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Sixty years ago this week, President Eisenhower warned of the danger of a scientific/technological elite seizing control of public policy.
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Category: Politics
- 3 years ago  
I'll just repeat myself: If you absolutely must wear a mask use a fabric one. President Trump started a veritable cottage industry when he suggested reusable masks. No need to enrich China where nearly all paper masks comes from and they don't work anyway.
- 4 years ago  
Now it's The Covid/Climate Industrial Complex.
Wes Hamel
- 4 years ago  
None of it could have gone anywhere without the help of those who control the MSM. They have conspired to ruin the US and destroy individual liberty. Lord Acton writes to Bishop Creighton that the same moral standards should be applied to all men, political and religious leaders included, especially since “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely” (1887)
- 4 years ago  
It's also worth mentioning Montana has a lower population density by almost two persons per square mile lower compared to South Dakota's 4ish p/sqm. You would think Montana's lower population density and covid restrictions would make it in much better shape than South Dakota.
- 4 years ago  
Always enjoy getting all the details that transpired especially in different states on the virus. It’s unfortunate that still a lot of people can’t look outside the box - meaning that several relatives in the family continue to slurp down the information either from Apple News / CNN / Google - never questioning the “true facts” - and keep their kids home from school, wear masks inside their car by themselves, go walking in the park with a mask on - Sheep - we have a society that lives in fear. Greatly appreciate your research!
- 4 years ago  
Tony, you always present a cogent, thoughtful presentation. Thank you for your work.
- 4 years ago  
Αποκλεισμοι παντου,τελικα ποτε θα καταληφτουν αυτα τα αλλαζονικα μεσα;?
- 4 years ago  
Thank you!
- 4 years ago  
"It's pretty clear from the data that oppressive government accomplishes nothing." True, but that won't stop them from being oppressive.
- 4 years ago  
After Biden is in, just reduce cdc cycle threshold recommendation down to 30 from current 40 and cases will plummet by a factor of 10+
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
spot-on as always, Tony...
- 4 years ago  
Mandates do accomplish something but nothing positive.
- 4 years ago  
1. Introduce invisible foe. 2. Give it superhuman powers. 3. Insight fear in the public. 4. Bring in the heroes( public health dept.) 5. Lockdown for 2 wks. now months. While destroying the economy 6. Use PCR test and run it at a cycle where your bound to get a large % of false positives. 7. Mask up 8. Here comes the exp. vaccine with no proof of efficacy or safety. This is how you destroy the free world and prime it for the big global reset. Did I miss any steps?
- 4 years ago  
The mask mandates are a sham and created only to allow a false sense that an individual is doing something to halt the spread of the virus. Be that as it may, I wear a mask even though I think it ridiculous.
- 4 years ago  
I don't and won't wear a mask. I don't believe Covid is real anymore, but even if it is, I rather just go ahead and get it and get it over with. Besides that, even if Covid is real, I highly doubt that the mask does anything.
- 4 years ago  
Tony, When linking from YT we get a screen showing the change and a new browser. This didn't happen before. I suspect "foul play" from YT and a monitoring of those who still want to see your vids. Maybe you'll be prohibited from showing links?
- 4 years ago  
Hi, To prevent DDOS attacks, a shield is put in place. That is what you see happening when opening a link. Smart solution of
- 4 years ago  
Happy Anniversary Tony!
Stephen Nixey
- 4 years ago  
It has been proven time and time again from Lockdowns and non-lockdowns that the gompertz curve is no different between them. Statistically and Scientifically. They are experimenting with Ideological science not evidential science.
- 4 years ago  
We have had 2 gompertz curves in the USA (spring and summer) and now we are on our third one. How many separate gompertz curves do we have to have before it doesn't apply to this coronavirus? If lockdowns/masks/social distancing does not influence declining rates, why does the coronavirus peak repeatedly in the same areas? According to the theory a rampup of cases is followed by herd immunity and then a tailing off. But we have not reached herd immunity and yet we have multiple peaks. Why?
- 4 years ago  
What we're seeing is all about the cycles they use in the PCR test. The number of cycles determines the percentage of positives.
- 4 years ago  
@volkner That does not account for the curves of hospitalizations and deaths. Those things don't give a shit about the number of cycles used to bring a positive pcr test result.
- 4 years ago  
I am going insane I grew up in an America where freedom and liberty were important. Today they are impossible. How many lives have been lost in the defeat of socialist leaders like Hitler? The national socialist workers party (nazi) used the same tactics that the Democrats are. My dad fought in World War Two against Hitler and he would be so disappointed to see that we have allowed the legacy of that bastard to live and breathe in DC today. I miss him every day but I am glad that he did not live long enough to see what we have become. Trying to stop a virus with a mask is like trying to stop a BB with a chain link fence, yet we have people who, despite evidence to the contrary, believe that a mask is the preventive measure. I long for the America I grew up in
Dan Bullard presents
- 4 years ago  
I have a liberal neighbor who claims that Conservatives don't understand science, and then said that Oregon was selling off its mountains by cutting down trees and shipping them all over the country. So I asked him, where does the wood come from, the dirt or the air? He said the dirt. But if you burn a tree you get a lot of hot gasses (H2O and CO2) and a tiny bit of ash, that is the remains of the dirt that the tree took up over it's lifetime. Virtually nothing. But I don't know anything about science.
- 4 years ago  
when u have a document posted in the video can u provide a link ? i would really like to pass on mask documents to show that they dont work.
- 4 years ago  
Just a simple question, who benefites?
- 4 years ago  
Thanks for this video. You are the best!
- 4 years ago  
Lincoln was a tyrant. Change the definition of people...that's what attorneys do...
- 4 years ago  
Wait until Biden locks down the country. The left has already won. Time to keep your head down before they find a reason to lock you up.
- 4 years ago  
Is this the mercantile where I can load up on despair? How much for the used flesh light?
- 4 years ago  
For the people... Seems like the push is for the planet over people.
- 4 years ago  
Ummmm!!? 🤔... So people over the planet!??
Truth Sleuth
- 4 years ago  
Somehow this video appears under category "Politics", but it really does have some "Science" to it. Data is science: just ask any Psychology professor!
- 4 years ago  
Ok!!. So now Im feeling really really bad about deceiving you all for all this time & am starting to feel really bad for doing so!!. So now I'm like, I really now should really disclose who I really am! As I really just can't stand the real deception I have really portrayed on you all at this time, of real division!!!... I spose you could say! I was just really scoping you all out!! 😝... Yeh you know! Like all the government's already really do to you!! 😝... Yeh, im really kinda like the one that is in the same boat & situation as that of the real Steve Goddard situation a few years back!!!. But a little different, really!! 😊.... So let me now introduce myself! My name is Michael shermer!!... & Please don't forget to donate to my channel #here. & Buy my new book that I just released!!! That link is #here. Thanks for your support everyone 😊
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
Well, I'm having a hard time believing you're the same fella in the video link. He seems a reasonable chap, and someone I would see eye to eye on. Your postings here do not line up with the little I've seen of Shermer. I believe you are spreading conspiracies, and are a lizard man Icke spoke of.
- 4 years ago  
Fuck off, troll
- 4 years ago  
Narcissistic personality disorder with frequent episodes of schizophrenic delusions? What do you guys think?
- 4 years ago  
Me!! Spreading conspiracy theories!!? 🤣😂🤣😂... Well why not!??. Every other fucker seems to be doing these days!! 🤔... Maybe more people should listen to Elvis!!! 😝
- 4 years ago  
Ahhh..... TOBY666 show up again with his idiotic nonsense. I know who you are. You are TOBY the ROCK TROLL with the itty bitty brain. Oh and I can believe you listened to Elvis "for sure". If you can believe any MSM news outlet and a bunch of leftist/marxist/progressive ones, then I am sure you are right there with Elvis
- 4 years ago  
Fuck off, troll
- 4 years ago  
It appears that the cast majority of new 'cases' are the seasonal flu. Indeed that is the case in the UK as they are joining flus cases with covid cases and have admitted that.
- 4 years ago  
Reagan said the most frightening words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. The warnings from the past are there to see. The Roman Empire collapsed because the state took more and more of the wealth being generated and with it the economic freedom to generate more wealth vanished. Exactly the same is happing in the west today. We are not generating wealth and the state is creating debt that cannot be repaid to create the illusion of wealth for the ever increasing state dependency. Roman’s did not have the personal freedom we have enjoyed but that has also been slowly taken from us and now we have little left. The state controls what we can say and through control of eduction what children should think. This is how socialism takes over and America is about to fall under its spell. It is too late for Europe. The language being used to control us in the name of controlling a virus is that of a totalitarian police state.
- 4 years ago  
We are revisiting what happened to the Romans. Nobody studies the fall of the Roman Empire. Once upon a time in the US, educated people knew Latin. It's runs throughout the law, medicine, and other sciences. The Romans had a command economy in the end and it failed. The son of a shoe maker became a shoe maker whether he was good at it or not. Korea constantly had that problem of getting quality people in government. In Colorado, one of the universities here, I would never be able to attend because I don't believe in Climate Change. The belief is before taking the class.
- 4 years ago  
I believe I've found warnings against this sort of scientism, against technocracy, media hypnosis, the effects of swapping reality with immersive dreams through media, and even against transhumanism in the original Star Trek. Right in the first, unaired pilot (The Cage, 1966) we encounter the Talosians who destroyed their own civilization by immersing themselves in dreams. Their illusions became so wonderful, they forgot how to do things. In the second pilot, which was aired as third episode (Where No Man Has Gone Before, 1966), the mental powers of one crewman became god-like, but since he was human, he was also imperfect, abused his powers against his fellow human beings, and needed to be killed, unfortunately. "The Return of the Archons" and "A Taste of Armageddon" are about human being ruled by the cold, inhumane logic of computers. "This Side of Paradise" is about the artifical, meaning- and purposeless state of drug-induced paradise. And then there are a couple of episodes, which are about life as a human being vs. life as an android, like "Return to Tomorrow." All of these episodes (and some others, which I haven't mentioned) seem to foreshadow today's problems that arise through technological progress and its effects on humanity. Tbh, I kind of wish that there's a stop to technological progress and a return to humanity, just without the wars.
- 4 years ago  
I don't think Eisenhower saw the potential for the corruption and control of public policy by feminists which has become the biggest problem the western world has had to contend with!
Truth Sleuth
- 4 years ago  
The power of the MSM and the Big Three social media, regardless of any "woke" bias they seem to be focused on has eclipsed the power imagined by Eisenhower or Reagan, or our Founding Fathers.
- 4 years ago  
I clicked the bell and it says I've unsubscribed from push notifications - but I can't find how to subscribe to them again... ? Three URL's everyone should have handy, I reckon: (on collateral damage from lockdowns) (The Great Barrington Declaration) (many links to vids like Tony's)
- 4 years ago  
The email notifications I subscribed to are now arriving 👍🏽
- 4 years ago  
Research by real scientists has shown that Japan's low mortality has been due to 1. Cross immunity (applies to whole east asia where similar virusses haven been going round). 2. Good metabolic health (few cases of obesity, diabetes) 3. Low levels of vitamin D-deficiency. Nothing to do with masks.
- 4 years ago  
See!! It was all the Trumpet's idea right from the beginning!!. Infact, I think he is the patient zero! 👍. Anything & everything that can mutate, can mutate in that fucker!!! 😝... Anyways, this is all apart of the master plan so that we can take over the world & he can be our supreme leader!!. So yeh, let's get behind him my friends!!! 🥰... & Hey!! Don't forget to share this far & wide!!!. As per 666 views on this video, this is a message from god!! 😀... & No! This is NOT some bullshit conspiracy theory!! This is the real deal & we all need to wake the fuck up!!!
Bad at this
- 4 years ago  
There is something broken inside of you.
- 4 years ago  
Please help me understand what!!!... Hey! I'm relying on you man!!
- 4 years ago  
Here, I think I can help you. Step away from the jar of vasaline long enough to regain a sense of stability in your otherwise sodomy saturated life. After that, try and muster the courage to face the vacuous black hole you are trying to desperately fill with your relentless attention seeking. Maybe learn to care for something else, besides your seamen saturated, flaccid meat suit. Maybe start small, like a gerbil, or something. Wait, not a gerbil, that’s too risky. Start with a cactus.
- 4 years ago  
Put your hands up is you think Larpy has narcissistic personality disorder with frequent episodes of schizophrenic delusions? 🙋. What do you guys think?... Poor fella hey 😢
- 4 years ago  
I think Larpy got it about right. Oh and your video link...... to a fucking chinese news outlet! hahahahah! What a fucking TOBY you are. Like they are going to tell you the truth! hahahahaha!
- 4 years ago  
Fuck off, troll
- 4 years ago  
You left out the last part of Eisenhower's speech where he also warns against the "academic industrial complex", they have memory holed that part.
- 4 years ago  
Just brilliant! This the excellency the scumbags of Silicon Valley fears!
The Boot Strap Anarchist
- 4 years ago  
Unable to share video. If I can't share it, it doesn't go far. No buffering issues today.
- 4 years ago  
The left loves scientists...only those who are willing to confirm what the left already believes or feigns to believe for political expediency. Be a scientist with a country opinion and you will be thrown to the wolves post haste
- 4 years ago  
It's much worse than just not accomplishing anything via idiotic lockdowns, mask mandates and other facist policies. At least 10 times as much damage has been done as might be optimistically said to have been prevented (showing up in things like increased suicides and drug abuse, as well as delayed medical treatment and examinations). The only reasonable deduction is that Democrats are anti-American and want to destroy our country, its laws and our history (sometimes literally in the last case). Dark times indeed.
- 4 years ago  
Dems are assholes. Trumpers are never quitting. We will win.
- 4 years ago  
Democrats don't listen.. they just tell everyone ELSE to! Actually, they're addicted to the rush of self-righteous anger so, they listen to Cuomo, Madcow, Lemon and the rest of the mooks on the FAKE news outlets.
- 4 years ago  
Agreed! The last time I heard a reasonable Democrat was just before I switched to voting Republican. But, now I don't trust either side save a few decent people.
- 4 years ago  
Hey skanky!!... I miss you 💕
- 4 years ago  
Yup! This was excellent.
- 4 years ago  
Lets build another 20 15 billion dollar sitting ducks , Sorry carriers ,I thought Briton leant that mistake 60 years ago.... Follow the money .
- 4 years ago  
- 4 years ago  
“Masks are turning us into voiceless submissives, and it’s not science that’s forcing us to wear them but politics.”
- 4 years ago  
Exactly. I SEE what it does to the community around me- I'm in CA, (moving VERY soon to a deep red state), and it's a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!
- 4 years ago  
Awsome as always. I really like this new platform. Thank you for such great content.
- 4 years ago  
Damn, I guess that I am too soon to read Tonyheller666's ignorant cries for attention,...I will come back later. Love your material @REALTonyHeller.
- 4 years ago  
Tonyheller666 is sick sick sick! 8-)
- 4 years ago  
Yep! He is probably writing weird stuff on every platform.
- 4 years ago  
Be patient. That troll needs its ugly sleep.
- 4 years ago  
Yes, it would be nice to have this troll automatically filtered out! But skipping the crap manually (not reading it) is the back up method
- 4 years ago  
Guess who's back!! 😝... Yeh, it shady!!! 🤘
Dark Corners Of History
- 4 years ago  
666, the dork with no friends is screaming for attention again.
- 4 years ago  
& I thought we were friends!!? 😥😢... I really don't understand why no one likes me hey!!?... So what can I do to be apart of & accepted within the 97%er's group!??... 🤔
- 4 years ago  
They're following the Marxism, not science. They've got to destroy the economy before they can usher in their Great Reset.
- 4 years ago  
You nailed it!
- 4 years ago  
Tony, I'm in full agreement and as usual I love the way that you lay out your arguments. Unfortunately, the left is gaining steam and it's only their version of science du jour that counts. Equally unfortunate is the impression that they change these scientific facts almost daily. We are in for a very long four years, if not longer.....
- 4 years ago  
You left out Dr. Bill Gates. World renowned operating system thief and purveyor of junk software.
- 4 years ago  
Mike, I'm not certain about the OS thief part, but you are spot on with the purveyor of junk software part, and that makes him a thief in my books.
- 4 years ago  
@WhiteEagle. My friend can attest to the thievery part. Bill Gates stole their idea of a PC operating system and called it Windows