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Tony HellerPLUS



The Great Reset To Destroy Capitalism

  - 3:22

Originally uploaded to by Sky News Australia A disturbing movement to reform capitalism is gaining traction by those using the coronavirus tragedy to call for “The Great Reset”. These are not the ramblings of a few disgruntled teenagers or a wacky sociology professor from inner-city Sydney. The body pushing The Great Reset happens to be the World Economic Forum and its charismatic German leader Klaus Schwab who is calling for a return to Marxist principles, claiming that capitalism has empirically failed. Professor Schwab has just released a book titled The Great Reset and has dedicated a large portion of the official WEF website to such articles as “Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”. It is truly a terrifying notion that a man as educated and powerful as Schwab would use his supposedly independent economic organisation to push for a return of the deadliest social experiments of the 20th century. And how does he justify putting an end to capitalism? “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis,” Schwab says “To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative. “Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.” A new social contract. Decided by who? Well Schwab himself, of course. Schwab promises a new world. A better world. A fairer world. You see Mao and Stalin, they were not true Marxists. They didn’t have the best intentions. A Utopia is indeed possible. And what evidence does Schwab present to support his new world order? Well, let’s quote Schwab’s organisation in full so that we can fully understand his point of view. “Capitalism as we know it needs to be reformed,” the WEF writes. “The growing discontent at the ideology that has created so much wealth and progress on the one hand, and yet so much inequality and instability on the other hand, is causing increasingly frequent social disruptions across the world. “The COVID-19 crisis has laid bare most of these dysfunctions, ranging from uneven access to healthcare, education, economic opportunities, and social progress, to growing inequality among and within nations and racial and ethnic groups. At the centre of these multiple crises lies the tension between privilege and meritocracy.” There’s a lot to unpack in the above but the general theme relates to the existence of inequality being evidence capitalism has failed. It is of course true to an extent that not all systems create inequality. But this is actually a case for capitalism. Even the most junior economist will study the four primary economic systems and even the most ideologically possessed of those students will come across the system favoured by the USSR, North Korea and Maoist’s China. The Command Economist System. A system which eliminates inequality because citizens all live equally in tragedy. Those living in Ukraine discovered this in the early 1930s when the Holodomor – or The great Famine – struck. Somewhere between 3 million and 12 million people starved to death after the Soviets convinced people to turn on their village’s farmers. Marxist logic dictates that if someone profits from a sale, they have robbed you. If there is inequality, a crime has been committed. That notion has prompted much horror over the years and left many people equal in poverty. Capitalism indeed creates inequality, but it is also the only system known to man which also creates equality. This is because wealth creation is not a zero-sum game. There is not a finite amount of money or wealth. Money can be created, jobs can be created and people can be pulled out of tragedy and despair by capitalism itself. In the last few decades, according to our friends at the World Economic Forum, more than 1.1 billion people have been pulled out of extreme poverty. The world was on track to eliminate extreme poverty by 2030 – a timeline which will undoubtedly be side-tracked by COVID-19 but that is hardly the fault of our economic system. The evidence for capitalism in the form of humanity’s rapidly improving way of life is enormous. But the Marxist principles Schwab endorses are stained with blood. Or as Karl Marx would say: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce”.






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January 17th 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

One of the front figures. Arrest thst man! 😡


- 3 years ago  

Claus drinks some strong RED Koolaid! We ALL need to sting as well.. That way as WE enter the GULOG it will be like ENTERING MAO’s "Great Leap Forward"!!!!


- 3 years ago  

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions! 💉👹 We will all be equal, equally screwed!


- 3 years ago  

Digger you are right on! However the reset is inevitable now... Regardless if Mr Bigglesworth or his boss or whoever is pulling the strings the currency is done (presses running 24/7) and it spells reset no matter what WE do... the Communist have won and no one said a word! They have been teaching the youth America is the problem for 20 years. What we call a Republic died with Supreme Court in the 60s under Warren... A Name that should live in INFAMY....


- 3 years ago  

And who gave Blofeld the right to tell us that we need a Great Swindle? Go back into your lair and stroke your pussy, you fucking Nazi creep. We don't want or need you, dipshit.


- 3 years ago  

The United States does NOT a capitalist economy; we have a mixed economy. I, however, do support a true, total, absolute, free market system'


- 3 years ago  

We need a reset to bring about more equality... so says the millionaire. This guy is laughable and very scary because some world leaders that are too dumb to think for themselves and too stupid to remember the lessons of the past, ie Trudeau, Merkel, Johnson, Macron, etc... will endorse this madness and make the population suffer needlessly all that for a virus that has a recovery rate of 99.95%. Utter madness I say


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Yeah, quite the nature boy.


- 3 years ago  

All this because of a bad flu season. This is the greatest intentional gaslighting in the history of man. No matter how this ends, we can be thankful we are not lefties.

Andy Griffith

- 3 years ago  

For those that don’t know, our current fiat monetary system has run it’s course and is failing. One small statistic to prove this is comparing our GDP to debt ratio. As it is now were at about %130, meaning we owe more than we make, well never be able to pay the debt off. Another fact to support this is the fact that 25% of all money ever created was in 2020. Get ready for hyperinflation. Our government is simply trying to proliferate and steel the last remaining wealth that’s left before it crashes. I suspect the major stock crash is coming in the next couple weeks


- 3 years ago  

Tjere was never a plan to pay it back. It never was eveb a thought.


- 3 years ago  

The reason they use to call for the Great Reset doesn't make sense, a virus with a 99.98% survival rate means capitalism doesn't work? huh


- 3 years ago  

What is the basic premise of capitalism? What is the basic premise of Marxism? Capitalism has nothing to do - either for or against - such ideas as equality, inclusion or social cohesion - whatever in the fuck that is. Nope. Capitalism is simply the exchange of one man's effort for another man's effort. One farms, one manufacturers, another cooks while another builds. A meeting of the minds is achieved - sometimes called a contract - which facilitates the trading of goods or services. Value for value. There is nothing more fair than that. What went wrong? The intervention by a third party (or more) - government - to regulate those exchanges until a "fairness" is achieved. A fairness which was there in the first place because no one does business with another if he feels he is being cheated ... or has no choice. This man - whom I have never heard before although his remarks sound all too familiar - is the harbinger of the new death. Being robbed of the rational exchange of value for value what will Man be left with? How will he manage to prosper? He won't. It's that simple. And that inscrutable. This reset will be great but only for him and his kind at the expense of every freedom the world has ever strived for. My garden will be confiscated for the greater good. But it will soon be depleted for the greater worse. Say goodnight, America.


- 3 years ago  

Very well put!


- 3 years ago  

Most of the problems in the advanced countries are caused by leftist intervention. The cure according to this tool is much more of the same. Sure, we have problems, but before totally restructuring society, maybe we should identify the cause.


- 3 years ago  

Capitalism definitely needs some cleaning up. Crony Capitalism, enabled by the Government itself, is the biggest problem. Government money printing lets the government pick winners and losers and government picks Crony "winners". Hard currency, precious metals or maybe bitcoin, where the government cannot create money, puts limits on government. Governments hate limits. It holds them accountable. It limits what the government can do. No more "climate change research" funding for one... (Where the funding is almost entirely skewed to those "researchers" that agree with the government's narrative). But MANY other malinvestments are promoted via fiat money. The constitution was meant to limit what the government can do. The constitution (article I sect 10) states that "no state shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts". The founders knew that the ability to print money would provide too much power to the government. We are seeing how too much power in the hands of government can play out today. Pray for the United States of America!


- 3 years ago  

So we all think our capitalist systems are perfect & doesn't need changing or playing with a little bit to make it better!!? 🤔... People & government's need to think of better ways to implement things & not just keep on doing the same old things that use to work in a different era! Because as far as I can see, the current system is failing!!! & Has been slowly deteriorating for many years!!.. This is just one man's idea! I'm sure there's many more out there!!. Finding the right one or the right balance, is the key for everyone!!!


- 3 years ago  

His book probably rates right up there with Mein Kampf.


- 3 years ago  

Let me see, last century we twice had to put down German dogs of war and now we’re suppose to take advice from one of these morons that claims he knows what’s best for the world? Sign me up for the re-education camp because I’m not buying the BS he’s selling.


- 3 years ago  

Sign me up also. We'll take over the re-education camp and turn them into capitalist havens which will lift people out of poverty (again).


- 3 years ago  

Listen carefully to his first two sentences. The guy's a nutcase.


- 3 years ago  

The guy is a combination of Bloefeld and Dr Evil...but I think the laugh is going to be on us.


- 3 years ago  

Isn´t it strange that this insane man, talks about the destruction of wealth and the redistribution of it, when we see what really happens: The rich get richer and the politicians used and uses a virus, which is detected by a invalid PCR Test, to dump us into darkness. The Covid19 scam, is a platform to weaken and destroy the western societies. This teatrical theater hoax, has NOTHING to do with love for mankind, it´s pure evilness. We are soon entering a world with no compasion and love for you and me. As said in the 1981 Bond movie "For Your Eyes Only", when Bond(The late Roger Moore) was captured inside a helicopter: "You are now flying Remote Control Airways" - This is what happens now, with you and me and we do not have the remote in our hands and that concerns me a lot.


- 3 years ago  

He only wants to redistribute your and my wealth, not his, or any of his elite comrades.


- 3 years ago  

This man is a parasite which can barely speak english.


- 3 years ago  

Market share of Goods sold and manufactured benefits China. CV is only a psyop. Marxism doesn't make people equal, it makes them starving or expendable. Mass graves are still being found in 2020 in Indonesia and eastern Europe .


- 3 years ago  

I also want to thank Tony for giving us these videos.


- 3 years ago  

Everyone, we knew this was coming. The Bible has told us in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 "When they say, "Peace and security," then sudden destruction comes on them, like labor pains come on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape". We are starting to see this in our world. Man has turned from the truth and will listen to those teachers that "tickle their ears". False prophets are among us and we need to reject them for the one true Christ.


- 3 years ago  

I bought the book The Great Reset, it's a tough slog, every word it seems is a pretense for some other meaning. This is one dangerous dude.