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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 227 - Leaving Egypt!

  - 1:28:49

From the very beginning God has been trying to get a people that will love and serve him from the heart just because of WHO he is and NOT for any other reason. In the same way that all people yearn to be loved and accepted unconditionally by someone else so God yearns for this. He is the God of LOVE. He longs for heart to heart fellowship with his creatures. He LOVES you and i more than you can know! He asks us to simply trust and OBEY him in everything and he promises us that he will bring us into eternal fellowship with him when this life is done! We all entered the world and we must all exit it at some point. Life is ultimately about ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES. HOW we exit this LIFE is the most important thing. We have NO control over our ARRIVAL but HOW we live our lives, the decisions we make and the STATE in which we EXIT life is greatly in our hands. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 240 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series H5N1 avian flu now affecting more than two thirds of states Done With COVID? It’s Just the Overture






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May 11th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education


What's my name?

- 2 years ago  

Sorry I only made it to 6:18 Guess I’m going to hell. Nope. I’ve already been there but they sent me back. God told me you are dead ass wrong and that the have always had complete control over humanity and that humanity God wanted me to tell you we have survived countless epochs and we will survive the next one as well. No worries brother. Remain calm. Get to high ground and build a shelter like we have done in the past epochs. It’s all good. PS don’t worry about the they will control the next epoch just line in the past. All the world is their stage.


- 2 years ago  

Mr William, Thank you for this new biblical analysis of our present day - I am surely not alone to wait for your new videos ! Thank you for your prayers for us - without any doubt, many certainely prey for you as well, as I do, even if only in my own words. Their injection program may be delayed, more or less, by raising awarness - one exemple : German magistrates and lawyers wrote an open letter (April 2, 2022) to Bundestag (German parlament) stating that mandatory vaccination would be equivalent to deliberate killing of citizens by the governement Concerning "ownership of the world" - it seems to me that an american juge, Anna von Reitz, unerstood and explained precisely the system by which Vatican possess the world, but I have not read her books. Also, I have just found a very intriguing book by Gary Wayne : "Genesis 6 Conspiracy" retracing evil from Cain's Enoch (confused often, on purpose, with rightious Enoch, son of Seth) trough different secret societies till today - I have not read yet and do not know what to think about it. Good bless you, remain strong, and take care !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna It's great to hear your comments! Thanks for sharing the info! It's always wonderful to hear from others of faith. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Hi Brother William I trust you are well. Thank you for helping me gladly come to mental & spiritual terms and conviction with leaving satanic Babylon and Egypt. Lord Jesus Christ be glorified immeasurably! I finally understand what it means to have Jesus Christ in me. I have died with Him on the cross, and look forward to rising with Him. I die to my selfish, sinful old man daily as Jesus lives and is built up in me in the new man. What a blessing! (please excuse my clumsy wording) Do you have any Christian books to recommend for Christians who have about to or are newly baptised in Spirit and Water? I am particularly wanting to grow deeper in prayer. I know that I can ask Holy Spirit for this, and I am just curious about any writings on deep prayer you have found helpful in your own spiritual growth. Any advice is greatly appreciated

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco! It's always refreshing to hear from you! Yes, we are still ok here at the moment! I'm so glad the messages are resonating with you and other people. I appear to be on track with what God is trying to say to us! There is only one way i know of moving deeper into communion with God and that is to pray in tongues "often." All i know after 42 years is that when i do this God speaks to me and shows me things and when i don't, he doesn't ... much! Praying in the spirit in a disciplined way "every day" will take you deeper with God. When you pray in tongues it is the Spirit of God speaking through you. God uses you as an "intercessory" vessel. As Paul says, "When i pray in the spirit my mind is unfruitful." Prayer in tongues is no longer about what we want, or need but about what God wants. That's the difference! That and reading the Word in a "reflective" manner will open a new dimension of communication with God for you! I speak from experience! It will take a bit of time BUT watch what happens! God bless you richly!