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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 253 - Useful Info!

  - 1:46:01

In this video i want to draw your attention to something very important that i have been saying for more than 2 years. At that time in early 2020 i did not fully understand what was happening and i don’t think anyone did. My sister happened to send me a graphic image of a simple MICRO-NEEDLE device she had come across and to this day she doesn’t exactly know why she did this. However, God used it to open my eyes. I was not aware at that time that this technology existed. After researching i discovered that the micro needle patch idea was developed in 1998 and patented possibly as early as 1999 although i could NOT find this document. Today every man and his dog have patents outstanding employing different Micro-Needle methodologies and materials. I put out Video No.77 in June 2020 warning people of the basic details and i got a lot of flack and insults for my efforts even though the PATCH was already being used for many purposes by 2014. The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 77 - The "Mark Of The Beast" - A Watchman Reports 5 video was deleted by You Tube early in this war. along with 76 others. I did not fully understand about the dangers of this technology at that time but i certainly did 17 videos later. In Video No.94 titled, “Roman Vaccine “Micro-Needle Vaccine” Deception!” posted on You Tube originally on Sept 10th, 2020. This is what i wrote more than 2 years ago: DO NOT BE DECEIVED! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series BitChute - Darkness Is Falling






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

November 4th 2022  

File Size: 407 MB

Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Thanks for this information.. 🙏🙏


- 2 years ago  

Vaccine injuries video :


- 2 years ago  

As for all the incidents resulting in so much death, I am inclined to think that people needed to be silenced and that it was deliberate.


- 2 years ago

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi SouxieL! Thank you for sharing. Every true believer should read this book. The Pdf file can be downloaded at: God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Rothschild warning housing crisis is coming - soon:


- 2 years ago  

Christian preaching Christ cut-off by CNN mid-sentence:


- 2 years ago  

Sophie was a 21 year old Protestant Christian when she stood up for Jesus and fought against the Catholic Nazis. Her brother and friends also lost their lives in the struggle to stand for the truth. The title of the film, the scenes of isolation and the Catholic Nazi inquisition, death by French guillotine - so reminiscent of what is about to happen today to unmarked Christians : Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (Full film) :


- 2 years ago  

Sophie was a 21 year old Protestant Christian when she stood up for Jesus and fought against the Catholic Nazis. Her brother and friends also lost their lives in the struggle to stand for the truth. The title of the film, the scenes of isolation and the Catholic Nazi inquisition, death by French guillotine - so reminiscent of what is about to happen today to unmarked Christians : Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (Full film) :


- 2 years ago  

An important book to read for personal online security for Christians as we roll into worldwide Catholic communism and its inquisitions, death camps and gulags begin a new - (FULL BOOK) Tor and the Dark Art of Anonymity: How to Be Invisible from NSA Spying - Arguments For Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now ( PDFDrive )/


- 2 years ago  

I just got blocked from NewTube for 15 minutes after posting this!


- 2 years ago  

Peter Jay Hotez (in vid at 49:00 min) - Dean of the PRIVATE Catholic Baylor College of Medicine ( - one the 6 Human Genome Sequencing Centers in the world ( - which is funded by Jesuit mass murderer Anthony Fauci NIH. Peter Jay Hotez is a vaccine creator and currently has two vaccines in clinical trials and Hotez currently leads a team of researchers developing vaccines against other diseases including leishmaniasis, Chagas disease, SARS, and MERS,[14] and is also working in development of a Coronavirus vaccine.[15] With Maria Elena Bottazzi, he led the team that designed COVID-19 vaccine Corbevax ( Hotez has a Phd from the private Catholic Rockefeller University - where children in social services care homes are regulary raped and murdered and sacrificed in satanic rituals. --- David Baltimore, recipient of Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine in 1975 for the discovery of reverse transcriptase. Has served as president Rockefeller University - 'The discovery of reverse transcriptase, made contemporaneously with Howard Temin, who had proposed the provirus hypothesis, showed that genetic information could traffic bidirectionally between DNA and RNA. This discovery made it easier to isolate and reproduce individual genes.' ( Recombinant DNA technology has been mainstream since 1975 - ( . --- During gene expression, the DNA is first copied into RNA. The RNA can be directly functional or be the intermediate template for a protein that performs a function. The transmission of genes to an organism's offspring is the basis of the inheritance of phenotypic traits. Genes can acquire mutations in their sequence, leading to different variants, known as alleles, in the population. Genes evolve due to natural selection / survival of the fittest and genetic drift of the alleles. ( --- [KEY NOTE] What we are seeing here is the whore of Babylon, the Catholic Church is behind the research and development that allows the mingling of the seed of man with fallen angels to create the mark of the beast.


- 2 years ago  

Dear William, Elon Musk posed for a photo in his halloween costume featuring goat head probably to made it clear to us who he is. He declared to be an "absolutist of free speach" buying twitter. Brasil election seems to provoke protests and an unrest. Sombody has found a 2015 american serie "Madam Secretary" announcing Ukraine war - one more example of predictive programming - don't you find revolting the fact that, as it seems, we have to endure the scenario somebody had written ?... Dr.Sam Bailey site is presenting various aspects of virus hoax and true ethiology of ilnessess. Compliance-obedience-service-worship sounds like a "moral mark" to me even without the death shot. Why God is allowing satan "his day" ? Satan has onthological role to test and try us for our transformation ? I am so sorry, William, I try my best, but I am not able to make my comments simple and short (and I cut a half of it...) Thank you for this new encouragements, thank you for praying for all of us, I need it and I am so grateful. See you next week, I hope. May God be always with you.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! Thanks again for sharing and good questions. When you know the truth then you can SEE the lies! Satan is the "Adversary" of God and man. It was his FREE WILL choice to war with God. He "holds" the power of death over those who REJECT "Life" so yes, he must be allowed "full reign" to tempt and destroy ALL those who reject Christ until this age is finished! Only then can God "judge" him righteously for his wickedness. Everyone is being offered a CHOICE. Life or Death! Most will choose Death. Yes, we MATURE when we are tempted and tested. This is a principle that all agree to. Without Temptation and Testing there is ZERO character formation or growth. Don't apologize for anything. I'm always glad to see your comments. I only wish i could write to you in French so it would be easier for you! Stand strong in your Faith. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

You are a true man of God who speaks the truth, unfortunately few understand it requires spiritual knowledge. I am blessed every time I listen to your videos it is so deep truth that is only possible to understand for the true faithful servants of Jesus Christ. Jesus bless protect and preserve you

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Ester! It's great to hear from you! Thank you for taking the time to comment. You are right. I believe i'm now mostly speaking to those who have spiritual "discernment." It's a big shift from 1 year ago. Those who opposed these messages have mostly disappeared and are probably "Marked." Stand strong in your Faith in Christ! God bless you richly!