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Tony HellerPLUS



Citizen Free Press - Brian Kemp refuses to answer questions outside the World Economic Forum: "Given the price of inflation: Meat, egss, milk, things like that in Georgia... How does it feel going to a five star luxury hotel event in the Swiss Alps?"

  - 0:36

Originally uploaded to by Citizen Free Press Brian Kemp refuses to answer questions outside the World Economic Forum: "Given the price of inflation: Meat, egss, milk, things like that in Georgia... How does it feel going to a five star luxury hotel event in the Swiss Alps?"






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January 21st 2023  

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- a year ago  

Two kinds of people in this world: 1) People who think the government is acting in the people's best interest. 2) People who think.


- a year ago  



- a year ago  

They know they are not representing the people who the media/information machine that they are partnered with, brainwashes into "voting" for them. They know they are sinister and that people who still retain any ability to think do not like them and know what they are doing, and they don't care.


- a year ago  

Two aisles of American politicians America in 2023 is in a Twilight Zone and it’s titled “The Clown World”. ————- Rural middle class Americans were mostly farmers up to the 1890’s. They were the majority, conservative, self sufficient, hard working Americans and all using beasts of burden to do all major farm tasks. The South up to 1860’s had agricultural wealth based on slavery. The North was more populated but slavery was frowned on and citizens more reliant on beasts of burden. Then the Civil War ended slavery and in 1890’s the electric power grid was invented. Up to this point 90% lived in rural America and 10% in the cities. ————- With the invention of the electric power grid, electricity from 1890’s to the 1930’s allowed the cities to explode in population as wealth moved from farms into the cities. With electricity came American manufacturing and the need for urban city dwellers to work in these manufacturing plants built in or near cities. By the 1930’s near half of America’s population were in cities over 50,000. ————- Between the 1930’s to the 1950’s American manufacturing in the urban cities dominated American wealth into its manufacturing oligarchs and America’s 50% middle-class citizenry was created. But like the end of slavery in the South, urban decay in the 1960’s occurred with white flight and manufacturing moved to the suburbs and with electric air conditioning to the South. The same manufacturing American oligarchs existed but moved their plants to the suburbs and South creating a new 50% middle-class citizenry. ————- How were these rural, suburban and new Southern plants built and supplied, by the Eisenhower Interstate Road system built in the 1960’s and 1970’s and driven by trucker drivers. ————- Like slavery ended, urbanization ended, so did American manufacturing dominance end in the 1990’s when NAFTA was ratified. By 2020 4.5 million American manufacturing jobs went off shore never to return. Shipping by foreign nations now dominate 99.5% of all ship building and shipping America and it Jones Act 0.5% of the worldwide maritime industry. The world ships our goods to America and we have become a debtor national buying them. The top 10 mega-cities in the world with over 20 million citizens aren’t in America. America is the largest economic giant that globalization worldwide feeds, yet it is all built on fossil fuels use worldwide. ————- Now the buildup to the Twilight Zone, Clown World, we Americans live in now. Our politicians on one side of the aisle want to end fossil fuels use but only in America. The other group of politicians on the other aisle, don’t know what to do, as fossil fuel energy is what their aisle relies on for their political power and strength. If fossil fuels use is curtailed and even natural gas curtailed, which aisle controls green energy and can green energy 100% supply the nation to continue America’s massive indebtedness and further globalization?


- a year ago  

Every one of the movements you write of, occurred through carefully implemented public manipulation, funding inventions, marketing/advertising certain ones, through swaying public opinion through written media & later radio television and movies, through careful constructed monetary/banking systems, through manipulation and creation of cultural movements… All done by a very small powerful group of wealthy industrialists, who wanted more power, wealth & control. --- The two political party system and their conflict with each other is theater. A ruse. The ones at the top are profiting immensely from the fake struggle between fossil fuels and other forms of energy. They own the stock of both industries. They created the industrialized system that relies on fossil fuels in the first place. --- The big question is why? Do they want control over people and to live like kings just for the stereotypical evil movie villain reasons, or is there things the public doesn't yet realize? Have they done all this to survive a very real event that is on the horizon?