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This is Putin, here he is talking to Russia

  - 3:05

This is Putin, here he is talking to Russia






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

April 8th 2022  

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Category: Health And Wellness


Anti Illuminati

- 2 years ago  

Yeah, I won't deny that it is the Illuminati that have started every frickin war... I don't have to call them globalists, let's call it what it is. They have always been Destabilizers of nations, and I do agree about Hitler trying to stop the Rothschild like ilk from controlling the world financially. I wasn't trying to 'selectively recall' info, as my knowledge is pretty vast. I am always willing to learn more, but I have been studying these cults and Mammon religions for decades. And yeah, to hell with the C.I.A. Harry J.Anslinger was a piece of shit and so was Eisenhower for letting these travesties take place in a sovereign nation, and highjacking our Treasury. These elitists families, Bushes, Clintons, Obama's .. all Illuminati and have sold America out to China. As far as Putin goes... At one time I thought he was a white hat... Like Trump... But all in all... They are all birds of the same feather. I was merely addressing the purchases of Texas and alot of the mid west states that were sold to us wayyy before any C.I.A. type organization was thought of. Of course, America's corruption goes back real far, but at one time, at least we were willing to correct our mistakes and try to make America the best country in the world. Seems to be the opposite these days, as they sabatoge their own citizens and try to corrupt out D.N.A. as well as the obvious push towards a New World Order. Too bad people didn't take Daddy Bush seriously when he said they were ushering in a N.W.O. and they would succeed. (By Usurping all corporate media, big pharma, weapons manufacturing and food/water supplies. Yay Flouride! 👎) Love the intellectual talk. Take care. 🙏

Anti Illuminati

- 2 years ago  

Do we remember?? Hey ignoramus! You got that all wrong. A countries leader and don't even know history. California and Texas were 'Purchased' By the American government, not gained through war. And hey!!! How about that Cuban Missile crisis? The whole world is suffering a Mandela Syndrome!!!! Damn it!


- 2 years ago  

Ah, selective recall, very convenient. The corrupt, treasonous US “leaders” and their criminal, murderous agencies like the CIA, have funded MANY coups in foreign lands, for the benefit of the Globalist Cabal and their cronies, which has caused the slaughter, pain, suffering and displacement of millions of innocent people! The Bolshevik Revolution was planned and funded by Wall St. banker Jacob Schiff, in order to infest Europe with Communism, which Hitler was fighting to rid Germany from! The Ukraine is a product of the CIA and it’s Globalist masters, and so is Russia!