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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 173 - Weather Warfare!

  - 1:00:06

In this video i want to look at the Jesuit Cabal and its relationship to World Weather. This video is an update of a blog i posted on 27/1/2018, titled “JESUITS WEAPONIZING THE WORLD! - THE SATANIC WAR AGAINST HUMANITY” and Video No. 19 two years ago. As i have done before a number of times i am bringing to the forefront a subject for the listener the importance of which so few are aware. Weather manipulation and control is a reality and far more prevalent than many imagine. Freak weather events with destructive power have been shattering millions of people’s lives over the last 40 years or more. Much of it is ORCHESTRATED DIRECTLY by human hands using High Tech inventions. The purpose was and is PAPAL REVENGE on the human race and to drive people into greater and greater compliance to the New World Order demand to vaccinate for a FAKE virus and pandemic. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! TR3B Flying Triangle Marc Filterman, Intelligence Newsletter, (December 16, 1999) ( Read about the reality of DEW weapons below. The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception






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- 3 years ago  

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- 3 years ago  

In stralia mate is normal. No the Jesuits are not the ultimate string pullers. There is something called the sisterhood of satan who communicate directly with the demon generals and then disseminate. The pyramid is very pointy with the sun at the top - the false god. On another note - If you check out 7grainsofsalt on you tube she also has some good thoughts about what is occurring as far as deception goes. Be vigilant, stay close to God and call on Him while we all can. Our help comes from the God of Heaven and earth not hillsong music...or Trump. Cry out to Jesus the author and finisher, the beginning and last. Soften your heart and allow God to be your only refuge and the tower you run in to. Let Him hide you under His shadow where you will be safe. If we die we die for Him. Never take the mark but expect execution. Like he said model yourself on Stephen. When you get offended soften your heart.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for commenting! With your comment you ignored scripture completely. Rev17 says clearly that Rome rules the world. The Jesuits rule Rome thus THEY alone rule the world. The "sisterhood" is a fiction. Just another "narrative" someone has made up to confuse everyone. The Bible trumps ALL online "stories." The Jesuits pull ALL strings and it is documented as well as Biblical. God is NEVER wrong. There are now 190 videos in this series proving beyond doubt that the Jesuits rule the Earth. They are the sorcerers that have bewitched mankind! There is no other enemy! You need to do more research to get your facts right rather than rely on "sensational" YT channels that DON'T get pulled down. Mine DID! So who's telling the truth. Only those that get "terminated!" God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

No the Jesuits do not hold the upper hand, God does. He will stop this when he likes, when we the people of God fight the battle we are expected to. Listening to you you expect us to just cower under our beds. Not me matey. Scaremongering? Absolutely you are. Not intentional I understand that but have some faith. We will win his.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for your comments! I have never ever said that the the Jesuits can gazump God's plan! In case you didn't know, "Matey" is a condescending term and i would advise NOT using it with people you don't know. They might be offended! Also, i never said anything about cowering under a bed. That is a "misrepresentation" of everything i'm saying! It appears like so many you may be having trouble distinguishing the difference between a Warning and a Threat. It is also clear from your comments that you do not understand where we are on the prophetic timescale. Having "faith" is having the guts to tell people how it is and to stand firm for God through whatever comes. This is NOT the act of a "Coward" as you think, mistakenly! I have never backed down from telling the hard truth to people, who mostly refuse to believe that the end is here. And it is! Please tell me about your "fight." How do you intend to do this? Do you mean physically or spiritually? If you had watched ALL my videos you would have noticed the balance in what i've been saying for years now BUT i don't think you have taken the time to do that. There is NO flagrant fear mongering here, just WARNINGS to get ready to anyone who has "Ears to Hear." The Jesuit run UN World Government intends to kill all those who refuse the INJECTION. That is the REALITY of Rev 13. No one including yourself will stop this. You had better pray that you have the Faith to stand through what is coming shortly. There will be NO uprising and no one is coming to the rescue! Time really is up! God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

Early Papal Revenge was the Great Fire of London in 1666. Thy knew it was back then too. It never started in a Baker shop in Pudding Lane. here were infiltrators starting fires all over and they were being beaten to death by the people. Btw I saw a fling tiangle in the early 70s.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

I agree 100%! The Jesuits have been doing these things for 500 years!


- 3 years ago  

Early Papal Revenge was the Great Fire of London in 1666. Thy knew it was back then too. It never started in a Baker shop in Pudding Lane. here were infiltrators starting fires all over and they were being beaten to death by the people.


- 3 years ago  

Nothing personal. North Americans are polar opposites to me. You guys really do not get my culture however Christ in common is all that matters in the end. A minister I knew from North America took decades to work it out. It was hilarious the stories he told. My stuff is not specific to your subject but all of the last 18 months. The thing is I am in harmony with most of what you say. However black and white words here cannot do justice to what is in my heart. So I will not bother you anymore. Thank you for work and insights as it had been valuable.


- 3 years ago  

Hi there, I have been neck deep in this for 18 months spending 1000s of hours. My point in the comment was people are blind to what is happening and it affects their meat puppet leaders too so they poison themselves. That fits their psychopath MO. We live in clown world. My brain does not work like 99% of people so it will be difficult to understand where I am coming from most of time. Certainly not on this forum. However I have listened to many hours of your stuff too. As much as I can fit in.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Please don't take any comments personally. I understand that you've spent time researching and many have and i'm really glad to see that you're awake. Please note that if you make a comment then you're naturally "inviting" a reply from someone and most likely me. It may NOT be what you want to hear but that's ok! I have spent the last 8 years almost 24/7 researching this stuff. That's the only reason i've been able to write 30+ full length blogs, create a fully populated website with a library of rare books and make a series of 186 videos covering a wide range of topics. I can assure you that your thinking is no different to most people dealing with the truth of the hidden world and certainly not difficult for me to understand. I get where you're coming from. I engage people from all walks of life and from many different cultures and backgrounds every single day. Have done for 20 years. Actually, i haven't heard you mention the Jesuits in your comments. "Meat-puppets" lacks depth. WHO are they? Unless you're talking about the "CAUSE" of all the "effects" ie; chemtrails then you're not really talking about anything of substance. The reason why people don't DO and haven't DONE anything is because they don't KNOW their enemy = ROME. If they did KNOW what the Jesuits have been doing to them for the last 500 years then there would be a worldwide revolution tomorrow and BLOOD would flow until every Jesuit, Catholic priest, Papal Jew and Freemason was executed and the world expunged of the Roman Catholic Cabal. I deal with the Jesuit CAUSE in every video. I would love to see the videos, blogs and websites that you have created about the Jesuits. There are few doing what i'm doing - issuing the WARNING and giving the INVITATION to be saved. I've been looking for a long time. Where are they? If you have produced a range of material then i would love to see it and engage with it. That would be worth looking forward to. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. UN Armoured Trucks Behind Pharmaceutical Building Location 440 Garyray Dr North York, ON M9L Canada - 0:42


- 3 years ago  

KJV Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. KJV Proverbs 1:7 7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. By exposing something is to eliminate the fear brings us back to the fear of the Lord, we endure in faith when we fear God and keep his commandments the whole duty of man The Tr3B reminds me of the War of the Worlds with tom cruise regarding the "lightning strikes" and the symbolism in Doritos commercials

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Well said! Yes, the Jesuits have been showing us their "powerful" alien technology for a long time in the movies. We need not fear but KNOW and UNDERSTAND so that we may discern the "signs" of the times and WARN others!


- 3 years ago  

Yes - I listen to most of the geoengineering watch broadcast each week. Interesting although he refuses to acknowledge any such conspiracy. It seems interesting that we can sit back and allow poison to be rained down on us - even our meat puppets must be affected. (Unless they have countermeasures). What the vast majority of people don't get is how they murder their own followers of their cult/faith. Yes we are defenceless brother except they forget GODS protection. (Read Daniel just now) This is why we have crazy mad villains on movies – to numb us to the reality.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

I don't think anyone has just sat back and allowed chemtrails to rain poison down on them. No one suspected for the longest time what was going on in secret until maybe the late 2000's when there was an explosion of exposure to this phenomenon thanks to You Tube. Even if we had known earlier there would have been little that anyone could have done to stop it. All these advanced technologies are beyond public reach or influence. It was set up that way deliberately. Most people still have no idea what the Jesuits are doing in the Earth. That's why no "collective" force will ever arise to seriously challenge or stop it. It is prophecy being fulfilled as judgement against an evil and unrepentant generation of people!


- 3 years ago  

INBRAIN Neuroelectronics Secures $17 Million in Series A Funding for First AI-Powered Graphene-Brain Interface, March 30, 2021.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing! It's amazing that 5 years ago most of the graphene discussion was about hi tech batteries. Now we've got graphene being injected into human bodies and adversely disrupting the lives of Billions. It's a weird reality!


- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. Very Good Synopsis of Weather Wars.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi David Thank you! It's a very big topic. Hard to compress into an hour. So much information! It's a reality that few people know! Just another part of the great deception engulfing humanity! Sadly, only a few will get it!


- 3 years ago  

It is so very hot here in UNITED STATES Corp.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Sorry to hear it! The Jesuits are tweaking the dials all over the plane. It's hard to guess what will be coming at us next! Sadly, many will die from the weather shenanigans.


- 3 years ago  

Floods in Europe including Netherlands,where I live. Natural..,or intended? I believe the last. Seen the chemtrails and investegating this shit for over 16 years..,ITS REAL FOLKS!