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Tony HellerPLUS



Police Walked A Man In Camo Pants And Dark Jacket Out Of Woods: Newtown Connecticut School Shooting

  - 0:25

Originally uploaded to by HistoricalRecordsVLT A witness describes the man fitting the shooter's description, that was walked out from the woods behind the school in handcuffs. Witness talks about seeing man in woods "Following the shooting, Police were "questioning a handcuffed suspect in connection with the Newtown school shooting," the Connecticut Post tweeted. A witness told Jany that a man "was led out of the woods by police in handcuffs." Connecticut State Police Lt. J. Paul Vance told reporters that there was only one shooter."






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January 22nd 2021  

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Off the starboard bow

- 3 years ago  

no any dissent from the accepted media narrative might jeopardize my livelihood, my career or my life as many have suffered when they drifted from the official story that our trusted media have so tidily scripted for us. I fully comply with the lies of the deep state and the government and to those I have surrendered my unblinking obedience and my will.

Off the starboard bow

- 3 years ago  

no any dissent from the accepted media narrative might jeopardize my livelihood, my career or my life as many have suffered when they drifted from the official story that our trusted media have so tidily scripted for us. I fully comply with the lies of the deep state and the government and to those I have surrendered my unblinking obedience and my will.


- 3 years ago  

I've never heard the of police putting a handcuffed adult into the FRONT seat of a police car! If he was a swat team police officer, why was he there, and why was he in camo clothing?


- 3 years ago  

Why had the school website ben not used for two years until three weeks before this? Why was the ONLY access road blocked so no medical personnel could get to the school. Where did the supposed other students transfer to? Why does video of the fire station show people walk into the font and out the back and around to the front again & again?


- 3 years ago  

Fake news! Shame, shame, shame... a genuine question; why is this person 'Tony Heller' popular? He seems to have a quite large following but can anyone give a reason why is it so?


- 3 years ago  

Look at the EVIDENCE his reports provide. Not recent manipulated data but actual new and data recordings for the last 150 years of actual conditions.


- 3 years ago  

He had 100k followers on youtube and encouraged them to come here because he was on his last leg over there.


- 3 years ago  

Remember the Las Vegas shooter? They did a lot better job covering that one up.


- 3 years ago  

Not really - the hotel taxi stand across the street clearly showed video of gun fire from 5 floors below where they tell you the shooter was.


- 3 years ago  

New to me also. Toto pulling the curtains back. Good BOY


- 3 years ago  

Odd that I don't remember this on news.