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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 124 - Is it Sin?

  - 1:06:33

In this longer video I felt an urgency to address for both believers and non believers the often vexing question of “SIN,” what it is, what it isn’t and why getting the right understanding about sin is absolutely “crucial” to one’s eternal destiny. I hope that this video will help all of you that may be struggling because of poor Biblical understanding. Let me warn you all that the RAMIFICATIONS of getting it wrong in this time of Great Deception and coming under God’s judgement is very great! We are living in the Age of Sin where people live with Sinful conduct as Normal and Not as an Aberration! It is SIN that separates man from God. SIN is the great separator. Satan, the enemy of God and man wants people to sin in ever increasing measure so they will be separated and destroyed! The Bible declares this clearly in 4 scriptures: Micah 3:4, “Then they will cry out to the Lord, But He will not answer them. Instead, He will hide His face from them at that time Because they have practiced evil deeds.” Isaiah 59:2, “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear.” 1 Corinthians 15:17​, “and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.” Exodus 32:33​, “The Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot him out of My book.” It is unrepentant SIN that will ultimately send a person to the Lake of Fire; the final place of judgement for souls who refused to REPENT by turning away from their OLD life and to Jesus Christ for forgiveness of their sins and a NEW life. SIN is the problem and Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection as the perfect SACRIFICE for that sin, is the only solution that meets God’s righteous requirements! WHAT DOES THE BIBLE REALLY TEACH ABOUT SIN! LEARN HOW ROME HAS LEGITIMIZED "UNBRIDLED" SIN! THE WORLD HAS BECOME THE JESUIT'S NEW WORLD ORDER "EMPIRE OF SIN!" More at:






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