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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 285 - FE Fact Hunter Video Chat

  - 2:04:10

The most important thing to never lose sight of is that FE is the truth BUT the Jesuits are controlling BOTH sides of the FE Globe DIALOGUE in order to MOCK FE as anti science! They want people to put their FAITH in THEORETICAL SCIENCE rather than in WHAT THEY SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES and in WHAT GOD’S WORD SAYS! The second thing to really understand is that the Earth is NOT FLAT! That term is misleading. The Bible NEVER calls the Earth FLAT. In fact NO ONE knows the real shape of the Earth. The Earth is INFERRED as a PLANAR DISC with a firmament or DOME covering. In real terms the Earth is a TOPOGRAPHICALLY IRREGULAR PLANAR DISC with MOUNTAINS and VALLEYS and FOUR CORNERS and sealed with an IMPENETRABLE DOME made from a solid and self healing material which is unknown. The Bible describes Earth as a disc or circle within a square with the disc covered by a massive dome. The 4 winds come from the 4 corners and are controlled by 4 angels. The sun and moon and stars are ALL described by the Bible as being IN the firmament meaning they are NOT outside dome in SPACE! The third thing is that once a person has accepted the FE paradigm then they MUST ASK the question, “WHO BUILT THIS STRUCTURE?” There is NO escaping this question. It is either Aliens or God! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Eleven Pages - 295 Videos Rumble DIF BitChute DIF






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June 7th 2023  

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Category: How To & Education



- a year ago  

Hi William, how are you doing today?


- a year ago  



- a year ago  

The bible says you have to obey the law of the land and I know that's within the righteous laws only , natural laws pertaining to justice.. So in essence all of these young men going off that were drafted years ago didn't have to go fight in God's eyes and yes probably go to jail for escaping the draft but would be right in God's eyes for resisting the Pope's demand for fighting his wars !


- a year ago  

The commandments to all Christians is: [KJV 1611] Luk 3:14 And the SOULDIERS likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we doe? And he said vnto them, DOE VIOLENCE TO NO MAN, neither accuse any falsely, & be content with your wages. [KJV 1611] Lev 24:17 And he that killeth any man, shall surely be put to death.


- a year ago  

Dear William, I think your Ham interpretation is a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Ham was a homosexual - a pedophile - he lusted sexually after his fathers naked body (these kinds of people have no sexual borders: family, animals etc,) - that is why he looked with the lust of the eyes (as Eve did) and both brought a generational curse upon themselves and their offspring (until the Lord broke these off on the cross). Shem and Iaphet did not look on their fathers nakedness because they were not sodomites. It is more than likely Ham would have sodomised his children and passed on that spirit of sodomy since that is main way it is transferred on (the world they came out of was a sodomite controlled world - as is the world we are in now). As for his mother, she may be the nakedness of his father - but there is no biblical proof of any clear sexual relations between son and mother. Noah cursed Ham and his descendents - curses are generational and lead to all kinds of evil and are a root of destruction and decay and all kinds of perverseness - hence the outcome for Canaan. [KJV 1611] Gen 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakednesse of his father... [KJV 1611] Gen 9:23 And Shem and Iaphet tooke a garment, and layed it vpon both their shoulders, and went backward, and couered the nakednesse of their father, and their faces were backward, and they saw not their fathers nakednesse. [KJV 1611] Gen 9:24 And Noah awoke...[KJV 1611] Gen 9:25 And...Cursed bee Canaan...

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Josh! I appreciate your feedback as always but you're incorrect about this issue. Leviticus 20:11 states clearly, "And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath "uncovered his father's nakedness:" both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." There is clear Biblical proof! There is no arguing against the scripture here. This is exactly what Ham did to his mother. Noah didn't curse Ham but he cursed Ham's incestuous "offspring" Canaan. The Bible doesn't say he cursed Canaan's descendants, just Canaan, although i agree it was passed down. The time gap between Verse 24 and 25 of Genesis 9 would have been long enough for Noah's wife to verify that she was pregnant although this is understood by "inference." Personally i believe God revealed to Noah what had happened after he sobered up but it is also possible that Shem or Japheth told him because Verse 22 states that Ham told (boasted) about his wickedness to his 2 brothers. Also, your notion that homosexuality was everywhere and controlled society pre flood isn't supported in scripture. It was the "genetic" experimentation that forced God's hand. I'm sure there has been homosexuality in all ages including pre flood BUT that's not the central reason for the flood. That's also NOT the reason God will destroy the world by fire this time. It is because the whole world is NOW genetically corrupted just like before the flood. Of course sodomy is a part of the reason but let's not run ahead of what the Bible says. Also, remember that ALL 3 sons had wives from which the whole human family originates. Including you and me. IF HAM was a sodomite then Nimrod would not have existed and pre flood there would have been no one for God to destroy. On the contrary everyone was having children and the pre flood population is estimated to have been 8 billion people. Sodomites CAN'T reproduce! Ham was heterosexual BUT he was IMMORAL. Sodomites do not have children and thus it would have been the end of Ham's lineage. I can assure you that i do not use my imagination in anything i teach. IF i was to do that at any time then i would state that so the listener would know that this isn't FACT being stated but what i IMAGINE. I have rarely done this, if ever! I hope that this explanation is clear for you. God bless you!


- a year ago  

No Joshua ,discovering his father's skirts and seeing his nakedness refers to his wife because marriage makes you one


- a year ago  

But the arguments put forward does not explain: [KJV 1611] Gen 9:23 And Shem and Iaphet tooke a garment, and layed it vpon both their shoulders, and went backward, and couered the nakednesse of their father, and their faces were backward, and they saw not their fathers nakednesse. --- Shem and Iaphet covered their father nakedness not their mothers with a garment ?


- a year ago  

Surfing the firmament:


- a year ago  

The shape of the Earth is a flat oblong square, with a ice ring around it - a good example is the most popular game in the world - football - with the oblong pitch and the round circular stadium (ice ring). They state this on maps, although not showing it, they call it the 'Arctic CIRCLE'. This is why the 'black mirror' TV, phone, computer, laptop, tablet etc., oblong shape is so 'natural' to us and they bring us the 'world' thru them because they are the shape of the world! why not have a round or square TV? The famous witch Nostradamus (a satanic witch who was a liar and a deceiver, a Catholic doctor & practiser of the satanic art of astrology being bankrolled by the Catholic super-rich Medici/Pope family) used to scribe (scrying) using a 'black mirror' - using water as medium claiming to see into the future? Nostradamus was a Freemason.

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Josh! I wish we could know the exact shape of the Earth but no one can get far enough away from it to actually SEE IT in its entirety. We only know from the scripture that it is a "circle" and that it has 4 corners and a firmament covering it. Personally, i wouldn't dare to be pedantic about the shape because i CAN'T prove it. No one can. We know that it's NOT even flat. It is a Topographically Irregular circular PLANE that doesn't move. We also don't know much about the firmament except that it is "solid" and divides the waters and that God sits enthroned in the North above the firmament "dome." That's all we really know.


- a year ago  

The shape of Earth - the heaven is directly above the earth - when it departs as a scroll in Revelation- after being stretched out - a scroll opened would be like an oblong shape - a page of a book shape for example [KJV 1611] Rev 6:14 And the heauen departed as a scrowle when it is rolled together, and euery mountaine and Island were moued out of their places.


- a year ago  

William Cooper stated the Russians meet with their American allies once a year in an underwater Submarine somewhere in the Arctic and take their orders for the year. Antony C. Sutton clearly exposes (in his books) the fact that the Jesuit/Catholic controlled Americans have been giving the Russians all their weapons and innovations for decades and the two are working together.

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

I don't know about the submarine meetings but i do agree about the total complicity between the USA and the Russians under Jesuit instruction. William Cooper wasn't a Christian and had some very strange teachings so i would caution you about receiving everything he said as gospel truth.


- a year ago  

Dear William, concerning William Cooper - although your right he did not accept all of the bible as the word of God (which of course is an error) - he did believe in the 10 commandments and adhered to keep them and lived by them. Further, he stated he only believed in the 'red letter; words of Jesus in the New Testament and that was his gospel. I He once stated he prayed to the Lord to see his daughter he had not seen for maybe 20 or so years, since his split with his first wife and within a week they had made contact for the first time and soon she was was on one of his radio shows. I personally found him to be one of the most humble and honest men I have ever come across. I know he had a temper issue, we all have our short comings.


- a year ago  

The International Space Station is underwater - NASA Freemason witches do the 'space' filming underwater -


- a year ago  

I get it, all the other planets are round except for Earth, wonderful. That way, we're just flying like a frisby in outer space, missing collisions with other planets.


- a year ago  

There are other planets - but they are not moving - nor is there any life on them : [KJV 1611] Job 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion and Pleiades, and the chambers of the South. [KJV 1611] Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweete influences of Pleiades? Or loose the bands of Orion? [KJV 1611] Amo 5:8 Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion...


- a year ago  

The Earth is not moving it is stable [KJV 1611] 1Ch 16:30 Feare before him all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not mooued.


- a year ago  

First the catholic/freemason/witches banned prayer to Jesus Christ in American schools (, then they removed the 10 commandments, the Law of Jesus Christ from being displayed in American schools ( and now they are banning Jesus Christ, the King James Bible from American Schools -


- a year ago  

The idea of forced vacination is the hill I'll die on.

Darkness Is Falling

- a year ago  

Hi Bob! Great to hear from you! You or i will NEVER be FORCED! That idea isn't Biblical. PRESSURED psychologically, economically, socially, spiritually? Yes! Forced? NO! We always retain the free will to refuse this order to INJECT. They will NEVER hold someone down and Mark them. God and Satan are both looking for FREE WILL and VOLUNTARY obedience and worship! That will never change. The Jesuits will kill anyone who REFUSES though! That is a given according to history! They've done this many times before and they'll do it again. God bless you!


- a year ago  

WHO, EU Launch New Global Vaccine Passport - a digital passport system “means restraints on movement and living for the unvaccinated and forced vaccination to participate in life.” ---*1lb9969*_ga*NzI1MjEwNTM0LjE2ODM4MTkyODI.*_ga_NDF46WB0VT*MTY4NjE1NDg4OS44LjAuMTY4NjE1NTE2Mi4wLjAuMA..&_ga=2.175681643.875663877.1686154890-725210534.1683819282