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Voice of Reason



Joe Rogan Spells It Out for the Pro-Vaxxers

  - 2:20






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December 29th 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 2 years ago  

It's Gene Therapy. It's not a vaccine. It's not very safe for Professional Soccer players.


- 2 years ago  

This clip is pretty ignorant, the vaccine mitigates your immune response to the virus, it dosn't completely 100% make you void from getting covid, but even if you do with the vaccine the effects of covid are far, far less severe. I'm really disappointed in joe's opinion on this as i do enjoy a lot of his podcasts, but he has to be careful when it comes to talking about the vaccine when it is detrimental to some people that get covid without any previous immunity established.

Voice of Reason

- 2 years ago  

So you don't remember them all claiming you wouldn't even get C19 with the vax? I have a video right here on my channel with all their statements to that effect. If all it does is mitigate disease, it is a therapeutic, not a vaccine. Vaccines have very specific legal and clinical definitions. A vaccine MUST: 1. prevent disease 2. disrupt transmission of disease to others. These are therapeutics. They called them vaccines so they could side step certain vaccine legalities. The CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" to lump them in with a therapeutic.


- 2 years ago  

What he was expressing in this clip had little to do with the vaccines, but was a criticism of those who do nothing on a regular basis to keep themselves healthy, but all of a sudden think they are healthier than others and hop on a soapbox simply because they are vaccinated. I share the same frustration. There are people who do almost nothing in their lifestyle to make their body healthier to ward off diseases and illnesses, completely dismiss any advice on how to do, but want to look down their nose at someone because they are not vaccinated.


- 2 years ago  

The conservative right chastised big Pharma for the lack of quality competitive options to hold prices down and offer more choice than what big Pharma offers. _____________________________________ The political left's rant against big Pharma was that they only looked at big profits and drove prices up while offering products that were found not to work or to hurt many. ____________________________________ Now the social and political left love big pharma for the push of experimental injections... Go figure.


- 2 years ago  

False, the vaccines are NOT expirmental, all of the publicly avaliable vaccines out there such as moderna and pfizer have already done 3 phase trials consisting of hundreds of thousands of participants and it was ruled eventually that the vaccine is indeed generally safe, not only that but the FDA has approved both vacines with their own investigation into the vaccine safety, alongside that many third party research companies have already done thier own audits on both of the vaccines and came out with the same exact result. There is no other drug that has had the amount of participates within phase trials out of any other drug in history, So no ,it is absolutely not experimental, i advise you to do research and look it up for yourself.


- 2 years ago  

databoose.. Where have you been for damn near two years, under a rock?


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

Have fun infecting other people and dying in your deathbed out of sheer ignorance.