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Flat Plane 2020



The disclosure just keeps on coming

  - 10:03

Supposedly vaccines are for prevention medicine and yet most people take a vaccine after already being infected that goes against everything we have been taught in biology under natural herd immunity. I hear people taking the flu vaccine, the Tetanus shot after already being infected, that is so wrong it’s pathetic.






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July 9th 2023  

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Category: Technology & Science



- half a year ago  

Autism has grown to something like one-in-five, with projections of very soon of one-in-three. The one constant that has grown consistently with autism is the vaccine schedule, aka the number-of and frequency-of childhood vaccines, as well as the number of combination vaccinations. There is a reason why most unvaccinated populations do not exhibit anywhere near, if at all, the numbers of autism as vaccinated populations do. Heavy metals, neurotoxins, live viruses, animal dna, mrna, and nanotechnology are bad. Do not put them inside of you.


- a year ago  

I was vaccinated at 6 months old. It caused a life long immune response where my immune system was kicked into constant high gear. With nothing to attack my immune system constantly attacks cells, tissue, ligaments, cartilage and bones. I'm in constant pain from all the childhood vaccinations that were forced upon me without my consent. The only time I get any relief from the pain is if I catch a cold or flu. My immune system then has something else to attack instead of me. Everyone is different. just because a vaccine is safe for one child does not mean it is safe for another. That is why testing needs to be done for each race. I'm Indigenous American and we should not be targeted like that. My grandfather, aunts, sisters and cousins all had similar responses to the jabs. I call it Eugenics, adding insult to injury torture. But, I'm nobody, just a dumb Indian.


- a year ago  

Making more than $25k online just by doing simple work from home. I received $28376 last month. Its an easy (QW-50) and simple job to do and its earnings are much better than a regular office job and even a little child can do this and earn money. ... Everybody must try this job by just using the info on this page.........W­­­w­­­w­­­.R­­­i­­­c­­­h­­­c­­­a­­­s­­­h­­­1­­­.c­­­o­­­m