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Tony HellerPLUS



Fake Past - Fake Future

  - 6:56

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness” - Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet






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September 10th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Everything Tony Heller shows in his videos seem so level headed, straightforward and honest. The weather has changed since the 1930’s, its got cooler. Tony Heller is a fact checker who is proving these globalist have an agenda and are lying to all of us that global warming is our 1# existential threat. ————- The world’s population was around 2 billion in the 1930’s and today 2022 will exceed 8 billion worldwide and most of this new population is in the non-West. Humanity mostly in the non-West is adding another billion every 12 years today. ————— What is the agenda of the globalist to end fossil fuels use only in the West and primarily in the Red States of America? ————- Covid and the response by our government was obviously an attempt to test ending our freedom of choice in America and the West. I would say it was a 80% success. ————- The latest war in Ukraine that Russia should withdraw from and if they don’t will be a meat grinder of death for both sides will achieve nothing but test the West weapon systems killing Russians. The globalist are using Putin’s invasion as an excuse for the West to starve their own people (destroy Dutch farmers), limit our energy use and raise NG energy to finance the globalist agenda. ————- With the passing of the Queen the UK has a stooge of the globalist as King. The Queen was for Brexit, King Charles was for the EU, Globalist and ending fossil fuels use. Madness I say. ————- Mr. Heller please continue being an honest fact checker proving that global warming is a charade of the globalist who want to control us and make us the citizens their peasants.


- 2 years ago  

Thanks Tony for exposing the liars and their lies. This is the Day of Judgment and the wrath of Allaha, NOT climate change. All workers of abomination and blasphemers are being removed from the earth forever to the fiery furnace where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. - One Enoch and Matthew Thirteen from the evangelizing gospel at Repent or perish in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen.


- 2 years ago  

Thanks for exposing the LIES

Anti Illuminati

- 2 years ago  

When Humans become 'Natural' again, instead of a synthetic flesh robot in a matrix... We will know THE TRUTH, and the truth shall set you free. "I AM the Way, The TRUTH, and The Life! Those that believe in ME, shall not perish, (2nd death, the death of the soul), but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE". - Yeshua the Christ.


- 2 years ago  

Believing is an ACTIVE ROLE that requires daily participation. Faith without works is dead faith. Show Me your works without faith and I will show you My righteous works through My faith. I have been leading you by example and through My words, laws, commandments, and statutes through the Bible for over five thousand years, over a million years now to get to this point in Creation. Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene is the only name given to humanity by which you receive the Covenant of Life. I have always had great love for humanity, but now you must receive Me the Holy Spirit and become triune because this universe is concluded and I cannot take you with Us if you will not become triune like you were destined to become now. This is the Day of Judgment and the wrath of Allaha, NOT climate change. All workers of abomination and blasphemers are being removed from the earth forever to the fiery furnace where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth. - One Enoch and Matthew Thirteen from the evangelizing gospel at Repent or perish in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen.

Anti Illuminati

- 2 years ago  

Sarah, That's blasphemy. You say these things as if you are THE SPIRIT OF YHWH, (Jewish name, not Arabic). You are a Blasphemous Fraud! You are misguided and don't understand the very book you try to feebly quote. Matthew 13 says nothing of Humans going to Hell, which won't happen anyway, and if you understood the Book of Revelation, you would know this, as well as understanding the 2nd Death, the destruction of the soul, which will take place when fire comes from the New Heaven created, (The old Heaven is corrupt because of Lucifer's pride and sin in a Holy place), as it is written. You try to quote Scripture with no real reference to what you are saying because you are full of zeal, and have raised yourself up above others to condemn them. Condemnationnis not your place. You do not have this authority, only YHWH. You are full of an arrogant pride, the same pride shown by Lucifer when he fell. You are teaching false doctrine and pushing an Arabic name of Theost High as if one must submit to you. When The Christ drove demons out, he addressed Madness! You are mad, therefore I would address the demons that reside in you, you false witness. I rebuke you in the REAL NAME of the I AM, Mighty YHWH. GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN!