmas surges (i.e. ~ eight weeks and four weeks prior to 1/20/21) that were hospitalized be discharged by then? Or dead? What is the average amount of days in acute care for a hospitalized COVID/Influenza/Pneumonia (ILI) patient? (Sorry that everything above became a question; rhetorical questions at that.)
- 4 years ago  
Sane educated and/or just normal people just using facts and reality told us, that this flu isn´t different from earlier flu seasons. Several yers ago a man said this: "Those who always know what´s best are a universal pest" Somehow i find a link to Fauci and other in his caliber of idiocy in these words.
- 4 years ago  
years - correction
- 4 years ago  
You’ve been my favorite content created for three years running. Thank you for making such informative videos!
- 4 years ago  
I find it really annoying when politicians take credit for something they have not had anything to do with. They really do think we are all fools. The politicians here in the UK certainly do. The vaccine rollout here in UK won’t tell us anything until we have gone through the winter of 2021, then restrictions will be in place until spring2022. No end really in sight, politicians are loving the control.
- 4 years ago  
My first comment on NewTube...I signed up for you.
- 4 years ago  
They are as dumb in pronouncing the date of the end of the virus as they were in their vote-rigging and election fraud. Please, if you are going to lie and cheat, do it with a little finesse, for heaven’s sake!
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
Their hubris is amazing. Or maybe they are just stupid.
- 4 years ago  
no lame thumbs down here... nice... thank you Tony...
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
I like your videos, and I know YouTube is shit, but so is this place and rumble is even worse.. the world really needs a new platform for the people..
- 4 years ago  
Just wait till Starlink is fully operational. Elon will cradle a white Himalayan kitty while wearing a monocle and create - STARTUBE.
- 4 years ago This supplement /solution will keep all viruses and most illnesses out of your system. I know I'll never catch the virus, I haven't been sick in over 6yrs since I started taking it daily!!!%
- 4 years ago  
An example of immunity before any vaccines were available is the Europeans colonisation of the Americas. The Europeans were immune to disease they took with them and the indigenous people died in their thousands because they had no immunity.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks for posting a teaser on YouTube, please keep doing that so we know to come here.
- 4 years ago  
If you hit the Email icon under Tony's photo, you'll get an email notification when Tony posts a new vid.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks SteveLedger, I didn't know. I still watch and LIKE the YT vids- I presume it helps Tony out until they ban him
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
Tony, what do you make of professor John Bell's comment in this short interview clip where he says at around 1:45 that "these vaccines are unlikely to completely sterilise a population"? John Bell is on the vaccine task force and chairs the Global Health Scientific advisory board of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Also, watch the interviewer trying to signal him to be careful what he says. It seems a rather odd way of phrasing it, if not a Freudian slip. I've also seen mention that in Germany a number of doctors have written a letter of caution, claiming the vaccine is likely to render women sterile. Video link
Tony Heller
- 4 years ago  
That is the whole point. Globalists want to massively reduce earth's population, and the UN has been talking about poisoning people with sterility drugs for over 50 years.
- 4 years ago  
I suspect there is more to the vaccine than population control. Why are they pushing it so hard on western countries? Most western countries would be in population decline if it wasn't for immigration. It's the less well off countries increasing the world population.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
Maybe thinning the herd is the right thing to do, but expecting people to be sterilized without them fighting back is dumb.... When it comes to herd thinning getting Bill Gate's genes out of the pool would be good thing..... Psychopaths can be detected with a brain scan. Getting them out of the gene pool would be good as well, and it will open up a lot of employment opportunities in governments.
- 4 years ago  
Thanks, Tony. I'm inclined to think it was a Freudian slip, letting the cat out of the bag. There was at least one other, subtle clue when he intonated the word "vaccine" in the bit "... whether it can be approved as a vaccine" in a way to indicate that the description is one of two or more options. Kotoyebe, I think population reduction can't be fast enough for them. I wonder what the first batch of vaccines will do for the elderly and vulnerable on the priority list. Of course, they'll just say the vaccine was not effictive enough, and poor grandma got the wooflue anyway.
- 4 years ago  
Testing children for corona is such a silly idea : the young can handle it, like any other year. And if you increase the number of tests, the false positives rise too. I am 65, never took a flu shot, and I feel fine and safe. The one thing that is troubling me though, is the political agenda. And it is global ! Cheers Nard, from the Netherlands
- 4 years ago  
If you can smell a fart that's been filtered through jocks, jeans and through a mask, a mask won't stop a flu virus 🙄
- 4 years ago  
The vaccine could be water for all the good it will do. Hm...... I might even say that water is what the politicians WILL receive. God only knows what they will inject us with. Of course, proof of receiving the vaccine will be required to fly, buy, sell, work or appear in public. I think they'll call it "the mark".
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
Getting a shot of saline solution in order to travel might be a wise use of money..... It could be a business opportunity for medical people to pick up a little cash..... When the crooks take over a country everybody has to become a bit crooked.
- 4 years ago  
How wonderfully convenient 20th January is - Fauci must be a Seer... or a lying charlatan and part of the pharmafia crew -
- 4 years ago  
Masks are nothing more then fly paper, unfortunately, people are scared into stupidity. Sympatho-mimetic pseudohypoxia (secondary to hypercapnia and hypercortisolism) Breathing through even the flimsiest mask for even a few minutes creates 4 major stresses that causes damaging and deadly low oxygen levels to be the end result, hence [cascading-caused] pseudohypoxia versus [directly-caused] hypoxia, e.g., hypoxia from drowning. (1) First, a fast build-up of [re-breathed] carbon dioxide (CO2) results, to over 4000ppm (normal about 450ppm!! – so a 10-fold increase in CO2 within 1 minute), which then; (2) sets off the sympathetic (excitatory; FIGHT-flight) part of nervous system (SNS) to breathe MORE to get O2 into the body. But a cycle develops quickly b/c of re-breathed CO2, creating hypercapnia (excess CO2) first, displacing the O2 (hypoxia, lack of O2) [NOTE: breathing rate is regulated primarily by CO2, not O2; the more CO2, the faster the breathing. Returning to normal O2 levels + the necessary lowering CO2 levels (from not re-breathing) serve as governor to return breathing to normal . . . which is problematic if a mask keeps CO2 high by re-breathing it!] PLUS, masks get saturated w/ moisture, further increasing breathing resistance and increasing the stress response, below. (3) and then huge amounts of cortisol, a major stress hormone, is pumped out b/c all this – low O2 and high CO2 - signals EMERGENCY and suffocation. Cortisol adds to the cycle of “no air” when “breathe more” doesn’t work but keeps the CO2 high + now stress hormones super-excite the SNS for fight-flight, etc. Rinse and repeat. (4) These 3 things – hypoxia, hypercapnia, and cortisol . . . quickly compromise and damage the immune system, e.g., reducing various interferons, necessary to fight germs, cancers, etc., also causing whole-body inflammation and over-acidity (acidosis) (both when chronic, a major cause of cancers), overheating, escalating panic/anxiety, brain-fog, shutting down digestion, skin eruptions (now called mask face, a recognized medical condition), to name a few. Thus “Sympatho-mimetic” means the cascading series of events that abnormally activate the SNS (i.e., the excitatory part of the nervous system [the complimentary and balanced other part being the parasympathetic, “calming,” nervous system, . . . both working together to create dynamic balance, homeostasis] to create pseudo (false, b/c of the mask/resistance-induced) hypoxia (low O2) from a series of cascading events also
- 4 years ago  
Thank you, for a very good inf. We need to spread this knowledge like a flu...
- 4 years ago  
1_dr So much is common sense and its mind numbing to have people actually wanting to argue that they are effective as they become saturated with lung slime, becoming an effective trap for everything inbound. Its definitely cheaper then war! As far as the info is concerned, A friend of mine who had studied this very thing 20 some years ago and condensed his work into laymans terms for me and this is it.
- 4 years ago  
very interesting, wanted to send to others but don’t know how to. If possible send to< [email protected]> many thanks for putting something so important out there.
- 4 years ago  
Mast, I know you can highlight text and copy. They need to refine a few options on here such as replying to specific comments
- 4 years ago  
New to this, is it possible to forward if not replies, the whole thing. Thank you
- 4 years ago  
...Couple what you've posted, with the Medical Condition "Autonomic Dysreflexia" / , that I have & yet I STILL have Family Members calling me 'Names' because I don't wear masks...
- 4 years ago  
Cuomo did it right in NY by burning off all that dry tinder(elderly in nuring homes). Right in from a eugenic viewpoint.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
I bet it saved New York State a lot of money in retirement payments. Great way to balance a budget. (It didn't accomplish anything from a eugenics point of view. Old ladies can't reproduce.) (Notice I didn't say fuck when talking about old ladies. Verbal restraint)
- 4 years ago  
I just wanted to point out that the word fuck was used, and there’s nothing YouTube can do about it.
- 4 years ago  
The world economic forums plan is moving like clock work as the sheeple march willing to the cliff! "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
- 4 years ago  
Newsweek link.
- 4 years ago  
Covid tests are the fraud
Clive Horridge
- 4 years ago  
Fauci is as complicit as the rest of the bunch of control freaks who have taken over the western world. I’m so tired of this nonsense. The facts are that masks (such as the ones were being compelled to wear) do nothing and social distancing does nothing. Thankfully where I live, there are no restrictions in force, just recommendations. But in places like Australia, the UK and certain states in the US, the despots are making life a misery for the sake of nothing supported by medical experts. Every time I hear Fauci say “keep wearing the mask” it only reinforces that he’s openly admitting that he knows nothing about viral contagion (which I refuse to believe) leaving the only conclusion that he’s only aiding and abetting the political control freaks. There’s no other way to look at this, unless I’m missing something fundamental ... can anyone advise? The story is the same for the election fraud, no evidence, nothing to see here, move on.... oh BTW, mind that elephant in the room... smh
- 4 years ago  
I tell you a covid 19 joke but there's a 99.7 % chance you wont get it!
- 4 years ago  
Can I use that joke?
- 4 years ago  
Would like to see Tony Heller and my other good alt-Media personalities form their own cable news channel.
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
Obama, Clinton and Bush have an injection on stage to prove the vaccine is harmless, Sorry Mr president but we gave you the real 'vaccine' by mistake, you now have AIDS, Gonorrhoea, typhoid and syphilis............. But it's not as bad as it seems, you already had AIDS and syphilis
- 4 years ago  
Magical thinking is only magical to the ignorant. Sadly most people are ignorant and will accept whatever the select 'experts' say as long as it's parroted by the conspiring mainstream media.
- 4 years ago  
If what you say about Biden happens - which it will - it's absolute proof the Left is completely corrupt and don't care who dies as long as they are in power.
Glenn Howden
- 4 years ago  
90 something percent of Democrats are OK with fraud as long as they are the ones doing it. They can't see far enough down the road to understand that the power mongers think they are surplus population as well.
- 4 years ago  
why didnt Trump remove Fauchi/deep state? #wakeup
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
Anthony - NewTube Founder
- 4 years ago  
Push notification gang. Who else? 😎