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Do Vaccine Research Trials Use Genuine Placebos?

  - 4:07

This is my newest effort to combat the tsunami of prop@ganda! If you want to get first notice of video and book releases then come along for the ride here... The Cracks in Consensus book is only a few days away from release so if you want to buy at it's current price then get in now because I will be raising the price after release."Pixie+Seymour"






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December 14th 2020  

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Category: Health And Wellness


Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

WeCantBeBeaten They have wanted to test on the blacks and browns for some time. They are going after Africans that is for sure. They started testing on them some time ago. They are now going after the really old people. As this was all going down they were the top targets I think. Forcing seniors home to take in sick people from hospitals really pissed me off. They did that in 6 states in the US, Ontario did it and the UK. Those old folks could die even from a common cold as it can turn into pneumonia on them and that kills for sure. Even a diabetic that gets a cold can die, it messes up their blood sugar big time. In Canada they cooked the books, so to speak. Provincial deaths Jan 2020 to July 2020. Ontario for example had less deaths in 2020 from Jan to July, then the previous years. 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 had more deaths per 100,000. Graph is on page 45. You might notice heart attacks, strokes, flu/pneumonia and cancer rates dropped in 2020. That information is also in there. I think those deaths were turned into Covid deaths. They have all been cooking the books. That report would probably fit in many countries. Just a few different numbers is all. Getting rid of the old people, saves them money.

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

I just had to come back and drop this off. There have been a number of Adverse affects due to the vaccines. The updates are at the link I expect this post to get much longer. There have been at least 6 so far in the last few days. It isn't looking good. I expected things to get bad. They are going to get much worse.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you. It's not looking good. Did you see Tucker Carlson break the news that many countries are looking to give the shot to the "black and brown people" first?! = a new and more evil twist, sadly.

Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

They use vaccines as placebos as well.


- 3 years ago  

Yes indeed they do. Out of the 4 front-runners of this next batch of poison vax, 3 haven't stated what the placebo is and the other is using the The MenACWY meningitis vaccine as the placebo! = NOT.FKING.SALINE.YOU.MAD.SCIENTISTS!!