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Tony HellerPLUS



'This is not a fluke, it's the future'; Climate scientist

  - 1:53

Geographer says man-made urban fire in Colorado caused by greenhouse gases.






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January 7th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

Tony would tear her to shreds in a debate


- 2 years ago  

Hi. My name is Jim and I am a meteorologist and I identify as the king of BS detection. Because I identify myself as the world's leading authority on BS, when I call BS it is then irrefutable. Loren is well educated in a complete fiction, and has great authority on an imaginary climate that has no connection to reality. When she speaks as thou she knows about the reality of climate, she is full of BS. Since we now do science by proclamation, and I am the King, my proclamation that Lauren is full of 'it', is irrefutable science! Anyone who says otherwise is 'anti-science', and probably racist, homophobic and a domestic terrorist!


- 2 years ago  

1) I've yet to see any indication that the climate is awry. 2) If the end is less that 10 years away (AOC-We're all gonna to die), you would think you would notice something out of the ordinary. I hear people claiming it because it's hotter today than yesterday, but that's about it...


- 2 years ago  

Proof positive that PhD stands for Pile of hot Dogshit.


- 2 years ago  

She is a bullshit multiplier.


- 2 years ago  

she made the mistake of stating the true intent, the alteration of society! As she stands there with her polyester cloths and cell phone, bitching about the capitalist's LOL


- 2 years ago  

Germ theory is false. Bacteria do not cause disease and viruses do not exist at all. I'm afraid you are suffering under a false paradigm.


- 2 years ago  

Club of Rome

Wes Hamel

- 2 years ago  

LOL. That was the first thing I thought of as she was regurgitating.

Gyri Sulcie

- 2 years ago  

This fire was caused by a power line sparking and setting fire to a tree. Due to Democrat instituted policies of leaving the fuel load (fallen trees, branches and leaves) to accumulate instead of removing it with controlled burns, fires become much worse. These much worse fires are then used as arguments for climate change and used to force Democrat policies through. All who have become victims of this type of agenda should sue the Democrat party for damages.

Wes Hamel

- 2 years ago  

That's what Democrats and rino's do. Create the problem, blame it on something else, then say they can fix it by taking our money and rights away.


- 2 years ago  

What does she mean with climate change ? Warming ? Cooling ? We need to build a dictatorial society ?


- 2 years ago  

She identifies as a human geographer? I interpret that to mean she is in no way qualified to opine on the subject.


- 2 years ago  

Now, she fuels my aversion to people with disgusting piercings.


- 2 years ago  

I see, climate change causes bad urban planning and sheds to catch fire. What else does it cause? Apparently anything bad you can think of. And remember: it's all your fault.


- 2 years ago  

This just in: My pancakes were slightly overcooked this morning. Scientists say climate change to blame, and overcooked flapjacks could become the norm in 8 years.


- 2 years ago  

It is so sad to see otherwise intelligent Americans continue to suffer from mass psychosis thinking, such as the plandemic, anthropogenic climate change, non-nuclear 'green' energy solutions (I hate the bird choppers), large government that is not a threat to individuals, journalistic integrity, the list goes on.....


- 2 years ago  

"I hear so much talk about action, and I don't see real action"... 20 seconds after she showed the camera a picture of herself in the Amazon. How did she get there I wonder?


- 2 years ago  

She must hate all those high ranking officials going to Glasgow by private jet to talk about how fossil fuels change the climate.


- 2 years ago  

What the hell is a " Geographer"? Some new made up title. Oh, that's like a climate change compliance stenographer.✍️✍️✍️


- 2 years ago  

Geographers have been around for ages. They study the spatial distribution of things, i.e. geography! But they aren't necessarily experts in geology, meteorology, climatology, physics, or any hard science. Certainly not an expert on climate.


- 2 years ago  

This lady is certifiably bat shit crazy. The cult of Global Warming is today’s equivalent to the 1930’s Mein Kampf. The Germans from 1933 to 1945 were convinced they were the master race, they became fanatics in their pursuit for racial purity and all things German. Even in 1945 when Germany was in the last throes of defeat many German citizens were simply committing suicide unable to face the truth that Mein Kampf had always been an absurd lie. ————- This highly trained doctor Lauren Gifford, a geologist, who for 15 years has worked to fight Global Warming, has been most assuredly conned just like most German in the 1930’s we’re. So, so much did Germans want to believe that they were indeed the chosen people. ————- What is Global Warming hysteria really preaching, they want to achieve NET ZERO CO2 to be again the chosen people and this time doing so by saving the planet. Sounds bat shit crazy to me but for most they want to believe unquestionably that ending all coal, oil and natural gas use will save the planet. ————- Belief systems are in the territory of religious dogma or cult like belief systems. Cult like belief systems cannot be discussed objectively. Global warming hysteria, for those convinced this exists, state the science is already in and it is settled, so for them it exists and nothing you can say or do will ever change their minds. If this is the case there is no convincing them and you need to quickly change the subject and walk away. ————— I guarantee you, we are going to end fossil fuels and I am not going to cooperate - Joe Biden campaigning in 2020 for President ————- My plan of a cap and trade system… electricity rates… will skyrocket - Barack Obama as President ————- Both Biden and Obama are succeeding in bringing Americans financially to our knees and ending the American dream permanently. China is preparing themselves but Americans led by these fanatical Global Warming hysterical crazy at shit Dem politicians will most assuredly bankrupt America.


- 2 years ago  

I suspect real passionate fanaticism arises from a subconscious awareness that their beliefs are nonsense, but are essential for acceptance by the herd. This conflict suppresses any possibility of rational thought. Such a mindset craves dogma. How sad that so many claim to be scientists.


- 2 years ago  

Degree in Geography and claims to be a climate scientist for 15 years. I bet my none degree could smoke her ass in geography, and her stupidity in climate wouldn't even be a challenge for me to crush.


- 2 years ago  

I used to live in Boulder at CU. Strong winds were a regular, frequent reality. Strong winds plus a fire equals tragedy. Strong winds without a fire makes for just another windy day. We have been developing the Front Range for decades and there are just more people, more buildings and more things to burn than ever before. The next time there is a windy day and a fire, it will happen all over again.

Josef Brandt

- 2 years ago  

This kind of people bring shame on every educated and everyone with common sense. Like lots of so called academics in our times. (i hope my english isn`t to bad)


- 2 years ago  

You have been working in climate change for 15 years and am angry, l bet, pissing away your life for that load of bullocks, that a 12 year old could debunk in about 10 minutes on line.


- 2 years ago  

What a load of BS. Can you really get a salary for that?


- 2 years ago  

The original commentator's glasses... does he expect anyone to take him seriously? Did that woman say she identifies as something... tells me all I need to know!


- 2 years ago  

I believe she identified as "an expert". Therefore, she's an expert. In 2022.


- 2 years ago  

"threat multiplier" - but there should be SOME threats that are divided - or "diminished." All we hear about are multipliers - that's not how the Universe works. As for "fires in the suburbs" - it couldn't be because - the suburbs have been expanding for the past 60 years? Nah, couldn't be that.


- 2 years ago  

Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy often used to fool the casual participant. It is far from definitive fact. The truth only comes from unassailable observations, rigorous logic, and challenge. When skeptics are purposefully excluded, it is only because the hypothesis is weak, unsubstantiated, incoherent, inconsistent or not cogent. No scientist fears the objections or observations of "flat earthers", or cannot concisely dispel every argument. But climatologists are extremely sensitive to open public debate BECAUSE they know the hypothesis is weak and tenuous.

Doctor Bacon

- 2 years ago  

Mentally Ill Cultist.


- 2 years ago  

She wouldn’t know a green house gas if she saw it! Lol


- 2 years ago  

Koo koo


- 2 years ago  

PROPAGANDA: Communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular syntheses or perception using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that's being presented.


- 2 years ago  

Colorado never had any wind whatsoever. I just stated that, so it must be true, it's now on the internet so it is a fact.


- 2 years ago  

Well the designer stubble ,the expensive , matching glasses and the "Greta" attack in his prologue is a dead give away that it is going to be more of the same S-haitch-1-tee that gets fired at one every day if you still watch msm..garbage. As for her ? Give me a break....a woke...what mention of any competing ideas . UH this is what education (?) does......sends out robots.......perfect for the davos boys.


- 2 years ago  

Another idiot blathering about climate change. Fools


- 2 years ago  

Personally I am very angry that a "so called expert" with a PHD in Geography?!?!?!?!(is that a real thing....a dictorate in the study of the land?)tell me about greenhouse gasses? Giving this cretin a forum is what is wrong with America. If they say "scientists say"'s a LIE. Plain and simple and need to be eluminated from doing harm. Except I misselled eluminate


- 2 years ago  

My dentist told me I need to have my hip replaced, or I might go blind.


- 2 years ago  

Wow. The level of stupid on that bitch is breathtaking. Talk about polluting the atmosphere. What did she identify as? Fuck, who cares.