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Tony HellerPLUS



Mike - Whatever your thoughts on #ClimateCrisis #ClimateScam you should take a few minutes to watch this.

  - 6:58

Originally uploaded to by Mike Whatever your thoughts on #ClimateCrisis #ClimateScam you should take a few minutes to watch this.






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Uploaded a year ago  

January 15th 2023  

File Size: 17 MB



- a year ago  

CO2 manmade and natural is good for the planet, it is increasing steadily due mostly to manmade CO2 increases in China, India and the Far East, due to their new industrial hubs since the 2000’s. ————— The planet is greening not warming due to this steady increase in manmade CO2 from these industrial Far East regions. ————- The DNC’s hysteria to end all fossil fuels use and go NETZERO, to then end their so called global warming, is only focused on ending fossil fuels production in the rural Red States of America. ————— Fossil fuel energy jobs are usually filled by conservatives and these oil, gas and once formidable coal energy producing American firms are a power base for the GOP. ————- The DNC to win elections only wants and needs to destroy the conservative jobs and workers of America and undermine the power base of the GOP, who are the fossil fuel energy firms. The DNC wants oil imported into America, they just don’t want oil, gas and coal producing wealth in the United States for conservatives and the GOP. Why? All to win elections. Blue City Democrats want to end rural American Red States of America and that includes any law abiding, gun toting, anti-abortion conservative American. ————— The DNC work is amazingly insane and near complete.


- a year ago  

Well... He has still been fooled by the climate crisis scam! Nothing extraordinary is happening with the climate! But he has discovered that the climate alarmists solution to their manufacured crisis is also a scam! And that is good. He has been starting thinking.

Righting The Wrong

- a year ago  

A clear thinker would quickly realize that the whole climate change scenario is nothing more than a grift.. why the hell do you think we need leaders like this?

Righting The Wrong

- a year ago  

What the fuck kind of baby did you hatch that needs to gestate for 20 months?


- a year ago  

We need leaders like this guy, he is telling the truth?


- a year ago  

To the point. We need more clear thinking like this.