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Flat Plane 2020



Simple observation and geometry debunks the heliocentric model

  - 5:12






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March 3rd 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science



- 3 years ago  

I have seen what is behind the sun ... The proof we need with our own cameras ! But no one is interested. Will try again ... To see behind the sun ........ Use filters over the lens of camera, blocking out the light ......and there it is ... The proof the sun is optics. Debunking nasa 's sun theory ! And heliocentric model ! Someone take my experiment and look for yourself ....... Please it's so simple to show the proof that Nassa is BS . Tell me what you see ???


- 3 years ago  

That's exactly what I observe with my eyes happening too. The sun is very close and only a few mile above the clouds as far as I'm concerned. The moon also is very close and moves south for two weeks, then moves north for two weeks as it gets to a full moon, then back south again for two weeks. I have been observing the moon do this over, and over again throughout the year. Also, the smaller the moon gets the less time it is in our skies, and as it gets bigger it is in our skies for longer periods of time. (I guess it zooms faster or slower around the rest of the earth as it does this). Observe and you will see the same thing. We're not spinning around at the speeds they tell us following the sun that's suppose to be traveling a lot faster than us traveling through the galaxy. Stars stay the same, and have been for thousands of years, but we're suppose to believe we are flying through space at those ridiculous speeds. Let your eyes do the telling, not what they want you to believe your eyes are telling you. If the sun were 93 million miles away even 1 degree variance of the suns rays would miss earth altogether. We are the center of the universe, not what science wants you to believe. Space is fake, and gravity is still a theory of stupidity. People are so brainwashed by the fake science that no matter what proof you show them they won't believe. Earth is not moving, and it is flat. In the late 1800's it was illegal to teach the solar system the way it's taught today. Do some research and find out for yourself. Flat earthers are not tinfoil hatters. Seek truth, and it will set you free.