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Dr Byram Bridle Immunologist URGENT WARNING TO WORLD (New Evidence FOI request Japan)

  - 5:32

Sourced of - Russ Brown - -- Everything I was saying a year ago is now true! Best resources are my earlier vids on youtube and bitchute! The vaccines are intended to sterilize 60-70%, control your mind via magneto nano proteins and to cause an epidemic of Mad cow disease starting in 1.6 years so the globalists can blame infected beef and scare us into eating fake Israeli made beef, thus saving the world and guiding evolution, as they would see it. And it is all based on lies. Everything I say above will come to pass UNLESS YOU ACT NOW! My Youtube 2 strikes - I have no upload speed as I live on a boat on the run from the 322 people etc, since death threats in 2016. 5 years! But if I lived in a house like you lot with fast internet I would be uploading 10 times more stuff. DONT JUST SIT ON YOUR HANDS twiddling your thumbs LOOK AT THE DATE ON THIS ARTICLE -, Please support my work if you can PLEASE SUPPORT FREE MEDIA My Patreon -​ Please Paypal me a help donations here - Please support FREE MEDIA I need your help! Blocked by ISP and de-platformed everywhere. DONATION (any little bit helps) - PAYPAL ME (any little bit helps) -






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

June 1st 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

'We made a mistake' .... who is 'we'? 'Inadvertently' ???? This all appears to be pretty deliberate! We, the people, need to push for immediate cessation of the inappropriately described 'vaccines' which are not only making $Trillions for those career criminals invested in them but also threatens our whole species. I'd say write to your representative but they are part of the problem ..... Resistance is not futile, it's rapidly becoming our duty


- 3 years ago  

So this time the "camp is the entire globe and the "showers" are voluntary... so far.


- 3 years ago  

All planned out years ago. And the sheeple just line up. Happily hand over their freedom. Ask to be enslaved.


- 3 years ago  

Knowing the manufacturing process for Spike Proteins, and we know they look for ACE2 receptors, is this what causes blood clots ? ACE2 receptors are for supplying nutrients and other ingredients for the cell's health.


- 3 years ago  

Hi Jeff - Prof Bhakdi has one out explaining how the spike protein reach every cell in your body & are able to pass the cell wall -pending on one,s luck they will lead to clots or bleeding .The super-paramagnetic charged prions ( Russ Brown on Bitchute has some good bits i loaded) they use to ensure fast vac uptake brings me to my Theory which is based on (electrolytic) reactions like anodizing alloys -( a stretch i know ) a flowing liquid( Blood) / a solid ( Body) plus electricity as in nerve-impulses leading to an alignment of platelets to form clots or bleeding through spike protein destroyed blood-vessels .Since the receptors are simply doing their job but are overwhelmed by a self replicating spike protein , just like a Trojan horse /virus on a PC . Combine that with Hemochromatosis high iron content - this hole thing is a gigantic maze of problems and those bastards never bothered to check shit -as more i learn as more i believe it is pure intend but working faster as they expected . Wished i could give you a better answer mate stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

Just wait till everyone will have to get the digital passport called Lucifer ase.patent # 060606.. sounds like Revelation 13 verses 16 to 18 to me..nano dot tattoo..look it cannot work..go to school fly, buy or sell without this passport..a few are trying to stop this, but we know the demonrats will get their way.


- 3 years ago  

Other scientists have been warning for a long time now that these mRNA shots enter into the cells and then each of those cells manufactures the spike protein that are then released into the bloodstream and lymph system, and obviously spiked proteins would not remain in the muscle or the immediate area where the shot was given. The shot contains a billion mRNA particles, so it is totally unreasonable to have ever expected that those particles would stay in the shoulder muscle.


- 3 years ago  

All this will become the greatest crime of the 21st. Century. The angry masses of humanity will demand global accountability. There will be no place to hide once 7 billion people get very angry and demand accountability.


- 3 years ago  

Sorry but there will never be 7 billion people left on earth for this vaccine will kill most everyone who takes them.. Bill Gates depopulation...saw him today and he had boobs...maybe thats why his wife left him...